
Comments by chukko (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is the economy that bad?
    I never go more then 2 for 30 dances. I just can't justify to my self paying any higher rate. The club that I went to when I first started was always 10 dollars per dance and only for one period went to 15 dollars per dance. I still went to it when it was 15 dollars, because it still had the lowest rates. I'm just used to lower rates. Most lap dances are the same unless they are all air or include extra. Any of the normal routines where dancers dance in your lap are no better from one girl to the next so don't waste your money. I believe that if you are not going for extras then it shouldn't cost more than 100 dollars to enjoy your night.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club too hot or too cold?
    Dayton clubs seem to be freezing cold during the spring and summer. I hate it, because I have to often wear a sweatshirt to keep warm or a jacket or something. I look around and it seems to not bother any of the dancers. I imagine that it's because of dances, but even the ones who don't seem to be getting that many dances look fine. One girl said that I looked bored, because my hands were in my pockets and I said "I'm cold!" She said "it is really warm in here." I guess if you work in a freezer long enough, you get used to it, but man do I hate cold. Luckily my favorite club serves coffee. During the winter, it feels perfect.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is the economy that bad?
    My opinion is all theory from what I know from human behavior. I haven't lived enough decades to know from experience.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is the economy that bad?
    I'd imagine that sleaze spreads and increases in bad economies then becomes the norm in the next good economy, because more girls with less inhibitions and more men with higher (or lower depending on if you're talking about moral vs. mileage. lol) expectations of dances and mileage.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Respecting the art form
    Can we stop with the whining about cover charges?!
    My1percent, you must have neglected to read the discussion (or article. I forgot.) on club layout. There's lots of comments on important information that should be in reviews. Whether someone whines or not about the prices doesn't have the slightest effect on my mood. As long as the price they paid is posted, I'm happy. Some clubs don't have cover charge ever, such as Fox's Den in cleveland and they charge $10 for lapdances and don't require you to buy a drink (yet expect you too). While other clubs such as the Men's Club in Dayton has a $12 cover charge and also require you to buy a drink. On top of that the dances are around $30 dollars. That means that you'll be spending $45 dollars for your initial dance at the Men's Club as opposed to 10-15 dollars at the Fox's Den (66% or 2/3 less). Like vincemichaels said, I'd rather throw my money away on the women. That's the main reason to go. The more I give to the club, the less I give to the dancers. Sure each club has it's own niche, but by knowing all the facts you can plan accordingly, because not everyone has unlimited amounts of disposable income. I think $5 dollars cover and 1 drink required is generous.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Feature Dancers
    Yah. When Trina Michaels came, all the other girls did have a pissy face. Probably, because Trina was swimming in all the money that they would normally get. lol
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Black Out!
    My lights went out last night for about an hour and it crossed my mind what kind of mayhem could come about in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Black Out!
    Yah. Basically I meant power going out.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Life Imitates Art? LOL
    Wow no kidding. I wonder when she came to her senses and realized that she had been tricked. Maybe after the con she went home to watch her favorite cop show...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Feature Dancers
    I've only seen Trina Michaels and wow,did she put on amazing performances. They were all themed stripteases. She did a cowgirl one, Sarah Palin (lol), and a school girl one. As far as seeing them naked, I think that it is pointless too since I would've seen them naked in a porn movie. It's more of a cool rare experience to be able to meet a porn star. Of course if they're stage shows suck then I would leave early no matter who they are. I think Trina Michaels private dances were 60 dollars per dance. Would've tried one just for the experience if I had a little more cash to spare. Oh well. I imagine that features probably suck at lapdances, because even though they are porn stars they don't have as much experience as someone who gives lapdances for a living as opposed to has sex for a living. Though some of you whould argue that those are one in the same...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
    Also to second Harry Dave, I do like to know special layout features such as an upstairs and down stairs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
    Ok. I'm guilty of over describing layout. I give savant like descriptions, but I always tell prices. I find prices to be the most important details, dance/contact descriptions next, then level of privacy for dances, and last atmosphere/general attitudes. Looking back on the few reviews that I've done so far, I wouldn't completely layout the club. I would sum up the facts to a point that the reader would know about size, dance area layouts (open, cubicles, couches, benches), smoking/nonsmoking, etc.. I do agree with gmd though. Better too much than too little. Subjective descriptions can be useful when describing dancers (spunky, rude, shy, mysterious), but are crap when descibing drink prices, dance prices, entrance prices, and basically anything involving money or numbers (reasonable, high, through the rough, rip off, over priced, etc.). If you are going to say these things then drop some numbers even if they are ball park figures to back them up. These ball park figures help readers to budget, negotiate prices, dodge ROB, and basically plan ahead.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Major Credit Cards Accepted
    Lol. First time that I encountered one of those things was 3 weeks ago from a guy selling books on enlightenment. When he showed me that the first thing I thought was going to get scammed from a book seller. I said no way! lol. Never saw it from a stripper though that would be funny. I would only ever use one of those things if I had some sort of charge card or pay pal card that is secure. Otherwise, I wouldn't risk my information.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Indiana Strip Club Laws
    Thanks for the info.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She looked like a cop...
    On the Dudesters comment, atleast it wasn't a racial hate crime. Just goes to show the progress that our country has made. That was a politically correct beatdown. Ok... The fact that the man got jumped isn't funny. He just had bad luck. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong perspective.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    (REVISED) Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 2: "Wanna Dance (When You're S
    For me it depends on the club I'm in and my mood. Generally, if I get up from a seat away from the stage and move to a front row rail seat to start tipping that means that I don't want to be bother for a dance. I usually only do that move when a dancer actually is putting on a good performance and I'm impressed. I think that the only appropriate time for a dancer to come ask for a dance from me is 1 and maybe even 2 songs after her last stage performance, because sometimes I drop heavier or more tips to get that kind of attention. I am more open to random dancer approaches when I first enter a club. I usually like to do 1 or 2 (depending on the price) warm up or "charity" dances when I first enter a club to get me started, comfortable, and relaxed with the setting; and good attention. I will usually get a dance with the first dancer that approaches/talks to me who doesn't make me want to hurl. As far as the waiter, don't ask me if I want more to drink if I still have half a drink left... ever. If I wanted more to drink then I would just finish drinking what I have and signal for or go get another.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 1: "Wanna Buy the Lady a Drink?”
    How about the selling of flowers and other bs to strippers. At Sharkey's in Dayton, that is exactly what everybody who works at the club is... a shark. They asked and then begged me to buy a lady a flower for $5 and I said "No way! I don't buy flowers for girls I just met and don't know!" It took me tipping the flower girl $1 for them to leave me alone. I would buy a flower for an ATF, but unfortunately I don't often have one cause I don't care that much and the only dancer who is close enough to an ATF is at another club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Customer Wants His Money Back
    He could win the case, because it is illegal in many states to knowing serve alcohol to someone who is intoxicated. Then again, if he was at a strip club then it is possible that all that a lot of that money went towards dances or dancer drinks. It's hard to imagine that one man could drink 18,000 dollars worth of drinks and live to tell the tale (well at least the hangover of the tale). His pants must have a burn mark on it from all that ass grinding he paid for! Sucker. The lesson learned here is: "LEAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD AT HOME AND BUDGET YOUR SPENDING!" There comes a point while drinking and tipsy that a person decides to continue or cut off buying drinks. This guy must of went out that night with the idea of being wasted in his head. 18,000 dollars in the hole doesn't happen buy chance unless he was robbed. This guy is an idiot. If he can't handle the game then he just needs to stay home at night and avoid strip clubs and bars all together. Geez!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Staring at self in mirror during dance girls
    Yah. That habit is pretty dumb in surplus. I loose interest if it is too much. I usually just look away at a tv screen or turn my chair. The girls with the eyes for the crowd suck me in like a tractor beam. I tip big for those girls. Eyes are almost hypnotic even in from a dancer with poor moves. Sometimes I see girls look at me through the mirror. It could be fear of direct eye contact or maybe some form of exhibitionism.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Etiquette: A Video Guide
    Lmfao! I want to find that Stars and Stripes guy just to laugh at him.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Heading to the Cleveland/Akron OH area...
    Thanks guys. My buddy real wants me to take him to a strip club for the first time. I might take him to christies. I'm not one to like corrupting my friends with the darker side of strip clubs. Though that may be what he is looking for...
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Thursday Night Stop
    Too short and incoherent. Not much effort was put into this review and so offers very little value.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Yes I am a female and...
    Obvious shill. Every bit of useful information was laced with uncertainty. If this place is someone's "fav" then they would know more about prices. Last I checked, this place is $15 VIP dances.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I used to like this club...
    We should start bringing tape with us to the club!
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    History of Strip Club Guides, Part 1: The Pre-Internet Era
    Thanks for the enlightening article. I can't wait for part 2. I can't imagine gathering strip club information without the internet.