MIAMI (CN) - An attorney sued a strip club, claiming it got him so drunk he became "temporarily unconscious," and it rang up $18,930 on his credit card.
Mark S. Gold, who specializes in traffic cases, sued Turntable Entertainment and Production Co. dba the Gold Rush, in Miami-Dade County Court.
Gold claims that in November 2010, "Gold Rush knowingly and continuously served plaintiff alcoholic beverages to the extent that he was rendered intoxicated, partially or temporarily unconscious, and further to the extent that he had a complete loss of judgment, rational thought, or ability to enter into lawful contracts or agreements."
He adds: "Gold Rush having knowingly caused plaintiff's irrational state of mind, continued to ply him with liquor in order to charge his credit card excessive amounts to the extent of $18,930.
"Defendant knew, or should have known, of plaintiff's intoxicated state, having caused it."
Gold wants his money back, and punitive damages, for unfair and deceptive trade. He filed the case pro se.…
last commentMy degree is in Constitutional Law-I'm not a lawyer, but if I was pleading his case, I'd have the club's lawyer try to explain the math.
Let's see, lapdances are 20.00 each, how much does 20 go into 18,000 ?
The club's lawyer will try to counter with how much the mark up on booze is (that will raise the jury's eyebrows).
Then, I counter with-how many bottles did you sell him ?(raises eyebrows again)
Then, he counters that the VIP room costs how much ?
Final argument-club overcharges on credit cards, hopes guy is too shamed to legally protest.
Jury will most likely find he's only liable for 1/4 to 1/3 of it. The club will eat 12-14k. Lesson learned-cut guys off when they're drunk, don't just run up their credit cards.
According to one of their shill reports $10 table dances, $25 friction dances, or $900 for a 1/2 hour in the VIP. At the price of $1800/hr it is easy to see how spending added up not to mention there was probably a 10-20% extra charge for using credit cards.