Strip Club Customer Wants His Money Back

avatar for samsung1
MIAMI (CN) - An attorney sued a strip club, claiming it got him so drunk he became "temporarily unconscious," and it rang up $18,930 on his credit card.
Mark S. Gold, who specializes in traffic cases, sued Turntable Entertainment and Production Co. dba the Gold Rush, in Miami-Dade County Court.
Gold claims that in November 2010, "Gold Rush knowingly and continuously served plaintiff alcoholic beverages to the extent that he was rendered intoxicated, partially or temporarily unconscious, and further to the extent that he had a complete loss of judgment, rational thought, or ability to enter into lawful contracts or agreements."
He adds: "Gold Rush having knowingly caused plaintiff's irrational state of mind, continued to ply him with liquor in order to charge his credit card excessive amounts to the extent of $18,930.
"Defendant knew, or should have known, of plaintiff's intoxicated state, having caused it."
Gold wants his money back, and punitive damages, for unfair and deceptive trade. He filed the case pro se.…


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avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I guess this was one bar he couldn't pass!
avatar for londonguy
14 years ago
Someone else that can't take responsibity for their own actions and behaviour.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
he screwd up & dosen't have the guts to admit it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
He's a lawyer, the bulk of his entire profession is built around foisting responsibility on everyone *except* the one's actually responsible.
avatar for biggb011
14 years ago
he has a great chance at winning this case. I'm not sure of the FL law but in many states the owner of an establishment is responsible for how intoxicated a patron gets. If im not mistaken the law was created mainly to stop bars from serving a person till they are shit faced and then letting them drive him. Either way, to me, its worse to get them drunk and steal their money. Ive partied all night in hollywood, buying friends drinks and all and didnt have a $20,000 bar tab. even tho he has a responsibility to control himself its illegal to price gouge. and 20,000 on is gouging. but the main reason he has a great chance of winning is not to long ago miami did a sting on a bunch of club that were doing the same thing. so i personally hope he wins.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
He may have a difficult time proving he was drunk and unaware of his actions.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
So, can I sue Chubby's in Wisconsin Dells and get back the $8k I pissed away when I got so marvelously shit-faced there one night last July? I didn't keep receipts - it was all cash.

avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
If the amount was smaller, I would agree that this is just a typical lawyer trick. But $18K? They should have stopped serving him after $1000.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
He's a lawyer, but he needs a lawyer to plead his case. If his lawyer can sell intoxication to a jury, then he should be okay.

My degree is in Constitutional Law-I'm not a lawyer, but if I was pleading his case, I'd have the club's lawyer try to explain the math.

Let's see, lapdances are 20.00 each, how much does 20 go into 18,000 ?

The club's lawyer will try to counter with how much the mark up on booze is (that will raise the jury's eyebrows).

Then, I counter with-how many bottles did you sell him ?(raises eyebrows again)

Then, he counters that the VIP room costs how much ?

Final argument-club overcharges on credit cards, hopes guy is too shamed to legally protest.

Jury will most likely find he's only liable for 1/4 to 1/3 of it. The club will eat 12-14k. Lesson learned-cut guys off when they're drunk, don't just run up their credit cards.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Remember this club was the club with the shills and it was troop who spent the time to write a counter-shill review. Maybe we should file a lawsuit against this club with the lawyer for their shilling lol. Gold Rush management is so cheap that they don't even have a working website anymore just shilling on TUSCL.

According to one of their shill reports $10 table dances, $25 friction dances, or $900 for a 1/2 hour in the VIP. At the price of $1800/hr it is easy to see how spending added up not to mention there was probably a 10-20% extra charge for using credit cards.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Let's see what Clubber has to say. He is the resident "South Florida" specialist. I do believe he has been to the club. I hope the attorney wins. On the surface it sounds like the club took advantage of him while he was majorly drunk. Another reason never to use a charge card at a strip club.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Let's see what Clubber has to say. He is the resident "South Florida" specialist. I do believe he has been to the club. I hope the attorney wins. On the surface it sounds like the club took advantage of him while he was majorly drunk. Another reason never to use a charge card at a strip club.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
DAMN, he told me it wouldn't make the papers!
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
$1800 per hour VIP? Holy damn. And I thought Blue Room @Flashdancers was the highest, at $1600 per hour.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
He could win the case, because it is illegal in many states to knowing serve alcohol to someone who is intoxicated. Then again, if he was at a strip club then it is possible that all that a lot of that money went towards dances or dancer drinks. It's hard to imagine that one man could drink 18,000 dollars worth of drinks and live to tell the tale (well at least the hangover of the tale). His pants must have a burn mark on it from all that ass grinding he paid for! Sucker. The lesson learned here is: "LEAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD AT HOME AND BUDGET YOUR SPENDING!" There comes a point while drinking and tipsy that a person decides to continue or cut off buying drinks. This guy must of went out that night with the idea of being wasted in his head. 18,000 dollars in the hole doesn't happen buy chance unless he was robbed. This guy is an idiot. If he can't handle the game then he just needs to stay home at night and avoid strip clubs and bars all together. Geez!
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
another reason to NEVER use a credit in a SC.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I want my money back too where do I file my complaint
avatar for uscue13
14 years ago
Most of that 18K was probably champagne room trips. He got wasted, the girls talked him into champagne, one trip turned into 7 or 8 and he's out 18K
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