
Comments by quicknight

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    4 Injured In Early-Morning Shooting At Club
    jealous bf or deranged stalker?
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    13 years ago
    tampa strip clubs
    Never been to Scarlett's, but Mons is the real deal. I do wish it had more privacy though...
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    13 years ago
    Cell phones in the strip club
    Thanks, to all for your feedback! It seems like I need to move somewhere a bit more liberal than TN. ALL of the clubs here, except for the bikini bar, have the no cell policy, so I don't have the option to say, "no phone, no business." If one of them breaks the rank, then I would have some leverage, but I think that it may be one of the stupid statutes on the book here, so LE might be a factor in the policy here. Fortunately, they don't frisk you so you can get away with keeping it in your pocket, but it sure would be nice to "pass the time" on the less interesting dances...
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    13 years ago
    Tall or Short?
    @ george, jack & clubber: LMFAO @lopaw: crack whore! lol for me, i do like a "leggy" girl, but at 5'10', they don't seem to respond to me well, so a tall is a welcome fantasy from my real world experience. that said, short girls tend to have better asses, IMHO, and there is something to be said for the gymnastic aspect. also, it's nice to not have to strain to move/lift a bigger girl around for MY gymnastics LOL verdict: no real preference, but I'll probably pick the shorty if I'm forced to choose.
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    13 years ago
    Average Prices for "extras"...
    usually i can figure out the acronyms in context or with google, but it is late an my mind is dull. ROB? POP? CR? FS sex?? Help! I'm lost..
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    13 years ago
    Found the perfect club pants!!!
    @ctqwerty since they're white, they would under the black light. Definitely get you noticed. Not necessarily in a good way.
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    13 years ago
    Customer Gets Upset When Stripper Shows Up With Bouncer
    Unbelievable...and funny as hell!
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    14 years ago
    Brooklyn (not NY) IL
    Any good clubs there?
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    14 years ago
    OK this is a little weird but how much is an acceptable tip for this
    i have dreds and the girls like to come over and play with my hair. if she's hot, i don't mind, but i've occasionally told some of the ugly ones that they would have to time ME if they wanted to touch them. i tried this with a fat chick at the bar once and she touched them anyways! she must've really wanted me to fuck her--lol. but i usually do give them a dollar or two just for coming by if the club is crowded...
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    14 years ago
    OMG... A Rainmaker machine!!!
    yeah, it's pretty cool, the first few times, but they gotta work out the kinks...they dancers seem to like it, tho'...it also gets you noticed pretty quickly by them as well, as they see that you are a "baller" or "high roller" lol
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    13 years ago
    real stripper girls
    (cont'd) It kinda gave the impression that she thought she was too hot to strip. Yeah, I guess she coulda been shy. But with all that attention she was getting, I doubt it...
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    13 years ago
    real stripper girls
    Yeah that happened to me a while back. There was a smokin' blonde hottie who was "handcuffed" to some dude in the back of the club, so I told the DJ that I'd like to see her onstage. He called her up and she would NOT remove the panties despite all the motherfuckers that were tipping her like crazy. Then the DJ looks at me like "go on and tip her!" So I kinda felt obligated but was VERY disappointed and would NEVER ask her for a VIP.
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    14 years ago
    Jesse Jane in Knoxville, December 2010
    @Dudester I don't even like parking at strip clubs because my car is pretty recognizable. But I figure if someone sees me there they are too, right? The only person I ever did recognize at the club was a stripper who was also a classmate. ( I wonder what her professors did when they saw her-lol)
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    Fuegos is open again and has...
    because the club is show closed and everything this poster says is true
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    wasted, i think you have a future in journalism. if you'd submitted this to maxim or hustler, you probably could've made your money back! lol at any rate, i enjoyed the article. thanks for the advice!
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
    @sharkhunter. thanks for sharing your adventures. i know what you mean about getting "talked into" sleeping. some of these girls can be persistent! i haven't "weakened," yet, but I'm sure the right one will wear me down eventually. OT: my brother and i went into a club last night and they have this new thing called "dollar dances," where they basically come around and do "mini" vip/lap dances for one or two songs for a buck. Not sure how I feel about this, but I got lucky a few times and got the cute girls. One I actually told "no thanks," and she was like, "its only a dollar" and wouldn't budge. Needless to say...she wasn't too happy.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @book guy are you sure the "guy" in #3 isn't you? lol dude! you dumped a whole lot of baggage there so i'm still processing most of it. obviously you are very, VERY educated by the way you write (or maybe just verbally gifted/talented) but i definitely think you have some unresolved issues. not judging, as you say, just describing my reaction to your "limited" rant. like the previous poster, i can relate to 5a, and even some other points, but i'm exhausted from reading that! lol At any rate, thanks for sharing....
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
    @GC. I'm confused. Great sex. Fun. Walk away? Lol. Some folks actually like drama. I hear you though. Just messing with you. I don't like too much drama, Either. Especially the kind in my OP. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory usually. I agree. Walk--or run--unless you are prepared to deal with the drama. Not sure that possible to prepare for....
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
    @ pothead SHOW YOU RIGHT! (you know you right!) lol
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
    @ski i hear you, but even the statistics (not just the pregnancies)support that todays kids are more sexually savvy. i mean, look at the porn industry. even it looks more "hardcore" than it did 20 years, thanks, in part, to technology. i'm sure if you had a cellphone at 14 (or younger) you would have been "sexting," too, but you didn't. that's my point. these kids have access to much more sophisticated (and advanced) sexual resources than we did as kids. not more promiscous, but definitely more stimulated/titilated!! @player you are absolutely right. as i said, i was conducting some "pre play" research (sort of like reading the Monopoly instructions manual before playing) and if and when i decided to roll the dice in the future, i now know the "rules." again, not judging those who choose to do so, but i'm not inclined at the moment... to be honest, i was mostly fascinated that the game was as easy as it seems. when i first started visiting SC, i was obviously not pressing the right buttons, b/c i was pretty ripe for some otc, but the dancers didn't seem to biting. in hindsight--and with the help of many of the stories at tuscl, i can see the error of my ways, but that's water under the bridge. hopefully the newjacks to the game can benefit where i really did't have this awesome resource.
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
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    13 years ago
    My "limited" Stripper Dating Experience
    Thanks, guys, for all the feedback. I wasn't sure anyone would be interested in my "adventures," but this is kind of like, "a wirtual support group," right? We can all share without disclosing our identities or worrying about being judged. @derek I hear you and I'm glad to hear you had a good time. If I wasn't attached, I probably could've had a good time too instead of just feeling guilty. Who knows...right? I don't "pack heat," (gun) but I am a little nervous about being "alone" with a total stranger. Don't get me wrong, I'm a decent-sized dude and could handle myself for the most part, but I can't outrun bullets! I know this is probably another thread (maybe i'll start it later!) but has anyone here ever been set up by an "encounter" whether from a SC dancer or any other "adult service provider" and walked into an ambush, of sorts? Call me paranoid, if you will--I probably am, but I like to consider all the possibilities. I read some posters on here saying that their stuff has come up "missing" with their SCGF but has anyone ever been jacked at gunpoint? In the end, I suppose it's always going to be a judgement call, but terms like "hustler," and "ex-con" are kind of a red flag for me. These people would never be in my home. @Irish Haven't you ever gone window shopping? Test driven a car? As I said, I did consider the possibility, but as I gathered more details, I decided against it. I see where you are coming from, but I wasn't jacking anyone, just learning the game. I'm sure they were disappointed, perhaps even pissed, but that's all part of the "hustle" game. You win some, you lose some. I wasn't the one forcing them to respond to my texts and many of the texts weren't even solicited with messages like, "Let's hook up!" or "What are you doing right now?" They shouldn't be judged for fishing anymore than I should be for "taking the bait." @skiburn EXACTLY! Although some of these kids are more experienced than you might think! Remember, they start having "sex" (usually oral) much earlier now and have access to media that I never dreamed of at their age. That said, i have to go back to derek's comment that it is all about the fantasy. What I want to do with an 18 year old has nothing to do with a relationship. But that's what the whole sex industry is all about. Porn, strippers,supermodels, etc. it's all about capitalizing on the youth. Call me sick, or whatever, if you want, but that's what this whole sex industry is and it's big business for more than just my personal fantaties. Again, thanks for the dialogue. Keep sharing your thoughts!
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    ok, so me and my girl went through a rough patch recently and i started frequenting the clubs. i went to one of the (actually the ONLY) local bikini bars and this "crackhead" started macking me hard and for kicks i gave her my GV number (google) which I could control and block whenever i felt the need and my girl wouldn't be suspicious or catch me in the event that i decided to do something more. now this girl ACTED as if she was just horny and thought i was the hottest shit she had ever seen--like one of he other posters, i'm in my mid 40s but could pass for 35 easily and not bad looking--but i'm not naive and i definitely know the real deal. after a couple of conversations, i realized that she was an ex-con (never would say why) and her persistent request for us to "hook up" got old. she actually wasn't that attractive--not ugly, but definitely not a strip club "dream girl," so when i realized she got fired from the club i cut her off. but a light went on in my head. i've posted on her before about dancers that try to "claim" you in the door. well, i walked in this same bikini bar on night and noticed this hot little number who was like, "who is THAT??" when i walked in the door. i hadn't seen her before so i knew she was "fresh meat" but before i could make contact, my "owner" was like "oh, he's MINE girl," so she backed off, but I made it clear in the VIP room to this hottie that I was not attached to anyone and ended up getting the digits and texted a few days later. we were both out-of-towners from the same hometown and seemed to hit it off. for some reason, she was impressed with my accessories and (incorrectly) assumed that I could afford to be her sugar daddy. oh, and she was 18 but was still a player, though not terribly smart. or maybe she was just "optimistic" that I was too dumb to see through her games. Anyway, we met up and ended up going to Denny's (open 24-hours and didn't require her to be carded) and just talking. Of course I paid, but she never gave her real name (BIG CLUE), saying "does it really MATTER?" when I asked her. Of course, she never got mine either! lol I've frequented strip clubs ever since I first moved to my current location and I've NEVER run into a dancer otc, even on chance--unless i just did and didn't recognize them out of makeup and "uniform," which is odd, considering that i live in a somewhat small city. (that doesn't included the college track star that i ran into itc who i knew previously. neither of us ever spoke of it afterward, even though it was a bit awkward for about 5 minutes) after fooling with this hottie, i think i've finally answered the question in part and am a bit embarrased that i was too dumb to figure this out on my own--SOME/MANY? OF THEM LIVE IN THE PROJECTS AND I DON'T TEND TO FREQUENT THERE. lol I guess the rest of them (the top dollar ones) live in the exclusive (rich) neighborhoods that I also don't frequent (please refer to my earlier sugar daddy comment--lol) back to the hottie, i ended up dropping her off at home with no sex or anything, but planned to maybe hook up later, but she seemed to be unavailable. now i realize that the chance of an 18 year old genuinely being interested in a 40 something just because she though i was "nice" was about as likely as me possessing the "hammer of Thor" (lol. i, too, liked that reference in the earlier post) but i was just planning to ride this thing out and see how it would play out. she couldn't get alcohol because of her age, so she became fond of calling me whenever she needed a buzz (this happened two times and then i got tired of it, although i did ride around with a 5th in the back of my car in case anything ever did go down so i would be prepared. wasn't too comfortable about giving booze to minor, though. She was supposedly buying a used car and called me up one time to get a "ride" to the lot. Although my job is pretty flexible, I told her that I couldn't get away from work at the time, but that when i could, i could DROP HER OFF at a specific time and she could just drive her car back home. She didn't seem to like those terms. guess i was supposed to buy the car too... but i only ever talked to her on the phone once, which was when i got lost trying to find her apartment in the projects. every other communication was texts (ANOTHER BIG CLUE) and honestly i can't understand half the shit these kids are trying to say on their texts, so suffice it to say i never really got to know her very well. after a week or so, she stopped responding and then she texted me from a "new number" and would act like she wanted to come over to the crib. I wasn't too keen about having her at my spot, but for one reason or another, she never could make it over (probably due to getting a better "offer") and this went on for about a month. finally, i pressed her about "hooking up," and she finally fessed up that she was just in if for the cash and wanted about $200 to hook up in a motel or something since at this point, my crib was not an option. my girl and i stay in separate cribs, but i wasn't going to risk it and really didn't trust the girl as far as I could throw her. she kept getting pushy about the location of the motel, saying that she was "on the way," without even discussing the terms of our arrangement. finally, she gave up and moved on. she tried contacting me once again two weeks later (on another "new" number) and claimed she needed money to get her car out of impound. I cut her off. During this time, i also met a third dancer who had moved from the bikini bar to a nearby nude club and was also sweating me, mainly because she recognized me and also wasn't getting that much attention from the other patrons. she was decent, but not a bombshell. a tall drink of water, though, and i do like long legs. based on my two other experiences and stuff i read on here, i just straight out asked her if she did any otc encounters and she QUICKLY gave me her number and started texting/calling soon after to "hook up." to make a longer story shorter, she ended up hitting me up with the parole violation story and also needed some fast cash. i ended up promising her a VIP to "help" but didn't end up giving her any money and cutting her off. other than going to denny's with the hottie, I guess i don't really have any "dating" experience, but from these three encounters--and the fact that my girl and i are doing much better, perhaps due to these experiences in part?--i am not really hitting the clubs much and don't really endorse the stripper "dating as in girlfriend" option. take it for what it's worth.
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    13 years ago
    Vegas VIP Room Experience
    I've had a hot 18 y.o. offer OTC for $200 ( she said "2" but if she meant "thousand," she's fucking crazy. This was all said through text, but that's another issue for another thread and another day) and another (older and not as hot) dancer offer for $150. In the end, I didn't take either offer because I basically pussied out for several reasons that I won't go into here. My question is, were these fair prices or was I getting hustled?