
Customer Gets Upset When Stripper Shows Up With Bouncer

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Omaha, NE - When the stripper he'd hired to dance for him showed up with a bouncer, the 26-year-old became angry.

According to police reports, Bradley Janisch ordered the dancer and her bouncer to leave, then followed them and took a picture of their license plate.

The bouncer--Robert E. Ball--confronted him about the picture and Janisch reportedly punched Ball, knocking his hat and glasses off. As Ball tried to drive away, Janisch kicked the car.

Officers noted a dent on the passenger side of the car, and a red mark and swelling under Ball's right eye.

Janisch was ticketed for misdemeanor assault and criminal mischief.



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Avatar for quicknight

Unbelievable...and funny as hell!

Avatar for Clubber

I hope this was OTC. :)

Avatar for vincemichaels

DAMN, what a PL. You hire a stripper and expect them to show up by themself.

Avatar for rickdugan

That's what the dumb fuck gets when he assumes, without working out the specific expectations, that a "private dance at your place" means sex.

Avatar for gatorfan

Strippers need bouncers like asses need Charmin

Avatar for samsung1

LOL OV, at least you would not have to worry about clipped song like at kahoots

Avatar for uscue13

Is it just me, or does the bouncer getting beaten up and driving away immediately take away his credentials for ever being a bouncer again?

Avatar for TwopacksAday

this is the real story since Brad's a good friend of mine escourtshowed up and lets just say wasnt what thhey expected so they said no thanks thats wene bouncer asked scratch that demanded 100$ canclellation fee and would not leave my other friends house brad asked him to leave again bouncer said he was gonna break brads hands off if he didnt pay. moral of story brad didnt pay and that bouncer should look for new work cuz brads a lil guy and the bouncer is a puss

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