tampa strip clubs

Hey all, I'm a long time club goer but have never been able to make an excuse to go to Tampa until now. Problem is, I only have an afternoon to take advantage of the situation. I have it narrowed down to the big three, mons, Scarletts, or Odyssey. Im a fan of VIP which it doesn't look like mons has. Scarletts seems to have more reasonable deals than Odyssey, with 250 total at Scarletts vs. 400 or more. Since its daytime, it sounds like the girls at Scarletts are not very attractive. If anyone has first hand experience, id love to hear it. Please respond or send me a pm. Im willing to share any info from my experiences at other areas of the u.s.
last commentOdyssey is $200/30 min for the spaceship VIP or $400/30 min for the champagne room. I believe the cover is free before 3pm at Odyssey but maybe call to double check this info.
Also 2001 has the 15 minute option for Spaceship VIP for $120. These are the cash prices and using credit card adds on extra expense.
If you're pressed for time, and need to stay close to the airport, Scarlett's (Ybor Strip), where I've had my best luck, is way out of the way for you.
Your challenge is sort of like trying to see Disneyworld in a couple of hours......In fact, that's exactly what it is. I'd recommend working on a scheme to extend your stay. Good luck.
In the spaceship, they have sirius radio vs dj, so you can pick music station
If you can only hit one, go to Scarlett's. It has far more privacy than Mons and better pricing than 2001, plus the girls are friendlier. I haven't gone during the day, but have been several times in the afternoon before night shift comes on and haven't been disappointed. I've always had a $10 cover (don't know if they waive the cover during the day), but there is a discount coupon on the website. I would suggest trying a few girls out in the normal rooms prior to taking them to VIP. Each trip to the normal area is $10, but it is fairly private. Most girls will do a 2/40 or 3/50 deal. Thirty minutes in the VIP is $50 for the house - $200 for the girl. There is a bit of a drink hussle, but the waitresses have always been friendly to me.
Never been to Scarlett's, but Mons is the real deal. I do wish it had more privacy though...
Tampa is no longer a great strip club venue. Given the three choices I'd choose Mons, despite the lack of a VIP because the women are simply much hotter here and the contact is great.
One vote for Scarlett's. I've been there in the afternoon. It's not as bad as you might think.
Thanks everyone for your input. Based on what everyone said ill probably shoot for Scarletts and if the girl are toad like ill hit Mons. If they are ok or better, ill explore further. To give u perspective, when I go to Vegas, I almost always go to OG over the rhino because the girls seem more relaxed and even though they are not as hot, there is more opportunity to get to know them so they feel comfortable with you. IMHO, them trusting you is key to take it up a notch.