
Comments by Fenster (page 7)

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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flag this review
    I'm guessing that reviews identified as being from a club employee should not be flagged (like today's review about Daydreams /Philly. Only those posing as customers with glowing reviews (or competition with scathing reviews) should be flagged. (Advertising spam, too, I guess ....)
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    14 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    5'3" 200+ pounds
    She'll probably be making most of her money from Mexicans. They say "The bone is for the dog; the MEAT is for the MAN."
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    14 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    The Voice of Experience says NEVER pay for anything in advance (except for an individual dance if she says she's been ripped off before, or a champagne room house fee). Anything that you pay in advance for, you ain't gonna get. (That's why she wants you to pay in advance, by the way.)
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Never freakin' fails
    I blame our educational system, for not giving the fuglies any job skills.
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    14 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    Years ago, a dancer told me that the correct thing to say is "I'm waiting for someone." That should be easily understood, and is certainly polite enough, but some newbies won't understand that that is a dismissal, and will ask 'who?' Or, they may say 'well, I'll just sit and wait with you,' unaware that, if you are waiting for someone, she most likely won't come over when there's another girl there. If she's overly persistant, you could always go to the bathroom, then find someplace else to sit. But it is true that some girls don't think that the customer has a choice as to whom to spend time with. I've actually had dancers grab me by a finger, in such a way as to cause pain and threaten injury, to drag me off to a corner to dance (these girls are usually obese, and can't make money otherwise). I've even been dragged away like that just after spotting the girl who was the only reason I was going to that particular club, and I never saw her again. The girls that do this don't know the rules yet, or they simply are too unattractive to make money.
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    14 years ago
    Why no stage tipping - or even stage watching?
    Many years ago, somebody on the mezzanine in a club in Dallas was wadding up dollar bills and throwing them onto the stage below. A guy nearby observed that he (the thrower) might be from California, where he claimed stage tips couldn't be given directly to the girls. And Arlington (TX) went through a period of silly ordinances about contact, and the girls on stage (when they were 'uncovered') were afraid to get tipped, lest there be incidental contact whilst sliding a bill into her wardrobe. So, is contact (in plain view) a problem in Cali?
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    14 years ago
    The Agony of Defeat
    Yes, gmd, the good ones know what's in your wallet better than you do. I wasn't expecting her to be interested in me, just my money. But since she told me she'd be right back, she should have known enough about cultivating a new regular that she could have stopped by to let me know that she had prior customers, or even sent a waitress over to let me know. She probably doesn't have to worry about how much more money she could make if she tried, since she's probably busy all night in the LD room anyway. And, for the girl right after her to put a hustle on me, then blow me off, was also annoying. She obviously had someone show more interest than I did. Why would she bother being pushy with the first customer on the tip-walk, knowing that there would have to be somebody else down the line asking her to join him? And, CTQWERTY, Jenna Haze noticed exactly what I gave her ... and in real time, too. I had a regular at a club in another town, and any time I walked in, she would dump whoever she was with, in mid-sentence or mid-drink, and come straight to me, so that I never had a chance to talk to another girl. When it was time for me to leave, she would walk me to the door, and make sure I left without talking to other dancers. One night while I was with her, I saw a spectacular new girl. I went back the next night, knowing that my regular girl usually didn't work that night, and hoping that the new girl did. And there she was, sitting with a customer, for a really long time (in this club, you can buy girls drinks up to $100, most of which is a tip for her to sit with you, so that you don't have to buy dances if you don't want to). When she was finally called to the stage, I though that would end her time with that customer, so I went up to give her a ten, which she just tossed behind her without looking at it. So, I gave her another ten, thinking that she'd eventually get the message - the crowd was pretty light, and stingy, on a Monday night. When she got off stage, she went straight back to the original guy, and sat there not making any additional money for another really long time. When she finally got up to work the room, she went table to table, approaching customers who were paying no attention to her, and hadn't tip her on stage. Meanwhile, in this sparsely populated club, I was practically jumping up and down waving my arms. Everybody turned her down, until she got to the last table before me. She eventually talked a couple of the guys there into dances, and guaranteed that she would never get any more money from me. She, too, saved me a ton of money by not being good at her job. And, she didn't blow me off because she had plenty of customers - she was begging uninterested customers for dances.
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    14 years ago
    The Lap Dance Unit (LDU)
    Twenty years ago, back when clubs were mostly non-contact, and dances occurred at, or on, your table, we called them 'TDUs' (Table-Dance Units).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Chance meeting outside the club, redux
    Years ago in Dallas, I went to my favorite place on a Friday night looking for my regular girl. While I was waiting for her to make an appearance, another girl asked if I wanted a dance, and when I said no thanks, she accused me of just wanting to look at the girls for free. Then she grabbed a finger to drag me off for a dance, which is really annoying, because if I try to resist, she's twisting my finger, so I risk injury if I just stand there. I finally just gave her a 20 to get rid of her, and she said "oh - I know what you want". She didn't, because she didn't walk away. Instead, she tried to jam my defenseless fingers in between her legs, right in the middle of the club. I was able to escape without injury. The next night, while waiting in line for movie tickets, she and a really nerdy looking guy were in line in front of me. I could tell that she recognized me, but neither one of us said anything. I even resisted the strong urge to say "please don't make me touch your <junk> again!"
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    14 years ago
    Need expert advice on meeting OTC
    Been there, didn't do that. Plenty of ROBs around. They are easy to spot. And we ALL have just spotted one. If a woman, ANY woman, wants to get with you, she will. If she SAYS she wants to, but doesn't, then she never will.
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    11 years ago
    Witness Protection
    The Dallas area also has several Bikinis Sports Bar and Grills. Arlington recently chased out all their (good) strip clubs, but now they have a Redneck Heaven and a Bikinis. And they've had a Hooters for almost 20 years, but they prevented a second Hooters from getting a liquor license (for a while).
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    13 years ago
    Ohio and Texas Strip Club Laws Differ, and the Reason Why
    That is, 467 amendments since the current Constitution was adopted in 1876.
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    13 years ago
    Ohio and Texas Strip Club Laws Differ, and the Reason Why
    The Texas Constitution severely limits the ability of the legislature to pass laws, due to a lack of a "necessary and proper" clause. To pass almost anything, a constitutional amendment is required, and Texas has 467 of them.
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    14 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Years ago, a buddy of mine was dating a dancer. She was completely accepting of his 'boys nights out', because, back then, nothing really crazy ever happened in clubs. The next workday after clubbing with him, he chided a few of us for not warning him about the lipstick smeared all over his ear, which his girlfriend busted him on. He said she was okay with it, because she knew that the real issue would be if he came home freshly showered.
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    14 years ago
    The Facade of Anti Strip Club laws & perceived negative "secondary effects"
    In Dallas a few years ago, an ordinance was proposed requiring strip clubs to collect a $5 entry fee to be turned over to the city to fund a rape crisis / womens' shelter. It wasn't because they wanted to build a facility, and needed a source of funds. It was only because some moralists wanted to legislate that strip clubs produce rape.
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    14 years ago
    Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
    At a club in Wichita, there would be people sitting at the stage, with a fully clothed dancer on stage who wouldn't take anything off until someone took one for the team, and gave her a dollar for NOT undressing. Maybe she'd actually be nude by the end of the second song. Then the fun girl, Brittany, would run up on the stage with a big smile on her face, throw off all her clothes, and guys couldn't wait to throw money at her. Two songs, fully nude, and lots of money. Hard to understand why the other girls couldn't catch on.
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    14 years ago
    Sapphire Las Vegas: A Stripper's Story...
    Thanks for the stories. When you get a chance, howzabout some juicier stories (about other girls?) Make them up if you have too .... ;-)