I have a ATF and I have been seeing her for months now. When I go to the club she sits with me and talks for awhile. I have her cell, myspace and been talking to her for sometime now. I got to a point where she asked me how much you will give, and I said how much you want?
Then when I want to ask her ok lets go, she says she doesnt like doing that stuff and she needs to love the guy to do stuff. So I am confused on what she wants. Should I just forget her? Or what else so I do or say?
Something about her just wants me to take her OTC and I am willing to do whatever. I have already spent $300+ in dances in drinks on one night on her. But I dont want to all this work and in the end get nothing, should I continue to work on her or what?
If you want to be a nice guy about it, tell her something like "I understand if you are reluctant to 'do stuff', so let me know if you change your mind." Then, if you're feeling especially generous, tip her a bit, maybe 5 or 10 bucks, and then get up and leave the club. Don't come back for a while, and when you do, don't seek her out, let her do the chasing, and see if she has under changed her mind.
And don't forget the cardinal rule: don't pay her a dime, no matter how she wails and cries, until *after* you've gotten yours.
I agree with georgmicrodong. I would not hold much hope in continuing "to work on her." If you have discussed it and she has told you "no," then I would leave it at that, regardless of my feelings about her. It is far better to walk away from someone who might have given you what you want than to push too hard and scare or upset someone who is not interested in giving you what you want, and from what I have read so far, my guess is that you are closer to the latter.
I believe it, mikeeeemiller. Not everyone has a price. There are certain lines that some people will not cross for any amount of money, even if they freely cross lines that some may see as very close to those that they adamantly refuse to cross.
There was a story on here a while ago about a dancer who attacked a customer rather viciously after he propositioned her. Of course, such occurrences are rare, and I am sure that is not going to happen in your situation, but they have been known to happen, so I would just be careful in general.
I would move on, went through something very similar lately. She's probably stringing you along to keep you coming back to the club. There's more fish in the sea, you just need to keep casting.
mikeeeeemiller, you have to be more specific....is this at a strip bar where you can buy her alcoholic drinks to talk it over ? or is this some juice bar?
She sounds to me like an arrogant prick and you are better off spending your money on someone else. The type of women who are attracted to go work at Deja Vu juice clubs are the types who think of themselves as celebrities and way too full of themselves to meet for OTC.
Just be glad she is being upfront and honest with you about not wanting to meet OTC instead of trying to rip you off or lead you on and say stuff like "give me half of it upfront and we will meet up later for the other half". She has made it clear that money will NOT motivate her (so the other option last resort is buying her booze)
Also keep in mind if this is a Deja Vu club (I am guessing it is a deja vu club because that is the only club you reviewed), that they take a cut out of each dance sold...so if you blew $300 on one night with her she probably only got to keep $150 out of that.
Deja Vu clubs are rip offs and should be avoided...
Also if you are located in the southern california area....take a road trip down to Tijuana. Adelitas and Hong Kong are both clubs where it is a "sure thing" when it comes to fucking the dancers. They are like brothels. Read up on the reviews. One mentioned you can save mucho dinero by having their shuttle come pick you up from the border rather than taking a taxi.
$300? That changes thing a wee bit. Don't get me wrong, I've spent that much at once before, but not on one night in one club in one girl without getting anything. :)
At this point, I think it's safe to say she's one of those who doesn't do extra, and that she ain't gonna go any further, especially if you keep spending money on her without getting anything. Move on. In the unlikely event she changes her mind, she'll let you know. Above all, don't spend more than stage tips, or an occasional lap dance on her without some return.
She is totally working you. She has no real affection for you or she wouldn't be working the money angle, and she's just playing the love angle to jack you up on the price.<p>georgmicrodong: If you want to be a nice guy about it, tell her something like "I understand if you are reluctant to 'do stuff', so let me know if you change your mind." Then, if you're feeling especially generous, tip her a bit, maybe 5 or 10 bucks, and then get up and leave the club. Don't come back for a while, and when you do, don't seek her out, let her do the chasing, and see if she has under changed her mind.<p> EXACTLY right, except that I wouldn't leave the club, I would let her see you move on to spend a bunch of money on another dancer in the club. When she actually SEES the money she's losing, she'll wake up fast.<p>On a side note, I asked her what was the most someone offered her and she said $900 and she declined that. Do you believe that?<p>ztrzi2000: I believe it, mikeeeemiller. Not everyone has a price. There are certain lines that some people will not cross for any amount of money, even if they freely cross lines that some may see as very close to those that they adamantly refuse to cross.<p>Uh, maybe you missed that part where she said she would do it, they just couldn't agree on a price. And no, I don't believe for a second that she passed up $900 for OTC, she's just throwing that out as a counter-offer. Her number is actually well south of $900, not north.
Forget her. She is a ROB playing you. I have been getting them itc / otc FS for $100-$300. The current fav I have been seeing over 2 years POP averages $150.
Someone offered $900 and she turned it down? She does not play. Just get up and find another girl who does or club where they do.
The TUSCL brethern are giving you a wide variety of sound opinions to help you through this difficulty. I believe you are being played and the best thing to to do is walk away and move to the next one. Don't be a RIL
some dancers won't give it up not matter how much $$$ is offered. gotta respect those boundaries. the frustrating ones are the dancers that tell you that they aren't hookers after you just finished sucking their tits and fingering them to an orgasm!!!
RIL--Regular In Love A PL who gives big money to one dancer for laps in the hope that the "date" outside the club will actually happen. He is too smitten to understand that there will never be a date, just his empty wallet.
PL Pathetic Loser - get a grip, she's not in love with you, she just wants your money. All of it. Glossary of strip club terms http://www.tuscl.net/b.php?AID…
Thanks the advice everyone. I will give it one more shot and ignore her in hopes she will realize the money she wont get. If she comes up and ask for a dance or anything I will tell her no thanks or maybe later but in a normal face. Also maybe remind her what my offer was. She did tell me before she will let me know.
I have been OTC with 2 other girls in my career but this one in particular is giving me hints that she will do it but then backtracks. Thats what makes her more unique. Shes beautiful and young. The ones I have been in the past were easy. But that means they are willing to give it up to anyone. I rather pay the big bucks to get someone thats hasn't been with other customers.
Money talks and it costs to play. It is a big risk I am taking too, if I keep going on and on with no result I am the big time PL. But if I can manage to get her OTC in the end, that my friends is priceless ;)
This is classic. You are not working on her, but rathr SHE is working YOU. She does not do OTC - period - but will keep hinting for as long as you are willing to chase after her with cash.
If you were going to close the deal it would have happened already. If OTC is what you are seeking then you need to find another target and stop wasting resources trying to drill a dry hole.
"Thats what makes her more unique. Shes beautiful and young. The ones I have been in the past were easy."
I don't think she's unique at all. She's playing you bigtime, and you're playing along.
"But that means they are willing to give it up to anyone. I rather pay the big bucks to get someone thats hasn't been with other customers."
Say rather that you'd rather pay the big bucks to sameone who gives it up to those she can convince to give up the big bucks. That's what it sounds like to me. Either she thinks she's read you like a book and believes she knows to the penny how much to hold out for, or she's dangling the carrot, thinking you'll spend big bucks trying to bed her, all the while knowing she never will.
Either way, you're best bet is to cut that line and bait a new one. If she later wants to reopen negotiations, that's fine, but don't waste any more time on her.
Mike, you are getting sound advice, but you appear hopeful. Sorry to say, the odds are way against you. She can still be your ATF, but OTC is not happening. If you must get laid, look elsewhere. It's not that difficult.
Mike, I know how you feel. She is not an escort and that makes her more desirable. She does get off on what men will offer her but thats every girl. I don't think shes a prick, she probably likes you as a friend, in the club anyways.
I think she thinks you think she is thinking you are thinking about what she is thinking. Maybe everyone should try less thinking. I think I thanked I fucked.
Consider Octomom as an example of women who will not do something they do not like no matter how much money is available. She has turned down offers of $500,000 and $1 million to do porn video for Vivid claiming porn is too demeaning to women. She has also turned down offers to host adult award ceremony. I would not be surprised if she ends up suing Vivid for making these offers to her because she will eventually consider it harassment if they keep trying to make offers to her. http://business.avn.com/articl…
last commentAnd don't forget the cardinal rule: don't pay her a dime, no matter how she wails and cries, until *after* you've gotten yours.
Thats what I am working on.
On a side note, I asked her what was the most someone offered her and she said $900 and she declined that. Do you believe that?
There was a story on here a while ago about a dancer who attacked a customer rather viciously after he propositioned her. Of course, such occurrences are rare, and I am sure that is not going to happen in your situation, but they have been known to happen, so I would just be careful in general.
She sounds to me like an arrogant prick and you are better off spending your money on someone else. The type of women who are attracted to go work at Deja Vu juice clubs are the types who think of themselves as celebrities and way too full of themselves to meet for OTC.
Just be glad she is being upfront and honest with you about not wanting to meet OTC instead of trying to rip you off or lead you on and say stuff like "give me half of it upfront and we will meet up later for the other half". She has made it clear that money will NOT motivate her (so the other option last resort is buying her booze)
"All she wants to do is dance
And make romance"
Deja Vu clubs are rip offs and should be avoided...
At this point, I think it's safe to say she's one of those who doesn't do extra, and that she ain't gonna go any further, especially if you keep spending money on her without getting anything. Move on. In the unlikely event she changes her mind, she'll let you know. Above all, don't spend more than stage tips, or an occasional lap dance on her without some return.
Someone offered $900 and she turned it down? She does not play. Just get up and find another girl who does or club where they do.
If a woman, ANY woman, wants to get with you, she will.
If she SAYS she wants to, but doesn't, then she never will.
A PL who gives big money to one dancer for laps in the hope that the "date" outside the club will actually happen. He is too smitten to understand that there will never be a date, just his empty wallet.
Pathetic Loser - get a grip, she's not in love with you, she just wants your money. All of it.
Glossary of strip club terms http://www.tuscl.net/b.php?AID…
I have been OTC with 2 other girls in my career but this one in particular is giving me hints that she will do it but then backtracks. Thats what makes her more unique. Shes beautiful and young. The ones I have been in the past were easy. But that means they are willing to give it up to anyone. I rather pay the big bucks to get someone thats hasn't been with other customers.
Money talks and it costs to play. It is a big risk I am taking too, if I keep going on and on with no result I am the big time PL. But if I can manage to get her OTC in the end, that my friends is priceless ;)
If you were going to close the deal it would have happened already. If OTC is what you are seeking then you need to find another target and stop wasting resources trying to drill a dry hole.
I don't think she's unique at all. She's playing you bigtime, and you're playing along.
"But that means they are willing to give it up to anyone. I rather pay the big bucks to get someone thats hasn't been with other customers."
Say rather that you'd rather pay the big bucks to sameone who gives it up to those she can convince to give up the big bucks. That's what it sounds like to me. Either she thinks she's read you like a book and believes she knows to the penny how much to hold out for, or she's dangling the carrot, thinking you'll spend big bucks trying to bed her, all the while knowing she never will.
Either way, you're best bet is to cut that line and bait a new one. If she later wants to reopen negotiations, that's fine, but don't waste any more time on her.