
Comments by jerikson40 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Also, keep in mind that the way they present themselves to customers, even "normal" ones, even regulars, could be vastly different from who they really are. Especially with strippers, I think there is such a negative stereotype the world has against strippers that many probably work very hard to prove they're not that way. Even if they are. Personally, I've met a lot of "normal" and well adjusted strippers who, in real life could be vastly different. Who the hell knows, unless you live with them for a while. Keep in mind they're always trying to present themselves in the best light so customers will like them and pay them money. That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of truly well adjusted strippers out there who don't give a shit what society thinks and are just trying to make a buck, and chose stripping cuz it's the best return they can get for their minimum efforts.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    The Duke of York likes 'em young
    Yeah, I've never understood the attraction to young and underage girls. I'm kinda the opposite. Give me a hot, sexy, nasty, and very experienced MILF with a curvy body and big ol' tits any day. Give 'em 10 years in the electric chair.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    "You can get laid anytime you want, but don't be the guy that wants women, be the guy women want." Exactly. This is the kind of shit they should teach in high school. Every fucking male on the planet should be taught the basics of how to deal with and interact with people, especially women. But many of us never learn it, or don't learn it until it's too late. In the words of the great philosopher Ty Webb, "Be the ball Danny. BE the ball". No, I have no clue what that has to do with anything, I just love that movie.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    "Dude, don't be so judgmental of these people, remember they are people who have rights." Oh really? You're so concerned about someone being judgmental and defaming someone? Really? So tell me, where are you when the children here unleash the vile, nasty, childish attacks on me on a regular basis? I don't see anyone coming to my defense. That's because it's a one way street here. Everyone wants you to be so sensitive to their rights and feelings, but they can trash you without flinching. Gimme a break. You wonder why I'm judgmental? Geez dude look around. And I have a right to be judgmental. It's called freedom of speech.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers and Butt Plugs
    What seems even stranger to me is this: when you have a perfectly good pussy, why choose the back door, with all of it's inherent nastiness? Maybe because it's a lot tighter than the puss? But then if you spend your shift dancing with a fucking butt plug, doesn't that stretch and loosen the sphincter muscles so it's no longer tight? I just don't get it. And honestly, I don't want to get it. It's all nasty and shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Floriduh of course
    Y'know, I never thought much about the Floriduh threads, but based on my limited experience in Florida, I came away from it thinking that yeah, Florida is filled with assholes. The drivers on the road were rude as fuck, and the sense I got was that people were just pricks. Yeah, it's wrong to paint everyone with the same brush, but I'm wondering, do others have a similar experience? For for the guys from Florida, is there anything to it?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    Good, you did the right thing. And yes, it sounds like you really did fall into a "male hating" apologetic guilty minds set. Dude, take control of your life. Getting rid of the fucking therapist was the first step, and a good one. But none of us knows you well enough to figure what's really going on with you. But I can tell you that the worst thing you can do is hang around guys like the ones in this forum. And the second worst thing is spend your life and your money in a strip club. Dude, take control of your life. Find something you really enjoy doing, other than pussy right now. Get a life, get a hobby, get something that makes you happy to wake up every day and keeps you busy. And find some real women to interact with. You can do it. Don't believe the bullshit in your head or what others are telling you. Find some women to date and fuck and talk to and have fun with. But be your own man. Have your own interests, and don't put the pussy on a pedestal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsnXQdkqChg
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Kinda makes me feel inadequate. :)
    Wow, interesting...there's some fotos on his Reddit page, and apparently it's not one of those things where he actually has one complete penis and the other is some shriveled, wrinkled, non-working thing. Looks like he's got to almost identical dicks, and on top of that he's pretty well hung. But like Motor said, I'm not sure the benefit. Anyway, the thing about he's had sex with over 1,000 people raises a flag with me. He's bi, and has sex with anyone apparently. But still that's a lot of people. A year has 52 weeks, right? So if you had sex with a NEW person every week for a year, that's 52 new people. You would have to do that every week for 20 years, without failing, in order to get to 1,000 people. And since you don't start until you're, say, 16, you need to be doing that until you're almost 40 years old, nonstop. Sex with a new person every week between the ages of 16 and 40. Yeah, he's got two, so divide that in half. Very funny. But consider the chicks who freak at the sight and run the other way. I don't know, seems bogus to me to claim that many people. Unless he spends a lot of time in orgies banging anything that moves.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man, 26, ran over, killed at Anaheim strip club parking lot
    Actually I did read a news article somewhere recently, maybe even here, about some guy getting shot randomly in a black club I used to frequent in hood. Yeah, kind of interesting I suppose, but usually those things occur in areas where you'll probably say "oh, so what else is new? That area sucks anyway". And this was South Central LA, which is where random acts of violence is pretty standard. Anyway, really, I'm not being critical, just trying to understand the fascination.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man, 26, ran over, killed at Anaheim strip club parking lot
    I'm not being critical, just curious... Do most of you guys actually read about the shootings at strip clubs? I mean, why does the fact that it occurs in or near a strip club make it interesting? Some guy gets shot in South Central LA, honestly I don't give a fuck. Some kid dies of malaria in some Asian jungle, I don't give a fuck. People all over the world die and get shot every day. The fact it occurs in a strip club seems irrelevant. I suppose if you know the club or the dancers involved then it might mean something...but what are the chances? Hell, I can barely remember the fake names of the dancers. Anyway, I'm not attacking or being critical, just trying to understand the interest in strip club shootings. Maybe I'm missing a wonderful source of excitement and enjoyment.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Yeah, I can't imagine what he might find annoying on here. Maybe the drug addicts who constantly write insane bullshit about how fucked up their lives are. Or the fucking stalkers who write stalker manifestos and analyze every post you made for the last year. Or the stalker morons who decide they hate you and follow you around with every fucking post you make and call you a retard or some shit. Or maybe the pathetic losers who have their noses up strippers butts, and act like strippers from SW with their incessant pro-stripper bullshit. Yeah, I can't imagine what he doesn't like about TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers and Butt Plugs
    Butt plugs are unnecessary. I don't get it. I guess it's one of those kinks some people have, but for the rest of us it's just goofy. Like that weird shit with tying people up and handcuffs and whatever. No thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Calling Mom to pick you up
    Reminds me of Wedding Crashers...Will Ferrell plays Chaz, a 40 year old ladies man who teaches the guys how to get chicks, and lives with his Mom. Chaz rides his bicycle down to the local cemetery to attend funerals....cuz the chicks at funerals are crazy horny..."grief is nature's greatest aphrodisiac". They visit Chaz at his Mom's home, she's there with curlers and tells him to "pick up your fucking skateboard!!". And while they're talking a smoking hot chick comes downstairs...he had met her at a funeral yesterday and banged her all night. Funny stuff. One of those Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn movies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Bad Tattoos
    Motor sez: ".....and there's no such thing as a good tattoo." Really? Even like a little tiny butterfly up above the pussy? And as far as blowjobs go, we've all had bad blowjobs. In fact, there are a lot of unskilled blowers out there. I even had one stripper once who actually thought she was supposed to blow. I'm not kidding. And tell me you've never gotten painful teeth scratches. Come on Motor baby, you gotta be kidding. But yeah, I get your point. A bad day at the blowjob is better than a good day at work. Or something like that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man, 26, ran over, killed at Anaheim strip club parking lot
    By the way, don't ya just love the blatant newspaper hype by saying the guy got run over in the parking lot of Taco Bell. BUT JUST AROUND THE CORNER IS A NUDE STRIP CLUB !!! AND IT "bills itself as having the “hottest live, full nude entertainment” in California on its Internet pages." AND GUYS GO IN THERE TO HAVE NAKED LAP DANCES WITH NAKED GIRLS AND THE GIRLS TOUCH THE GUYS AND MAYBE THEY EVEN HAVE SEX !!! Oh, and the guy got it around the corner at Taco Bell.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do not go to the Imagefap links Jerikson posted....
    I knew it !! I got that link from Lapdanceking82's post a couple days ago entitled "Type of dancers I like to LDK from"..... Lapdanceking is a BAD BOY !!! Stand in the corner !!! NO lapdances for you !!! Or if you do get lapdances, no cumming in your pants !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do not go to the Imagefap links Jerikson posted....
    BTW, I think I originally got that link from one of the recent posts on here, so don't blame me completely... :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do not go to the Imagefap links Jerikson posted....
    Oh really?? Wow, sorry about that. I had no problems. But I'm just using the standard Windows 8.1 virus software.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Gag Reflex
    By the way, it's interesting to note that, even before you see this ho suck down a 12 inch dildo without gagging, you can TELL she's a nasty, slutty ho. How? Well the clear giveaway is a black chick with a blonde wig and big ol' fake eyelashes and all that eye makeup. Now it's pretty much guaranteed this chick, without the makeup, probably isn't much to look at. Maybe I'm wrong. But with all the hair and makeup she actually looks do-able, and you know she's a talented ho and can do all kinds of shit like that. I think I'm in love.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Bad Tattoos
    Oh no, wait a minute...my mistake...she's wearing a little thong...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    Meat sez: "I prefer to sit back real cool and relaxed at the bar, and have them approach me. That way you have an active participant. Usually I'm dressed nicely and ordering top shelf scotch" Yeah...I'm sure... How does that work for you? I guess you're like a chick magnet huh? They just come to you right? They're noticing you so closely that they can hear you order expensive scotch? That's awesome dude. Tell me you're joking...please....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    No, I saw it...I'm just wondering why it's stupid to talk to a girl. Stupid like jumping in a lions cage? Seems strange dude. Okay, maybe he's not the smoothest guy on the planet, but what rag on him for trying? I respect a guy like that. At least he tries. Other guys sit back and call him stupid, but he probably gets the chicks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man, 26, ran over, killed at Anaheim strip club parking lot
    What about the topics about big tits and big booties and hot wimmenz and fotos of hot wimmenz. Those are good. I like those. A lot more than guys getting killed in strip clubs don't you think? Like for example I was looking at a website called worldstarcandy, and it's got a lot of black chicks. Damn. But too many of them have HUGE booties and thick legs like tree stumps, and I honestly can't deal with that. But the curvy black chicks that are hot and nasty? Damn. And I just saw a GIF of a black chick taking a big black dildo that was maybe 12 inches long (okay, maybe not that long, but close...) and she took the entire thing !! Fucking incredible. I mean this chick had absolutely no gag reflex AT ALL. Pretty cool. Anyway, yeah, guy got run over. Cool.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man, 26, ran over, killed at Anaheim strip club parking lot
    I'm curious Shadow....why the constant fascination with strip club killings? Seems strange...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    I never said you did, alabegonz...I was responding to Lopaws question about whether I'm a woman.