The Duke of York likes 'em young

avatar for zipman68
Have you old perverts seen this?…

These allegations have been bouncing around for a while, but now there is a court case naming Prince Andrew as one of the dudes that indulged. Personally, I think he did it but didn't know she was underage. What do you folks think?


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avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
More (and much earlier) info...…

Epstein's philanthropy seems cool -- dude digs science, etc. But c'mon with the underage shit. 18 is the legal age in Fla USA...stick to 18+ only my pervert bros. I mean really, if I had Epstein money I'd probably have a bevy of chicks lounging around naked, ready and willing to give me a "massage" whenever I want. But they'd be 18-25...certainly NOT any younger.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Shit thought it would be a thread about new gf is just over 21
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I don't know about the Prince but I've read about Epstein before. He was flying underage girls to his mansion from other countries. He was convicted but got a slap on the wrist. If he lived in a trailer park instead of a multi-million dollar estate, he would be doing a life sentence.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
He's a complete muppet and as much as I am a royalist I have no time for him, he's the ultimate freeloader. However I find it hard to believe this is true.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Yeah, I've never understood the attraction to young and underage girls. I'm kinda the opposite. Give me a hot, sexy, nasty, and very experienced MILF with a curvy body and big ol' tits any day.

Give 'em 10 years in the electric chair.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@londonguy...what makes Andrew worse than the others, in your opinion?
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
@jerikson40...I understand the appeal of younger but LEGAL chicks. Living like Hugh Hefner definitely appeals. I just don't understand why Epstein had to push it.

In America we've decided as a society that people can make up their own minds about their life at 18. There are no doubt plenty of 18-20 year olds that would gladly hang around naked with Epstein and give him all the "massages" he wants, in exchange for a generous allowance. Everybody goes into that relationship with their eyes open. Everybody gets what they want.

The dude is scum.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I can't believe I'm in agreement with j'40

I don't find the attraction to underage girls either. All of my favorites have been in their late 20's. Still relatively young, but certainly legal.
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
Unlike londonguy, I am not a royalist. It really picks my ass that the British Queen is the titular head of state of my country.

What a dysfunctional family she and that creepy Greek that she married have foisted on the world! She is leaving that nutty tampon sniffing Chuckles in line to be the next monarch. Randy Andy is simply a dimwit with the IQ of a piece of celery. Annie belongs in the stables of the horses that she loves so much. She has spent so much time with horses that she has become horse-faced herself. Young Eddie is just a non-entity (even though he did have the good sense to marry a Canadian).

Things don't look very promising for Lilibet's grandkids either - party loving crypto Nazis.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

Not a fan of the Royal family, eh? Lol

I don't have a horse in the race, but thanks for amusing post.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
@ zipman - it's because he does NOTHING of any use whatsoever and has never done so. His nickname is 'Air Miles Andy' over here because all he does is fly around the world as an unofficial trade envoy. Twat.

@ Art, did you remember to send them all a Christmas card last year :-). I can't disagree that they are dysfunctional, however I think in that regard we are entering a new era. By the way just like in Canada and other such places she is also head of state in our country in name only.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
BTW, Art is right about Edward, he does FUCK ALL as well.
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