
Comments by jerikson40 (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    By the way, it's interesting how many different people have been convinced I'm either a bitter, angry old man, or a stripper, or a woman, or a young kid, or a woman hater, or woman repellant, or a whole list of nonsense. So much for insight...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    No, Lopaw, I'm not...and I'm not sure if I should be flattered that what I say about women is so insightful that you think I might be one, or you're just trying to mess with me like I do with you... :) But since you don't usually disagree with my thoughts on what women might be thinking, maybe you're agreeing with me?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    Wow, dude...if merely talking to a woman is so horrifying to you that you think it's like jumping into a lion pit, then you need some counseling...seriously...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    And by the way, if you're so fucking good and smug about this Dugan, why didn't you step in and show him how it's done? Because it's easier to skulk back to your safe strip club where you can be the little puppy dog for these women, instead of having balls and finding a real woman on your own.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Some guys are just too stupid to get laid by non-dancers
    "Attempting an early AM pick-up in an airport bar?.........stupidity compounded by a total lack of simple common sense." And that's where you're wrong Art. Interacting with women is good, no matter what time of day or what the situation. If nothing more, it gives you some practice and makes you feel a bit more comfortable. Hopefully the guy will realize his mistakes in his delivery, probably not, but I can't fault the guy for trying. If you don't try you'll never succeed. It's easy to sit back smugly and berate the guy, but it takes balls to do what he did. For some guys it takes a lot of balls, for others it's easier. Rule #1 in life: You never know until you try.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    Wow, Diva, excellent and insightful point !!! I never thought of that, but it sounds like that's probably a big consideration for many women.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Huge drop in strip clubs for me in 2015
    Music is irrelevant. Generational practices can be relevant. How can anyone say that guys don't attend strip clubs because of their taste in music? It is irrational. Unless of course you're talking about country music. Now that I can see. No fucking way I'll go to a club with country music unless the cowgirls there are insanely hot with them Daisy Dukes super tiny cutoff shorts that are so short you can see their pussies, and big ol' nasty tits inside a plaid shirt that is tied just below them mammoth titties, and a sexy southern drawl when she says "hey, baby, I'm gonna make you cum in y'all's pants". Sorry. Lost my head.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    alabegonz, I'm only offended as a man, seeing other men acting like sniveling little bitches, kissing these girls' asses and sticking their noses so far inside their butts they can see daylight. I'm serious dude, I'm not trying to attack you, I'm trying to slap a little sense into you and the other guys here who are so convinced these girls feel something for you, and you play their games and give them money so they'll continue to act as if they like you. Find a real girl for a relationship. Trust me, it's SO much better. And you'll find your clubbing will be less and less frequent, and you'll be happier. And richer, cuz you're not throwing all this serious money at these girls.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Huge drop in strip clubs for me in 2015
    nickifree....first you say it's the music, then you say it's the generation... Fine, if you think that attending clubs is a generational thing, I suppose that could be true. But to tie it to the music is just goofy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    alabegonz, seriously, with all due respect.... You are such a fucking pathetic loser. Really, it's sad. You really need to get a life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    alabegonz sez: "I wouldn't go to therapy even the spend comes up to 20K. Money is just a means of what you are trying to achieve. Dude, I'm telling ya. Forget the money you spent." No wonder she likes you...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I Wish I had met you somewhere else"
    Yes, very simple. Women, especially strippers, dislike men who go to strip clubs. Why? Because there is nothing worse for a woman than to think that her man is going out and oogling other, prettier, women. They hate that with a passion. And the fact that you go to strip clubs to oogle other women means that if she were to start dating you, you would still be going to a strip club to oogle other women. Thats why dancers don't date customers. Because strippers think that any guy who goes to a club to drool over strippers like her is a creep. It's a woman thing, you'll never understand it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Huge drop in strip clubs for me in 2015
    Yeah, I hear ya... Seems like in recent years the club scene, at least where I hang out, has dropped significantly. And just from what I see across the country, things seem to be tightening up in general. Yeah, some cities are exceptions, but you just keep hearing about cities tightening up all over the place. Strange. I think your theory though about musical tastes is BS. How many guys go to clubs, or decide not to go to clubs, based on musical tastes? Maybe if they're gay or something, but most guys IMO go for the pussy. But it seems to me that girls are changing. The girls working at clubs seem to be less hot, and less willing to get nasty. I don't know why, maybe the self centered Facebook mentality that everyone deserves to be a multi-millionaire superstar, and stripping is for losers. Hell, you can count the remaining cities in the US where you can find hot, high mileage chicks working in strip clubs on the fingers of one hand pretty much. Too much hustling when you do find hot ones, and it just ain't fun.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best tits in Los Angeles?
    Would you settle for big butts ?? Cuz I know some clubs in So Central LA where you can put your hands on some butts that will make your jaw drop. When they stroll down Crenshaw there's a local ordinance requiring they put "Wide Load" signs on their backs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best tits in Los Angeles?
    Eddie, are you kidding?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best tits in Los Angeles?
    Wow, you move around pretty quick....first you're in Cabo, now LA...all in search of BIG TITS... Awesome. Anyway, for LA I'd suggest you try "Tits R Us"....it's conveniently located right next to Bob Spreen, "where the freeways meet in Downey"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Man hands
    Hot girls don't fart. And they they only pee, they don't do #2. Ever. Didn't you learn that as a kid?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    There is no Holy Grail...
    I'll go with alabegonz on this one. "Sex addiction" is ridiculous. God made us males to need and want sex more than just about anything. From the time we hit puberty until the time you're buying a 2015 Mustang like Shadow, who's in his 70's, our lives revolve around pussy. We can't help it, it's a good thing, and it's how we were made. No need to be ashamed, or believe the nonsense that it's a disease like many women want you to believe. Because your need for sex intimidates them, because it means they don't have control over you, and a prettier woman will take you away. Now, how you handle that is what matters. And if you're spending that kind of cash on pussy, there really is something wrong. You're also falling into the myth that you can't get pussy on your own, and you have to pay for it. Dude, that's all kinds of wrong. And unfortunately, a lot of guys here actually believe that, and instead of finding real life pussy they spend their days inside a club making believe that the girls they are paying actually like them. That kind of shit needs counseling. Stop spending money on pussy, become a man, and find some real life pussy. And if you need to hit a club every once in a while for a little fun, then fine. But don't make it your life like some PL's do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think they have a leg to stand on and hope they win this one.
    Yes, there is hostility to dancers and lawyers...and on the other hand you are ASSUMING that the dancers and lawyers are "just seeking the restitution the law says they are entitled to". Why do you assume that? Do you know what the contracts and local laws say? I'm guessing you don't, but you have a bias for the dancers for some reason. The bias here against dancers and lawyers is for a very obvious reason. Our experience with both has shown them to both be totally dishonest, and a bunch of other bad stuff. That doesn't mean that business owners are always clean and honest. However, the business owners are risking a LOT in doing illegal stuff, while the strippers risk nothing. So yeah, nobody knows who is right in this case because nobody has read the contracts, and nobody knows the local laws. However, it's also not unreasonable to look at strippers and lawyers with a very negative bias.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Single Guy Going to Vegas & Google not helping.
    I'm sure one of the Vegas guys will be here to help you shortly... In the meantime, why not look thru the Vegas club reviews on this site? You might find some good info. And I'm curious, why do you want to sit at the stage? Anyway, keep in mind you're talking about Vegas, so if you want to do anything special with the girls, prepare now by bending over and spreading...because it will cost you, and the girls there are hustlers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Anybody planning on SCing on the 31st ?
    I assume the pickin's of wimmenz on New Years Eve will be pretty slim. I mean, what hot stripper doesn't go out and party on New Years Eve?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think they have a leg to stand on and hope they win this one.
    I love how so many people pass judgement on cases like this where they haven't even read the contracts between the parties. Geez, guys. Without reading the details of the contracts, and the laws that apply in that jurisdiction, you're just blowing smoke based on your own biases. The only facts we know are these: 1. Lawyers suck. They always have sucked, and they always will suck. 2. You can pretty much assume that strippers have no clue what their contracts say or even mean, nor do they have any clue about local laws, so clearly somebody coached them. 3. You can also pretty much assume that the club owners and their lawyers know exactly what the contracts say, and the local laws in that jurisdiction. And it's a fairly safe bet that whatever policies they had in place were legal. Other than that, who the fuck knows who's right. If I had to bet on it, I'd assume that one of the strippers had a customer or a boyfriend who was a lawyer and he had an idea on how to make some money.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Open carry question
    The problem with many people who are so concerned with seeking their rights is that they forget the other side of the equation. Respect. Nobody discusses respect when they talk so fervently about their rights. Yes, this fucking douchebag has the right to carry in his state. But that's not the whole story. He also needs to show respect for others. Because that's how adults in a civilized society are supposed to act. It makes life better all around. Respect. This complete moron showed no respect whatsoever to the police. He was only being a completely selfish twit and parading his rights around. Unfortunately, IMO, many people who are so fervently concerned about protecting their rights show absolutely no concern or respect for other people and their rights and needs. I have the right in the US to do a lot of things. But I choose not to do some of those things because it might make someone else's life miserable. Regarding open carry, apparently the law in NM is that it's legal. Personally, I think that's fine if the residents of NM feel that way, but in my view, especially in the US, something like that is not needed. This isn't the fucking wild west where you have to worry about renegade Indians attacking you with a machete. So personally I think the entire issue is due to a group of people with nothing better to do and a fucking chip on their shoulder and a few loose screws who want to make an issue of it. The rest of us go on with our lives and are not so fucking afraid of everything that we have to carry sidearms wherever we go.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Life Lessons/Advice
    Skibum, I'm speechless at your bias towards women. Kind of like the PL's here who have their noses so deep up the butts of the dancers that they are sniveling, groveling little bitches. Certainly it takes two to tango, and both parties are often responsible for marriage problems. But your constant bias against men, and proposing that they are usually the problem, is just cause for everyone to dismiss your views as ridiculous. Your item #2, about treating your wife the same was as when you pursued her, while absolutely true, applies both ways. To imply that women in general are always treating their husbands well throughout the marriage and therefore not responsible for marital problems is absolutely fucking ludicrous. But, then again, you're a lawyer, so what should we expect. However, I do agree with your item #3. And I find that to be surprisingly insightful for a fucking moron like you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Rod Stewart
    Damn it Motor !! Why did you have to tell me that thing about the sailors ?? You ruined it for me... Anyway, I did some checking, and apparently that story was made up by an ex-publicist of Stewart's after he was fired. So I feel better now. And I could never stand "Maggie May". I dunno, most people love it, but not me.