
Comments by jerikson40 (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Okay, VH, as I said in the other thread, your idea is brilliant, you're really thinking outside the box, and we're all proud of you. Now, put your money where your mouth is. Here's a perfect opportunity to prove yourself to be brilliant. As part of your strip club consulting service, aside from offering legal advice and getting all the strippers to videotape themselves having sex in the VIP, get club owners to install your app. Email Deja Vu, for example, and let us know how it goes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "2) For the girls who want to hustle as many customers as possible for LDs, they happily consent to having their photos posted on the SC website " Dude, so you're TELLING strippers how they should act? Just because you think it's logical for them to do something doesn't mean they agree. And based on the facts of ACTUAL CLUB WEBSITES online today, your point is shown to be incorrect.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    And, as usual, VH never responds to the key issues which show his ideas to be useless. Instead he makes it an "all or nothing" argument. I never said ALL girls would refuse to have their pictures posted. I said if you look at ACTUAL instances you will find that it's so few that your idea would be fairly useless. A large majority of girls would end up as "anonymous", making your idea virtually useless. Not totally useless, but probably not worth the sizeable effort. So is it that you want 100% agreement with EVERYTHING you say, or you start with the name calling? And you never answered the other issues I raised.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    VH sez: "1) Girls don't like their faces posted on apps or websites -- even though 1000's of SC websites already post their photos" Well, I think you're overstating it quite a bit. My count shows that there are probably a couple thousand active clubs in the US total. Now, what percentage of those clubs have websites that post ANY stripper photos? And then figure what percentage of those post photos which show identifiable faces. And then figure what percentage of girls who dance at the club actually agreed to have photos of themselves? I think you'll quickly realize that very few strippers have identifiable pictures of themselves on club websites. Very few. Heck, just look thru the Deja Vu website for identifiable photos of active dancers at any of the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    By the way, in the category of "the devil is in the details", implementing something like this would be a real challenge. Strip clubs don't generally have IT specialists, nor do they have guys who could manage stuff like this. Just look at all the clubs who post realtime lists of who's dancing. Very, very few. Who's gonna do it? Everyone else has a job to do. So then you'd have to hire another guy who's IT savvy (which means expensive), and can keep the list up to date, etc. How many clubs would want the extra expense? Again, good idea from the customer perspective, but overall probably not real practical. But personally I'd love it. Though if the clubs was still a sucky club, would this feature make me visit the club? Probably not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Actually I think VH has a seed of a good idea here. But, as usual, if you don't agree with 100% of everything he says then he starts with the 3rd grade name calling. Anyway, I'm not sure if the whole thing would fly in the US, but there are precedents (to a certain degree) in other countries. So I'm not sure I'd consider it that far "outside the box". For example, in parts of Asia (and elsewhere) in the hooker clubs they put number tags on the dancer's outfit, and the girls will line up in front of the customers, or dance on stage, and you pick the girl you want from the lineup, give the waiter her number, and you're off to the races. Very convenient for the customers, and clearly some girls do put up with being treated like they're on a menu at McDonald's. However, like I say, that's Asia, and here in the US, given the choice between a club where they are chosen out of a lineup and one where they aren't, I'd assume the 'lineup' club would have more difficulty hiring dancers. But I've always wished that clubs would post realtime videos online showing who's dancing that shift. And I recall some clubs (Mons Venus??) offered something like that to their premium website members, though I never tried it so I could be off on that. And that was many years ago. But again, clearly, given the choice between working at a club where the world could see in real time that you were working as a stripper, and a club that didn't have that, I'm sure most strippers would rather work somewhere where they could be a little more anonymous. When your daughter's classmates can merely look online to see that her mom is a stripper, that's probably not a club most dancers want to work at. Heck, there are a lot of club websites with photos of the girls dancing there, and from what I've seen many/most of them either blank out the girls faces or don't show their faces at all. Most strippers don't want to be easily associated with a strip club. Heck, it's tough enough knowing that someone they know (or their kids know) could walk in and identify them. So, like his other brilliant ideas, from one perspective (in this case the customers' perspective) it's a nice idea, but from the other perspective it might be, well, a challenge. Y'know, kinda like when he said that hookers should videotape themselves having sex with their clients, and obtain copies of the clients' ID's. Great for the hooker, deadly for the client. Oh, by the way VH, I noticed that some of the clients that hooker in Maine videotaped have had to quit their jobs. Did you tell the lawyer about your "outside the box" idea yet?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hawaii Theatre in COI was supposed to re-open... what happened?
    From zbone: "Right now, the plan seems to be that pricing will be comparable to that of SRCOI. Word is the decor will be upscale, striving to be the "nicest club in the SR chain" Well if that's true, the place is going to suck balls. The worst part, IMO, of SR is the branding as a "gentlemen's club", which gives them license to raise prices based on a nice decor and arrogant asshole attitude. And commensurate with the "gentlemen's" label, the dancers get the attitude that "Oh, I'm not a stripper, I'm a dancer, and I'm too good for all this shit, so I'll charge the customers big money just to be honored with my presence". Expect strict dress codes and all that other shit that only serves to make your trip less enjoyable. If it's Spearmint Rhino on steroids, then thanks, but no thanks.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hawaii Theatre in COI was supposed to re-open... what happened?
    No idea, but whether it opens (IF it opens) as Pink's or Monarch's, it's still Spearmint Rhino. Both names are trademarked by SR. Pink's was trademarked last year, and Monarch's just a couple months ago. If you look at the Google Earth street view you'll see that they even put the Pink's signage on the old HT building sometime this year, so clearly they were all set to go but the local gov't is making it tough. In any case, if it's connected to SR they'll have to pay me to go there. I hate SR. My idle speculation, based on nothing but a guess, is that SR is having a tough time in this economy, and sees Deja Vu with its $10 lap dances, and maybe SR is trying to compete in the lower priced market. So they trot out a new name for the low priced clubs. We'll see. But I'll need a whole lot of convincing to ever set foot in a Spearmint Rhino.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Kate sez: "What I don't understand is why u go to the club? It sounds like its often a terrible experience for u." Usually, as long as I go to my few favorite clubs, it's great. Other clubs suck, as I described. Luckily there are a few clubs, and in those clubs are a group of dancers who, thankfully, aren't like all the insane shit you describe. They're nice, and fun, and they come around and treat the customers (at least me) real well, and make me look forward to coming back. Others are the bitches you describe who hang out in the dressing room and think they know all about the customers and as a result are rude and don't give a shit. They don't get shit from me because they're rude and lazy and would rather sit on their asses in the dressing room and talk about who's screwing who.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    "I'm surprised that there are so many posters here that seem to believe that strippers ALWAYS dance consensually" So are you saying that because they have a pimp they're forced to do what they're doing? That's what I don't understand. Don't they choose to love the guy and stay with him and put up with his shit? Couldn't they just as easily hop a bus tomorrow and go across the country, and get a job stripping somewhere else and get away from the crap? I can't help thinking they want to stay with 'daddy' cuz deep down they think they love him, or need him, or whatever twisted thing they're feeling for him. Yeah, it's sad.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Is the lap dance an endangered species?
    "...but my experience here is that minimum wage is not an option in NY" Which is why, twice, I explained that she can make 3 TIMES minimum wage for only 15 minutes of work per hour. That's not minimum wage, it's three times minimum wage, which comes out to about $25 per hour. Which is a lot more than minimum wage. It's a lot more money than many or most people make at their place of employment. Is that right? Isn't $25 per hour for only 15 minutes of work every hour something a lot of people would like? That's a lot of money, right? It's a lot more than minimum wage, right?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    chicken soup, stripper poles and godamn cooking oil ?
    For some reason I'm reminded of this exchange from one of my favorite movies, Caddyshack: Ty Webb: "Do you take drugs, Danny?" Danny: "Every day" Ty Webb: "Good"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    "You started out saying you weren't trying to insult anyone, while insulting them" Okay, if it would make you feel better, I can erase what I said and re-say it: "It's fully my intent to rag on young folks with this post..." Now, how does that change any of the issues I discussed? It doesn't. Either what I said, and what was said in the article, is reasonable or it isn't. If you don't agree with it, then fine. Either make a better case or state your opinion and move on. Okay?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shattering the illusion
    So Rick, I'm curious. Is it that you think your brain will explode or something if you actually admit you made some really stupid statements and you're, like, wrong about some things? Is it really that bad of a fate? Because, I can assure you, as someone who has admitted I was wrong recently in this forum on about two or three occasions, it's not the end of the world. My brain didn't explode, and I'm still here. Really, dude, it's not the end of the world. But it's pretty much a dead giveaway that when someone refuses to address the issues, and instead resorts to the silly name calling, and caps it off with a "LMAO" and bails out, it's pretty clear you're backed into a corner and won't back down. Dude, it's not about being right, it's about discussing the issues, and maybe learning something. Seasoned veteran or not, we can all learn new things every day, can't we? I sure do. I even learned some interesting perspectives on this forum today from kittykate. Anyway, sorry to see you so upset and hitting the chutes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    By the way, jester, with all due respect your whole point seems to be: "I think you're rude, and I don't like your opinion, and even though you presented a study that references other studies and agrees with your opinion, I don't like your opinion. However, I don't have anything that supports my disagreement, and all I can provide is some talk about a google search that shows there are some people out there who disagree with the study you referenced. But it's up to you to do more research to prove that you're wrong. Okay?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    "That pretty much sums up your entire response" As usual, you're great at knocking people down with cute and meaningless one liners, but why not provide a reasoned response? Or don't you have one?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    300 club reviews ?
    Oh, okay. Can I keep my tinfoil hat?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you like to pay for VIP?
    I prefer not to lock a dancer up for 30 minutes or whatever, usually at a cost of $100-150. Which amounts to about $5 per minute. Instead, I do regular lap dances, for $10 each, and pay her (with tip) usually about $60 for 3 or 4 dances lasting about 15 minutes total. Usually at the end of 3 or 4 songs she's caused me to bust. So let's see, that's a slightly higher "per minute" rate than if she was getting a VIP, but she's freed up in half the time. Not bad. She gets $60 for 10 minutes, vs. $150 for 30 minutes with a VIP. Guys who do VIP's must be cheapskates.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying LD
    "Do you guys want to talk during a dance or does it make you mad for some other reason. If it's a good reason, I won't do it." It's about respect. Respect for your customers. In the same way that it's rude and a sign of disrespect to have your nose buried in your cellphone while someone is talking to you (BTW, yes, that is rude if you weren't aware of it), having your earphones on during a dance is rude. People nowadays walk around with earphones in their ears as a normal behavior. It's also their way of saying "fuck off, I'm busy listening to my music". Now, I'm not interested in talking to a dancer during a dance. However, if she talks nasty in my ear and smiles and is nice to me, that will result in a bigger tip. If she is staring off in the distance, while listening to Lady Gaga on her headphones, she can kiss any tip goodbye. Personally, I find it almost mind boggling that you have to actually explain that to someone, but I guess it is what it is.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    300 club reviews ?
    "But what about the tinfoil hat crowd and their complaints about all the "fake reviews" out there" Being one of the "tinfoil hat" crowd you are referring to, as you'll recall I asked the group whether I was correct in my assumption that many reviews were fake. The response was that I was wrong. I accepted that, and now I am fairly confident that most are legit. As to whether others here are so childish that they'd give a flying fuck about a "Top whatever" list, I can only assume that, based on the childish behavior I've seen so far, yeah, you'll get some childish complaints. And you'll also see some guys who like to get their ego stroked and would love to be on a "Top whatever" list. Personally, my opinion is "who gives a fuck?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Kate sez: "Just from wandering around this site, for the last couple hours, it's clear that a lot of guys are really bitter towards dancers and their jobs." True. Lots of bitterness towards many dancers. And I'm sure you'd agree that some of it is well deserved. Not all, but some. Now, we'd all agree that it's not easy being a dancer. But if you surveyed all the working stiffs in all the jobs in the US, they'd all pretty much say the same thing: that their jobs are tough too. Guys dying from heart attacks and stress, guys working 12 hours a day and weekends to pay the bills, and on and on. Not to be critical, but geez, cry me a river. So yeah, their job is tough. No way I could do a sexy lap dance for an 80 year old woman and act like I was having an orgasm. However, it's a job they choose to do. So IMO if you're going to do something, be the best you can be. Now, we'd also all agree that there are millions of customers with millions of different attitudes and desires. Some guys (like many here) are 60 years old but expect you to be their girlfriend and like it. Like you say, you can't keep everyone happy all the time. However, why many guys get bitter is because so many strippers approach their job as if they are trying to extract the most amount of money from the least amount of customers with the least amount of effort. Kind of like the government employee who doesn't do shit but collects a paycheck, and makes us wait in line for an hour because she is too freakin' lazy to do her job. Strippers who are rude, lazy, and have no clue about doing a good job no matter how difficult the situation. They sit on their asses, noses in their cellphones, or sitting in the dressing room, ignoring the customers, or sit around talking to each other, or talking to a guy who's nice, and easy to talk to, but gives them no money, while a bunch of guys are sitting around waiting to pay her money. I was in a club the other day, during dayshift. I counted 16 guys sitting around, and there were 6 dancers in the club. Nobody on stage, most girls in the dressing room, a couple on the floor. Two dancers sitting together talking. Another dancer sitting with a guy, talking. The guy next to me was getting visibly pissed, shaking his head, looking at his cellphone to see what time it was. He looks at me and says, "Damn, this place sucks. I've been here for an hour and they just sit in the dressing room". About 10 minutes later he gets up and leaves. Two more construction looking guys enter the club, sit near me, look around for about 15 minutes, nothing happening, they get up and leave, about the same time I leave. Now, you can ask all the strippers in that club for advice, but how many are going to tell you to get out of the freakin' dressing room and circulate so that the customers don't get up and leave and never return? Absolutely, get advice from other strippers. But when it comes down to it, you need to treat customers and their time and money with respect. And while you might think that's obvious, it's clearly not obvious to a lot of strippers. Hence our bitterness.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    "Anyway, sorry for the rant, everyone. Just wanted to tell the poster to make some stripper friends and get advice from them" Wow, kate, good stuff. I've never really understood to what extent strippers seek out and/or get advice from the other girls. I assumed it's like any other business, where there are some old timers who are happy to teach the new guys, as well as some "asshole old timers" who are afraid the new guys will take all their great tips and with it all of their business. But I also wasn't sure how much the catty, "I hate her cuz she's pretty", attitude would prevail. If the girls help each other out, that's great. As customers, we all know there are a few absolutely awesome strippers who we all come back to see on a regular basis. They really know how to treat a guy. I only hope that those are the ones the other strippers seek help from, not the clueless sharks who piss guys off.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Libido decline.
    There are many, many, many reasons why you might be losing interest, and only you can figure out why. Maybe you're stressed, or not getting enough sleep, or taking some medication, or depressed, or suffering from low testosterone, or a whole bunch of other stuff. Yeah, you could try taking all kinds of supplements that have never been proven to do any good whatsoever, or you could try to figure out what the real cause is and deal with it. Or maybe you're just growing out of clubs and getting different interests. Which could be a good thing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Im sorry if I hurt your feelings, joey2002. I was just being honest" Honesty refers to facts, not opinions. Giving opinions is not 'being honest'. Honesty is telling the truth, even when it's difficult. Like admitting you broke the dish when your Mom comes in the kitchen and see it lying on the floor. What you did was give your opinion. Nobody asked for your opinion, you just gave it. Nothing wrong with any of that, and I'm not criticizing you, I just don't want people to get the misguided notion that you were being honorable and just stating the facts and admitting the truth, because you weren't.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    Larry sez: "But the point is (from my experience) that these young dancers claim to be so connected and have so many "friends" and are in constant contact with unlimited texts and all, but this generation is losing its ability to converse and interact in person. The art of conversation is drying up, where people actually look at each other in the eyes, listen to each other, and respond honestly without just scoring points or waiting for the other person to take a breath so that they can jump in" My point exactly. And jester, what I said may be offensive. In fact, I'm sure it is to some people. But I don't care. To the extent it's true, whether or not some find it offensive is irrelevant. Because, especially in the Millenial generation, people go out of their way to find ways to be offended. They don't care about issues and facts, they care about how it was said. Offending someone has become the #1 most shocking crime in the US. People have become absolutely incapable of accepting criticism, dealing with it like an adult, and maybe even agreeing with it if it's true. You see that here all the time. Most people here are absolutely INCAPABLE of accepting anything that proves them wrong, or even any contrary opinions that don't agree with them, without freaking out and getting upset and offended and calling people names. It's childish. Now, I'm sure I've offended even more people by what I just said. But I don't care. Deal with it like an adult.