So I'm I'm the area on business and stop in a club I frequent from time to time.I'm quickly approached by a dancer I've never seen before.She's very touchy/feely.She's not my type at all,but as we're talking I can see she is very bright.We are discussing travel,politics,the economy
etc.Now I KNOW I'm not getting a LD from her,but I'm really enjoying the chat.I bought her a glass of wine and tipped her ten bucks when it was her turn.She finally pops the question,I tell her I'm leaving and she's stunned,but walks
away.So here is my question.Should I have told her upfront I was not interested in a LD ? Should I have given her some more money at that time ? What say you my fellow SC brothers ?
last commentI dont know how long you talked, but it is customary (imo) to tip a dancer about $20 for every 30 minutes or so of conversation.
They are investing their time in you, so tip them so they won't lose income. Otherwise tell your dancer you are not going to get a dance and let her go.
I also click to see what happened. No alert from McAfee. but I still left the site quickly.
I don't know how much experience you have with dancers but they dont want their pictures posted, they don't want their measurements posted, and they sure don't want to go to a fucking kiosk to see which pathetic loser has picked them out of an app.
Dancers are not E-bay merchandise, they like to appraise potential customers in person.
The reason we have the current status quo is because it works.
For some reason, for every guy who wastes a dancers' time, there is another who more than makes up for it.
For every dancer who wastes a patron's time, there's usually one to rock your world.
Don't use the argument that Dancers aren't women. I think EVERY single one would demand being recognized as women.
A guy can be Horny without being an arrogant, fucking, stupid ASSHOLE.
This guy can't figure out why dancers might not want anybody with an internet connection to see where/when they work.
No, of course they don't.
You have no grasp of the real world.
jester214, I don't agree with you often but your assessment of VH_KICKS is correct.
I don't know why that surprises me, it actually thinks the pictures on a SC website represent ever girl they have working at that exact moment.
Alucard, just turn on your phone while you get the BJ, then it won't be illegal. LOL
You can't have it BOTH ways VH_KICKS.
So how many Criminal Acts of Sex have you committed and are you going to turn yourself in to the police? I think NOT!
BY the way, I've NEVER seen a single WEB page dancer in a club. Maybe VH_KICKS needs glasses.
I've seen club websites that had pictures of dancers who haven't worked there in years. They're still functioning.
"Smell ya later" ???
I am descended from a long line of Spanish sheep, not African apes.
The same reason dancers don't want their photos posted is the same reason they put aliases on their SOB licenses.
And the same reason that every dancer who participates in this fm submits an avatar picture with no face or a photo so blurred, no one would recognize her.
Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a certain level of personal attraction between dancers and customers. Otherwise dancers wouldn't go to the VIP with us.
Girls sitting, texting or playing on their phones is part of the problem not the solution. They all have smart phones and spend a small fortune on them, does that make them smarter or just poorer??
Always connected
Always connected
No privacy
No down time
The government can monitor your location (GPS in every phone by law)
Pictures of you on the net
The list is infinite.
@kicks watch what the fuck you say. Is there a problem with apes? Are you trying to say something about africa?
On a different note, I'm seeing a helluva lot of hyopcricy from nearly everyone in the club
I've used McAfee for years and nevery once has something gotten through, unless I overrode their suggestion.
That is if you can stay on the point rather than acting out.
Anyway, I'm not sure if the whole thing would fly in the US, but there are precedents (to a certain degree) in other countries. So I'm not sure I'd consider it that far "outside the box".
For example, in parts of Asia (and elsewhere) in the hooker clubs they put number tags on the dancer's outfit, and the girls will line up in front of the customers, or dance on stage, and you pick the girl you want from the lineup, give the waiter her number, and you're off to the races. Very convenient for the customers, and clearly some girls do put up with being treated like they're on a menu at McDonald's.
However, like I say, that's Asia, and here in the US, given the choice between a club where they are chosen out of a lineup and one where they aren't, I'd assume the 'lineup' club would have more difficulty hiring dancers.
But I've always wished that clubs would post realtime videos online showing who's dancing that shift. And I recall some clubs (Mons Venus??) offered something like that to their premium website members, though I never tried it so I could be off on that. And that was many years ago.
But again, clearly, given the choice between working at a club where the world could see in real time that you were working as a stripper, and a club that didn't have that, I'm sure most strippers would rather work somewhere where they could be a little more anonymous. When your daughter's classmates can merely look online to see that her mom is a stripper, that's probably not a club most dancers want to work at.
Heck, there are a lot of club websites with photos of the girls dancing there, and from what I've seen many/most of them either blank out the girls faces or don't show their faces at all. Most strippers don't want to be easily associated with a strip club. Heck, it's tough enough knowing that someone they know (or their kids know) could walk in and identify them.
So, like his other brilliant ideas, from one perspective (in this case the customers' perspective) it's a nice idea, but from the other perspective it might be, well, a challenge. Y'know, kinda like when he said that hookers should videotape themselves having sex with their clients, and obtain copies of the clients' ID's. Great for the hooker, deadly for the client.
Oh, by the way VH, I noticed that some of the clients that hooker in Maine videotaped have had to quit their jobs. Did you tell the lawyer about your "outside the box" idea yet?
Strip clubs don't generally have IT specialists, nor do they have guys who could manage stuff like this. Just look at all the clubs who post realtime lists of who's dancing. Very, very few. Who's gonna do it? Everyone else has a job to do. So then you'd have to hire another guy who's IT savvy (which means expensive), and can keep the list up to date, etc. How many clubs would want the extra expense?
Again, good idea from the customer perspective, but overall probably not real practical. But personally I'd love it. Though if the clubs was still a sucky club, would this feature make me visit the club? Probably not.
Well, I think you're overstating it quite a bit. My count shows that there are probably a couple thousand active clubs in the US total. Now, what percentage of those clubs have websites that post ANY stripper photos? And then figure what percentage of those post photos which show identifiable faces. And then figure what percentage of girls who dance at the club actually agreed to have photos of themselves?
I think you'll quickly realize that very few strippers have identifiable pictures of themselves on club websites. Very few. Heck, just look thru the Deja Vu website for identifiable photos of active dancers at any of the clubs.
I never said ALL girls would refuse to have their pictures posted. I said if you look at ACTUAL instances you will find that it's so few that your idea would be fairly useless. A large majority of girls would end up as "anonymous", making your idea virtually useless. Not totally useless, but probably not worth the sizeable effort.
So is it that you want 100% agreement with EVERYTHING you say, or you start with the name calling?
And you never answered the other issues I raised.
Dude, so you're TELLING strippers how they should act? Just because you think it's logical for them to do something doesn't mean they agree. And based on the facts of ACTUAL CLUB WEBSITES online today, your point is shown to be incorrect.
Now, put your money where your mouth is. Here's a perfect opportunity to prove yourself to be brilliant.
As part of your strip club consulting service, aside from offering legal advice and getting all the strippers to videotape themselves having sex in the VIP, get club owners to install your app. Email Deja Vu, for example, and let us know how it goes.
But then, most of you are too stupid to realize that. So, carry on I guess.
What they require is someone to write them. Which costs money. And someone to maintain them as OS's change and get revised. Which costs money. And someone in the club who has the time and knowledge to fix the computer when it has problems, and so on.
And how many clubs can justify the ongoing expense? And more importantly, WHY would they justify it? Is it drawing customer revenue, or is it just a nice convenience that doesn't really result in any new revenue?
Again, put your money where your mouth is. Prove it. If it's a great idea, approach the club owner next time you're in your favorite club, and see what he says.
What you apparently can't comprehend is that it's a MATTER OF DEGREE, and a matter of RISK. Different girls have different limits about what they will do. Some would NEVER, EVER work in a strip club. Others would work in a club, and take the risk that someone they know will find come in and see them dancing. But those same girls are far less likely to take the much greater risk of being easily identified by anyone on the planet who merely has to click on a website to see that she's a stripper.
Do you understand that? Worrying about someone making the effort to visit a club is far less risky than worrying about someone merely clicking on a website. Isn't that obvious? Anyone, of any age or gender, anywhere on the planet, can click on a website. But it's far less likely that your daughter's 12 year old friend, or your grandmother, will visit a club and find you out.
How much does it cost to write your app? How much does it cost to maintain? How much does it cost to maintain the hardware?
Once you have those numbers, tell us how much revenue the app will bring the club. Until you can make a business case, you have nothing.
Dude IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU GET TO WRITE THE APP. The point is it costs money to write it !!!!! You keep dancing around the important stuff and focusing on irrelevant stuff.
Check it out, and then when you have some real info let us know if you want to stick with your brilliant idea:
Or is this the point where you come back with "...yeah, whatever..." and drop it?
And it takes more than just an idea, it takes someone with the fortitude to admit what works and what doesn't work, and be flexible enough to admit when he's chasing a crappy idea. And once you have a good idea, you need to have the balls to follow up and figure out how to implement it.
We can talk business all day bit not sure what this has to do with the dilemma....
I never said that.
For any business to invest in anything it has to provide a return. Which is why I suggested you figure out the cost of the app (and even provided a link to help you) and also suggested you figure out how much revenue that investment will bring the club. Until you do that, you have nothing.
If it costs $20,000 to develop the app, plus a monthly maintenance fee, the club must recover that money by bringing in more customers. What you fail to answer are the most important points:
Will your app recover the money it takes to develop and maintain? Also, will enough strippers agree to be registered that it's worth having it for customers?
Jerikson was complaining about moronic tit for tat comments on one of his threads a couple of weeks ago, but now he's doing the same thing.
Jerikson- Stop feeding the trolls.
I think it's time to go to a strip club.
I'm with you Jerikson, let me buy you a drink and a dance.
VH, dude, this is a golden opportunity. If you really think your idea has merit, you're right, ignore the sheep. You can make money with this, dude. Maybe not a million $$, but you can make some money. Here's my suggestion:
1. Go to one of the many companies who develops iPhone apps. Give them a spec for what your app should do. Let them develop it for you.
2. When they're done, get a short term business loan. Let's say they charge $10k. No big deal, pay them and you'll recover that money real quick.
3. Now, there are about 2,000 active clubs in the US. If you can sell your app to each club, and charge them a measly $10 each for your app, you've paid off your loan and made $10,000. Free money, dude.
4. Contact the suits at Deja Vu, probably the biggest chain in the US. Give them a "deal", charging them only $50 per club for your app. If it's good, they'll jump at the chance. And as a result you have the 'industry standard' application. Selling it to the other clubs will be eazy peazy.
Good luck, dude. We're counting on you.
And since none of these app makers see any merit to your suggestion, the app doesn't exist.
Simple as that.
And as I have mentioned in other threads, management caters to the masses, not the individual.
My point was not that you can't turn off your phone, which I do, but that many people get PO'ed when anyone dares to turn off their phone and can't be reached 24/7.
A phone is a tool that is rapidly becoming a crutch. Why would you need an app to go clubbing? A club is a fantasy, phones and apps (in my opinion) bring in reality. Why??
I don't take my high end phone or credit cards into a club. I have had a pre-pay phone lifted from the table on the vip booth. No loss but if it was my regular phone it could have been a problem. The manager did not care.
And this isn't intended to be an attack, it's a real question:
Dude, do you have some sort of mental problems? I'm not trying to be mean, but geez dude, you seem to be unable to focus on stuff or comprehend real simple concepts, and you just post this unrelated nonsense that makes zero sense. I mean, you actually think that strip club locator apps have anything to do with what we're talking about? And you get into this big unrelated discussion about who pays for development of an app, which has nothing to do with anything.
Dude, don't you see how completely irrational all of your points are? I suggest, very simply, how you can make money off your brilliant idea, and you go off into some strange discussion of SC locator apps and who pays for development.
Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad for you, and maybe we shouldn't be so tough on you. Maybe you have some issues that aren't your fault. If that's the case, I apologize.
Just look at the rants in this discussion when anyone suggests that using a smart phone to select a stripper may not be for them or may not work so well. You get called names and told you are stupid for disagreeing. It is like argueing with a Democrat when they have lied about the facts they just scream the lie louder thinking like Joseph Goebbles if you tell a fabrication loud enough and long enough it becomes true.
The real reason a stripper app may not work work well is "Strippers Lie" and are not above having photos taken at the perfect angle or air brushing etc. I have seen photos up in clubs of the dancers and later met a dancer from the photo and more than 1/2 the time I could not recognize the girl from the photo without the name. Lighting and make-up can to wonders. Many hollywood beauties are really 6's in "9" make-up and scary up close. I.E. Renee Zellweger, and Madonna.
Tiredtraveler, LOL, you obviously aren't a democrat. Are you suggesting republicans don't do the same?
Tiredtraveler if these persons want SO MUCH of your time, charge them $$ by the minute. LOL