
Comments by jerikson40 (page 69)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Is the lap dance an endangered species?
    "I didn't get the peers working at McDonald's" It's called an "analogy". You use analogies, which are examples using things that most people are familiar with, to illustrate a point. Everyone knows MacDonalds, and everyone knows they're all over, in every city on the planet, which means there are tons and tons of people who work at a MacDonalds. Probably for minimum wage. And we all know that many/most people work at or near minimum wage, wherever they work. In California, minimum wage is around $8 per hour. That's why I used MacDonalds as an example. To illustrate a point and to provide an easily understood comparison. Though in your case apparently it wasn't so easily understood.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    $ out weighs being a jerk... true story
    Which is why I said that either it was some soft of bad boy attraction "Or, maybe he slipped her a couple $100 bills in her corset. Either way, she's happy" The point being either she's there for attraction or money. But you're probably right, money is more likely.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shattering the illusion
    Rick sez: "One of your primary complaints on this board has revolved around dancers who sit with guys for long periods of time. They do this because they are getting paid." And then he sez: "Jerikson, nobody said that some girls don't goof off a times. Once again you are talking in extremes." So in one sentence you talk in extremes, and say that "dancers who sit with guys for long periods" are doing so "because they are getting paid". Obviously not true in many/most cases, but you repeat it over and over like it's a fact. And then you say "nobody said girls don't goof off". And then you accuse ME of talking in extremes. And then you actually try to make your point by describing some guy paying a dancer $300 just to sit with him? Are you serious? You honestly think that's typical of most dancers in most clubs around the US? Dude, you can't be serious. BTW, you still haven't addressed that idiotic statement you made about "Long term thinking neither pays today's bills nor guarantees future income". And you honestly think that dancers are incentivized to sit with one guy? Like I say, I'm gonna let this go, because you're just embarrassing yourself to try and be right. Once the silly name calling begins ("jerkoff40"), you know someone's been backed into a corner and has no way out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Is the lap dance an endangered species?
    Steve sez: "jerickson, why the comparison to McDonalds? I don't know anyone that could survive working at McDonalds and I would bet their peers aren't working there either" If you read what I said, actually it was that a stripper who works for only 15 minutes every hour doing lapdances can make 3 TIMES what she could make at MacDonalds. Which translates to about $25 per hour. For only 15 minutes of work every hour. And if you do the math, you'll see that if they work only 50% of the time, they can make $50 per hour. So they can screw off for 1/2 hour, then work for the next 1/2 hour. That's a lot of money, no? How many people make $50 an hour? Especially if it's only working half a shift?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    Jester sez: "you say twice that you're trying not to rag on anyone while presenting a "study" that is pretty insulting and that you apparently concur with" I'm sorry if you thought the study was insulting, but like I say, I didn't write it. I just presented it to you guys. Is that ragging on someone? No, ragging on someone is giving someone shit just because you don't like them, without any supporting information. The kind of stuff people on this forum do on a regular basis. I, on the other hand, gave a reference to people who did a lot of work and surveyed many people over decades. If someone does a lot of studying of something, should I ignore it and agree with someone who presents NO information or studies to back up their position? I also gave some opinions based on my own experience. I'm sorry if you disagree with my opinions, but there's not much I can do about that. However, I am more than willing to change my opinion if you or others can provide me some reasonable information that leads to a different conclusion. Why not try that instead of attacking?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    Interesting... Have a seat, my son. Let's discuss this in more detail. Now, I noticed that in the one club review you posted, that just about everyone you encountered in that club was either rude to you, or annoyed with you, and you even felt that one of the customers was staring at you. Interesting... Now, do you find that you often feel that others are laughing at you behind your back, or perhaps judging you? Did you often get scolded as a child? Perhaps you have an issue with low self esteem, and feel that you're always doing something wrong. Or, on the other hand, maybe you're just like everyone else who subconsciously thinks that strip clubs are naughty.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    "Write a book/conduct a study, then you become an expert!" Not necessarily, but at least if gives you more information to base a decision on than some moron who has opinions based on nothing but emotion.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shattering the illusion
    Okay, Rick. I'll let it go. You're just not making sense. You act like all strippers are economic robots who do only what's in their economic best interest at any particular moment. That's ludicrous. OF COURSE some/many dancers don't circulate when they're not otherwise occupied. Are you serious? Have you never visited a strip club and seen girls screwing off in the corner, noses in their cellphones? And then you say: "Long term thinking neither pays today's bills nor guarantees future income". You've gotta be kidding. Dude, seriously, if you ever have the opportunity to own or manage a business, turn it down. That kind of thinking is just ridiculous. Today's bills for most of us are paid by choices we made in high school, to go to college, and work hard, and get a good job. Dude, you're just being an idiot.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    And by the way, Jester, I'm not saying that the young folks are the only ones who waste their time online. We all do it. We're doing it right now. This is nothing more than entertainment, and all of us giving our opinions that nobody else really cares about. It's not about rationally discussing issues and forming opinions, it's about spouting off what you believe. And those who agree with you feel better about themselves, and those who disagree get all pissed off and think you're an asshole. Doesn't matter what generation you're in, we all use this for entertainment and for goofing off.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No more Deja Vu
    No, Club_Goer, I think you're pretty much on target, though there are/were a couple of tiny dives nearby (Villa Theater?), as well as a couple in Pomona (I think one is now called Bare 'n Legal, not sure what it was before). But yeah, there are (or at least were) a lot of tiny bars and motels down that strip, as well as some nasty video places where guys go in and have gay sex and jack off and shit. I hope they've cleaned that stuff up in recent years, but it really is a nasty area. But what's worse is it was bad nasty, not good nasty. At least if some of the strip clubs were decent that would be okay, but most of it was/is crap.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    Jester, if you don't like the conclusions the author and the associated studies reach, then I suggest you argue with the author if the book, as well as the authors of the studies she cites in the book. I'm not a psychologist, but I have at least some ability to look at the results of studies, compare that with personal experience, and come up with some conclusions. Doesn't mean I'm right, but it also doesn't mean I'm not allowed to discuss the results of people who study this stuff. Now, if you have any books you've read or studies you've seen which have a contradictory position, I'd love to hear about it. Or do you just not like the conclusion so you get angry?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shattering the illusion
    Rick sez: "...dancers are incentivized to spend the most time with their best prospects" And then he sez: "At a moment's notice, a customer can switch clubs and/or favorites, run into financial difficulties, etc." Now, Rick, you see the reason for my confusion, right? You say the dancers are incentivized to spend most of their time with one customer, but at the same time you're saying (correctly) that one customer can be gone in a flash. Why would a dancer not be incentivized (as many dancers are) to thinking in the longer term, where she spends her shift making MANY customers happy, resulting in lots of repeat business from many individuals, as opposed to ONE GUY who could be dead tomorrow? We all know of hard working strippers, who bounce around to many guys during their shift, have great personalities, and give excellent lap dances, and build a large group of guys who love her and come back regularly, and tell their friends about what a great club it is. And as a result she and the club makes a bundle of money over the long term. And what's more, the stripper has the same incentive as the club. Each new customer coming in means each stripper has one more opportunity to develop a long term customer who comes back to see her over and over.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "...are you lonely, or very very very bored?" He's probably as bored and lonely as you and all the others here who spend their time following this shit. What's your point? And don't give the young guy a hard time. It's an open forum where you discuss stuff, and he's doing just that. Give him a break. If you don't like it, don't read it. And Joey, are you black? The reason I asked is you said "buy your own stuff instead using mines". I love it. Black folks always say "mines" instead of "mine". I used to have a black girlfriend who said that all the time, and I thought it was so cute, and I'd call her on it and she'd give this cute little sheepish grin. Awesome. Anyway, the back to your subject. The only thing I can add is once a stripper offered ME a breath mint cause I forgot to pop one before I entered the club. Embarrassing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shattering the illusion
    "Dancers think short term because they have to. Tomorrow is a world away in this business and anything can happen. At a moment's notice, a customer can switch clubs and/or favorites, run into financial difficulties, etc." Okay, now I'm really confused. Rick, aren't you one of the guys who was so convinced that club management was being smart by focusing on a few big spenders during night shift than giving a damn about the many dayshift guys who each spend less? But now apparently you're saying don't put all your eggs in one basket, or rely on a single customer who might be a big spender, because it's dumb, and he could be gone tomorrow and the stripper is out of luck. Dude, I know you're a really smart seasoned veteran, but you're confusing me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Is the lap dance an endangered species?
    "can they and the dancers survive on that?" Of course they can. A rather brilliant poster here recently did a simple analysis that showed that a dancer can make 3 times what she'd make at MacDonalds merely by spending 15 minutes of each hour doing lap dances. Three times the minimum wage by working only 15 minutes per hour. I don't feel bad for strippers. If they put in just a tiny effort they're doing far better than most or all of their peers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting paid to marry a stripper
    By the way, if you have any military buddies who were, or know of guys who were stationed in, say, SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, etc.), just ask them if it's a good idea. There are tons of military guys who "fell in love" with local girls, married them, brought them to the US, and ended up getting screwed over like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, there are some who made out okay, but there are far too many who got screwed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting paid to marry a stripper
    Nothing new. Women from poor countries overseas (Asia, Mexico, Eastern Europe, etc.) have for years been very active in trying to land an American husband solely so they can become US citizens. At which point they funnel all their husband's money to their children, families and/or their boyfriend overseas. Later on they dump their American husbands, bring their family and/or boyfriends over, and the American is screwed. And as others have mentioned, the US Government gets really pissed at people who try to manipulate the immigration/citizenship laws like that, and they work real hard to prevent people from trying it. It's a dumb idea. Very dumb. Don't even think about it. There is zero benefit to the guy, and infinite benefit to the girl. And in fact there is an infinite likelihood the guy will get screwed. In a bad way.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying LD
    Yeah, pay her, then make a note of who she is and never get a dance from her again. She's rude, and not the kind of dancer you want to deal with. Though that got me thinking... One thing I haven't seen yet, but fully expect to one of these days, is a dancer who has her nose buried in her cellphone and is busy texting during the lap dance. Or, more likely, a dancer who has some ear buds in her ear listening to her own music during the lap dance. In this age of rudeness masquerading as "important cellphone business", I think it's just a matter of time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No more Deja Vu
    Wow, didn't know about that. And I know the club and the area they're talking about. What they don't say is that the area the club is in is one the seediest, nastiest, low rent areas in Southern California. Montclair is a pit, right next to Pomona, which is gang central. Though I like how the article says that over the years "the areas fell into disrepair". Yeah, right, disrepair. So when they say that developers were going to build residential units there but as soon as they surveyed the area they decided not to, let me assure you it probably had little to do with the Deja Vu. They probably looked at the area, said WTF???, hopped back in their cars, and got out of there as fast as they could. There are old scrap metal junk yards in the area, freight train tracks, boarded up stores, used car lots, hookers, gangs, empty lots because nobody can get a business to survive there, etc. On the other hand, that club has always sucked, so good riddance. Though as the article states, a bunch of years ago they bought a tiny, nasty little motel that was next door. According to the article they rented it out by the hour, so I'm wondering if the club used it for their customers to get extras. Excellent idea, right next door, pretty convenient. Though I doubt it, because it really wasn't an extras club. Though I haven't been there in many years, so maybe I'm out of date.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Right or wrong
    I think it comes down to a "he said, she said" situation. The court would say she probably had to prove a verbal contract existed, which means someone would have had to overhear them agree on a lapdance and a specific price. Without that, it's "he said, she said". On the other hand, the club can toss anyone it wants for any reason, so they can say he was causing a disturbance or whatever and boot him.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strip club consulting service
    Ah, okay. My mistake. So where's the really good ideas? Strip club consulting service sounds like fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    $ out weighs being a jerk... true story
    You need to think like a woman. Women want a guy who's a bad boy on the outside, but a good boy on the inside. This guy, while being a complete a-hole, was a bad boy. Didn't give a fuck, did what he wanted. Not necessarily a bad thing in a woman's eyes. Although they'll probably tell you differently cuz they don't want to be seen as supporting some obvious a-hole. Now, when he grabbed her (like a real bad boy does), he probably proceeded to show her the "good boy on the inside" part. "Oh, I'm sorry baby", (girls love it when you apologize...makes 'em melt), and then "here, let me buy you a drink sweetie". And at that point she had her bad boy on the outside, good boy on the inside, and she was off in dreamy-land. Or, maybe he slipped her a couple $100 bills in her corset. Either way, she's happy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strip club consulting service
    The first two were very serious, and very vigorously defended. Number 4 was a joke, but number 3 was probably not beyond what many guys here would consider doing. Or at least consider some variation. When guys pay rent and bills, a life insurance policy is peanuts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strip club consulting service
    Well, here's some of the brilliant ideas that have surfaced recently in this forum: 1. Ignore the dayshift customers because that's not where the money is, and they shouldn't expect to be treated well. 2. Turn on your cellphone camera when you're having sex with a stripper, because then you can tell the police you were merely making a legal porn video. 3. Give your favorite stripper a million dollar term life insurance policy and name her the sole beneficiary. 4. Give your favorite stripper a credit card with a $20k limit for free sex for 10 years. Yeah, I think there's great potential there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    reviews ?
    Uh oh, now that I disagreed with VH he's gonna be nipping at my heels and calling me names no matter what I post. Geez dude, how old are you?