
Comments by jerikson40 (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Porn chicks have high self-esteem
    There's a "Journal of Sex Research"?? Really?? Personally, I'd take that article with a grain of salt. If they merely surveyed a bunch of chicks, and they're talking about, what, 177 chicks? And they're trying to infer a conclusion from that? Puh-leeze !!!! Yeah, I don't think so. Were the chicks being honest? Did they even KNOW if they had abuse as a child, or is it locked away forever in that secret place in their heads that never sees the light of day? And self-esteem? "Um, yeah, I think I'm a great person. Really. Just awesome. And there's nothing wrong with doing what Mommy told me would send me straight to hell. Yeah, I feel great about myself". Gimme a break. I dunno, I generally tend to think that women in general aren't going to be real honest about stuff like that. And hell, maybe it was just the luck of the draw that the porn actresses vs. regular chicks came out like that. Maybe take a different group of women it might be totally different. Sounds to me like a bunch of male "researchers" at some government funded agency just wanted to get a bunch of porn stars together for a weekend of fun, and came up with a cover story.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    "rachet" - now that's hilarious. I hadn't heard that one.... Yeah, I love dem old school skanks. Thankfully in LA there's a bunch of the old school, as well as the new school you describe. I love 'em all. There's a couple of chicks at one of the top nasty black clubs in LA who rock that blonde wig look...they're light caramel and it kinda looks like a bleached blonde with a deep tan, right off the beach. But they all nasty. And the straight black wigs are awesome. And 3 inch long fingernails? Nothin' wrong with that. They can't help being nasty. And them caramel nasty girls got dem tats all down their legs and shit. They so fine... And the secretary outfit? I'd die and go to freakin' heaven.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dancers at King Henry VII in L.A.
    Not on this site, but I'm sure some of them operate as escorts on the side and have a presence on some of the escort websites. Ask on usasexguide.info in the LA strip clubs section. You might get some info.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Interesting late night discussion on CNBC on tv, should every airport add a topl
    I already thought of that idea, long ago. The answer is clearly YES. There isn't shit to do in airports if you have 3 or 4 hours between flights, and it's will drive you freakin' nuts. Perfect opportunity for a club. In some airports they have the USO for military guys (excellent idea, BTW), and the airlines have the "first class" or whatever lounges. There should be strip clubs for the rest of us. But the US has become pussy whipped. Women have too much influence in corporations and politics, and they hate it when guys oogle girls who are prettier than them. And men put up with it, and nod their heads "yes, dear..." It's disgusting. We should man up, tell them to shut the fuck up, and put an ultra high mileage strip club/massage parlor in airport. Federally mandated. And I also blame the fucking morons who caused us to have all these federal security regulations in airports, which probably puts a damper on what you can have on the other side of the security screening. Assholes. But yes, it's an excellent idea.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Oh, and you know how sometimes when a dancer has been chewing some bubble gum or has some really awesome smelling cherry or watermelon or bubblegum lip gloss on or whatever, and you get a whiff of it and it's like "holy fuck" and it gets you even hotter? Well, I'm guessing it works both ways. Try chewing some bubble gum or whatever that smells real good before the dance. Get all of her senses going....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    She does a "Daddy's Little Girl"? Are you freakin' kidding me? I swear, I am in love with that girl, and I've never even seen her in person. But just some of the shit she says should be made into a stripper textbook.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    BTW, I don't want to give the wrong impression... OF COURSE there are a lot of girls, even dancers, who ain't gonna do that no matter what. As some have said, they have strict limits, and for example they'll jack you off, but kissing is something altogether different. Don't try to understand it.....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I would say, at least IMO, it's not common but, on the other hand, it happens surprisingly often. And I think you can almost make it happen. While getting a dance and she's facing you, assuming your breath is nice and you're not nasty or anything, just hover your lips close to hers, but never touch. Do that a few times, longer and closer each time. But never touch. As if you were just aching to kiss her, but keep pulling back. Maybe it creates some sexual tension or something, but that usually seems to work for me. And often she'll be the one to finally break down and initiate. I *think* that women engaged in pseudo-sexual activity like close lap dancing can and do, to some extent, get carried away as if they were in a real passionate moment. And they like that just as much as guys do, and can get lost in the moment and the fantasy. At least that's my explanation...and I'm sticking to it...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    Oh, BTW, goth sucks. Really. It's just too weird. Pale girls with jet black hair and all weird and shit. There's just no need. Not sexy at all, more like "I'm so fucked in the head since childhood that I try to hurt myself with piercings and shit". Now, as far as tats.... I fully respect everyone's right to dislike tattoos, and to some extent I agree. But there are those days when I'm horny as shit and I go to a nasty club looking for some nasty strippers who are just slutty hood rats, especially black clubs with black girls with big long fingernails and fake blond wigs and just big ol' lips with overdone lipstick, and just crazy curvy bodies, just straight nasty girls who came make you cum just by looking at you. You know, the kind who just sit you down, reach inside your shorts and start jacking, then get on their knees and start sucking without you even asking. Now if those girls are all tatted up it just enhances the whole "nasty girl" thing for me. That's just nasty. Yeah, baby...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat Hispanic Dancers.
    GoVikings, yeah, I get it, but in my experience at least in LA is that most of the clubs I visit have no problem hiring porkers. Supply and demand, I suppose. Doesn't matter that we guys don't like big cows sitting down next to us. The clubs have been humming forever, fat dancers or not. And it's all relative. It's not a matter of what you like, it's a matter of facts. I personally like thick, curvy girls, and don't prefer toothpicks at all. But the fact is that if you look at statistics, the vast majority of women in this country are defined as overweight or obese. Look it up. Actually I think I started a thread on the subject a few months ago. It's incredible. I forget the numbers, but was it like 75% or something??? Just amazing. And in LA if you go to the "Hispanic clubs", many of the chicks definitely fall under the category of overweight or obese. Now we can argue all day about it, but since there aren't any statistics about fat strippers it's all opinion based on not much info. But I'll tell you right now, like I say, if you go to some poorer countries you'll see an HUGE disparity between US dancers and Asian/other dancers when it comes to weight. It has nothing to do with whether you like thick or thin girls, it's because of how we eat. Poor countries got no food, rich countries got too much of it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    time in a strip club!
    First of all, davejones I want to applaud you for your outstanding reviews on the Arizona clubs. And right now I'd like all of my fellow TUSCL'ers to stand up out of their chairs and give a round of applause to Mr. davejones. Bravo, dude. Just excellent. Good and useful detail. Anyway, back to the point... Most I've spent in a club is probably less than 3 hours. Maybe more... But I'm not the kind of person who's there to socialize with the dancers. Probably the only reason I'd hang around is to wait for shift change if I was super horny and there was nobody on dayshift, or I was hoping beyond hope a hot dancer would finally show up. In any case, it was probably a real bad trip and I went home pissed. And I don't think I've ever spent more than a couple hundred at a club. I'd be embarrassed and pissed if I spent more.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat Hispanic Dancers.
    harrydave has it right. All the rest is BS. Women in the US are fat. You can call them thick or whatever the fuck makes you feel good, but step out of the US to some less-developed countries and you'll see an entirely different world. In LA there are tons of Mexican women in the clubs, and many of them are freakin' huge. It's because, as with most women from other parts of the world who grew up in a poor country with no food to eat, they come to the US and eat like pigs. And unfortunate fact #2 about woman and weight: once a woman gets married and no longer has to attract a mate, all bets are off. As harrydave said, just spend some time in some poorer countries, then come back to the US. You too will say "holy crap, these chicks are fucking huge".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Absolutely. And I find it mind boggling how most women, who spend their lives reading about and dealing with fashion and makeup and all that kind of stuff, are so freakin' clueless when it comes to dressing to please a man. Like I said in another thread, thankfully there are some women who "get it". Not many, but some. And they care enough to try. Personally, I would fucking cum in my pants if a super hot girl wore what George described. Oversized dress shirt, nothing underneath? Holy crap. And a super tight evening gown on a hot girl...double holy crap. I see hot outfits so rarely here in LA that I can't recall a really hot one recently. Although one of my favorites, an older, super hot, high mileage queen with an insane body and huge tits, sat down next to me wearing a simple wife-beater t-shirt, real tight and kinda see-thru, and you could see where she just took a pair of scissors and cut it just just below her super hard nipples. No bra, just those big nasty bare tits under that soft, tight t-shirt. And here I am with my jaw to my knees, fantasizing about the upcoming $10 lap dances where I'd reach under that little t-shirt and wrap my hands around those big nasty tits.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    By the way, Candy, after reading one of your posts, I want to re-stress something that is VERY important: Don't fall into the trap that most women fall into, and that is assuming you know what "looks good", especially what looks good to a man. You make a lot of statements about what looks good, what works, and what doesn't work, and while you may be right about some, be careful. It's not about what you think, it's about what guys think. And just because you get good feedback, that doesn't mean you've got it right. It could be just a bunch of guys seeing something new and they like it, but it could be much better. I've found that most women can't comprehend that they don't possess perfect insight into fashion and makeup and what looks good. Yeah, if you're trying to impress other women, then you're probably right. But men are different. That being said, your description of your schoolgirl outfits is, IMO, right on the mark.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    Here's the deal... The vast majority of girls, in their totally naked, totally natural, non-makeup'd, looking like she just woke up state are not very attractive. Or totally un-attractive. That's the sad truth. Some girls, OTOH, are hot, or even super hot, in their natural state. Extremely rare, but it happens. Others, actually a very large percentage of girls, can be made up and dressed up to look hot, or even super hot. Now, a naturally hot or super hot girl looks hot no matter what. And an outfit just amplifies that. And often a hot outfit can amplify her hotness into the stratosphere. But many girls just ain't gonna look hot no matter how much makeup and dress up you do to them. Outfits can be awesome. And FAR too few dancers have the basic sense to understand that, and instead the best they can do is those freakin' bikinis. Geez, how freakin' boring. A hot, or super hot girl, wearing a schoolgirl outfit can be mind blowing. Or a nurse. But it depends on the outfit. I've seen lots of nurse outfits that are fucking useless. Some weird cartoonish crap that is just silly, like those stupid Halloween costumes. But a well done outfit on a super hot girl can be insane. But there are too many women designing these outfits, and they end up with "cute", not sexy, and it comes off looking just ridiculous. Like those "french maid" outfits or "harem" costumes that are just stupid. Whenever a woman tries to decide what men think is sexy they usually are totally wrong. Only a few, very special women "get it", and those women are gems. And all this crap about the age of the girl wearing a schoolgirl outfit is just wrong. ANY hot girl can make it rock. Yeah, there's an age limit, but this stuff about "you have to look like you'd pass for 17" or whatever is just wrong. Personally, girls who look real young don't do it for me. Too weird. But it all comes down to the girl, and the outfit, and how she does it. Give me a super hot girl with an insanely hot body, rocking a nurse, or schoolgirl, or secretary, or a hundred other outfits, and I'm in heaven. I got a boner just thinking about it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    Churchill also said "The Americans will always do the right thing..after they’ve exhausted all the alternatives." That guy was a hoot.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    Personally, I'm just glad 96% of whites didn't vote for Romney. I'd hate to see the headlines if that happened.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    BTW, I'm trying to wrap my head around that statistic. It either means one of two things as far as I can tell: 1. Either Obama is far better than Romney, and all blacks realize that, but only 40% of whites realize it, or, 2. Well...something else is going on.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    Yes, and it was about the same figure (95%) in 2008. By contrast, only 60% of white voters voted for Romney.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    And speaking of mind boggling statistics from the election, they're estimating that about 96% of black voters voted for Obama. Just incredible. I'm not sure what to make of it, but to have virtually ALL of ANY group vote for one person is almost unheard of. At least for me. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=121724#.UJ5sc4aIRdx
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    I saw that too. Why the fuck would anyone spend $100 million of their own money for a senate seat? Mind boggling. The cost/benefit analysis of that escapes me. Does she really care so little about money, and so much about being a Senator?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mexican TV
    And then there's the Argentinian TV version of Dancing with the Stars. Un-freakin'-credible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7D-HTK6XJM
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Not supporting or never listening to an artist again because of his or her sexua
    The point I was trying to make is that some people classify all of those orientations as "perversions", based at least partly upon their natural, very negative response and internal reactions to those acts. So if you personally would discard an artist for one of those "perversions", then you can understand why others might discard the artist for any of those perversions. Personally, while I have an extremely negative reaction to all of those orientations, I tend to separate the artist's personal life from their art. Honestly I don't give a damn what they do in their private life. Now if I knew they were doing something illegal, I might re-think my decision to support them by purchasing their art. But otherwise, who the hell cares?
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    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    I've become convinced that a bunch of guys in this forum take drugs on a daily basis.
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    12 years ago
    Not supporting or never listening to an artist again because of his or her sexua
    So if that same artist's sexual orientation included having sex with underage kids, or animals, would you feel the same way?