
Comments by jerikson40 (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    Okay, but the problem is that it's really not very nice to imply there are pickpockets at a club unless you're like real certain. I have no allegiance to that club, never been there, probably never will, but it's a business and they're trying to make money, and if someone says stuff like that it's not good for business. And sure as hell not good for poor ol' Tess, who could be just a nice, sweet stripper who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hell, next time you go in there all the customers might spend the whole night on edge, twitching and frantically looking over their shoulders for possible thieves. BTW, did you try the 3rd grade teacher trick? Get on the PA and say we're gonna turn out all the lights, and whoever took the money just put it back and nobody will know.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Joe from NJ
    New York
    Bringing your cash into a club.
    Joe, first of all I don't think you'll junks yourself. If anything, you'll only jinx yourself. Don't worry. It's not as bad as junks'ing yourself. Whatever the fuck that is... Secondly, dude, are you one of those guys who gets out of his car, locks it, then has to go back 5 times and do things in the exact same order to check if it's all locked or else he has a panic attack? Really, you need to lighten up. Nobody is going to steal your money. Well, maybe in Jersey, but in the rest of the US it's really not a problem. And I go to clubs in South Central LA, and I've never been robbed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    Y'know, the more I think about it and read your story, the more I'm convinced you screwed up and dropped the money somewhere. Look, it's not easy for someone to inconspicuously open your wallet and take money. Usually they'd just take the whole freakin' wallet, it's so much easier. Are you saying your dancer actually did a one-handed wallet manipulation during the dance, and emptied both pockets without you knowing about it? And then she somehow pocketed the bills somewhere on her semi-nude body? Hard to believe. I think you screwed up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    Okay, whatever... Now, more importantly, when EXACTLY was the last time you actually checked the high side of your wallet and saw the $100? None of this "I'm sure it was there", when did you ACTUALLY see it last? One reason I hate wallets is because the bills are just folded in there, no zipper closures or anything. Too easy to just fall out if the wallet gets unfolded. And I'm sure you searched up and down on the bench, floor, whatever when you discovered it gone? Seems like a perfect time for money to fall out of a wallet when it falls to the floor and unfolds.... I dunno, I just find it hard to believe a dancer would do that, especially if she was a long time dancer there. If she was gonna steal she would have done it long ago and would have been caught long ago. It only takes a few customers who were with the same dancer when their money became "lost" for people to realize who's the bitch.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    Quicksandman, I'm glad you told us the details of what you were wearing at the time...it should help nab the culprit. Now are you certain you were wearing a dark POLO shirt and WHITE socks? That's very important to the case. Because if it was just, say, a t-shirt with black socks, that would change everything. So it's important to be real clear about it. Now, can you tell us what you had for lunch that afternoon?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    SC Smart Phone App
    "I think the bigger clubs in major cities and Vegas might consider something like that." Okay, now you're talking...Vegas... Sucky clubs that are all about flash and no substance...and a smart phone app is a perfect marketing tool to attract drunk guys with no brains and fresh winnings they want to give away. I stand corrected. There is one use for it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "I replied "not bad it didn't take me much effort to get past the used part" Okay, that gets a gold star for funny.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    "I recommend you get back in your dating scene or talk to a black guy and let him show you what a good chest is" Hold the show.... Now I love black girls as much as the next guy. Actually, much, much more than the next guy. But let's be honest, most black women have, how shall I say it...National Geographic tits. Small, kinda saggy, kinda pointy, rarely enhanced (presumably cuz they can't afford it). Yeah, there are exceptions like anything. But in general, the verdict is clear. And feet. Black women generally have big, flat feet. I have a fetish for just about every part of a woman, including feet. And unfortunately, black women rate at about the bottom of the scale in terms of feet. And I suppose we could argue about the tits, but there's no arguing about the feet. That's all fact and stuff.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    SC Smart Phone App
    "If "the system" (not to be confused with RickDugan's "the system", of course) let them know their was a queue of potentially interested customers." True. Or they could get up off their dead asses and peek out the dressing room door. The fact is, if dancers don't give a shit about working, you can give them all kinds of apps and it won't make a damn bit of difference. Maybe an electric cattle prod is a more appropriate app...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    SC Smart Phone App
    Didn't someone else come up with this idea here recently? Like multiple times? Was that not enough? Do we need to re-hash it over and over? And isn't the answer "who gives a fuck?" Is your strip club experience so challenging and taxing on your energy that you need to make an app to make it easier?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    Revo, your (il-)logic gives me headache. You actually contradict yourself in the same sentence. And the same paragraph.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tips for strippers!
    The "no hair, no face" thing is something I haven't heard before. And apparently she's serious.... Sounds kind weird. Don't touch my hair???
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    George, are you really that stupid? Again, let me explain: Yes, there are great blowjobs. No question. That's not the point. Yes, the Fleshlight sucks. No question. That's not the point. The point is that the best blowjob, no matter how good, is SOLELY a sensation on your dick, clearly bypassing all the other possible incredible sensations you can feel interacting with a hot chick. Do you understand that? I realize that a great blowjob is a great feeling. But people here seem to discard what seems to be a more engrossing and pleasurable experience like I described. My question is WHY?? Would it help if I talked slower?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Telling Dancers About TUSCL
    Geez, we have a bunch of self-proclaimed strip club experts here who tout their hundreds of years of strip club experience and insights, but they do stuff that is freakin' stupid and rookie. You guys should know better. There is no fucking benefit from doing something so empty-headed like that. You KNOW that strippers will freak when they hear they're getting reviewed or when they hear about what the other girls are doing. If they really care about improving service, they'll ask you what you like in the club. Yeah, some club owners might come on to see what they can do better, and that's great. And yeah, some dancers can handle it okay. BUT WHY ????????? There's no freakin' reason to do it, and there's only downsides. Geezus, how freakin' stupid. And especially for the mileage dancers. It's tough enough to have to look over your shoulder so the manager and other dancers don't find out, but holy crap, if you now have to worry about being identified online to the whole world (even if it's not your real name, which makes no freakin' difference...). Talk about putting a chill on high mileage laps.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    Geezus H. Christ, it's not about how good a Fleshlight is !!! Forget the analogy if you can't comprehend it. The point is this: why do you think that mouth/tongue activity is in any way preferable to all the other stuff I mentioned that goes with a very high mileage lapdance/handjob? Geez, imagine a motorized, incredibly well designed version of a Fleshlight that is identical to a real blowjob if that helps you understand what I was saying. It's a freakin' analogy, guys. Geesh...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    I hear ya, but in my experience it's a very rare BJ that even feels that good. She's gotta have lots of skill, not get them teeth in the way and start scraping, and have zero gag reflex, and can suck like a vacuum cleaner. And whether a Fleshlight is any comparison or not is irrelevant. It was an analogy to make a point. The rest of what I said was the main point. It's just the sensation on the dick, none of that other stuff.
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    12 years ago
    Stripper Hard Bitch Attitude
    I wouldn't think too much about it. May have been nothing more than a particularly bad bout of PMS, or maybe she'd been drinking, or her cat died, or her boyfriend turned gay, or her best friend died of a drug overdose, or a list of 32,463 other reasons why a woman might freak out. Maybe you go back tomorrow and she's all sweetness and light. Who knows? But I wouldn't blacklist her based on one incident. Give her a break, maybe life sucks for her right now. Yeah, it's not your problem, and she shouldn't be working if she's gonna pull shit like that, but if it's a 'one and done' incident, let it go.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    Doc sez: "...At least that's how I roll..." Sorry, Doc, I have this vision of a hunched over, wrinkled, 70 year old white guy walking down the street with his baseball cap on backwards, baggy jeans falling below his boxers, brand new sneakers with laces untied, wearing a huge gold chain around his neck with a "$$$" medallion hanging on it, flashing gang signs and saying "Yeah, that's how I roll..." Dude, you're cool.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    Hey, wait a minute... I just realized...she wants to go to a club with you ON HER BIRTHDAY?? Instead of being with her man??? If my woman was going out with some other guy on her birthday, I'd be overly pissed. There's something else going on here...be careful....don't get in the middle of something.
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    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    "Most women don’t like to go anywhere alone – especially somewhere “social”..." Exactly. And you're like her gay friend. Safe. Someone to do silly stuff with and who won't judge her. Has she also asked you to go get your nails done with her too? As far as reason why, who knows. If she's cool, maybe her man mentioned something about clubs/strippers and she's going to learn about what he likes, or how to dance for him, or how to give a lap dance. Or maybe she's exploring her closet gay-ness. Or maybe a potential job. But none of that matters. What's important is you are her gay friend.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    "I don't think we're looking at the same tits. I've seen 200+ racks in my life and those are in the top 5!" Uhh...no. Not even close. And I'm still trying to figure out the "I've seen 200+ racks in my life..." part. Unless by "seen" you only mean those you've actually seen and touched in real life. Still seems low, but a lot more reasonable. Unless you're only 19 years old or something. But anyway, I think "bland tits" is how I would describe them also. And that's accounting for the suckiness of the photos. But to compare them to the top tits I've ever seen in my entire lifetime? Not even close.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    "carolynne, try a fishnet body stocking." OH FUCK YEAH !!!! And with the nipple poke-age?? Holy crap, it's insane. I remember many years ago, during some of my first strip club visits in LA, and I was at a fairly low mileage club that had some decent chicks. One night I was there and out from the dressing room came this insanely hot Asian girl with a super tight, nasty body, long straight black hair down to her waist, she was "Asian import model" hot...and she was wearing a black fishnet body stocking that covered her entire body. Nothing else, just a body stocking and black stilettos...the kind with gold metal heels. Awesome. And big gold hoop earrings. And she comes and sits down next to me, and I'm staring at her eraser nipples poking out of the fishnet, just freakin' mesmerized. Got a low mileage lap dance, came in my pants almost instantly (I was young...) Then a few days later I came back, hoping to see her. She was there, different outfit. She came and sat down, and shyly I asked... "Um, y'know that fishnet bodystocking you wore the other day? Umm...do you think you could go put that on for me?" She was so sweet, she got this big smile, and excitedly said, "Oh, sure, I'd love to" and hurried off to the dressing room. I love girls like that. Needless to say........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Telling Dancers About TUSCL
    Bad idea all the way around. Personally, having dancers on here does nothing for me. Honestly I don't give a crap what they think, I go to clubs to have fun for a little while and that's it. I'm not there to cater to some whining stripper and worry about her needs. If they come on here, as some do, to find out what customers like, then that's fine, and I respect them for that. But chances are 1 in a million it's a dancer from a club I go to, and let's face it, if she really cared what I wanted she'd ask me while she's sitting with me in the club. And that's all I care about, not what some morons in the rest of the US want. And in spite of the super secret codes guys use in their reviews, there's nothing good can come from strippers reading reviews and finding out what her co-workers are doing. Best to keep in on the down low as much as possible. And telling them "Oh, you should check out this cool strip club site" should be grounds for automatic banishment for ANY TUSCL guy caught doing it. It's just stupid.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    "peek-a-boo bra with my nipples sticking out has also done the trick." Edible is a nice idea... However, I HATE BRAS !!!! Geezus, what is it with you women that you're always wearing bras??? Yeah, I know the physics of the situation, but damn, most clubs I go to all the girls are wearing some sort of bra or bikini top. IT SUCKS !!! Well, unless it's like a teeny tiny slingshot bikini or something. But that's not the point... BRAS SUCK !!! They're rough to the touch, they cover up the good stuff, you get none of the great visuals of bare tits and hard pokey nipples under her tight shirt and stuff. I hate them with a passion.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Interesting late night discussion on CNBC on tv, should every airport add a topl
    "Never fly. The fastest way to kill it a club is make it to visible. People want out sight out of mind." Yeah, but you know the way guys on this board think that by cleverly hiding names and other critical information (like a dancer named H*lly) it keeps the LE and the public from figuring it out? Well just do the same thing, and advertise the clubs on the internet using those super secret codes. Nobody will EVER figure it out. And then build the club off in a hidden corridor of one of the airport terminals where nobody sees it. Like when you're trying to find a bathroom real bad, and you end up searching all over, and find it down some side hallway. And then have signs in the terminal that say stuff like "STR*P CLU*B THIS WAY". No problem, nobody will figure it out.