
Comments by jerikson40 (page 64)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    There is no question, I'm sure that the tears were justified because his staff did a great job. That's not the point. The point is should he, or any other president, cry in public? Why? Because there really is a reason for wanting to project strength to other leaders around the world. Being perceived as weak can be troublesome. Let's make believe that the US is trying to force a rogue nation, who has recently developed nuclear capabilities, to disarm and dismantle their weapons. Now our President, whoever that may be, issues an ultimatum: "If you don't disarm by tomorrow at noon, there will be major consequences". And the response from the other leader, as he sits around with his other government officials drinking brandy and laughing: "Oh, yeah, what you gonna do? You pussy. You cry like little girl". Sure, that will probably never happen. Y'know, like with Iran or anything.... But the point is: what is the risk, and what is the reward? Is the risk worth the reward? And, BTW, what IS the reward? What does anyone gain from crying in public, other than maybe a political boost from the female vote? With you or me, it doesn't matter. Not a big deal. Presidents are different. They need to think about that kind of stuff. Doesn't matter if he's Democrat or Republican.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mexican TV
    And what's great about some of these shows is they have some super HD image quality, so you can see some super hot pussy in high def and high color on your super sized big screen TV. Yeah, baby... Today they had a soap opera (or whatever, I don't speak Spanish) with this really cute chick. In one scene some guy was peeking into her bedroom, and she was wearing nothing but panties (yeah, totally topless) and dancing around the room like a stripper. Though they only showed it from behind. Still they showed her full length, straight on, for a long time. None of this quick flash stuff, with implied nudity. Hell no, on Mexican TV they say "fuck it, this shit is important, we aren't gonna beat around the bush".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    "...are the same crap holes that can't be reasoned with anyway. So who cares?" Well, you should. Because you MUST deal with other nations. It's not a option to say "who cares?". In the case of the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had to figure out how to avoid nuclear war with Russia, and it came down to a personal battle between Kennedy and Kruschev. Personalities and perceptions matter in cases like that. If one side had made a slight mistake, you and I might not be here today. Don't be a moron.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mexican TV
    "So boys, anyone up for a trip to tijuana mexico?" Maybe a quick run for a couple of hours to Hong Kong club, but otherwise you can't pay me to go to Mexico. Can't stand the place. There's a reason why people risk so much to get out of there. It's a corrupt cesspool, where people would rather leave than stay and fix things to make it a better country.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    President Cries
    I think he's done it a few times before in public. If you search the videos you'll see some other times. Personally, I'm not convinced that it's that big a deal, though it may be. Think back to the Cuban missile crisis, when Kennedy and Kruschev were playing mind games trying to figure out what the other guy might do. If they're convinced you're a pushover they might be encouraged to do stuff that makes our lives a lot more difficult. In any case, given the choice between crying and not crying, seems to me that there's so little benefit to be gained from crying (if any) that it seems a no brainer that you hold your emotions until you're in private.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    RAID !
    "Being in VIP in and of itself is no cause for arrest or am i missing something?" Yeah, they'd need some sort of proof that you were doing something illegal. Unless they just wanted to hassle you. If they happened to see you two agreeing to, and exchanging money for sex, then yeah, you could be in trouble. But if she's riding you and you have your pee-pee in her ya-ya, and the club had cameras recording it, they'd have to get a warrant, I suppose, to review the video to get some evidence you were being naughty. Unless there was some local ordinance against having sex in a private room in a commercial establishment or something.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Simple Question
    motorhead sez: "Ginger is a slut, Mrs. Howell is a whore" Excellent. Perfect analogy. Which is why I love me some sluts, and have no use for whores. Now honestly I could never really watch that show cuz even as a kid I thought it was just too stupid. Though Ginger really was hot. So did they really imply that she was a slut who was fucking everyone? Or was she just drawn that way?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    RAID !
    Not sure if you did this already, but you might want to put in a review that warns guys this happened at this particular club. Sounds like the place has some issues going on right now, and it might be a good idea to stay away for a while. Usually this shit happens when someone in the town complains, so it's quite possible someone has an axe to grind with the club. I'd sure as hell stay away.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Gay Questions
    Dan sez: "1. Not all gay guys act like women." Well, yeah, okay, that's true and fairly obvious. But that wasn't my point. For those many that do, WHY do they do it?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Gay Questions
    mjx01 sez: "You just don't have a right to interfere with other peoples lives because you are offended" Well, yeah, you'd think so, but in practice that ain't necessarily the case. Merely say something that offends a gay person, or a woman, or a minority, in any large company, and it's likely you'll get fired. Say the same thing on TV and all hell will break loose. My point is that if that same soap opera had shown some guy having sex with an animal, or having sex with a little kid, or sex with a dead person, the world would come to an end and people would go insane. The show would be off the air in a heartbeat, because it's offensive to many/most people. Now if you agree that most men are similarly offended by seeing gay sex, you would think the same rules would apply. My point is that apparently they don't apply. Try a very public complaint about them showing gay sex on TV, and you'll probably get some nasty backlash, and be labelled a homophobe. The reason for my question is to verify if most men feel the same way.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    After watching for 10 or 15 minutes it requires you to register if you want to continue. That sucks.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mexican TV
    "Yea Jerikson, Mexican girls are some of the most beautiful Latinas in the world" Well, maybe, but I think the point is that the culture of Mexicans still has that attitude (which I love) that there's nothing wrong with having super hot chicks on TV whose sole purpose is to give guys boners. In the US we are so freakin' super sensitive about treating women a certain way and not offending anyone and being complete pussies. Mexicans say fuck it, we like hot women, and if you don't like it then fuck off.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    I dunno, it's hard to understand. Hell, there are something like 2,000 clubs in the US, and this place is always rated in the top 5. Now you would think if just about everyone who goes there says it's awesome, guys with varied tastes, etc., then it would have some truly awesome girls. Hard to believe that a club that only gets hot dancers after 10pm is always rated in the top 5.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Gay Questions
    "So I change the fucking channel. Now that wasn't so hard" 'What do I do about it' wasn't my question. I guess you can't answer the question I asked?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    "these girls are checking their makeup and wiping their crotches... i would hope that didn't look too hot..." I was jus' kidding... I know they gotta take care of business. And honestly I don't think it's right having a camera in the dressing room. Of course I enjoy it, but it just doesn't seem right. And it kind of ruins the fantasy. Because as we all know, really hot girls don't have to go to the bathroom or have bad smells and stuff. They're like angels.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    "...all that does it tell me you dont like real women & you prefer women that are sticks with silicone." And BTW, igloo, I don't mean to sound harsh, but geez, are you a woman or something? Sounds exactly like something an ugly woman would say about a chick who is hotter than her and has big tits. I don't give a fuck how "real" is woman is. If she looks hot that's all that matters. And if she needed silicone to get hot, then that's fine with me.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    And for clarification, a zero is Roseanne Barr, and a 10 is Pam Anderson when she was hot.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    Geez, dude, no reason to get all pissy because you don't agree. A girl who is a 5 is, to me, and girl who is average. The kind you see hundreds of in the mall. Nothing special. So a 4 is slightly below the kind of girl you see all over the mall. And a 6 is slightly better. When I see girls with average bodies, small boobs, and average faces, I'll rate her a 5. Average. And I saw a lot of them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    "...unintended consequence of the candidates only campaigning in certain states and avoiding the rest" WHO THE FUCK CARES ????? Sounds like you've made up your mind you don't like it, so there probably ain't no convincing you it's based on a misconception. I don't care if Joe Blow campaigns in California. I don't care if he has a concert with freakin' Katy Perry, and shakes hands with the common folk. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?? Anyone who votes on someone based on the fact that he actually shook your hand, or is cool enough to have Katy Perry at his fundraiser should be taken out and hung for stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    By the way, the issue that Dan raised is a very common misconception, and just another thing that pisses me off about news reporting of elections. You turn on CNN or NBC News or whatever days or weeks before the election, and they throw up this map of the US, showing a bunch of states already colored red or blue. California is always blue, meaning it tends to vote Democrat. And then the average voting moron looks at that and says "hell, why should I even bother to vote, the Democrats have already won?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    DandyDan sez: "That means the vast majority of the country doesn't have much of a say in the election" Well, since Clubber won't educate us on the electoral college, let's see if I can provide a tiny bit of insight. Um, Dan, what the hell are you talking about? Everyone who votes in your state has a say in the election. How the hell do you think they decide who wins the popular vote so that the Electors in the electoral college know how to vote? I'm in California. California always votes Democrat for President, so that means all the electoral votes in California tend to go to a Democrat. But so what? It's because the majority of the popular vote tends to run Democrat. Does that mean a Republican vote doesn't count??? Hell no, it counts the same as if there was no electoral college. All it means is that, before the election, the candidates can generally rely on California to vote one way, so they don't focus their efforts on that state. THAT is what pisses people off. Not much different from having no electoral college, and everyone recognizes "oh, folks in that geographical area tend to vote Democrat, so we don't need to worry about it". But who the fuck cares? We can still vote any way we want, and all of our votes count. Now if there was an unexpectedly high turnout of Republicans, maybe the popular vote would be Republican. Nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not there's an electoral college. Yeah, you can get into cases where the final results between electoral college and popular vote don't match up, but that's an exception. However, there's a REASON for the electoral college. And some would say a bunch of real good reasons for it. In the beginning, the founders thought the Congress alone should determine the President, not the people. For a bunch of reasons, but I'm sure you can understand how some real smart people might not have a lot of faith in the general public voting for such an important office. So they compromised, and made a kind of hybrid system. The electoral college is NOT the problem. Yeah, you can make a case for tweaking it, but it generally has little to do with the outcome. Like I said, most people have no clue about how our government operates, and why. There's a reason why there's a Senate and a House of Representatives, and there's a reason why they were designed to have different roles. We are NOT a strict democracy, and there's a reason for it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    "Your "education" as to the "Electoral College" (there really isn't one) is seriously flawed" Awww, come on Clubber, educate us. Let me get my pencil and paper. Okay...I'm listening.....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The election
    "Still, as I said in another topic, the ignorance of many is astounding" Internet shorthand for "I don't know shit, but I still want to seem superior to everyone without exposing the fact I'm an idiot"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Blonde Black Girls
    "So you hang out at gay strip clubs ??" Ummm....uh.... Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Personally, I fucking LOVE a hot black chick with bleached blonde hair. Holy crap. Talk about hot and nasty. Probably one of the hottest strippers I've ever seen in all my years was a black girl with an insane body, with long bleached blonde hair down to her waist. Same goes for Asians. Some of those import models, holy fuck, just incredible.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The election
    Probably Obama. Why? Because he had an event the other day with Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry. And because his wife was on TV and she seemed nice. And he was on Leno and made a funny joke. And Romney's hair looks too fake. That's the kind of shit that US voters think is important.