Porn chicks have high self-esteem

avatar for deogol

The latest edition of the Journal of Sex Research has challenged the stereotype that porn actresses have poor self-images and a history of sexual abuse. A report suggests that porn stars have higher self-esteem, a better quality of life and body image, and are more spiritual than their non-adult entertainment counterparts.

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Guess one has to flip that stripper to an actress.


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avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

There's a "Journal of Sex Research"?? Really??

Personally, I'd take that article with a grain of salt. If they merely surveyed a bunch of chicks, and they're talking about, what, 177 chicks? And they're trying to infer a conclusion from that? Puh-leeze !!!!

Yeah, I don't think so. Were the chicks being honest? Did they even KNOW if they had abuse as a child, or is it locked away forever in that secret place in their heads that never sees the light of day?

And self-esteem? "Um, yeah, I think I'm a great person. Really. Just awesome. And there's nothing wrong with doing what Mommy told me would send me straight to hell. Yeah, I feel great about myself". Gimme a break.

I dunno, I generally tend to think that women in general aren't going to be real honest about stuff like that. And hell, maybe it was just the luck of the draw that the porn actresses vs. regular chicks came out like that. Maybe take a different group of women it might be totally different.

Sounds to me like a bunch of male "researchers" at some government funded agency just wanted to get a bunch of porn stars together for a weekend of fun, and came up with a cover story.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

And all strippers have low self esteem. Studies are bullshit.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

The majority of all studies have a predetermined out come. Look at global warming and how the data is massaged to fit the postulate that man is the only cause of climate change completely ignoring solar cycles etc. Studies always reflect the persons views that is paying for the study so the studier can get more money to study (in this case) porn stars. Nice work if can get it.

avatar for Otto22
12 yrs ago

"Self-Esteem" is difficult to measure and often is counter-intuitive. Several studies have shown that inner city girls have high self-esteem even when their lives are filled with failure and difficulty. Perhaps it is possible to fool one's self into believing that one is really special with no evidence to confirm it.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

Everybody has high self esteem these days.

The last place little league team gets the same trophy as the best team. Gimme a break

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

"because i'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and doggonit, guys like fondling me in the vip"

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

I'm with gatorfan on this one. Sorry but you'll have better luck getting oil and water to mix than finding a stripper with high self-esteem. Now they can develop it later, but once that happens you can bet they will be done working there in no time.

avatar for rh48hr
12 yrs ago

lol carolynne.

avatar for WhatsMyNameAgain
12 yrs ago

Why does it seem surprising?

People like to fuck. People like money almost as much as they like to get laid. People want to be recognized almost as much as they like to fuck. People place value upon physical beauty. People also place value on sexual prowess. People also place value on sexual competency.

So superficial chicks with the body that guys pay to jerk off to is not going to be an ego booster for a porn star? Getting paid to have sex is not going to be a great fuckin job? Imagine if every time you got off you were handed a bag of cash, would you be happy? I know I would! Getting paid to fuck some of the most physically desirable people you want would make it even better! On top of that they are going to get recognized, and be in demand to show up at strip clubs and adult oriented events?

Having the money to do whatever you want and the ability to easily replenish what you spend sounds great to me. Doing it because I am getting off because I am fucking a string of hot chicks? Where do I sign up? I am sure there are a lot of women that would sign up for the opposite, if it were far more socially acceptable.

The problem is that we want to maintain this idea that many women are as prudish as they want us to believe. If you have the right looks, or amount of money; or cock size, that holier then fucking though broad is going to be acting like a little slut. We want to maintain it because there are a lot of girls out there that we want. We want to find one that is not going to jump into another guy's bed when we aren't looking.

Women want to maintain this image as well. They want to do so because they get off on the idea that even though the human population is basically even when it comes to male to female ratios, their privates hold a higher value. Not all women are going to see an average penis and have to get some of it, but far more men are going to see even a used up looking chick and get a hard on, if not just want to fuck her just to add a +1 to their count.

The world goes to shit if there are women that are as open about their sexuality, and what they want in someone they fuck, at least according to what many women want. Imagine that, all the nice guys that do all sorts of favors for guys would realize they aren't getting any from that chick they are helping left and right. They will know because the chick might end up being as honest as a guy is with a chick that they are not attracted to. But then again, if the social norm were to change they might get some at least once because the chick might just want to add a +1 to her count as well. But if this happens then a lot more guys will have a lot easier time getting laid and if that happens men are not going to try half as hard to get with a chick. The value of the pussy drops, same as if we were to legalize prostitution.

"fuck you, this is to much effort to get noticed, I'm taking my hard earned $50-100+ to someone that is going to give me what I want without the bullshit! Later!" Add in a lot more women looking get laid when they want to and society goes to hell, at least its how women would see it when men are not going to make fools of themselves in the pursuit of pussy.

So, we start suggesting that any women that are out there fucking guys left and right are of zero value. In a sense it is true, for anyone trying to hang onto them at least. If you are getting laid tonight because of one then they have some value. But if we could, we would sleep with a string of girls, if we could cut any responsibilities off, don't you think? the only way to maintain this system, where supply is artificially reduced so that the demand goes up and people pay as much as possible, is to make sure that society condemns the women that would not make you jump through hoops in the false hope of maybe getting some.

Maybe there are women in the porn industry that were put through some horrible shit when they were little, but I doubt that the popular belief holds true. Imagine if we could withhold sex to make women do what we want? What if we knew because we have a penis that women are going to throw themselves at us, make a complete ass of themselves, buy us anything they can afford to try and increase their chances of us giving them a slight chance of getting some? I don't know about you, but that sounds like a pretty damn sweet system. Don't like certain kinds of chicks? Just hold out until you find those that do, but have all the ones that are okay do everything for you in the mean time. Treat them like shit, break things off with them without a care because you got 10 broads lined up and ready to go at the drop of a hat. I would be willing to slander any guy that gave it up for free and risked disturbing the system.

Not everyone wants the same kind of life. Not at the same time either. What is a great life for you is boring to me, or vice versa.

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

+5 Insightful

avatar for WhatsMyNameAgain
12 yrs ago

Unfortunately, to many people want to have a serious influence on the lives of others. A lot of people are selfish and seek out means of control over others for their own benefit, but get angry when someone does anything that threatens that strangle hold they have on others.

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

@whatsmynameagain: can i please have the shortened, dumbed-down, low self-esteem stripper version of that? where did that come from, i thought i was reading a cross between freud and tolstoy.

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

now the fun begins? Are you going to tinkle?

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

@doc: naw... i pee right thru my panties, it saves me so much time in the long run.

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

I wondered why paints smelled like ammonia after lap dances! XD

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

*my pants

Sometimes I get excited when I type...

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