
Comments by jerikson40 (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    The only other issue I'd comment on is the one zipman raised regarding global warming. It's very interesting. The entire issue is INCREDIBLY complex. Most people don't even understand how complex it is, much less what the right answer is. Anyone remember the "nuclear disaster" scares in the 70's? Movies like "China Syndrome", where a nuclear reactor would melt thru the earth and come out on the other side in China? People believe what they want to believe. If it makes them feel good, they believe it. Even if the facts to support it don't exist. If people hate growth in industrial production, they will find reasons against it. If they love growth in industrial production, they will find reasons to support it. That's how people are. Do you honestly believe that every person and scientist with a view on global warming really understands it? Of course not. Do we really understand how our climate operates? When we can't even forecast the weather for the next two days? And by projecting data hundreds of years in the past when records didn't exist? To within a tenth of a degree? It is INCREDIBLY complex. My only point is one of caution, and skepticism. But if some people want to believe that industrial production is destroying the planet, then global warming is the perfect way to scare people into believing it. Are some of the 70's "tree huggers" kicking themselves now because, it turns out, nuclear power isn't really as scary as they thought, and in fact it was a very cheap and reliable and environmentally friendly way to get power, even much better than wind and solar? Not perfect, but better? And now there are no nuclear plants being built because it's virtually impossible with all the regulations we put in place against them. Just fucking stupid, but that's what scientists told us. The "Hearts" jump to an issue without much rational thought. It's something that supports what they already believe, so it has to be good. And to the extent we ALL have some of that attitude, we do the same thing. Again, my only point here is caution and skepticism.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    zipman, I didn't read the article you referenced, never read National Review, so I can't comment on any of it. What I wrote in my "Hearts vs. Minds" was nothing more than my observations over a lifetime, condensed into a short summary. Could be total BS, who knows. But it seems to apply.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And if you look at the responses by jester and sclvr, the points I was trying to make become clear. They are perfect examples. Their only response is name calling ("jerkoffson", "nitwit", "discrimination", "bigoted", "intolerance", "homophobia", "bigotry"...), and one-line dismissals of everything I say. They have nothing else. No rational discussion, no facts. Just a quick, knee-jerk emotional response. That's all they have. And they don't even see the insane hypocrisy they are spewing. Calling me all kinds of nasty names and characterizations, and at the same time espousing tolerance and all the other bullshit they don't even understand. They are the epitome of the "Hearts" personalities I described previously. They act like they are promoting rationality, and tolerance, and all this other stuff, but at the same time they treat anyone who disagrees with them with disgust and dismissal. And in doing so they lose all credibility.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Detroit suggestions
    While I've made trips to other states solely for the strip clubs, I've never been to Detroit. Because, well, it's freakin' Detroit. And I could never find a reason to justify the trip. Now, Tampa, for example, has tons of stuff to do on the downtime. And the clubs are pretty awesome. But Detroit? I'd love to go, but even *I* can't force myself to go to Detroit. Maybe I've been stupid. Sounds like the clubs are pretty good. And since LA clubs are going thru a really bad spell right now, maybe I should try it.
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    10 years ago
    i'm hating myself less ... this is bad
    "....feel the emptiness on the drive home, and then go through a period of self-loathing." Not being a regular here, I'm not sure if this guy is just another moronic alias for some douchebag with no life, but I'll bite and assume he's serious. Which I'll probably regret later.... Anyway, WTF are you talking about "emptiness and self-loathing"?? From going to a freaking strip club? I don't get it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ebola Virus
    "Ebola strips on the weekend at Starz in Gardena." Damn, Slick, you're like Robin Williams. You figure if you throw enough crazy shit out there, fast enough, sooner or later something will be funny...and when you hit, you hit big. Fucking hilarious.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Uncle Leo
    "If convicted, Rodden faces up to 20 years in prison for counseling the destruction of evidence. He faces five years in jail for each of the six counts of making a false statement." Damn. Am I the only one who thinks that's some insane penalties for destruction of evidence and false statements associated with giving a hooker a badge and shit? But hey, lesson learned to all you guys who will do anything, including giving up your self respect, just to get sex from a woman. It just goes to show how important sex is to men, and how difficult it is to obtain for many guys. Pretty sad.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Requesting a song
    Never have I requested a song...it's never been that important, though I definitely see how good music makes it better. Personally, I have dreams of sitting in a dark, hazy, totally sleazy club. Suddenly the lights go out, and the stage spotlights come on, and the room starts shaking to the pounding sound of "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin. And out from behind the curtain comes a slow parade of ultra hot strippers in super tight and revealing, floor length tube dresses that are super thin fabric and super tight all the way down to their ankles. They're all posing and teasing, with big ol' nasty tits, lots of hair, stiletto heels...and John Bonham's drums shake the building... Awesome. Or maybe "Back in Black" by AC/DC. Two of the greatest stripper songs ever.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    All Nude
    You might consider coming to California and visiting Tropical Lei. (that was for Mr. SlickSpic, since he appears to be absent today...no extra charge for the service Slick...)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
    Feature return request
    "What's funny is one night I started a thread that everyones avatar was replaced by TUSCL.NET. 5 minutes later the avatars were replaced and my thread was deleted." I've had that happen on occasion also. When internet connection is REAL slow, sometimes it takes forever to load just the icons. "Do you guys really think I would set myself for ridicule?" Why not? Everyone else here does. The mindless insanity that gets posted on this forum? Are you kidding? Don't worry, you'll fit right in. Just don't disagree with anyone and you'll be fine.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Why Isn't It Ever Enough (Stripper Quota Expectations)?
    And BTW, Pole_Doc, do NOT challenge her with the facts. Do NOT draw up a spreadsheet for her showing actually income vs. expenses. It will rain on her parade, believe me. She'll get annoyed, and none of those details will matter.
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    10 years ago
    Why Isn't It Ever Enough (Stripper Quota Expectations)?
    No clue the reasoning for this particular girl, so all I can give are some thoughts... First, math is NOT universal. You would be amazed at the thought process some people use (or don't use...) It goes back to my "Hearts vs. Minds" hypothesis. Very few people think in terms of calculators and spreadsheets. Especially "Hearts". Decisions are emotional. For example, some people would list all income and all expenses in a spreadsheet, get a total, and decide. Other people might be thinking like this: "Wow, I made an extra $50 tonite at Club Pussy. Awesome. And the manager is really sweet. And that girl Shanaynay is so awesome to talk to. And it wasn't a bad drive, it was kinda nice and pretty scenery getting here." That's their decision about what's a better club. Forget the fact that it cost an extra $30 in gas to get there and back, and wear and tear on the car, plus they had to eat at a restaurant a few times, which costs more than making a salad at home. All those details are an annoyance and give people a headache. Stuff like that doesn't count. It's the experience and the feelings that count, details are an annoyance.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    "And I thought Bailey Quarters (Jan Smithers) was like 100000X hotter than Loni Anderson." Okay...that's just wrong dude. Sorry. Bailey Quarters seemed like the most awesome chick to date, kinda cute, great personality. But hot? Even though Loni Anderson didn't do much for me, she had a decent body. If she just took off that fucking hair helmet she was do-able. Shitty attitude, but do-able. motor, I guess I envy you for thinking the average (or below) looking "girl next door" is hot. Must be a lot easier to find chicks who get your engine running.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    "However, upon taking a second look, Mary Ann starts to look even better." I dunno. A lot of guys say that, but she's just a little too cutesy for me. I think Mary Tyler Moore in the old Dick Van Dyke show was much hotter. But only in her early stuff...when she got older, like in the Mary Tyler Moore Show she wasn't as hot. But damn....I mean, if your wife was Laura Petrie? Damn. Always looked great, great personality, great housewife...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    "I wasn't impressed with any of the girls who starred in the Brady bunch." Yeah, in the TV show the girls were nothing. I'm talking the MOVIE. It was a 1995 take-off on the TV series, and basically making fun of the TV show. It was hilarious. And the girl who played Marcia, named Christine Taylor, was fuckin' HOT.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Blue Ball Extortion
    "I get the feeling your honesty will give some ammunition to some of your “detractors”." Yeah, like they need ammunition... :) All the ammunition most guys here need is calling people "poo poo head" and "jerk off son"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    "I had a huge crush on Mrs. Kotter. (Marcia Strassman). She had a starring role in many of my masturbatory fantasies." Wow. Dude. I cannot imagine anyone with more opposite views on hot women than you and I. Unless you're joking... ? I'm just curious...did you think Hazel was hot? Y'know, Shirley Booth? The maid for the Baxters?
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    10 years ago
    Blue Ball Extortion
    Oh, and when I returned to the club from the ATM, I had to pay another admission...FUCK !!!
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    10 years ago
    Blue Ball Extortion
    I'm ashamed to say that yes, I did succumb to blue ball extortion many years ago. San Francisco. Market St. Cinema, a high mileage sleaze club. Entered and saw a SE Asian chick. Exactly my type. Hot, nasty, toned, slutty. Honestly my jaw dropped when I saw her, and I was absolutely mesmerized. Heart pounding. Could barely breathe. One of those rare times when you go fucking insane for a chick. Anyway, apparently I was pretty obvious in my attraction. I'm sure she saw me coming a mile away. And, true to form with many SE Asian hookers, she was a pro at magically sucking every last penny out of the pockets of mesmerized white guys. Got her into a private dance booth. At the time, MSC was a sure thing for all the mileage you'd ever want. It was crazy. So I knew I was gonna get me some of that fine pussy. But she took it real slow. Too slow. Teasing me in just the right way, pulling me in, making me drool. And the money just kept flowing out of my pocket. I was hooked. Money was no object. After about 15 minutes of blue ball extortion, the money was almost gone, and she hadn't even gotten nasty. FUCK !!! But I had to have this chick. So I told her I'd run out and get some more cash at the ATM, and she said hurry, I'll be here waiting. So I bolt out of the club, frantically find an ATM, rush back in, and she's gone. I look all over. And wait. And wait. Maybe an hour or more goes by and I finally see her wandering around BS'ing with her friends. So I go up to her, and she acts like she doesn't really remember me. FUCK !! But I'm an idiot for this chick, and I convince her to go back and finish. But the price goes up. FUCK !!! But I pay. And as expected she doesn't do shit. I end up stroking myself off while she thinks to herself "god what fucking loser". And I was. So embarrassing...
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    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    Speaking of unwatchable TV shows.. Without Barbara Eden, I Dream of Jeannie had to be one of the most ridiculous and annoying shows on TV. However, with Barbara Eden, it was "can't miss TV". That chick was fucking awesome. Especially in later episodes where she'd wear those insanely short dresses. Holy fuck. I heard she never wore panties under those dresses...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    ...(and zipman will decided to leave the discussion because it's no longer "entertaining" in 5...4....3....2....) :)
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Did anybody see Jon Stewart last night?
    "What did you think of Sara Firth?" Ummm....no. "...a Jodie Foster look. Not a bad thing at all." Ummm...no. Never understood the Jodie Foster thing at all. She just looks strange to me. Although she looked her best in Elysium, with the short blonde hair. But that's not saying much, IMO. "..Bebe Pham" Now we're talkin'...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    "...you seem to be asserting in other posts that "we just know" certain things are wrong.....That would seem to be the ultimate "hearts" position." For the life of me, I cannot figure out how you came to that conclusion. "Now you seem to be backpedaling on your stance regarding homosexuality" Again, I don't think I ever stated my stance regarding homosexuality. For my part, this discussion has only focused on peoples' responses when others dare to suggest it MIGHT be harmful. If you READ what I wrote, that's pretty clear. So, if you now want to re-direct the discussion towards the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality, tell us, what is YOUR position on homosexuality, and what is the data upon which you base your position?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stephen Hawking is a 'somewhat of a regular' at California strip club
    Why the surprise? He's a man, as is Feynman. Men love hot women. And someone said in the article "he's the last person I'd expect to see here"?? Why?? Good for him he can still get it up in his 70's. Anyway, I didn't know that there's anything in Devore other than the Devore Cutoff.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    By the way, that's why sometimes someone will post a fact or statistic, and others will respond by getting totally pissed. How can you argue with a fact? Well, to a Heart, what's more important is whether that fact might hurt someone's feelings. I recall in a recent thread I posted a statistic from the FBI saying that 1/3 of all black males will be in prison at some point in their lives. Its a fact, but it is very offensive to some people. And the offense far outweighs the fact. Hearts vs. Minds.