
Comments by jerikson40 (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Blue Ball Extortion
    "I really don't get this complaint. It's like not being able to afford a pizza, and getting mad cause the free cheese sample cubes you get in the grocery store make you want a pizza even more." True. However, I think the real complaint is around blue ball extortion which is in fact a "bait 'n switch". Because, at least in my experience, a chick who will pump you for more money for the promise of more mileage, also knows that if you succumb to that pressure you'll succumb to the subsequent bait 'n switch. "Yeah, baby, for only $100 more it will get REAL nasty", which means she'll be even more of a bitch and demand even more money for the promise of what you were expecting to get in the first place. IMO, promises of better mileage for more money, when your pants are down and your dick is an inch from her mouth and hard as a rock, usually mean you're gonna get fucked. In a bad way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What hobbies do you have?
    "stevie ray won the coin flip and wound up in that crash. pop quiz: who lost that coin flip?" His brother Jimmy, right? He wasn't on the helicopter? I forget...did his manager die too?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "But there's more to you than that, (liking old shows, playing blues guitar) that makes me think you're ok." Exactly. Issues are irrelevant, it's personalities that are important to some people. If they "like" you, they will agree with you. If they don't, they won't. With other people, such as me, issues and personalities are entirely different things. We can disagree on issues, but still like each other as people, even if we don't share common interests. And we can discuss issues and respect each other without always turning the discussion to personalities. People are different. Very different. Personally, I find it kinda strange that some people suddenly think you're "ok" once they realize that you share common interests with them. That doesn't compute with me. But I realize that's important to some people. Again, personalities, egos, and emotion. That's what's important.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    See Pole Doc, its ALWAYS about personalities, not issues. Its about YOU. You're a teflon man , oscar wilde wannabe, blah blah blah...never the issues, always the person. Just scratch your head and move on....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Again though, you're ignoring the simple fact that this isn't new behavior. It's been going on for years." Pole_Doc, like I say, you're barking up the wrong tree. When people actually argue with you about respecting others' opinions, you're in a losing battle. And what Jester said is absolutely right. What's important here is the simple fact that I have been arguing with people in this forum on various subjects for years. Which means I've been hurting people's feelings and upsetting them. Why? Because many people get very hurt when someone disagrees or challenges them, or worse, makes them look bad. That's what's really important. Not the Klan, or civil rights, or anything else. And jester even boils it down for you, and points out that you're missing the really important fact. Hurting people's feelings is the ultimate crime. That's what's important. That's why no rational discussion will ever amount to anything.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Pole_Doc, in an effort to encourage you to stop banging your head against a wall that will never move... You are trying to discuss ISSUES with someone (sclvr) who has no interest in discussing issues. He's concerned only with personalities and egos. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that you are two different people trying to attack things from two different worlds. It will never work. You can repeat the issues, and about freedom, and what's rational, for the next 20 years, and nothing will change. Because he doesn't operate that way. Again, nothing wrong with that, people are just wired differently. His world revolves around emotions and egos and personalities. In his view, it's not about issues, its about who's a good person and who's a bad person. Who upsets him, who agrees with him, who makes him look bad, who's nice, etc. That's where he's coming from. All of this other discussion of issues is boring, irrelevant, and ridiculous. It's just not important. You will never convince him about issues, because he doesn't even deal in issues. Did you ever try to discuss something with a woman, and no matter how you try you never get anywhere? Yeah, sometimes it happens. And she feels the same way. Why can't this guy understand? It's because we're wired differently in many ways. We think differently. Not always, but sometimes. In this case, I think it's best if you just walk away, scratch your head, and just accept that people are people and sometimes you'll never have a meeting of the minds. Because sometimes a Mind can never understand a Heart. Amen. :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What hobbies do you have?
    Scuba diving. And yes, Channel Islands are awesome. And like Mikey, trying to play guitar like a blues master. Been trying that for exact thing for 30+ years. But I still suck. If I could play a TINY bit as well as Stevie Ray or Duane Allman I'd die a happy man. But I just dont have it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Look, I'm sure that jester and sclvr and mikey and others are really cool guys. And probably a blast to hang out with. Even though they absolutely despise me I dont dislike them at all. I dont even know them. I think when it comes to discussing issues, thats not something they're really good at. Hell, I suck at some things, other people suck ayt other things. So what? Its unfortunate they get so upset when someone disagrees with them or makes them look bad. But people are people. I wish theyd put me on ignore if it upsets them so much, but thats up to them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Women's Voices
    Black chicks. Damn... 'Day so nasty..."oooo, damn baby you got you some big ol' dick....you KNOW I'll make you cum baby" Yeah, I love their voices...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Copy 'n paste
    I've reported a few people doing copy paste of reviews from usasexguide...and copy paste of old reviews from this site. They'll copy a review for one club and post under another.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    do you care about the dancers orgasm ?
    When a dancer starts caring about MY orgasm, then I'll start worrying about hers
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Topless prophet - episode 2
    "Girls in Detroit cannot compete with girls on Tampa, Vegas, Phoenix, city of industry, Toronto, Montreal, Texas, etc... " Is that true? I hear guys rave about Detroit chicks and the clubs, but now you're saying they're no big deal. I mean, to say they can't compete with City of Industry chicks is a real surprise. Chicks at Paradise or Synn or DVCOI give good mileage, but I don't think the average guy would characterize the average stripper at these clubs as anything real special.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Do you get my question now, Einstien?" No, Mikey, I really don't. It just seems so obvious. If you disagree with what I say, then give me a rational explanation why you disagree. If you have facts, or observations, or experience, or whatever, then lay it out clearly like I did. Why are you even asking that? Isn't that obvious? Most people here respond to a long winded discussion with nothing more than "I disagree you asswhole". I'm saying, y'know, maybe give us some reasoning instead of some moronic response like that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Jerikson, how do you prove or disprove an opinion or point of view? Links? Footnotes? The logic of Plato?" Honestly Mikey, you've got me stumped. I can't figure out what the hell you're saying or what point you're trying to make.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Unfortunately Jerikson is under the belief that something is automatically reasonable and logical if he writes it or it's an opinion he agrees with. Anything else is an emotional, off the cuff attack." No, not at all. If anything I say is wrong, and somebody shows me it's wrong, I am more than happy to change my views. I recently admitted I'm clueless about global warming, for example. I also said my "Hearts vs. Minds" hypothesis could be total BS. I admitted that. But until someone gives me a rational reason why it is BS, I'll continue believing it has some merit. But so far, nobody here has done that. And name calling and other attacks are not rational reasons. Do you have ANYTHING that proves or disproves my hypothesis? Anything at all?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    I do want to take this moment to thank sclvr for his participation so far. But unfortunately he has come to the end of the road with me. It takes a LOT for someone to get on my ignore list. You really have to have absolutely NOTHING useful to say. Ever. I really don't care about name calling. But I do expect people to at least have something useful or interesting to say once in a while. Even just once a week. But like too many others here, with him it's all about knee jerk emotions. So, thanks for playing sclvr. I wish you the best !!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Your honor and members of the jury, I have proven, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that that my client, the defendant, is innocent. I've produced conclusive video evidence, conclusive DNA evidence, 563 objective witnesses who have provided sworn statements as to the defendants innocence, sworn statements by the victim that my client didn't do it, and even the prosecutor has testified "no fucking way he did it". "Jury, how do you find?" "We find the defendant guilty. Because he's an asswhole. Hang 'em".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Honestly, sclvr, it's people like you that make me so glad I'm never in front of a jury. Geezus, the thought scares the crap out of me. The lack of ability to analyze the simplest and most basic issues is just downright scary.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Throwing around insults again, hypocrite?" No dude, it's a proven fact, not an insult. If someone can't understand the most basic concepts, even after they are explained over and over in detail, it's pretty certain they are stupid. I'm sorry if that's insulting to you, but it's true dude. Stupid is defined as "lacking intelligence or common sense". Dude, by your responses you have zero common sense.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Lol so my analogy of you being the subject of hate and bigotry was irrational? Lol oh I don't think so. I noticed that you chose to not reply to it. Typical." No, because it was stupid. Here's what you said: "So if a hoard of us decide that what jerkoffson does in his private life is repulsive and we decide as a group to take away his rights and beat his ass because we think he's "wrong", we'd be justified, right jerkoffson?" What society does is agree among itself what they think is right and wrong. Do you understand that? And if a majority is willing to agree or vote on an issue, it then it might even become law. That's how society works. Do you understand that? So if a "hoard" of you decide what I do in my private life is wrong, are you justified in taking that right away and beating me? Of course not. But if a large enough group of society can agree that some practice is "wrong", are they justified in coming together and enacting legislation or whatever else to inhibit people's behavior? Of course. Happens every day. Just like when people decide as a group that pedophilia is wrong. So they enact laws against the practice. Does it mean we're allowed to beat the crap out of a pedophile? Well, no, cuz there are laws against it. You can't be really that stupid you don't get all of this, are you?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    zipman, yeah, this ain't the place to get off on a side issue on global warming, especially with me. Like I say, I'm clueless, and I admit it. My only point out of all that is to exercise caution and skepticism. Because if there was ever an issue before the scientific community that stretches their ability to come to a provable conclusion, this is it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Jerikson u need to learn some manners and respect for other people. U r one complete asswhole" Wow. I think that's a record here. Hypocrisy in the same sentence. "Manners and "respect", followed by "asswhole". Bravo dude.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    By the way, I think sclvr's responses are fascinating. Notice how he is INCAPABLE of providing a rational discussion. It's always about emotions and personalities. The issues are irrelevant. It's only good people vs. bad people. I am, and always will be a "bad person" because I disagree with him. The issues are totally irrelevant, it's the personalities. It's kind of funny how consistent he is. "Martyr", "drivel of hate and ignorance", "homophobia", and on and on. That's all he has.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "If you really thing homosexuality is fine and that it is NOT something "we just know to be wrong", what was the point of the discussion?" Again, for the umpteenth time... I never said I just know it to be wrong. I said that *IF SOME PEOPLE* have a natural reaction to the practice of homosexuality that is very similar to the natural reaction they have to the practice of pedophila, it seems REASONABLE that they might tend to equate those practices as somewhat objectionable. If Joe Blow sees a guy raping a 6 year old boy, and his reaction is to puke, and then he sees another guy fucking some dude up the butt, and has the same reaction, is it not reasonable that Joe Blow might question whether both practices are objectionable? Was he ever taught to puke at those things? No, probably not. It's difficult to teach people to puke. That's all I'm saying. And the gay community does not allow people to make that connection, because they call it being intolerant and all other nasty names.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    By the way, for those who immediately assume I think global warming is a hoax, you're wrong. I'm one of the few people who admits I have no clue how it works. I've tried to study it, but it is so incredibly complex, with so many unknowns, that I gave up. Now, if scientists tell us after many years of research that smoking causes cancer, then yeah, you can do studies with live and dead people, and come up with some pretty conclusive stuff. Global warming isn't that way. It is infinitely more complex, and involves stuff that happens over many hundreds of years, and stuff that we have to model on massive supercomputers. And even that we're clueless about whether our models are correct. So if you're certain about any of this stuff, you're much smarter than me. I'm clueless, and I admit it.