
Why Isn't It Ever Enough (Stripper Quota Expectations)?

When I first met my CF, she had been dancing for a little less than a year (about 7 mos.). I was immediately taken by her sincerity and sweet, patient, kindhearted nature (very atypical for a stripper). I was especially impressed with her level of contentment. At the time, she was the only stripper I knew who wasn't on “The Grind.” Back then, she didn't make trips to VIP. She'd say, “I don't want to cheat guys out of their money. They aren't going to get what they really want, so what's the point?” In fact, she didn't even set nightly quotas for herself. She'd tell me, “As long as I make back what I put in for the night (bar fee, dj fee, house fee, tip out, etc.), and some sort of profit so I don't feel my time at work was totally wasted, I'm good. Every night isn't going to be the same,” she'd continue, “What I don't get tonight, I'll make up for on another.” Now, I'm Old School and have been in The Game for a while. I was very aware that type of talk wasn't going to last much longer. She was still “green,” at the time, and it wouldn't be long before her sincere, sweet natured character became tainted with deceit and avarice. Inevitably, I watched, as she eventually transformed into a typical stripper.

She used to talk about school. Now, all she thinks about is money and different ways to make it (preferably legal). She's a beautiful girl (25 years this August) with soft and pretty skin (although scared by irrevocably hideous tattoos). As a result, she's one of the more popular girls in any given (black) club. Unlike some of her fellow entertainers, she hardly ever has trouble finding work. To this day, I've yet to see her at work sitting, walking, and/or asking around, wanting for dances. As soon as she becomes available, it isn't long before another patron is grabbing for her attention. She's constantly on her feet. It seems the only time she stops working is when she pauses a bit to change outfits. I can think of quite a few girls who would gladly trade realities with her. Based on what I've observed, at a bare minimum, she's got to be clearing, on average, $300 per night (and I'm often the one giving it to her)! Yet, it never seems to be enough. She, like all typical strippers, has begun the ever elusive money chase.

On occasion, she and I have taken time away from her home club where she has established clientele, to “Go On Tour,” visiting other local scs in metro Atlanta (Club Wax, Queen City/now Peaches of Atlanta, Pleasers, Blue Flame and The Brazilian/now closed). She turned up her nose at the first 2 listed (beneath her… relevance soon to follow). Now, her latest brainchild is to dance out of town (mainly nearby southern cities), with the supposedly eventual intent of leaving Atlanta altogether. She claims the money is much better out of town. According to her, the money at her home club is no longer good, like it used to be, and she has “outgrown it.” Now, here's a girl who, on average, easily and consistently clears a nightly bare minimum of $300-$350 (considered a bad night for her). Why is that not enough?

I had the opportunity of visiting 3 of her out of town clubs (Columbia, SC and Birmingham, AL). One of them was the raunchiest, run down spot I've ever been to in my life (and I've been to scs overseas)! I remember thinking to myself, “Wait a minute; she thinks herself too good to work at Wax or QC but this is better?” I couldn't believe she would subject herself to being employed at such a place. As for the cash flow, at either spot, I didn't witness any grand gestures of “rain making.” Now, I will say VIP did seem to “up the ante” a bit ($30 per song). However, there were very few takers (maybe 2 altogether amongst them). Also, as one would expect, there were table dances intermittently taking place, throughout the night ($10 per song).

Basically, what I observed for the most part, were girls walking around the club(s) all night, doing “The Most” and dancing on stage, for $1 bills. Perhaps I visited on all the wrong nights but I saw nothing that spectacular and worth the expense of gas, time and distance driving, vehicle wear and tear, boarding, and any other miscellaneous costs entailed, making it worthwhile for any stripper to consider abandoning her home town and “trap,” where she has established consistent cash flow!

Could the benefit be in the girls, at these clubs, not having to get completely nude (I don't see why that would be a big deal to a stripper anyway)? I don't know; I just don't see it. As my online friend Alabegonz likes to say, maybe I'm “thinking like a customer”. Math, however, is universal and this math doesn't seem to add up. Perhaps I'm missing something. Can the ever elusive money chase be that damned compelling and if so, why? No matter how much they make, it never seems to be enough. I welcome all input but perhaps I can get a dancer's perspective? I would love that! Why isn't it ever enough?


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    This isn't unique to strippers. When John Rockefeller was asked by a reporter, “How much money is enough?” He responded, “Just a little bit more.” All of us are looking to maximize the income we make in our jobs. As long as we do it illegally, ethically, and providing excellent customer service, it's a great thing that keeps the economy going. Why should we expect anything different from dancers?

  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Legally not illegally
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    Yea, I see your point.

    However, most of us don't make retrograde moves that create expenses, when doing so. I can always use, and will accept, more money. However, when I get that raise in pay, you'd better believe it had better be worth it.

    I'm sure what Rockefeller was talking about didn't involve him compromising his quality of life, for what at best could be considered nominal gain (if any at all). Like I said; the math doesn't appear to add up.

  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    Pole.... Maybe the other clubs don't have a tip out, dj fee, drink fee, drink hustle, etc. Or those fees are less than at her current club. Also is she giving "extras" at these other clubs? Because this one club by me that I frequent. If the dancers show up on time they only pay $30 a night to work there. No drink hustle or anything. The bartenders do that...haha. But if they are late it goes up $5 per hour they are late. So you see that is a cheap night. Two lap dances and you got it paid for ($20 dances). But shows you how a dive club you can make good money and not work as hard or give away your money to the club.

    There are many factors that could make it "more profitable" at these other clubs.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    I don't think your complaint for her attitude on wanting more is specific to strippers.

    For example I usually work a minimum of 10 hour days. I could easily quit at 8 hours, go home, live happy, and nobody at my company would ever say a word. But I work those extra hours so maybe I can "upgrade" something in my life. I'm sure she's thinking the same way.

    Hopefully shes smart enough to realize she has a window of opportunity at her current job, so maybe she's just trying to maximize her earnings during that window. I can do my job for another 25+ years, she can't do that.

    Also she's not the new kid on the block at her home club anymore and I'm sure there's a few "newer" girls there that may be stealing some of her spotlight. You said she's always busy, but it's possible her "busy" time has dropped off a bit and maybe you haven't noticed. Maybe she's only 85% as busy as she used to be. You don't notice it but she has with the decrease in the amount of her tips. Doesn't seen like much but if she clears $300 a night, 15% off 4 days a week 50 weeks a year is a $9,000 difference.

    Lastly a rule of thumb for everyone, many people see the grass as greener on the other side, when most of the wise people realize it often is not.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I had an ATF one time who absolutely would not go nude. She wouldn't take her bottoms off in public for anyone. No problem taking it down to a g - string but that's as far as it went. She had no problem making money and even danced in nude clubs but never took her bottoms off.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    Good points well made.

    shailyn: Thanks for your input.

    As for her attitude being specific to strippers, please see my response to JohnSmith69, to read my thoughts on that.

    I'm sure the things you’ve pointed out may very well be the reason behind the motivation but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the reality, at least not based on what I've observed.

    I posted something a few days ago, as a part of another discussion. I think it fits rather felicitously, in response to your last comment:

    “Some ATL girls go to these (other) cities, thinking the grass is going to be greener. For a while it appears that way. However, they end up right back in the ATL. You know why? It's a simple issue of math and economics. Atlanta has a steadier flow of Ballers. Besides, it doesn't matter where you go; every club in America goes through its share of ebb and flow.

    Some girls are slower to get it than others but then again, a lot of strippers tend not to be good at math anyway :). Ask yourself this ... If you have a choice to work in a club where there is a consistent flow of $5 dances coming all night, versus one where there is moderate patronage, the dances are $30, and at the end of the night all you got were 4 table dances, plus the $1 tips everyone's been stuffing in your panties all night, which choice would you make? I can tell you what most girls tend to choose: $30 dances! They also weigh in that they don't have to "do as much," because the girls in those clubs don't get completely nude. Why that would make any difference to a STRIPPER is totally beyond me. You're a stripper, not a librarian. Take it off, or don't. What difference does that make, as long as you're making that cash flow!?

    Strippers like bright, shiny, new shit (bells and whistles). The problem with this is so do children. Children are also attracted to, and DISTRACTED by, bright, shiny, new things. However, once they find out that everything glittering isn't gold, strippers like children (hopefully), discover how specious their logic is.

    Bottom line: I don't care how expensive a club makes their dances per song, ain't NOBODY making no money if NOBODY (or close to no one) comes in there to pay it. Do these clubs have their moments? Sure (ebb and flow); however, from a long term perspective, it makes more mathematical sense to work at the club where the cash flow is most consistent. It's based on the logic of the Tortoise and the Hare fable - "Slow and Steady Wins the Race." Far too often, it seems to me that some strippers tend to get caught up in that "Hare" mentality.”

  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    As a divorce lawyer I have represented all types of ppl from welfare recipients to a gentleman worth about 45 million. No matter how much you have the amount is never enough for about 99% of humanity. My brother, with whom I grew up with in the projects, turned himself into one of the 1%. His first business was sold for $179 million. No idea what the new one will sell for but as a hobby he owns 22 fast food restaurants with a buddy. He's always looking for another opportunity to make more so I asked him why since he could never spend all of it anyway. His response? I don't give a fuck about the money, this is how I keep score.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    See my response to JohnSmith69.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @Poledoc...I was going to say that $300 a night is not a lot. But I noticed that you're from the south. Guys are not used to paying much down there (as mentioned by GMD and Shawdowcat). Tell her to move to SoCal. If she's hot she will do way better.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    $300 is what she make on a bad night (bare minimum).

    As for her being hot? Judge for yourself... 😍😍😍😍

    Red hair, black boots, black thong that barely holds her meat: http://youtu.be/K6GnSpBTBno
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Ah you're right $5 dances all day but most women in general don't see it that way. They would see "wow I have to do 6 dances at my club compared to 1 dance at that club to make the same amount of money." What they don't realize is they may do 100 $5 dances versus 10 $30 dances.

    Yep she's pretty hot...

    That youtube video made me think if one of my fav youtube videos of all time!!! Lol

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    My observation is that strippers start, making money easily because of their youthful good looks. But it also feels like a lot because they have not expanded their consumption.

    Then, they start making more, because they have learned how to work the environment, and maybe also because they are going a little bit further.

    But they come to spend their money frivolously. So once they do this, it is never enough.

    Then, they start getting bored by the job. Then also, there are new girls coming in. Maybe the experienced girl is still making more, but she is jealous of the attention the new ones get.

    So, much of her perception and attitude is not based on absolute dollars and cents, it is based on her need to be the center of attention and to be getting continual affirmation, and she measures this by comparing her money to what the others get.

    When your girl is telling you how much money she makes here or there, or she is talking about how some other club looks better and why, or about how see feels about being nude or about mileage, she probably is not being straight with you. She will be keeping her real reasons for how she evaluates things concealed.

  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    No clue the reasoning for this particular girl, so all I can give are some thoughts...

    First, math is NOT universal. You would be amazed at the thought process some people use (or don't use...)

    It goes back to my "Hearts vs. Minds" hypothesis. Very few people think in terms of calculators and spreadsheets. Especially "Hearts". Decisions are emotional.

    For example, some people would list all income and all expenses in a spreadsheet, get a total, and decide. Other people might be thinking like this:

    "Wow, I made an extra $50 tonite at Club Pussy. Awesome. And the manager is really sweet. And that girl Shanaynay is so awesome to talk to. And it wasn't a bad drive, it was kinda nice and pretty scenery getting here."

    That's their decision about what's a better club. Forget the fact that it cost an extra $30 in gas to get there and back, and wear and tear on the car, plus they had to eat at a restaurant a few times, which costs more than making a salad at home. All those details are an annoyance and give people a headache. Stuff like that doesn't count. It's the experience and the feelings that count, details are an annoyance.

  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Damn you know shanaynay too?

    Great points jerikson
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    And BTW, Pole_Doc, do NOT challenge her with the facts. Do NOT draw up a spreadsheet for her showing actually income vs. expenses. It will rain on her parade, believe me. She'll get annoyed, and none of those details will matter.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    Wow! Where do I even begin?


    "What they don't realize is they may do 100 $5 dances versus 10 $30 dances."

    I couldn't have used a better example myself. You described stripper psychology with much authenticity. Are you, by chance, a dancer? You seem to know them well (bells, whistles, and bright shiny new shit). I also like how you "genderized" your response. I hate to say it but I think a lot of the specious logic comes from them just being women. It's all about how it "feels" to them. It goes back to what jerikson said earlier today in another discussion we were a part of. It was so well written and thought out, I'll post it again here:

    Jerikson40 said, "I basically divide people into two categories. I call them the Hearts and the Minds. And I closely associate them with Female and Male tendencies. The Minds having "Male" tendencies, and the Hearts having "Female" tendencies.

    Now I realize a lot of people will go totally apeshit for even suggesting something so incredibly insensitive and gender biased and whatever else negative stuff they can call it. Well, sorry...

    In any case, I think people in general can be classified by whether they are driven mostly by their minds or their hearts. Some people clearly seem to be driven by their emotions, and their instincts. They trust their feelings and their intuition over all else, and they place more importance in those feelings and intuitions than in any rational, logical analysis. As a result, their positions on various issues is the result of their feelings and intuition. As a result, often their knowledge of the facts, as well as depth of analysis or understanding, is lacking. Because to them it's just not important.

    Others seem to be driven by their minds, and rational analysis. They tend to analyze situations, and trust their logic over their emotions and intuitions. They tend to think about things a lot and study issues in depth. And they seem to be totally devoid of any emotion or sympathy, which absolutely annoys the shit out of those who are driven by emotion.

    I'll never forget being on a jury once, and we were judging a guy who was so clearly guilty that nobody in their right mind would find otherwise. His criminal history, the facts of the case, even a videotape showing him commiting the crime. But there was one older women who wouldn't budge from her belief that he was innocent. Her reasoning? "Aww, but look at him, and those eyes. He just CAN'T have done something like that". To her, no amount of facts or analysis would ever be as good as her feelings and intuition.

    Anyway, I think what you see in online debates over issues is the Hearts vs the Minds. The Hearts tend to go for the emotional response. The Minds go for the analytical response.

    And since the Hearts get their beliefs from their intuition and feelings, they generally don't have a depth of knowledge about the facts associated with the issues. Because those aren't nearly as important as the emotional and intuitive aspect. You don't NEED a lot of rational analysis to know that "intolerance, insensitivity, and injustice" are wrong. Why? Because they hurt people's feelings. Which is what is really important. Emotions and feelings. So when pressed for any factual depth in an issue, they are often limited to just their emotional and intuitive perspective. And at some point they run out of anything objective to respond with, and they get emotional and frustrated and give up. If you can't understand what, to them, are the obvious emotional points, then there's nothing to argue. Because the facts don't really matter.

    The Minds, on the other hand, love to analyze and evaluate. When they discuss issues they feel more comfortable discussing those issues in great detail and depth. And that pisses the Hearts off immensely. It annoys the shit out of them because why the hell are these morons going into this great, boring detail on such an obvious issue?? You don't judge people, or be insensitive, because it will hurt their feelings !! Period !! What's to discuss??

    So as a result, in discussions you'll see the Hearts give a response to an issue like "I think it's this way", with absolutely no supporting information whatsoever. Because it's not important. My intuition is important, all the rest of your ridiculous analysis is irrelevant. And when you press them, they get emotional and upset. Why? Because you're bugging them with this annoying analysis that is irrelevant, and they can't respond to. So after giving the debate a try, they soon get so angry and frustrated that they bail out. A completely emotional response.

    Ever notice that there are virtually NO liberal-based political analysis and discussion shows? But FOX News is filled with conservative discussions and analysis. There's tons of conservative political shows. But virtually nothing from the liberals. Why? Well, it's the battle of the Hearts and the Minds. The liberals (Hearts) are not interested in all this annoying analysis, because it's irrelevant. There's no market for it. The conservatives (Minds) love it, and spend their lives nitpicking and discussing in nauseating detail.

    Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it..."

    I think he's on to something here.

    By the way, Shailynn, I forgot to mention. My CF typically arrives at her home club at 11p nightly. The club is supposed to close at 4AM but will usually shut down around 3:15-3:30AM. That's $300 made (on a bad night) in 4-5hrs. She's told me that when she dances out of town, she typically has $500 plus nights. She also says she usually arrives to work much earlier too (around 7-8PM). Go figure.


    I think you've hit on some very key points here. It is true that generally speaking, strippers are some of the most self-centered, insecure people walking God's green earth. Thank you for your insight. You've added a great deal to what I've got missing from my assessment of things.


    Once again, we are in agreement...and don't worry about me pulling out a spreadsheet. She's a bit salty with me right now (it's reciprocal) and wouldn't listen anyway.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    @Bullwinkle: Good Points well made.

    @Shailynn: I forgot to say, your video is tooooooo stuuuuuppppppiiiiidd! I laughed my azz off!

  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    @San_jose_guy: Oh, I forgot to add that this girl is no exception to the things I described, and you pointed out, about strippers.

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    It’s probably hard to “consistently” make good money at most clubs (some nights/seasons are better than others) – or sometimes a dancer just maxes out at her club and thus as others have said the grass starts looking greener on the other side.

    w.r.t. her wanting to make more $$$ - some possible reasons:

    + nature vs nurture – she may have been a humble girl at heart but when she became surrounded by money hungry sharks (other hardcore hustling strippers) she may have gotten influenced and stuff put in her head by the other money-hungry strippers (“girl you gotta get all that money from them dudes”)

    + she could have a pimp/bf – i.e. “her man” could be some undereducated, underemployed, or unemployed, street hustler type whom is always looking for the hustle instead of earning $$$ in a legit way (i.e. a job) – many strippers’ BFs live off of their stripper GFs and drive (or pressure) their stripper GFs “to make dat $$$” so he can have nice rims on his car and wear nice clothes and jewelry, all with her earnings

    + she is now a bit older and probably realizes she can’t do this forever (or even too much longer) – she may be burned out on the stripper lifestyle with the late hours; partying; and drinking; and may just want to make her $$$ now b/c she may not see herself doing it too much longer or long-term

    + stripping is like sales – you only get paid if you make the sale – and most salespeople are very driven and often times there are never enough sales
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… I was going to say that $300 a night is not a lot …”

    For most black clubs – that is usually good $$$ sine many a black club are often $5/dance and in some instances $10 – so there is only so much a dancer can make at $5/dance w/o working herself to death and burning out.

    As a white guy that does 90% of his SCing in all-black clubs (and have been doing for at least 10 years); I often notice that even @ $5/dance; often times dudes at black SCs won’t even spend $$$ on that and often just like to hang out – and even the ones that make it rain on stage often don’t get many dances and just like the show aspect of making it rain.

    Most black SCs are small hole-in-the-wall places – i.e. not places where there is a lot of $$$ to be made – so it would be hard to find greener pastures along the black-clubs line. In fact, I visited ATL in March and hit a few black clubs (Pleasers; Pin Ups; Blaze; Shooters; Babes; Rocafella’s) – and as compared to black clubs in other cities I’ve clubbed in (e.g. Miami); I say I saw more $$$ being spent in the ATL - the ATL seems to have a pretty decent economy compared to many other places and per my observation as a visitor I got the impression that there are more middle-class AA folks in ATL, or AA folks with good jobs and thus $$$ to spend in the SCs; than in other areas (e.g. Miami where I live) – meaning that I think it would be hard for her to make more $$$ in black clubs outside ATL.

    And as a whitey that loves the chocolate – yeah I thought she was very sexy and really liked her sexy full ebony lips
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    Damn, Papi! You hittin' on all cylinders, aintcha? I am impressed with your breakdown of how things work in the ATL!

    You are rather correct in your assessment of things. However, I'm sure if you were to ask her, she'd give you a totally different report card grade (but that, of course goes back to the "Hearts" and "Minds" debate). You know, in all fairness to a lot of these girls, some of their specious reasoning has much to do with the age group they belong to. Most people in their twenties don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. What is truly, however, the real danger they pose to themselves is that they THINK otherwise. You can't tell them shit, because they already know! You should hear me and my daughter Go at it. 23 years old and knows every damned thing!

    As for the other markets in surrounding cities (adjacent to ATL), I'm telling you, I've been to these places and I can't see what these girls see in them. It goes back to the observation cited by Shailynn earlier ("Ah you're right $5 dances all day but most women in general don't see it that way. They would see "wow I have to do 6 dances at my club compared to 1 dance at that club to make the same amount of money." What they don't realize is they may do 100 $5 dances versus 10 $30 dances.").

    Hey, whatever floats your boat.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    ...Oh, and as for her lips.... They're every bit as soft to kiss, as they look (I ain't braggin,' just keeping it real!!! 😎😘
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I may have missed it; but what is your CF’s home club in ATL? Or does she bounce around?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    And why is there a pic of a dude in your avatar – is that you?
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    That "dude" is me with my CF and "Yes," she's currently bouncing around (sorta). Things are weird right now.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    I forgot to mention (I'm sure you already know this).....

    That "pimp" example you gave a little while back often goes the other way too. Sometimes these girls have GFs (Pimps) who pressure them to "Make Dat Money." In fact, female pimps are more popular now than ever before, especially coming out of Memphis. I don't know what it is about Memphis but the pimp game is strong there. It seems like they come out of the womb learning The Game. Evidently, it's an integral part of urban culture there.

    I was once close with this gorgeous stripper who had a pimp girlfriend, from Memphis. On the surface, she seemed like a very self assured, confident and intelligent young woman, at least that was the image of herself she wanted people to see anyway. In truth, she's actually a rather scared, insecure little girl, with issues of low self esteem and emotional instability.

    Anyway, as time went on, she shared with me that the GF was "teaching her the game." At one point, she actually had 2 hoes "of her own" that they (both she and the GF) were taking around to work in different SCs out of state.

    The "problem" I saw with the whole thing was that the gorgeous stripper was "working" too and was the operation's "biggest earner." Of course, the GF did nothing. She was damned good!

    Being a former student of The Game myself, I was able to see right through it. The GF actually had the poor (stripper) girl thinking she was pimping 2 hoes, when all along she (the GF) was pimping all 3 (the stripper included). At the time, I cared a lot about the girl but didn't know how to break it to her.

    The stripper was being played hard and didn't even realize it. She was just so damned "In Love," the shit was sick! Anyway, she eventually began to tire of both The Game and the GF... Sad story.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    I had to take the time to read my previous post again ... Damn! Woooo! Now that's GAME!!!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yeah – it’s not as common (females pimping females) and it’s not what first come to mind w.r.t. pimping – but yeah – I am aware it happens – I guess it’s part of urban culture as you put it where there is a class of people whom have hardly ever had a “regular”/legit job in their lives and just try to live off of the hustle.

    It’s kinda sad and as you mentioned girls w/ low self esteem are probably easy targets. – plus not to mention that it seems like a lot of dancers often have GFs instead of BFs.

    Quite an interesting and often times sad subculture.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago

    Yes, it is sad.

    If you would, please clarify, "w.r.t.?"
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    w.r.t. = with respect to
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ thank you king
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    Thank you BOTH!
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