
Comments by jerikson40 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Comments on the discussion board
    Guys, he's just trolling to get someone to tell him how awesome he was for throwing his feces around his cell. Someone please just tell him how awesome it was for him to go looney tunes and add 143 fucking useless comments to a whole bunch of threads yesterday...Geezus, what a fucking moron. Joe, you're awesome. Feel better?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Disarm the police!!!!
    Clubber sez: "Like most every one of these situations, the real fault starts with the so called "victim". RE: "...domestic dispute...", "...arrested Monday night...", "...domestic abuse...", "...altercation...", "...still threatened the officer...". None of the above, not dead! " Yeah, while that is true, and if the victim didn't do dumb shit to cause the cops to come in the first place, none of that would have happened. However, that doesn't erase the cops' obligation to perform his duty in an intelligent manner. You could use the same logic on the cop's performance: if he hadn't done something stupid, the victim wouldn't have been shot. I'm assuming he made a big mistake...or three...and that will all come out. I'm a huge supporter of the cops, and always give them the benefit of the doubt. But if the cop did something stupid, then maybe he shouldn't be a field cop anymore. Maybe he belongs at a desk.
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    9 years ago
    SC Surprises
    Hey, fastscrs, more importantly... Who the fuck is the bleached blonde chick in your whatchamacallit....the image with your username or whatever??? Damn, I am all over that bleached blonde shit !!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Well played @Crazyjoe
    "Well played"?? Isn't that like a guard in a mental hospital looking in someone's cell and seeing that he threw feces all over the place, and saying "Hmmm, well played !!"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Amateur night at the stripclub
    impala sez: "Just got a private message from someone who didn't want his ID known since he managed a club but he told me that they quit having real amateurs for amateur night because most were actually working girls looking for new clients. They knew that if they allowed "professional" dancers that at least they could control it somewhat. Interesting thought" Yeah, that is interesting. They don't want hookers coming to the club looking for new customers. Kind of the same logic that explains why clubs generally don't allow single women....oh, wait....nevermind....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why isn't Paradise showgirls club listed on this site? (city of industry, ca)
    Geez, Geek, don't you read???? The first response to this I told him its in nearby La Puente !!! And I even verified it's listed in TUSCL !! Oh, wait, I'm on ignore huh? Your loss... :)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    the speed force!
    Squirting redux...c'mon folks, use google!
    zip, you're awful late to the party. We already researched this and came up with the answer in the other thread. And you're just repeating shit I already posted. Dude, really.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?
    Clubber, Dan.... How can a stripper possibly find out the truth about you, unless you decide to tell them? And why would you tell them? None of their fucking business, is it? I suppose if you're there every fucking day you might worry about telling them different lies, and maybe they'd actually remember what you said from day to day. But otherwise, who cares? And what makes you think they'll remember anyway? And why would you care if they thought you lied?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?
    And by the way, it pisses me off if a dancer starts asking me personal stuff. I'm there to relax and look at hot chicks and get some laps, and if she starts to ask me stuff that I have to think about and come up with answers to, fuck it, I'm not interested. It's an annoyance. I love the dancers who come over and sit down and start talking nasty to you. That's the kind of stuff that I'm looking for. Gets my mind focused on hot chicks and sex, not stuff I'm not interested in.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?
    Nah, I'm just messin' with you.... :) I suppose if you want to bore the crap out of her, tell her your real occupation. Chances are she won't know what the fuck you're talking about, unless, say, you're a clerk at McDonalds or something. Personally, I never tell the truth. If you want to get them interested, and can pull it off, act mysterious, convince them you're a bad boy, you're in a rock band, out of work, maybe into drugs. They'll eat that shit up. Maybe even get one of those fake tattoos, the kind you wash off with soap, and put some on you. Some really mean, bad boy lookin' tattoos. Personally I'm more interested in the dancers and getting lap dances than sitting around and BS'ing long enough to ask about stuff like that. I just act all mysterious, and keep them guessing.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?
    Yeah, pretty much you're obligated to give a factual answer. Depending upon the jurisdiction, penalties for "Lying to an entertainer" can be pretty significant. Special penalties apply to strippers because they're what's called a "protected class". Like some minorities. Just make sure you answer truthfully, and don't forget to bring any ID or documents you might need to verify the information you give her. I've seen them actually call the cops on customers who BS to the dancers. Staying in the slammer overnight just isn't worth a little white lie.
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    9 years ago
    North Iowa
    The Ca$h Cannon
    Oh, and make sure you have your brand new, white, oversized basketball sneakers...with the laces untied.... Yo' sayin' ?? Or as Butters would say, "Do you know what I am saying?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Iowa
    The Ca$h Cannon
    I wanna see you guys, like Shadow and Dugan and the other "older" guys, go to a club with a baseball cap on backwards, big ol' gold chain hanging on your neck with a huge gold $$ pendant, and oversized blue jeans that are hanging down your waist so you can see your drawers, flashin' gang signs, and pimpin' with your cash cannon, makin' it rain on dem bitches. Yo' bitches, Senior Vanilla Ice is in da house....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    HOLY CRAP !!! They copied what I just posted the other day in wikipedia !!! "One very practical objection relates to the reported volumes ejaculated since this fluid must be stored somewhere in the pelvis, of which the urinary bladder is the largest source. The actual volume of the para-urethral tissue is quite small." Fucking plaigarism !!! I just said that...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    If you want to read a big long article on female squirting, check "Female ejaculation" on wikipedia. More than you'd ever want to know. But bottom line they contend nobody knows for sure. Not even joefriday...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    Okay, I did a search for "urethral sponge" and here's what I found on wikipedia: "The urethral sponge is composed of erectile tissue; during arousal, it becomes swollen with blood, compressing the urethra, helping prevent urination during sexual activity (along with the pubococcygeus muscle). Female ejaculation Main article: Female ejaculation Additionally, the urethral sponge contains the Skene's glands, which might be involved in female ejaculation." So they're saying that joefriday might be correct !! Skene's glands might be where the juices come from. Maybe those researchers who say it's pee don't have an internet connection and can't check wikipedia....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    joefriday sez: "it's not urine. it's lubrication fluid that builds up in the urethral sponge when a woman gets aroused." Really? I've never heard of a urethral sponge, but that's only because I'm an idiot about biology. So if this is true, and even some guy on a strip club forum knows about it, why doesn't someone tell these researchers so they don't go wasting all that money renting ultrasound equipment and shit?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'm betting the Patriots will lose
    Mikey no matter who wins, you're a cool guy. Word.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dirty Cop
    Strippers being shy in bed
    samsung sez: "3 dancers is not a large enough sample size. Even some escorts have been cold and too business like." Really? Hard to believe that an escort would ever be cold and business-like. Clearly, the reason an escort or an OTC stripper is with you is because there's a deep seated love in there somewhere. Aside from just having the hots for you and desperately wanting to have sex with you, maybe they might even be thinking of marrying you in the future. Who knows? So when an escort or OTC stripper seems cold and business-like, I think that a lot of them just might be a bit nervous being with the man of their dreams, and don't want to mess up their first night with the love of their life. I agree, you should try a larger sample size. Maybe the others are more confident with their future husband and dream lover. You just have to try.
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    9 years ago
    My Perfect Tens
    Yeah, this whole thing about guys being repulsed because some chick has implants has me scratching my head. Geez guys, big tits are big tits. What's more wonderful for a guy than a chick with big tits? Just because there's some silicone bags in there, so the fuck what? Get over it. They look good, and yeah, they might not feel as good, but geez, which get your panties in a bunch? Of course, if some chick overdoes it and installs fucking basketballs that just look stupid, then fine. But you sound like a bunch of women commenting on some chick with big implants because they're actually jealous or something. "EEWWW, look that those big saline bags she has !!". In any case, they're a hell of a lot better than the majority of women with tiny little saggy tits that can't even give you a decent titty fuck...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    Anonymous Jim sez: "I'm just amazed we know so little about this. Seriously, no one's looked into this deeper?" Yeah, pretty mind boggling to me too. After all these years they don't know how women's plumbing works? Geez, incredible. Reminds me of a fairly recent scientific revelation that was in the news last year or so, that they suddenly realized that forever they've been saying that the medicine dosages they've been recommending for all these years have been wrong. Apparently they always assumed that men and women are affected by medicines in the same way. But the recently found out that's not true. 50mg of a given medicine can affect a woman different from how it affects a man. So last I heard they were on a frantic effort to re-evaluate their recommendations for medicine dosages, in case they might be harming women. Geezus, can you believe that shit?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Getting Stripper's Digits
    I dunno alabegonz....I'm trying to figure you out. I'm guessing you're a somewhat dorky guy, maybe mid-20's, and you've spent an incredible amount of time reading all these self help websites for dealing with women and being a playa and all this Zen shit. And after taking all of that shit as gospel, you've become this almost caricature of some pseudo-suave guy dishing out these smug one-liners as if you consider yourself to be some incredibly accomplished playa. And you spend all your time with strippers who you pay big bucks to spend time with you. And I'm guessing you have no girlfriends, correct? I'm not criticizing you or attacking you dude...just suggesting you come down to earth and get real. Hell, most of the time your smug one-liners are so smug I can't even figure out what the fuck you're talking about. Take it down a notch dude. Relax. Let the real alabegonz come out and play... :)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Knock, knock........
    Mikey, look, there's a couple rules of knock knock jokes that you need to follow or they don't work, okay? 1. When they say "who's there?", you need to respond with a real name, or it's stupid. You got that part right. Then they ask for the last name by saying "Herbie who?" 2. And when they say "Herbie who?", you need to give a response that at least makes a little sense coming from somebody on the other side of the door. Get it? So when they say "Herbie who?", and you respond "Her Behind", it's stupid because it doesn't make sense that some girl's butt is knocking on the door. Okay, try again and come up with a good one. We're rooting for you. You can do it dude.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Like squiters?
    "SEVEN whole women out of 3 billion on the planet? That's not statistically insignificant -- that's statistically laughable." Dude, seriously...it's not about statistics, it's about how women's plumbing works and where the juices/piss comes from. Pretty straightforward. Like with a guy. If scientists didn't know where the jizz came from, how many guys would they have to ultrasound to get the answer? Hell, they could check out LeeH and they'd pretty much know the answer, correct? Same thing with women. Unless the other 2.999999999 billion women have some different plumbing? I kinda doubt it.
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    9 years ago
    Knock, knock........
    I don't get it.