
Comments by jerikson40 (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Vino Viagro
    I did a quick search on the stuff. Apparently in 2009 Pfizer filed a copyright infringement against Tanduay, and they had to remove all the Vino Viagro from the market. Now it's called Vino Agila. No idea about the stuff, never heard of it, but if it's from the Philippines there's a 99% chance it's a scam. Well, more like 100%.... They listed the ingredients, and it's no different from the typical herbal pills people want you to think is viagra.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    Fibonacci sez: "A smile may be customary in Ohio, but not in Manhattan." Umm....I don't...umm.... Again, you guys make me somewhat speechless. Nobody owes you anything, except as part of a mutual agreement?? For some reason you guys don't comprehend the world of customer service in businesses. People who work in the customer service industry are generally OBLIGATED, by their employers, to provide you with a certain pre-defined level of service. That is HUGE. You're aware of that, correct? Let's say you walk into a McDonalds tomorrow, and there's nobody at the counter. You see a couple of servers sitting on their butts texting. A few more are in the back BS'ing. The cooks are talking to each other but not cooking burgers. Nobody around to serve you. Yes, those employees DO owe you something. They are OBLIGATED, by their employer, to do stuff for you, and to do it fast and efficiently. Their corporation spends zillions of $$ in training and time management studies to make sure that customers get a certain level of customer service. That is just one example of how most customer service businesses place a lot of time and money into making sure their employees provide a certain level of customer service. Yes, they do owe you something. Just ask their bosses. And to expand that outside of commercial interactions, people in more advanced cultures have self-imposed obligations for their interactions with others. We often decide we should be polite. And honest. And we'll drive on our side of the road. And on and on.... I never agreed with you that we'll drive on the right side of the road. Be we feel obligated to do that. Hopefully. Geez...how can it be that I'm arguing for customer service with a bunch of customers? Un fucking believable
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    So, Dugan, you're convinced that if a strip club "micromanages" the girls with a few simple rules which are, based on every business on the planet, reasonable, then worlds will collide right? So, if they say there's a club policy that the dressing room is for dressing only and not for the girls to sit around and BS because it's a safety concern that some dancers will be in the way and blah blah blah whatever reason you want to give, then that's grounds for a lawsuit? Are you freaking insane? A club policy limiting use of the dressing room is a reason for the dancers to not "tolerate that treatment"? And a club policy that limits dancers sitting on their asses in the customer areas texting is intolerable for dancers? Even though most companies on the planet limit cellphone usage during business hours? And tell me, why do you think customers molesting dancers is a big problem?? Have you seen a lot of that occurring? And furthermore, what the fuck difference does it make if management requests dancers to make reasonable rounds to greet customers and ask for a dance?? Molesting dancers is molesting dancers irrelevant of whether management requested they visit customers. Geezus dude, you're too fucking much.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    This is some pretty fucked up shit right here...
    Why do you guys post shit that makes everyone puke? Why cant you post good stuff? I recently posted a gif of a super hot blonde. Why everyone wants to post weird twisted shit??.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I Think That Stripper Really Liked Me
    Funny how everyone now is stumbling all over themselves with "oh yeah, everyone knows the Onion is satire!!!"
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I Think That Stripper Really Liked Me
    Its a joke, right? You realize the Onion is all satire and shit right?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PDAs ?
    I dunno....not sure it has really registered to me as something that bothers me very much. I think it's a lot more popular in Europe as opposed to the US, and people are quite a bit more open. Honestly there are some countries where people are extremely shy about even the most minor PDA, like holding hands or touching. To me that's really strange, and feels very cold. But I guess that means that PDA's don't really bother me. Chalk me up as a "does not bother me at all" kind of guy. Unless the chick is really ugly I suppose. But I'm more lenient about stuff like that. Cuz me and my GF are doing it all the time in public, so I guess I can't complain...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Penelope Cruz is Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive 2014
    Magazines like Esquire have one goal: to sell more magazines. Shit like this is designed to make people buy copies of Esquire. And probably that means getting women to buy more copies of Esquire. It was probably developed by some woman, and as we all know women dont have the slightest clue what men find sexy in women. The answer is no fucking way Penelope Cruz is even close to the sexiest woman alive.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    chandler se: "I went to my favorite club yesterday, and management is implementing new customer service-oriented policies." HOLY CRAP !!! Are you SERIOUS ??? Wow if that isn't the most AMAZING coincidence that your favorite club implemented the changes we're talking about here !!!! Dude, you should run out and buy a lottery ticket !!! Now, I'm sure nobody here would make shit like this up in an attempt to discredit someone's argument, right? But in case somebody would, let me highlight how this is certainly a debate tactic that's definitely worthy of adding to our list of childish debate tactics. I call it "Dimiss by Exception". Here's how it works: Someone proposes something, and in order to discredit that person, you find (or even make up) a SINGLE instance where that proposal might not work, either because it was implemented incorrectly, or it wasn't appropriate for that location or those involved, etc., etc. Once you have ONE instance, you can discredit the entire proposal, even thought the proposal might work find in the other 99 instances. So, chandler, congratulations for either being the luckiest guy on the planet, or for adding to our debate tactics list !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    An interesting tidbit for Mr Dugan "In Oregon, as in most states, strippers are misclassified as independent contractors. Not only do dancers not get an hourly wage, they are usually forced to pay ‘stage fees’ to work each shift. But the state’s Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) already determined through three previous cases that most dancers are, in fact, employees according to state law."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Okay, well after reading that brief intro to Portland strip clubs, I've put one more city on my "Never visit a strip club there" list.
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    10 years ago
    Poll: Which is a bigger threat to end extras in strip clubs?
    Wow. Great topic.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Ronettes.....cute/hot/sexy?
    When it comes to sexy, the answer is En Vogue.... Deal with it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2RKb1R7jM0
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    Dugan sez: "You drastically over-estimate the power that most managers have. As I would hope you know, the dancers aren't employees of the club, but rather pay a fee to be allowed to ply their skills in them. Bullshit. As usual. Having been a manager for many years, I can assure you that what you are saying is clearly the thoughts of a clueless idiot. It's not micromanaging. It's managing, as done by every front line supervisor on the planet. If you don't believe me, just read Trixxi's latest article about fines some clubs impose for all sorts of infractions. Dugan, don't be an idiot. Clearly you have other motives for constantly taking the strippers' position, so go ahead and be a pussy. But the lack of basic insight held by a "seasoned veteran" is mind boggline.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    PSA: 3 New Articles posted
    So, Steve, is it my comment about your incessant repeating of your economic boom "joke" that has you so pissed that you'll be nipping at my heels from now on?
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    10 years ago
    PSA: 3 New Articles posted
    I love how womens' minds work..... In Trixxi's article she says "For example, many dancers would not want to waste their time for a cheap customer demanding a $20 hand job, which is humiliating, demoralizing, demeaning" A $20 hand job is disusting. Of course, a $100 hand job is fine. The humiliting, demoralizing, and demeaning is all about the money, not the act. A $20 hand job is for nssty, over the hill prostitutes, but a $100 hand job is harmless "light prostitution". Doncha just love the hypocrisy?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    Ginger is a stripper working at Tits R Us, a local strip club that offers lap dances. Carl enters the club and sees about 10 girls and 12 customers in the club. Nobody on stage. Ginger and her two friends are chatting off in the corner, apparently oblivious to the waiting customers. Loqueesha is off in another corner texting. Carl sits, waiting for someone to get on stage, and two hot strippers come out of the dressing room. They had been in there for the last hour or more BS'ing. Chantal has been in the VIP for two hours, locked down with some old guy who think she's in love with him. Carl sees Ginger, who he thinks is the hottest of all the strippers, and decides he wants a lap dance from her. He brought $300 he's willing to spend if the girl is good to him. But Ginger and all the other dancers are unavailable, for whatever reason. Carl even asks the waitress to tell Ginger he's waiting, but nothing happens. Carl waits for about an hour, then decides to bail. Now, how many customer service errors were made here? And if you were Carl, how pissed would you be? Apparently most TUSCL'ers wouldn't care, and would say "it is what it is, don't complain". Why is it not appropriate for management to talk to these girls about their poor performance? Why wouldn't they even consider a ban on cellphone use during your shift, like it was before cellphones were invented and the world of strip clubs survived? Why wouldn't they consider a time limit for strippers in the dressing room? Why would it be wrong for the manager to say "Um, look you fucking bitches, there are 12 paying customers sitting on their asses with money to spend, but you're too fucking busy with your bullshit to care. Why not go over and at least say hello and ask if they want a dance or something?" Apparently in the minds of TUSCL'ers, that will cause the world of strip clubs to collapse. Un fucking believeable.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    Steve, at what point does your nonstop joking about this economic boom bullshit get really really old and not funny? For me it was weeks ago. Try something new huh?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    Dugan, I've read your post 3 or 4 times, and honestly I can't figure out what point you're making. Yeah, I get that you think strippers are immune from being expected to provide "customer service". You're reasoning? Hell, I can't figure it out. You say there are bad apples, nobody's perfect, and apparently something about the fact that they take off their clothes and climb on guys makes them immune from criticism from their employer about how they act ? And guys shouldn't complain because they're seeking mileage? And apparently, employers shouldn't expect strippers to perform a certain way because that "regulation" will ruin the "good stuff"??? Dude, I just can't make any sense of it. Employers tell their workers all the time how to behave and interact with customers. Part of the job. They provide training in how to deal with customers. Standard practice. And if the employees don't perform then bad things can happen, like getting fired or a bunch of other stuff. But strippers are immune? Hey, there's bad apples, don't complain, just live with it? Dude, you'll have to make a little bit more sense than that if you want anyone to take you seriously.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Who is more important to a strip club? Cash flushed customers or beautiful strip
    Clubs need two things to prosper: customers and dancers. Simple What draws customers? Well, I'm guessing 3 main things bring in customers: 1. Hot chicks 2. Mileage 3. Companionship Some guys want just hot chicks, some guys want all three, but without each of those things you're losing customers. And you need to draw customers who are willing and able to spend money. As long as they spend more than the cost of having them sit there, you're ahead. So yeah, I feel for the manager who's in a dilemma between a paying customer and the strippers who draw the customers. But that's life in the customer service business. You have to please both. But if the stripper is causing you to lose more money than she brings in, the choice is clear. You've gotta do something. Problem is its difficult to determine the cost/benefit for an individual stripper, especially if your management skills are non-existent.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Travel Tips from the CDC
    motor sez: "How appropriate that the first tip was about insurance. Not safety precautions. It's all about money. Everything is about money" True, but in this case I'm not sure that's what's driving it. I assume that one of the more important issues in preventing the spread of this shit is prompt medical treatment (they mention evacuation, etc). So if you have medical insurance and it's up to date, you're more likely and able to handle an outbreak quickly and effectively. The worst thing is "aw, fuck, I can't afford to go to the doctor so I'll just hope it goes away".
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    "Of course it might be none of the above but we always have people who never want a crisis go to waste." And we always have people with absolutely no excitement in their lives who conjure up crap and conspiracy theories so they'll have some fucking excitement in their incredibly mundane lives.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    WOW! Soooo much material here!
    "....unfaithful wife", but not married yet.... "....slept with dwarf stripper", a womans sanitized way of saying "had sex with" I'm guessing the article was written either by a woman or a pussified male...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    So, Dugan.... I think we've already concluded that you're the kind of guy who will scoop up the last remaining shrimp in a buffet line when there are people behind you hoping to get some shrimp. You're the "fuck off, I was here first" kind of guy, and that attitude also applies when you're at a club and lock down dancers for hours so other customers don't have access. Fuck off, Dugan was here first. That I get. But you also seem to have this strange need to always take a strippers' perspective when discussing issues. Excusing poor dancer performance, assuming customers are creeps, and cheap and weird and pathetic and psychos (damn, if those descriptions aren't right out of stripper playbook...), and anyone who criticizes dancers is a whiner and complainer, and dancers don't owe customers anything, and on and on.... Weird for all of that to come from a male customer. And I can't figure out why a guy who take that attitude. The only thing I can figure is that you have your nose buried so deep up dancers' butts that you worry that some dancer you know will be perusing this site and find out you dared to say something negative about dancers, and she won't like you anymore. That's the only thing that makes sense. You want dancers to like you, so you say what you think they want you to say, and play it safe. I mean, really, arguing against anyone who dares to criticize dancers for poor performance? I dunno dude.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    DV COI
    Slick, I truly apologize. I didn't mean any disrespect, nor do I have the slightest intention to attack anyone. My only point is to apply reason, including determining what is most effective from the point of view of the disabled, not some blanket government program that may not be what's really needed. In any case it's clear I don't know what the hell I'm talking about on this one, so I'll just apologize again and spend the rest of the day taking my foot out of my mouth. Sorry.