When a dancer ignores you

avatar for footballguy
I've been going to my usual SC quite a bit lately and been having a good time. I've never had the problem of dancers approaching me to talk or ask for a LD/VIP. I don't mind when they ask, if I'm not interested I just tell them no thanks.

I was at the club the other night for a few hours when this happened:

I arrived at the club and was greeted by my current ATF. I got a few dances from her before she left for the night. A little while later I got a few dances from a dancer that I hadn't seen before.

A little bit after that I saw another dancer that I hadn't seen before (dancer 1). This girl was a 10, amazing body with perfect natural tits. I thought she was gonna approach me but she went and sat down on a couch and started messing with her phone and talking to another dancer. There wasn't really a lot of customers in the club, a decent amount but not enough to make it difficult to get attention from a girl. So I was sitting at the bar and figured she would approach me in a few minutes. She never did, she seemed way more interested in talking with another dancer then earning money.

A little bit later she took the stage. She got naked on the stage but didn't touch any of us PL's at all. She also didn't introduce herself to anyone like all the other dancers do when they are on stage. There was about 1 or 2 other guys sitting along the stage. I tipped her pretty good, enough to show I was interested in her and would spend more on her. I figured she would approach me once her set was done but she didn't, she disappeared to the dressing room for a bit.

A little while later I got a couple LD's from another dancer (dancer 2) I hadn't seen before. After that I went back over to the bar hoping dancer 1 would come back out. Meanwhile dancer 2 came up to me and stood next to me for a bit. She mentioned how some of the girls were complaining that the club was slow yet they weren't making any effort to approach customers. She asked if anyone had approached me recently and I said no. She asked if I was waiting for a particular dancer so she could send her my way. I mentioned I was hoping to get a dance from girl #1 but I didn't know where she was. A few minutes later dancer #1 came out and sat down talking to another dancer. I pointed her out to dancer #2. Dancer #2 went up to her and mentioned that I would like a dancer from her. dancer #2 came back and said that dancer #1 was about to go on stage but she would come find me when she was done. I thanked dancer #2 and tipped her.

I went to the stage for dancer #1's set and once again tipped her very well. I tipped her better than the 3 other guys sitting along he stage did. After she finished her set she started walking towards the mar next to me, when she got next to me I said hi and asked her how she was but she barely responded and got a water from the bar and walked back to the locker room.

I this point I started thinking I got ripped off. A few minutes later dancer #2 came up to me and asked if dancer #1 approached me. I said no, dancer #2 said she just came from the locker room and didn't see her there so she didnt know where she went.

A few minutes later dancer #1 came back out and started dancing ona table that had a pole (with NO ONE sitting near it). Dancer #2 made a gesture toward dancer #1 to come up to me but dancer #1 kind of shook it off. Dancer #2 then went up to dancer #1 and finally got dancer #1 to come talk to me.

So I finally went to get a few dances from dancer #1. She basically just went through the motions during the dances. She did grind on me but she didn't rub her tits on my face at all but she did at least let me play with her perfect tits so I can't complain.

So my question is why do some dancers seem like they aren't interested in making any money? It was a slow night so it's not like I had competition. She seemed more interest in watching one of her friends dance then she was in making money. I'm in my early 30's, I dress nice, I smell nice, and I'm clean shaven. I'm not over weight and I can't think of any reason why a dancer would avoid me that much, especially when I was tipping well at the stage and tipping the other girls I got dances from well.


last comment
She's a stuck up bitch. Don't try to understand her. Just say "Fuck her", and find somebody else.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"She's a stuck up bitch"

Agree. Either that or she just got her real estate license. Or got accepted into nursing school.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
That's what I figures. I've always heard that the hottest dancers usually offer the least exciting lap dances and you can usually forget about extras. I wasn't expecting the best LD I ever had but it just would have been nice if she actually would have tried a little harder. She had such good tits though that I don't even care. Google image search "Jordana James twistys" and that's pretty close to what they looked like (especially her nipples) except a little smaller and 100% natural.

I do appreciate the attention dancer #2 gave me. I wasn't interested in getting any more dances from her and I was annoyed at first when she stood next to me. I would have been able to get a dance from a different smokin hot dancer but since dancer #2 was standing next to me she skipped past me. But she didn't finally get me a dance from dancer #1 so that's a win.
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
I've never had a knock-down, awesome dance from a stripper I've asked for a dance. It's the law of supply and demand. Quit asking approachless babes for dances years ago.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"It's the law of supply and demand"

Please, don't start that again, lol
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
The whole supply and demand thing makes sense of the club is busy. But it was a week night and like I said, it wasn't that busy and I didn't see her talking to anyone other guys the whole time I was there (and I was there for several hours). If it's busy then she would have her choice of guys who would want a dance from her. But when it's a choice between dancing for me (once again, there's nothing wrong with me) or not dancing and making no money I would think its a no brainier.

It just doesn't make sense. If she doesn't feel like dancing then why did she even come in to work?
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
On a side note, I do love the feeling I get when a dancer gets excited to see me even when I know it's only because of money.

The other day I came in and there were two dancers on the stage putting on a show together. I had gotten separate LD's from them the week prior. As soon as I sat down at the stage (no one else was sitting there) they were like "I remember you? Did you come back to see us?!" And then they both gave me lots of attention while they were on the stage and they both approached me at the bar when they were done.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Talk about desparate. You chased her and she was running away from the money you wanted to give her. Pathetic
After she ignored you all night *and* ignored another dancer telling her you wanted dances, you *still* got dances dr her? And you're surprised the dances were lackluster?

You have much to learn, grasshopper.

Sounds like "dancer #2" might have been worth a shot, though.
^ Exactly what gmd just posted, lol. Rewarding bad behavior never pays off. Maybe you are one of those guys who jerikson keeps whining about, who will pay a dancer no matter how badly she behaves. ;)
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
I don't have any regrets getting dancers from dancer #1. Like I said, she was insanely hot and had an amazing body. So while she didn't give me a great LD I still definitely enjoyed squeezing her perfect tits.

As far as dancer #2, I did get a couple LD's from her earlier in the night but I didn't want anymore. I definitely appreciated getting the attention from her but I wasn't looking for anything else from her.
"It just doesn't make sense. If she doesn't feel like dancing then why did she even come in to work?"

These are strippers. Don't expect them to act like rational human beings.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Like others have said-all if the flags were there for you to walk away. Most of us vets would have seen what ultimately happened a mile away. Hope you learned something.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
That is a "problem" I wish I had more often.
What I don't understand is why you're trying to get in her head about this -- there's a better-than-decent chance you're going to find yourself all alone in miles and miles of nothing.

Y'know, this could've been one of those nights where she just felt like stringing some pathetic loser along, and it sounds like you were waving the flag pretty high. (Sorry, no offense.)
Football guy - could it have been the fact that you were drooling while she was on stage? Did you brush your tooth? They're as human as most of us. A dancer that I rank as a 6 might be a 9 for you. It's the same with them. What might seem like a #8 customer to most might be a 5 to another.
My ATF told me about one customer she said pursued her night after night. She did some dances with him and she said he stunk, was grossly fat and didn't tip well. He became a regular with another dancer who loved the guy. Don't even try figuring them out. The word rational is not in their dictionary.
Were you wearing deodorant?
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Awww, I would give you A for your effort in trying to get her attention.

She's not going to fall, dude. Your expectations exceed her wanting to be near you, definitely a recipe for disappointment and frustration.

Bagging a dancer/stripper in the 9 and 10 range requires a different skill, though. Most of the time, she will doing all the talking and touching, and you will be just looking at her like you are unimpressed.
#1 Golden rule is that there is no sex in the Champagne Room.
#2 is never ever try to figure out a stripper.
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
You said she was a '10'. Girls like that do not think they need to work very hard and can play hard-to-get and still make an obscene amount of $$. Stage tipping will not get their attention as this is but a fraction of the money they make at the club.
I believe you may be overthinking this a bit.

Recently I was in a club early in the day with only one other customer. Every dancer that came out of the dressing room walked straight up to the other dude and totally ignored me. I found out later he was the local coke supplier for the dancers. So ya never know.

Plus what shadowcat said....never try to figure out a stripper
Who the hell knows why she was acting this way – possible reasons:

+ she’s a class-A bitch

+ some clubs force dancers to show up certain days or # of days in a week – could be she was forced to work that day when she did not want to or need to

+ she may have one or more sugar-daddies and only uses stripping as extra/side cash or when her sugar-daddy(s) cannot tend to her for w/e reason

+ many of the dancers on stripperweb often talk about burnout – even I as a dedicated PL can’t see myself being in a SC 4 or 5 days a week – maybe she was just having a very bad day and did not feel like grinding on a stranger and being groped – maybe she was having a bad case of PMS

As others have said – SC experience will tell you that this happens and will happen – just b/c many dancers will kiss our PL asses for our money does not mean every dancer will nor should we expect that (especially w.r.t. the hotter dancers).
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"she may have one or more sugar-daddies and only uses stripping as extra/side cash"

Yeah, those SD guys ruin it for everybody
football posted:

So my question is why do some dancers seem like they aren't interested in making any money? It was a slow night so it's not like I had competition. She seemed more interest in watching one of her friends dance then she was in making money. I'm in my early 30's, I dress nice, I smell nice, and I'm clean shaven. I'm not over weight and I can't think of any reason why a dancer would avoid me that much, especially when I was tipping well at the stage and tipping the other girls I got dances from well.

Maybe you looked like a psycho? Maybe she was turned off by the air of utter desperation that oozed off of you? Don't be so hasty to rule yourself out as the cause. ;)

Outside of that, maybe (1) her horoscope told her to avoid your type today; (2) her vagina hurt from the banging that she took from the customer she met up with before work; (3) she was stoned; (4) it was her "I don't give a fuck" day; (5) the moon was in the wrong alignment for her to be happy; and/or (6) insert whatever the fuck else you can imagine here.

Who knows and who cares? The only thing you need to know is that, for whatever reason, she did not want to dance for you.

Nobody on that floor owes anybody anything. These are strip clubs, not the opera, and the girls are independent contractors who decide what and when they sell as much as we decide how we spend our money. A lot of them also have emotional hangups and issues that don't fit into a neat logical box, so trying to make sense of what many of them do is pointless. The best policy, in my experience, is simply to give the money to the best of those who show you that they want it.
One girl ignored you? so what, ignore her back. There might be something about you she just doesn't like for some reason, or who the @#$ knows what other issues she might have.
I was at a club last month and was ignored by the whole @#$*'ing staff, waitresses, bartender and every dancer there!!!
Walked in, almost made it past the booth collecting the cover without anyone paying me attention (stopped there and stood for a bit, shrugged and continued in before they acknowledged me).
It was my first time there, Tuesday night, and (surprise for me) $2 drinks!!! place was a zoo, but really not that busy, still a Tuesday night. I picked one of two empty tables near the center of the place and sat down, after what seemed like an impossibly long time to be left alone I decided to start timing them. And no shit, after a good 30 minutes after I started timing the WAITRESS finally comes around and asks what I want!!!
After getting a beer and some change, I did move to the tip rail several times and tipped several dancers. About the 5th one I tipped came down off stage and asked if I wanted "company", "sure" I replied. She stated she'd be right back after changing. 20 minutes later she came up and said she'd be right back after smoking. 30 minutes later I saw he go back into the dressing room. 20 minutes later I saw her sitting down with a group of guys, already had 3-4 dancers sitting with them....
Went back there a week later, Thursday night, early evening, place was DEAD. I was the first and for a while, only customer. At least this time the bartender got me a drink if I walked up to the bar!!! After 1-2 hours a dancer finally came around and asked if I wanted a private dance. After 2 (which were decent) she said she had to get ready to go on stage....
I'm still trying to figure out WTF was happening...
But alas, I was just visiting from out of town, on bussiness, and have no plans on returning, so f'em. At several other clubs around there dancers seemed awfull slow to approach me, nothing like those hours at that one club. In the area I'm in, and usually travel, the dancers are much more vigorous in the hustle, used to having every girl in the place stop by to at least ask "wanna dance" within 15 minutes of sitting down. (and last time I was there, 3-4 of them sitting on my lap rubbing the non-brass pole trying to convince me there dances were the best, stopping by to retry that sale pitch at least ever 30 minutes).
It could also be something entirely different, that has nothing to do with you. She could have had a great paying customer come in before you were there, that dropped several hundred on her and she was just waiting out her time before she could leave without penalty fees. She could have been in a bad mood for any number of reasons (SS), she could have had previous experience with other dancers that said something negative about you. She could be feeling unattractive, she could be feeling used from previous customers who took advantage of her ... the list is endless and not necessarily in anyone's realm of understanding unless they really understand strip clubs, strippers and their stripper / strip club life style.

Rickdugan said it pretty well " A lot of them also have emotional hangups and issues that don't fit into a neat logical box, so trying to make sense of what many of them do is pointless. The best policy, in my experience, is simply to give the money to the best of those who show you that they want it."

And if you are really curious, go back to club at another time and communicate with the dancer directly. If she does not want to communicate at all I would forget about her, even if she is incredibly sexy. Why would any patron want to wait around for a dancer who could care less about the PL and his money???
Footballguy depresses the shut out of me, I was like that in middle school. Constantly feeling sorry for myself. Then my older brother gave me the best advise. If you want to get p?$$y you have to learn to be a dick. P?$$y isn't attracted to itself and footballguy, my god. Besides SC, which I will agree can be very therapeutic, you need to seek a life coach to help you build some confidence, belief in yourself, that you aren't inadequate, you love who you are and fck who ever doesn't.
Sorry, I just feel like yours must be a painful life, constantly seeking external validation. Girls pick up on that shot quick, and no amount of money will turn them on to that sort of PL'ism. Next time your in a club, ask not what a stripper can do to you but what you can do to a stripper.

I think you need a new plabook. Try: "East Right Flop, V Right all the way outside, Y Left, Fake 396 Bag, V Hinge, Z Puck."
Change your handle, to foozeballboy
Football is a man's sport. You got a tiny bit of growing up to do but.... you can do it!!!
“… Nobody on that floor owes anybody anything …”

We PLs often complain about dancers feeling entitled – I guess it goes both ways. If dancers are not entitled to our money just b/c they show up to the club and get naked – I guess we are not entitled to the dancers just b/c we show up with some $$$.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I don't think that there has been a PL out there that hasn't run into this at some time or other. The first thing NOT to do is take it personally...it's her, not you. The second thing is to chuckle at her inept business skills and find another honey to spend that dough on.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
"A lot of them also have emotional hangups and issues that don't fit into a neat logical box"

This sentence tells something about you very clearly, bro.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Having spent huge amount of time with my CF, I can probably tell a few of what's going on, like for example:

#1. Sweaty, high body temp. It could mean something and you don't want to be near her. Wait for the temp to go down and then go at it.

#2. She could staring at a void caught up in some deep thought. Again, you have to wait until she goes back to Earth and then go for her.

#3. She's not twirling at the pole. Simply look at her eyes again and you could tell something from there.

I guess what I'm saying here is you have to have a kind read that only others strippers will obviously read. It takes time, but once you know them you will understand when to hold bay or go at it.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
Maybe you will understand why those same guys weren't tipping. They obviously knew her game. SHe wouldn't appreciate anybody but her already set clientele and she has no desire to be yours. Your not as young but if you look young enough it seems we get the burn and only deal with the girls nobody wants...at the time.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
If anything, unless you content with playing the waiting game like I am, you can tell when a girl will probably not be interested in giving you a good time. You are the sole audience of their performance and they do their best to ignore you, blatantly not looking towards you until tip time. And these days more and more it seems to in larger quantities of the women there, or with my luck, all the ones you deem hot. Those are the ones who probably already have set clientele and you just seem like a pigeon with small bits of bread in your beak, not comparable to their "whales" that their waiting for or just are no longer there for the night. So your SOL chuckles. Now you be like me and let a women know she has a crap attitude not worthy of your tip and possibly get bad rep from amongst the gossip the women no doubt share amongst each other, or could take your business elsewhere. I can get away with what I do because I wrangle me up a pretty one through their desperation of lack of paying men or a new entry hottie taking me under her wing and letting me show her I'm no broke joe and a stock of laughs. Of course, I'm assuming majority of the men in the club are stingy and are trying to win the game of hustle.
Bkkruined, that sounds a lot like my experience at BJ's in the Twin Cities several weeks ago. Except for a couple of times during my two or three visits that trip, all of the dancers and the servers snubbed me. I pretty much had to chase the bartender down just to get a Coke, and the only time most of the dancers even acknowledged me was when I tipped them stage-side.

Those attitudes definitely cut my visits short.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
As some have said, don't worry about it, and don't try to figure it out. You never will. EVER. Even the dancer may have no idea why she was acting that way.

The list of possible reasons is 3.6 miles long. She feels bad cuz she's a stripper and strippers are sluts. Her boyfriend just went to jail. Her daughter's classmate found out her Mom is a stripper. She thinks she's too hot to be dancing for any guy who isn't Brad Pitt. She's having her period. She think you look like her ex husband. She has zero respect for customers and likes to show it. The list is endless.

Keep in mind the only job qualifications for being a stripper are 1. You're reasonably attractive looking and 2. You don't mind dancing partially or fully naked for a bunch of strangers.

That's it. You don't have to have any business sense, you don't have to have any initiative to work hard, you don't need to have self discipline, you don't need to be intelligent, you don't need shit. Just look hot.

So it's no wonder you find strippers who do shit that a typical employee would never do. Because they can.

Why did she act like that? Who gives a fuck. But the WORST thing you can do is drool over her and follow her around and support her stuck-up-bitch attitude. Don't play her game. Don't tip her, don't give her shit. Put chicks like that out of business. And most of all, show some self respect.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
By the way, to give you just one example of how strippers might be thinking stuff that us mortal men can't even imagine, there was a stripper who posted here for a short while who was talking about cumming during lap dances or VIP or whatever. And as I recall, she said she NEVER orgasmed with a customer, with one exception. There was one guy who had the most incredible HANDS, and she came from grinding on the guy because of his awesome hands.

Now, I have no fucking clue what that even means. But to a chick, shit like that is obvious. To a guy, we're like WTF ????

So don't even try to figure them out. Because you never ever will. And when you finally think you've got them figured, they'll change.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Papi and Dugan agree: "I guess we are not entitled to the dancers just b/c we show up with some $$$."

Good point...to a point....

Yeah, technically they are independent contractors, and nobody owes anybody anything, but from the club's perspective that's not how they want it, because it's not good for business. And to the extent the strippers are concerned about the business prospering, since it's their livelihood, the independent contractor idea only goes so far.

If I hire an independent contractor, and he takes the attitude that since he's not a full employee that he'll fuck off and not do a good job, that affects his business and livelihood because I'll never hire him again.

Granted, that's probably far too deep for most strippers to comprehend, but being an independent contractor doesn't mean you have a license to be a bitch. For the business to prosper, the customers must be happy. Which means that, in a strip club, the hottest girls, who all the customers want, are available. To the extent the customers aren't satisfied, the business doesn't do as well as it could.

So management, if they have a clue, should step in a tell the stuck up bitch to hand in her platform shoes and hit the street.

IMO, the "oh, I'm an independent contractor so I don't owe the customers a good time" attitude is nothing more than stupid stripper logic that, in the end, is a failure.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
And by the way, I've noticed that Dugan generally seems to support a dancers' perspective in things related to strip clubs. Not sure why....

From a customer perspective, they don't give a flying fuck whether the stripper is an independent contractor, and most probably don't even know what that means. That whole independent contractor dynamic doesn't even exist for customers who enter a club. You think they're thinking "oh that uber hot chick would be awesome for a lap dance, but since she's an independent contractor there is no implied or stated obligation between herself and myself in regards to job performance and requirements, and therefore I shouldn't expect her to make herself available to me" ? No fucking way. They see a hot chick and want her to come over. That's what they expect, and that's what's reasonable. Anything else is just BS excuses.
Jerikson-dude, to be fair the independent contractor argument makes sense. If said hottie-dancer wants money, she dance even for dudes. Even weird intense looking dudes like Troop (remember that dude's avatar...fah-REEK-EEE)

If she wants to avoid dancing risks having the invisible hand of the market give her the invisible finger of the market.

Basic economics my friend!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
jerkoffson: " I've noticed that Dugan generally seems to support a dancers' perspective in things related to strip clubs. Not sure why...."

He's commented before that it's due to his self-confessed "personality damage" and having alot in common with them. See


Basically if he was female (like steve229 and jester214 are) then he would have exactly the right kind of personality damage in line to be a stripper himself.

That's the main reason, but if you read his post on the pink site, you'll see that he goes way beyond this and into the realm of ass kissing, plain and simple. The best example was when he said he thought the girls there were too classy to do extras, but for girls not on that site who did... He is able to say one thing to please the audience here and another to please the audience there w/o any worries about inconsistencies. That's how it works for guys with the personality damage he has.
Help me out Dougsta, since I don't read the pink site. I gets me enough lulz right here at TUSCL...

What you're saying is that when the DuganDude posts at StripperWeb doesn't talk about hoping strippers will have a drug addiction relapse so he can fuck 'em for $3.50? Is that what you're saying? If so, I'm all amazeballz!
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
"If she wants to avoid dancing risks having the invisible hand of the market give her the invisible finger of the market. Basic economics my friend!"

I know, and that's always Dugan's argument. And on the surface it sounds reasonable. But if it was true, why are there so many useless, lazy, stuck up bitch, poor performing strippers out there? The market didn't deal with them, did it? That's because the invisible hand of the market doesn't always work that way. Why? Because there are MANY clueless customers who allow themselves to be played by these bitches.

The OP posted about some stuck up bitch chick, and how he fawned all over her, drooling and acting like a starstruck teenager. That's the problem. Too many guys who play their game because they either don't know better or have no self respect. Chicks with bad attitudes still survive because too many customers allow it. And guys like Dugan who stick up for the poor strippers and give these bogus independent contractor excuses.
OK dudes. Apparently some of you are fucking up the invisible hand of the market. Maybe you're paying it for HJ's or something. I don't know.

Anyhoo...STOP THAT SHIT!!! It bothers jerikson40.
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
10 years ago
The market always works and I can offer three proofs of it.

a) It's what I wrote in college because I knew my professor wanted to hear it. I said what they wanted and I got through despite what an obvious dipshit it became apparent that I was once I hit the corporate world.

b) Gordon Gekko said so.

c) If you think the market is not working, you need to rethink what you think the undesirable behavior is. If you think about it close enough you'll see that it's actually desirable. People sleeping in the streets seem undesirable. It's actually a good thing. They are just bums who are too lazy to work and getting what they deserve.

I am. I am. I am. The RickyBoyDugan.
True dat RickyBoy. You da man!!!
Wow. How did this thread become about me? LOL.

But RBD, you were right in your own odd way. Homelessness is a by-product of capitalism. In its purist form, capitalism results in resources gravitating to an economy's most productive members. Homeless people usually have some issue that makes them unproductive, such as a mental disease, substance abuse problem or something else that makes them unproductive. It is a sad state of affairs to be sure, but I would challenge anyone to point out an alternative economic system that prevents homelessness AND provides the same freedoms that we enjoy here in the good ol' US of A. ;)

Strip clubs are just a microcosm of this; one that is unchecked by most outside restraints.
“… He is able to say one thing to please the audience here and another to please the audience there w/o any worries about inconsistencies …”

Sounds like a Democrat.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Dugan sez: "Wow. How did this thread become about me? LOL."

It became about you because you tend to say stuff, very authoritatively, that reflects a very shallow or incomplete or ill-considered knowledge of subjects. So people correct you. Not a good thing, Dugan.

And you're left to talk about homelessness and alternative economic systems, totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, but something you can sound smart about.

But I guarantee, in the not-to-distant future you'll resurrect your worn out arguments about capitalism and independent contractors, even though they are, at best, somewhat irrelevant.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
"It became about you because you tend to say stuff, very authoritatively, that reflects a very shallow or incomplete or ill-considered knowledge of subjects"

If that ain't calling the kettle black!!!!!
Ok Jerikson, if you think that I've been unfairly "authoritative" in arguing that dancers have the right to sell what they want to who they want, then please do share with us your counter-argument. Is it your position that they should be forced to rub their asses on the lap of any guy who scrapes up the cash for a LD? Now some might find a position like that to be disturbing for a lot of reasons, but perhaps you have some viewpoint that makes it all ok.

I await your counter-argument with baited breath. ;)
Yes... Rick just used steve229's lesson on Exclusion of the Middle. Good job Steve making a difference one post at a time
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Rick, I have provided a long list of arguments, clearly describing multiple times what my points are. Counter arguments, examples, repeated over and over. You don't want to agree with me, therefore you use any means you can to disagree. You know damn well the points I'm making. You can't be that thick that you are unable to see the rationale behind it. But you intentionally misrepresent what I'm saying, and intentionally don't see my points.

Fine. Play your games. But keep this in mind, and I say it with all due respect. Rick, you really are a fucking dickhead. I know you'll never see that or admit it because your ego is fucking 3 miles wide, but you really are a dickhead. And there's no animosity when I say that, I'm sure you're a nice guy. But seriously, you need to accept the fact that you're a fucking dickhead.
BTW, it's "bated breath," as in "breath held in abatement." Not "baited breath," implying a hook and worm.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
"I know you'll never see that or admit it because your ego is fucking 3 miles wide, but you really are a dickhead."

We all know that this moron is stupid and dense but its great to see him actually prove it. The fact that he can't even seem to recognize himself in his tantrums is hilarious.
@gmd, point taken. I was typing quickly on my Blackberry while waiting to board a plane, but that does not excuse poor grammar. :)

@jerikson: Actually, you've never done anything but (1) complain; and (2) propose absurd ways in which management can control the actions of club dancers. If you've ever once made a rational argument on here, I've never seen it. But, dickhead that I am, I continue to wait with *bated* breath for you to propose a rational (and, for that matter, legal) solution to the issue identified by the original poster.
GAC posted: Yes... Rick just used steve229's lesson on Exclusion of the Middle. Good job Steve making a difference one post at a time.

Sometimes the answer really is just yes or no. For example, is she pregnant or not? One obviously cannot be half pregnant after all. In this instance, is she free to choose what she does with her own body or is she not? What are the shades or gray here? Remember that we are are talking about sexual contact here. Would YOU like to be the club owner who tries to force dancers to rub themselves on guys who they don't want to dance for, or at times that they do not choose? Is it hard to imagine the various possible reactions and avenues of recourse that dancers might have if you started doing this? :)
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Dugan, apparently you are so thick that you can't understand even the simplest issues. Let me try to clarify even further, if that's possible.

The OP, after recounting his tale of a dancer who was ignoring him, asked "So my question is why do some dancers seem like they aren't interested in making any money?"

Simple question, doesn't require a "solution" as you suggest. So I and others told him, effectively, there is no answer to your question because strippers are fucked in the head. I gave many examples of why she might have been ignoring him. Case closed.

Then you brought up this irrelevant independent contractor bullshit, trying to propose that she has no obligation to serve the customers, to which I countered a clear argument why she does have some obligation to keep customers happy in order to support the business that is providing her some income.

What the fuck is so difficult to understand? I showed you're full of shit, you are incapable of admitting you're full of shit, so you keep coming back with this irrelevant bullshit.

Dude, try this..."yeah, jerikson, you have a good point. I never considered that. I may not agree, but it makes sense."

Are you that much of a dickhead you can't discuss things like an adult?
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
And Dugan, if you need a solution that management can use, I'd tell her "look bitch, either be nice to my customers or get the fuck out. And if you dont know what nice is, you have no business working in customer service, so get the fuck out right now"
Jerkoff40 posted: Simple question, doesn't require a "solution" as you suggest. So I and others told him, effectively, there is no answer to your question because strippers are fucked in the head. I gave many examples of why she might have been ignoring him. Case closed.

Ah, so this thread was nothing more than a chance for Bitches in Arms to whine about those mean little young girls who ignore them. Thanks for clarifying. ;)

Jerkoff40 posted: And Dugan, if you need a solution that management can use, I'd tell her "look bitch, either be nice to my customers or get the fuck out. And if you dont know what nice is, you have no business working in customer service, so get the fuck out right now"

It is more likely that the conversation would go something like this:

"Candy, that weird, pathetic looking fuck over there has been staring at you for 2 hours now. He usually just gets a couple of dances and runs out the door. If you have a few minutes it should be easy money, but if you're already occupied by someone else or if you think he is just too creepy then don't worry about it."

avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
So, Dugan....

I think we've already concluded that you're the kind of guy who will scoop up the last remaining shrimp in a buffet line when there are people behind you hoping to get some shrimp. You're the "fuck off, I was here first" kind of guy, and that attitude also applies when you're at a club and lock down dancers for hours so other customers don't have access. Fuck off, Dugan was here first.

That I get. But you also seem to have this strange need to always take a strippers' perspective when discussing issues. Excusing poor dancer performance, assuming customers are creeps, and cheap and weird and pathetic and psychos (damn, if those descriptions aren't right out of stripper playbook...), and anyone who criticizes dancers is a whiner and complainer, and dancers don't owe customers anything, and on and on....

Weird for all of that to come from a male customer. And I can't figure out why a guy who take that attitude. The only thing I can figure is that you have your nose buried so deep up dancers' butts that you worry that some dancer you know will be perusing this site and find out you dared to say something negative about dancers, and she won't like you anymore. That's the only thing that makes sense. You want dancers to like you, so you say what you think they want you to say, and play it safe.

I mean, really, arguing against anyone who dares to criticize dancers for poor performance? I dunno dude.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
She cam from my hands? I should have asked for a bigger discount. I heard her saying she liked my hands. Even asked me if I was a professional masseuse.

Another dancer simply told me I have skills.

Back on topic, someone always seems to ignore me, a waitress, a dancer or someone. I don't usually care. I see it as their loss. If a waitress ignores me, she's only going to get a basic tip or maybe I'll just go to the bar myself and she won't get any tip. A dancer ignores me, well I'll just get dances from someone else. Usually I have someone else trying to get my attention and then whomever won't be able to get my attention.
@jerikson40: "I think we've already concluded that you're the kind of guy who will scoop up the last remaining shrimp in a buffet line when there are people behind you hoping to get some shrimp."

What an idiotic comment. It's not my responsibility to make sure there's enough food on the buffet for the people behind me. If there's one god-damned serving of shrimp left, and I want shrimp, fuck yeah I'm gonna take it. The people behind me can complain to the management for not having enough food.

Same thing in a strip club. It's not my, or rick's, or any other customer's, responsibility to let go of a girl just because you want her. I get to keep her as long as she and I agree to be there.

And if you don't like it, you can step up and make her a better offer, or assume that my attitude will in fact be "fuck off, I was here first."
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