
Comments by jerikson40 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: In Seinfeld Nation, Millennials Delay Marriage for Selfie
    And who the fuck keeps mentioning this economic boom bullshit? Does anyone have any rational argument for a boom, or is it just the standard TUSCL "I said it therefore it's true" nonsense?
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    10 years ago
    OT: In Seinfeld Nation, Millennials Delay Marriage for Selfie
    Wow, interesting. And good news IMO. Although I think it's also a function of the total selfishness and money hungry attitudes of this present culture where people are more interested in careers (aka, income) than in being part of a couple. But it seems like a huge enough trend that you'll start seeing a lot of singles-oriented stuff happening. Maybe more guys hitting the strip clubs? But I've always felt that marrying young is often a recipe for disaster down the road, so this is somewhat good news. And to the extent it causes people to forego it altogether, IMO it's not a bad thing.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    Shark sez: "If I was paid a penny on day one and agreed that my employer would double my salary every day for a month, I would make a lot more by the end of the month than my current salary." Yeah, probably. I figure it's something like $11 million after 30 days.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Call me Jerikson Jr.
    Oh yeah? You WISH you were jerikson jr !!! That's something you have to work at over a lifetime, something you strive for, and very few succeed. First you must feel the force, young Padawan.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Bride to be f*cks dwarf at bachelorette party, confesses when baby is suspicious
    I dunno, that whole thing with dwarfs entertaining people seems so freakin' sad. You know damn well it's only because people are goofing on the dwarfs, not because they have some great talent. (DISCLAIMER: In no way should this be taken as anything negative towards little people and their talent..I'm sure there are many talented little people out there). I just doubt that people hire dwarfs based on talent, but rather based on it's kind of a circus sideshow. Just seems so sad and creepy to me.
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    10 years ago
    Women on this site
    Lopaw, I know it's fun to rudely dismiss those you disagree with, but those you blithely refer to as "misogynists" might be better characterized as "realists". Maybe what you like to characterize as irrational hatred is actually the result of many years of experience with women whose actions truly deserve criticism and mistrust. Maybe you think that women are, in general, basically warm, wonderful, honorable, honest, trustworthy souls who are immune from the slightest disrespect, but in your most objective moments I'm sure you realize that, for the most part that's just not the way it is. So some of us have become realists, based on a lot of experience. Maybe we're wrong about a given woman, but a healthy skepticism, in my experience, turns out to be justified far more often than not. Especially when dealing with strippers. And for the record, and since I'm sure it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy, I generally feel the same way about men, based on a lot of experience. The major difference is men I can understand. Women not so much. But I've learned that people, in general, are not nearly, deep down, as wonderful as they like to present themselves. On the other hand, I'll be the first to say there are some absolutely wonderful women out there. My present GF is absolutely incredible. And I absolutely love wonderful women. And it may surprise you that she, and others, actually think I am absolutely wonderful. So "misogynist" isn't even close. I just start off being skeptical until I'm proven otherwise. And since this forum is mostly about strippers, I think we can all agree that skepticism is warranted a vast majority of the time.
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    10 years ago
    Women on this site
    I know all will disagree, but I find women here to be a bit of an intrusion. Look, guys like to have a place where guys can get together and BS. But women tend to want to stick their noses in and get involved. And then they end up complaining about what the men say. Personally, I really don't care for a stripper's perspective on life. I know that sounds harsh, but I go to a club to have fun with hot sexy girls for an hour or two and then leave. Strippers aren't my life. Same reason I don't really care what the teenage server at McDonald's thinks about life. She performs a service, and I split. And I'm relatively certain that most strippers or women in general who visit here get disgusted that men are always talking about sex, and they're so heartless and chauvinist and don't appreciate strippers as women, blah blah blah. So in terms of what a stripper can bring to the forum for me, there really isn't much. Strippers want more money and less sex, I want less money and more sex. Strippers generally don't respect their customers, and after a visit here they probably have all their fears confirmed and respect them even less.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Yeah, I know it's "duh..", but for a lot of guys, and apparently a lot of guys on this site, kissing dancers' butts and playing nice guy and white knight seem far more prevalent than being bad boys. Even once I learned their game, it's much more natural for me to be a nice guy with a woman, so it takes a lot of conscious effort to tap the brakes on that. But it sounds like you're going into this with a good perspective, so just be careful. Dem bitches can be hypnotic....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    DV COI
    Okay, thanks. Good info. The curb ramps seem extra ludicrous when you consider there is, in all likelihood, not 20 feet away from the corner, an existing ramp where somebody's driveway enters the street. But I suppose it's less than legal for a wheelchair to drive on the side of the road, so that's probably not acceptable.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Maybe if you can act like a complete a-hole, not a nice guy, treat her like dirt, act like you don't give a shit about her, and just use her as a sex toy it will work. Seriously, I think a lot of strippers (and many women in general) prefer the perceived bad boy to the nice guy who they can wrap around their fingers and get them to pay their bills. Be an asshole. Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    That suicide number is shocking. I had no clue it was that high.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    Sorry guys I was off in my view on AIDS deaths worldwide. Apparently it's the #6 killer worldwide. For some reason I thought it was MUCH less. WHO says 1.5 million deaths from AIDS in 2012. Heart disease and stroke combined are a little over 14 million. AIDS deaths are a bit more than road injury deaths. Also about 58% of all causes of death in 2006 were due to malnutrition/hunger around the world...36 million out of 62 million total deaths. AIDS is still a very small percentage, but much more significant than I thought.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    Yeah, in the US we tend to be very emotional and reactionary, and rarely look at the big picture. Take AIDS for example. Most people think AIDS is an incredibly destructive disease illing millions every year, and we need to throw zillions of $$$ at it to fix it. But in fact the deaths from AIDS are microscopically small compared to child starvation, heart disease, and on and on. But we get these popular emtional issues that everyone gets so wound up about, and in the process forget the truly important ones. Okay, so now who is going to be the first to claim i hate gays or something....in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    And Dugan, if you need a solution that management can use, I'd tell her "look bitch, either be nice to my customers or get the fuck out. And if you dont know what nice is, you have no business working in customer service, so get the fuck out right now"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    Dugan, apparently you are so thick that you can't understand even the simplest issues. Let me try to clarify even further, if that's possible. The OP, after recounting his tale of a dancer who was ignoring him, asked "So my question is why do some dancers seem like they aren't interested in making any money?" Simple question, doesn't require a "solution" as you suggest. So I and others told him, effectively, there is no answer to your question because strippers are fucked in the head. I gave many examples of why she might have been ignoring him. Case closed. Then you brought up this irrelevant independent contractor bullshit, trying to propose that she has no obligation to serve the customers, to which I countered a clear argument why she does have some obligation to keep customers happy in order to support the business that is providing her some income. What the fuck is so difficult to understand? I showed you're full of shit, you are incapable of admitting you're full of shit, so you keep coming back with this irrelevant bullshit. Dude, try this..."yeah, jerikson, you have a good point. I never considered that. I may not agree, but it makes sense." Are you that much of a dickhead you can't discuss things like an adult?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Bra-less dancer really shakes her jugs on You-Tube
    And as a public service i did a few minutes of searching and came up with a video that is perhaps a 6 out of 10....far better IMO if you want braless tits on a hot chick. Smoking body, perfect titty fucking tits....the music and dancing could be improved, but THIS is a whole lot sexier that that hang on sloopy shit.... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10gvh7_braless-teen-boob-bouncing_people
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancer Named Felony
    Strippers have names ?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    For those of you who have been to Adelita Bar and Hong Kong in Mexico. . .
    I'll disagree somewhat with occurious.... Yeah, you can make the trip from San Diego to the LA area to visit some clubs, but in practice that's a big fucking pain. Forget driving unless you want to worry about hitting Orange County traffic at rush hour, which is pretty much most of the day. And you'll have to do that both ways....uggghhh.... Yeah, you can take Metrolink or Amtrak, and it's a nice trip, but it can also be a pain getting around after you get off the train, and having to schedule your trips. Yeah, you can do taxi, but again that's a pain. This isn't NYC where there are taxis zipping by constantly. The best mileage place in the LA area are City of Industry, which is nucking futs to get to by train. You have to go to downtown LA first, then another train to Industry, but they don't run on weekends as I recall. A huge pain. Same with Upland (Tropical Lei) I believe. Personally, I'd highly recommend going to TJ. Get a passport, and just do it. It's an incredible experience, especially Hong Kong. You won't find anything comparable in the LA area, especially considering the prices. Just hop a taxi direct after you hit the border, and don't go walking around by yourself. Don't worry dude, have fun.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Bra-less dancer really shakes her jugs on You-Tube
    Ok I'll admit i went a little overboard in my response. My apologies. A hot chick dancing with braless bouncing tits is one of the worlds great wonders. No question. However, I've seen a lot of hot chicks dancing braless in my lfe, as I'm sure we all have. And honestly the video she posted, compared to what I've seen, is probably a 2 on a scale of 10. So given the choice of posting that, or some super hot chick with insane tits dancing to some sexy music, without fucking Hang On Sloopy and videoke lyrics, it seems strange she chose this one. But hey, maybe for you guys this is a 10 out of 10. Sorry to disagree. But not everyone in the world agrees with you. Go figure
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    DV COI
    Slic, using your logic any expenditure towards disabled people is reasonable, and if you dont agree your heartless. I dont think so. Should disabled people receive a government check every week for $10,000? Thats pretty heartless if you dont think so. My only point is we should be reasonable. ADA lifts for strip clubs seems fucking un reasonable. As do ramps on every curb of every sidewalk corner in the city, unless maybe it can be shown that maybe there are some disabled people in that part of the city that might actually USE them.
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    10 years ago
    DV COI
    Cheo, since you're clearly knowledgeable on the subject, how would a strip club stage be something that fits under the ADA requirements? Is it basically anywhere a human travels must be accessible? Just seems so strange...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    Rick, I have provided a long list of arguments, clearly describing multiple times what my points are. Counter arguments, examples, repeated over and over. You don't want to agree with me, therefore you use any means you can to disagree. You know damn well the points I'm making. You can't be that thick that you are unable to see the rationale behind it. But you intentionally misrepresent what I'm saying, and intentionally don't see my points. Fine. Play your games. But keep this in mind, and I say it with all due respect. Rick, you really are a fucking dickhead. I know you'll never see that or admit it because your ego is fucking 3 miles wide, but you really are a dickhead. And there's no animosity when I say that, I'm sure you're a nice guy. But seriously, you need to accept the fact that you're a fucking dickhead.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    DV COI
    "And cutting in the wheelchair ramps on the sidewalk harms nobody," It sure as hell does....the public that is paying for it. Yeah, it's a convenience, but I could give you a list a mile long of "nice to have" conveniences that don't warrant massive expenditures.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Bra-less dancer really shakes her jugs on You-Tube
    Trixxi sez: "....you would not expect this girl's dancing to be as sexy as it is..." Trixxi, with all due respect, women generally have no clue what men think is "sexy". Usually when a woman says something is "sexy", I scratch my head and wonder what she's thinking. This is a perfect example. Thanks for posting the link, but it's a below average looking girl (IMO), who can't dance, dancing to a song that is not conducive to sexy dancing. If it's you or a friend of yours (which I suspect), I apologize for the criticism.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    Dugan sez: "Wow. How did this thread become about me? LOL." It became about you because you tend to say stuff, very authoritatively, that reflects a very shallow or incomplete or ill-considered knowledge of subjects. So people correct you. Not a good thing, Dugan. And you're left to talk about homelessness and alternative economic systems, totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, but something you can sound smart about. But I guarantee, in the not-to-distant future you'll resurrect your worn out arguments about capitalism and independent contractors, even though they are, at best, somewhat irrelevant.