
Comments by jerikson40 (page 13)

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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Celebrity (?) 2AMer
    How much you want to bet it really started because some guys were teasing him for playing that annoying douchebag Screech on that stupid TV show...and he got pissed... "NO GODDAMMIT !!! I'M NOT FUCKING SCREECH !! I'M A MEAN MOTHERFUCKER !!! REALLY !!!"
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    10 years ago
    Border crossing from Tijuana to San Diego after visiting Hongkong club: what to
    That's a tough one...not sure there's a right answer. My sense from some LE guys is that they're just so fucking tired of hearing lame excuses that they might find it refreshing and respectful if you just level with them. The border guys know damn well that a large majority of single white guys heading to Mexico for the day are there for pussy. Or drugs I suppose. What they don't want is for you to bring illegal shit with you into the US. So if you don't have any illegal shit, I suppose there's nothing to worry about. Assuming the agent isn't on a mission to fuck with you. But hell, I don't know. I think it's pretty irrelevant to them if you did illegal stuff in Mexico. And going to Hong Kong isn't illegal, even if it was in the US. Taking a chick to the hotel and fucking her for money is illegal if it was in the US, but so what? You were in Mexico, and US doesn't give a shit, nor do they have any control, over what you do in other countries. You're under Mexican laws there. Maybe if you told him "Well, I visited Hong Kong and fucked the hottest stripper I've ever seen" he might high five you. Who the fuck knows. Just don't bring illegal stuff back into the US.
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    10 years ago
    Would you...
    Yeah, I love chicks with great muscular definition, but she's a bit over the top. And she has a man face. Great blonde hair, but her face is like a man with makeup. And her thighs are way too big. And dude, she's just not sexy. She doesn't know how to dance sexy. Very uncomfortable. And did you notice how big and floppy her pussy lips are? Geez. Something about body builder women that they have these big ugly pussy lips. So not sexy. That being said, compared to some of the insanely over the top bodybuilder women, who are fucking scary, she's not all that bad. She just needs to lay off the workouts for a while and get a little more natural. Then I'd fuck her. Oh, wait...those pussy lips. Bleccch....
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    10 years ago
    What's the deal with buying the "lady" a drink?
    Stripper sez: "It's a nice gesture and tells the girl you are prepared to spend some money" Lots of things are nice, but when it comes to throwing money away on useless shit, I tend to be "not nice". I don't give a fuck if the dancer thinks I'm a nice guy. I'm not there for her approval. If she does a good job, I'm the nicest guy in the world, and I'll treat her like a queen. And what is the benefit to me of "telling the girl I'm prepared to spend some money"? I'll spend some money if she does a good job in entertaining me. That's her job. If she's looking for some asshole who's prepared to spend money on her even if she doesn't do shit, just for sitting there and looking pretty, then my "go fuck yourself" rule applies. Women are not entitled to money solely because they are pretty. Many dancers seem to think they are entitled to lots of money for doing nothing more than sitting there in a bikini and looking pretty. Fuck that. The world is full of pretty girls. Do what the rest of the world does. Work for your money. Do a good job. Earn your money. Be better than the rest. Be the best at what you do. Otherwise, fuck off, and go find some douchebag who needs an ego boost and is stupid enough to stick $100 in your thong merely because you're a girl and you're talking to him.
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    10 years ago
    North Iowa
    3 odd things from my visit to my local stripclub tonight
    I guess this answers the other thread about buying a dancer a drink. No fucking way. At a minimum, require she does a breathalyzer first. What the fuck is this world coming to?
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    10 years ago
    What state has the worst strip clubs
    Vegas is way overpriced, and way over-hyped. It's great for young guys who've never been to Vegas or a strip club before and don't know any better and don't mind paying thru the nose as part of a vacation with their buds. It's all part of the Vegas experience. But for anyone who wants some value in their strip club experience, it sucks. I can't count the number of times I've been to Vegas, but avoided the clubs there altogether. Just ain't worth it. Vegas is for the kind of guy who wants to tell his friends when he gets back home "Hey, you won't believe it !! I paid this gorgeous dancer $500 and she let me touch her boobies !!! It was awesome !! And I won'$2,000 at poker". Of course, they actually lost $2,000, but it's all part of the Vegas experience. Lie about how much you lost....
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    10 years ago
    What's the deal with buying the "lady" a drink?
    I have a policy called "pay for performance". Here's how it works: If someone in a service industry (like a strip club) does something that I like, something that provides me with value, especially something over and above what others give or provide, I tend to pay them for that service. The better the service, the more I pay. If it's a REALLY excellent service, the sky is the limit and I'll empty my wallet. On the other hand, if someone does something that is not something I want or need, and/or tries to intimidate me into paying for a service not performed, or not performed well, I will tell them to go fuck themselves, and I won't pay them shit. So if someone asks me to buy her an overpriced drink only because she wants me to buy her a drink, or the club management is pushing overpriced drinks, that is a clear "go fuck yourself" penalty. Flags down on the play. Move the ball back 15 yards. Pretty simple. In a service industry setting, I'm not trying to be a nice guy or get people to like me. I'm there for a service. In a real world, personal relationship setting, it's entirely different.
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    10 years ago
    What state has the worst strip clubs
    I think it's safe to say that the entire Northeast US pretty much sucks for strip clubs, maybe with the exception of Rhode Island ? But as GACAClub says, it varies by city, not by state. California has some decent clubs around LA, but just two hours south in San Diego it's the dust bowl of strip clubs, and has been super sucky forever. And also it depends a lot on what you consider good....hot girls, mileage, nice decor ? Someone mentioned Washington State. A while back Seattle was somewhat of a mecca for good mileage clubs, but that crashed to the ground in recent years I guess. And I guess Atlanta was super sucky for a long time and has now recovered? The couple times I visited many years ago I didn't even bother with the clubs. Haven't been since, but it sounds like it's got some great clubs. Seems like the midwest states, and those east of the rockies, are more likely to be sucky. Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska....hell, like GACAClub said, most of the US sucks. The really good ones are few and far between.
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    10 years ago
    What's the deal with buying the "lady" a drink?
    The standard Dugan logic... Everyone does it, so you should too. And hell, if you have the money, why not spend it? Because the dancers and the clubs expect it, so why run the risk that they'll think you're a tightwad? Cuz maybe the dancers won't like you if you don't spend your money on them. And you don't want to be known as a tightwad, right? Because it's so important what others think of you. You want people to like you, right? As Lopaw said, "Many are either too polite or too intimidated to say no..." Maybe Dugan is one of those "too intimidated" guys. And Dugan, it's NOT a social interaction. Don't you get that? Its a service performed for money. They try to intimidate you into spending your money on shit that ain't worth it, by convincing you that it IS a social interaction. $20 or $30 is not the issue. It's whether you can be intimidated into throwing away money on useless shit. For me, high mileage lap dances are worth spending money on. Overpriced drinks that I don't want in the first place aren't.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What's the deal with buying the "lady" a drink?
    Many/most clubs make serious money on selling drinks. The markup on a drink is astronomical. A 12oz can of Coke is what, 40 cents or something? And when a club gives you a drink, it's 90% ice and 10% coke (or whatever). So figure maybe 15 cents or something of actual Coke in your glass. And how much do they charge? Hell, I don't know. A buck or two? And someone can do the calculation for a liquor drink....markup is probably much higher. That's why they make you feel like you are obliged to buy the dancers a drink. Often the girls don't give a fuck about a drink, but just as with tips, they rely on making customers feel it's the "right thing to do", and they're assholes if they don't tip or buy drinks. It's just another way to separate you from your money. And a lot of guys buy in to the bullshit, so it works.
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    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Good porn ruined -- just me?
    "C'mon. Making a battery charger out of seawater and coconut shells is totally solid science, but not that many outfits...." Fuckin' hilarious.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    By the way dude, if you had told me that was actually a foto of a guy with a chick's head Photoshopped on it, I would have believed it. To me, that foto is not only not hot, it's kind of sickening. Looks like a guy's body. I'm serious.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Sorry dude....I get your point, but the Council clearly outlined in their ruling that the reason why redheaded, freckled women cannot be hot, even if there is only a light smattering of freckles, is what, by necessity, goes with it. And that is this sickly pale white skin. And as the foto of Nikki Rhodes so clearly highlights, it it also often accompanied by the undefined and un-curvy body of a 12 year old boy. I mean, just look at those legs and feet. No definition or muscle tone whatsoever. Just a flat white skin. Note that this is also an affliction extremely common to Japanese and related Asian women. Pale, white, no definition whatsoever. Not good. Unacceptable.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    ".....hot, redheaded, freckled...." Sorry dude. Mutually exclusive. The International Council on Hot and Super Hot Women voted 98-0 that you can't be redheaded, freckled, and hot. Just doesn't work.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Which is why I think the Hawaiian, Thai, Filipina, Vietnamese, and Pacific Islanders are the hottest of the "Asian" chicks. By far.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Yeah, the mixed part is what often makes them hot, IMO. I *think* Japanese and Chinese and Korean are fairly "pure" races (or whatever the correct term is) and that they didn't have European rule to make them mixed. Though my knowledge of shit like that is pretty much nonexistent so I could be totally off. But I think SE Asians are generally more likely mixed with Spanish and other countries who overtook and ruled those countries.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Yeah, I'm probably closer to Anonymous Jim's list....those three are, to me, more "pretty" than "hot". That's why, even though I love Asians, I tend to prefer the darker skinned SE Asian/South Pacific chicks instead of the Japanese/Korean/Chinese looking chicks. There's a world of difference. The darker skinned, mixed SE Asian chicks tend to be a lot hotter and nastier. I had to look all those women up, and none of them really impressed me. Now Asa Akira is a notable and rare Japanese exception.
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    10 years ago
    Girl has been beginnings me to butt fuck her
    Now, is this the inflatable girlfriend, or the one who visits the same time you hear the voices?
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    10 years ago
    Goodbye My CF, I Have To End It Before I Lose My Sanity
    Wow, that was nice.... Sadly, you probably won't get a response from her I suppose, even though a warm, loving, heartfelt letter like that deserves a response. If it's any consolation, let me give you what I think her most likely response would be: "um, yeah, okay.........like, whatever......what was your name again?" Be strong dude....
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    10 years ago
    She's texting while I'm going down on her
    As I've said before, this is NOT the most social generation, it is the most selfish generation. In this generation, doing incredibly rude shit like that is considered normal. It's fucking disgusting, but that's how kids are. The "attachment" to their phones is nothing more than self-centered instant gratification.
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    10 years ago
    Quality vs Quantity
    For me, when it comes to someone like Brandi Love (I had to look her up), it's not a question of whether or not I'd pay $3,500 for an hour with her....it's more like, "would I cross the street if she was on the other side waving a $100 bill and shouting 'come here and I'll pay you to fuck me !!" ?? For me, the biggest problem with paying big bucks for a hot chick is, when it's all done, and you're driving home, will you be kicking yourself for spending a bunch of money for an hour or two of pleasure? Was it really worth it? Yeah, maybe with a very rare girl it's worth it, but IMO it isn't worth the risk.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    As an apology to all (especially the jerikson40 dude)...
    You think she's hot ?
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    10 years ago
    OT: Second Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola
    Fuck no, it was Scooby Doo !!! How embarrassing for me.....
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    10 years ago
    OT: Second Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola
    I dunno, this whole Ebola thing isn't sounding too good to me. Anyway, thanks for posting the umpteenth Ebola related thread in a forum designed for strip clubs. What, you guys don't know how to access CNN on the internet? On the other hand, "Ruh Roh" was pretty hilarious. I forget what dog that was....
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    10 years ago
    My cable just went out this morning
    It's been a long while since I had Netflix, but my recollection was that it pretty much sucked. Which is why I dropped it. The selection was, as I recall, REALLY sucky. Have you guys heard of, or considered XBMC? There is a freaking TON of free stuff out there on the internet, including recent movies, TV shows, etc. It's incredible. And it's all free. And I'm sure it's far more of a selection than with Netflix. Of course, a portion of it is probably not totally legal, but that doesn't mean you can't watch it. XBMC is an application that will allow you to access a shitload of media servers all over the internet. I only use XBMC. Sweet. Oh, wait, this is TUSCL, where people like to brag about spending a lot of money on stuff because it boosts their egos. Nevermind.