
Comments by s275ironman (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What is going on?
    ^I agree that those links were a cause of this. I was replying to a discussion and when I hit submit, I got that error message. Then after a while when I came back to the site to see if my response was posted, I saw that I had to type it all up again because it did not post.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Overweight strippers
    I have been very fortunate to not see very many fatties in the clubs I visit. Every now and then there is one that clearly is obese. Most of the time there are a few that have just some minor belly fat, or they just have a very naturally thick body frame. I've only been to one club where the majority of the dancers were obese and that was back when I was a newb to strip clubs. I had driven by this particular club many times as it was on the outskirts of the town I lived in. This club was out in the middle of nowehere, but near a major highway. As I would sometimes need to take the highway to get to appointments in other nearby cities, I would drive by this club on a regular basis. I only visited the club itself once. It was a Friday evening and I showed up around 7:00pm. I was the only customer there. There was one dancer finishing her set on stage when I walked in. She was the BBW type and it wasn't even close. She could lose 50 pounds and she would still be fat. The next girl that got on stage was not any better. The same can be said about the third girl that got on stage. 20 minuntes have gone by and I've seen 3 girls in the club and they were all fat. Finally, the fourth girl that got on stage was thin, and very much an 8. I would've gotten a dance from her, but I couldn't. While this hottie was on stage, I was approaced by a dancer who looked like she should have retired from dancing a long time ago. If I had to guess her age I would say she was mid-to-late 40's. She was in great shape for her age, but definitely not my type. She started hustling me for not a dance, but a VIP. I was not interested, but she would not take "no" for an answer. So, I decided it was time to leave. In total I had seen 5 girls while I was there and only 1 was actually hot. The funny thing was, this club was very highly rated and had great reviews on a strip club review site (not TUSCL). It was the highest rated club in my area and I had visits to 2 other clubs the week prior to to visiting this one. Goes to show that you can't always trust recommendations from some of these review websites. Needless to say, I never returned to this club to give it another chance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rate the former US Olympic gymnast
    I would rate her a 7. This is based on an average score from all the pictures provided. Some pics she looks like an 8 while in others she looks more like a 6. She is still hot!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How long did you visit strip clubs before your first p4p?
    It has been years since I've done P4P, but all my experiences have been with escorts, not strippers. My first P4P experience with an escort was 3 years after I had first visited a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Keeping it in the club
    To simply answer OP question. Yes
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What are some key factors that you help you determine who and who not to take to
    In almost 7 years of clubbing, I can count on one hand how many girls I have had a VIP with. I just don't do it unless I know that the mileage is good and I am getting my money's worth. I first have to try her out with a few regular lap dances. If I really, really enjoy them and the contact is better than what all the other girls in club typically give, the next time I go to the club I will take her straight to the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Most common stripper names
    Anastasia and Natasha are popular names among Russian/Ukranian/Eastern Europen strippers. Ginger is a popular name among red-headed strippers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A choice
    This is an easy choice for me. I would take the 18 y.o. every time. I may be closer to 40 than to 18, but a woman who is 40 is still quite a bit older than me. Besides, there seems to be some sort of anti-aging gene in my family. Therefore, we would look like a legitimate couple if I were seen with an 18 y.o. I also imagine the 18 y.o. would be a lot tighter than the 40 y.o.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What are the signs that a strip club customer is a newbie?
    Here is one I remember witnessing about 5 years ago. This kid took a seat at the tip rail, and when the first girl went on stage, he did a double-take similar to the wolf in those old cartoons. It was a very funny sight to see when the DJ called this kid up to the stage because he was celbrating his 21st birthday.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Approaching the woman for a dance?
    I was not expecting so many responses to say it is OK for the customer to approach the dancer, but if that is the only way to get her attention then there is nothing wrong with doing that. I've always had the view that it is the dancer's job to approach the customer and not the other way around. If she wants to make money, she has to work for it. I've never appraoched a dancer to ask for dances, but then again, I've never really had to. I know I have missed out on 1 or 2 I would've really wanted to get dances with, but that is no big loss to me. Over the years, I have consistenly been approached by close to half of the dancers working on any given night, and most of the time I get approached by the hottest ones there. One thing other posters have mentioned is tipping her big when she is on stage. I have actually tried this before and it worked...to the point that I instantly became her #1 choice to approach for a dance. It is true what they say, sometimes these girls are shy and won't approach unless they are certain they won't face rejection. Tipping her big on stage is a good way to assure her she won't be rejected.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what percentage of dancers on a given sc visit do you find attractive?
    I am very careful when I use the term attractive, because it is all about personal preference. On a typical visit for me, I would consider the percentages to be the following: 5-10% I personally find to be attractive 50-75% I consider to be attractive but not my type 5-10% just should not be dancing at all, they are that ugly Either way I look at it, sometimes taking a chance on one of those I put in the category "attractive but not my type" does pay off. If their looks aren't doing it for me, but they show a fun personality, most times I will get at least one dance from them. As a result, I actually have found some of these girls to be more attractive after finding out they give really great dances. On the other hand, sometimes I find one that has me turned on just by looking at her face and she hasn't even taken her top off. Then when I get a dance from her, it ends up being an air dance and that kills any attraction I had initially. That is, provided she actually has approached me. More often than not, it seems the hottest ones will go hide and not approach customers when they are off stage. It is very rare that I find a dancer to be extremely attractive and also give good dances. But when I find them, it makes visiting the club a very fulfilling experience.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever meet a friend in a club?
    I have not me anyone I actually knew in real life, but this is kind of close. In 2010, shortly after a job promotion caused me to relocate from Michigan to Wisconsin, I began my days of clubbing. I think it was my second visit to this particular club where I had a nice conversation with one of the dancers. When I told her where I was from, she got excited and told me that is where she is from too. I then asked her what high school she went to. Her answer was a school that really does exist, so chances are she really is from the same city I was from. BTW, we both were from different school districts. My family lived in the suburbs and her family lived in the city. She was a very nice girl, but I did not get a dance from her. I don't remember why. It was probably because I already had several dances that night from other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer kept moving her thong aside
    At least in my experiences, a dancer will tell you what is allowed without you even having to ask. Unless it is a club where extras do exist, the most you can usually hope for is to be allowed to touch her tits and/or ass. If they do allow touching, they will almost always tell you that touching their pussy is off limits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Addictions are my hobby
    What do you think of TER... and should I care?
    I have not used TER, but a few years back I used another website and successfully arranged dates with escorts. The whole process has its pros and cons. I am very much the opposite of many of the other TUSCL members who live in my area. In the 4 years that I've lived in Metro Detroit, I have only visited 2 strip clubs, and both are known as clubs where extras are not offered, at least to my knowledge. I know this applies to the club I visit the most for sure. The other club I've visited was in Canada and it seemed like no extras were being offered there. I may end up giving one of the extras-friendly clubs a try in the future. As for the advantages of going with an escort, you do avoid a ton of "third party" expenses that are involved when going to the club. You don't have to pay a cover charge, valet service, coat check, buy a drink, or tip a bouncer. You just show up wherever you agree to meet at the time you agree to meet. Just be sure to bring your donation in cash, as that will have to be handed over at the start of the session. Many of these women who post ads online do ask for a reference, meaning the name of another escort you have gone on a date with. However, there are also some that will make an exception if you are a newb. If you find one who is newb-friendly and successfully schedule a date, then you got one reference and it should be easier to arrange dates with other service providers. As for prices, they can vary. A perfect 10 may only schedule an hour minimum and charge in the range of $300-$500. The women I've seen, I would rate a solid 8, and their prices would average to $150 for a half hour or $200 for an hour. With sites like TER, always read the reviews and take them into consideration. I would say 10 reviews is a good number for one service provider to have. If they have 10 reviews and 8 or 9 of them are positive, then it makes it an easier decision to contact them.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    got off
    All this guy does is post fake reviews, or copy and paste reports from USA Sex Guide and submit them as reviews.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    3 of us went and we all left happy
    Are you sure you visited Flight Club and not Landing Strip or some other club? The prices you and your buddies were quoted are really low for what the norm is at Flight Club. The average going rate lately has been about $300. Also, there is no need to use a code to cover up prices. If you were quoted $200, just say “$200” since not everyone knows what $$ means.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Prices keep going up.
    Sure she doesn’t do extras now, but that may change real soon if she wants to make any money at this club.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Whoa!!!! Inflation has hit Big Time......
    Inflation has hit this club big time
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Dance count disagreement. Will never return.
    I think I would recognize this Destiny if I see her. She is a regular on Friday nights. I was interested, but not anymore.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Thursday Night fun
    I didn’t know that they had sofa seating, and free of charge, that is amazing.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New girl
    How did this get approved? This “review” provides no useful info.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A Pleasent Surprise ... and then Disappointment...
    I’m not so sure it was his intent to have the same review published 4 times. It does happen often enough where a glitch gets a review submitted twice, but this is the first time I’ve seen 4 submissions that are identical. I always reject a duplicate submission when I see it, but it is obvious not everyone notices duplicate submissions. We as review moderators have to do a better job, as in, once we approve or reject a review, we need to check the next review in the que to see if it is the same exact review we just accepted or rejected. I think the bigger problem is too many review moderators are leaving duplicates in the que, or worse yet, accepting the duplicate submission. After all, I can see the logic in someone not being sure if it went through the first time they hit the publish or reject buttons, so they hit those buttons again on the duplicate.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Curtains being down make this a pointless stop for the money
    This was the last club in Detroit proper to take the curtains down. Now they are just like all the other clubs on 8 Mile. Highly doubtful this club or any others will get their curtains back. On the bright side, the clubs in the Wayne County suburbs do have curtains up as they are outside of DPD’s jurisdiction.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I rejected this review while 3 others thought otherwise, smh
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good first visit
    $300-$500 at Bogarts? Was that on one dancer? Who spends that much at this shithole?