
A choice

layin low but staying high
Friday, April 21, 2017 5:31 AM
You get to choose a companion for the weekend from between two women. Whichever you chose, she will do her very best to be your perfect girlfriend and do whatever you want for your time together. Both women are your DS. Whatever you most desire in terms of race, eye color, tits, ass, weight, personality, etc, she is whatever you like most in a woman. Both are a 10 to you, or at least as close as a woman can realistically get to that ultimate level of perfection. There is really only one difference between these two women. One just turned 18. One just turned 40. Everybody knows which one I would chose, but how about you? Which woman do you chose for your rent a girlfriend?


  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Probably the 40 yo. With hotness being equal, I'd go for the maturity, intelligence and life experience that comes with age. My ATF was a lot like this, only older at 46 when she hung them up.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Oh, the 40 every time. What good is an 18 year old to me besides sex? I make a joke about anything I grew up with she'd be clueless.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My preference for one night is the 18 year old, but the idea of a full weekend with a teen is a turn off so I would choose the 40 year old for the weekend every time.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I'm closer to 40 than 18, so the 40 year old wins. No matter how hot an 18 year old is, it just fucks with my head too much since I have nieces that age now.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    18, no doubt at all.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    False dichotomy. Take them both.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Is it possible for a 40 y/o woman to be a 10?
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    18 and pretty easily too
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    40, easily.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    My 3 OTC girls have been 42, 38, and 32 (in that order). I can't imagine spending the weekend with a teenager. 40 for sure!
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    If the older girl was 30, I would definitely choose her. I think 40 is a little old for me, because she would be more than half my age. However, the 40-year-old would probably still win. I would have more to talk to her about.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"If the older girl was 30, I would definitely choose her. I think 40 is a little old for me" Lord help me, I agree. Well, I guess if I"m fucked up, I might as well be fucked up in good company. And by "good", I mean "bad". With the older girl at 40... I dunno what I'd do. This fantasy is a bit too contrived, I'd make the decision based on their particular personalities... bearing in mind that 48 hours of sex with a woman whose beauty is in full bloom is a pretty mind-blowing fantasy, even if the 40 year old will be far more interesting between sexcapades. With the older girl at 30 ... VERY likely to pick her over any 18 year old. Anyway, I also think that if you keep the older girl as 40, but bump the younger girl to 23, then it's a slam dunk for the 23-year-old. Dealing with a teenager for the whole fucking weekend can be a bit trying -- I know, having done so myself a couple of times in the past few years. 23 is still crazy young but takes the teenage edge off.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Be hard for me to pick the 40 year old as she would be older than.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Somehow 19 sounds more brilliant than 18 to me. But if forced to choose 18 vs 40 I'd chose 18. I assume both like giving rimjobs. ;)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Definitely 40
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    And I also assume both find wiener dogs ace! Little 4got would join us on the trip. But I'd crate him for the perverted stuff.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Here is another question... Using this caveat: "Both women are your DS. Whatever you most desire in terms of race, eye color, tits, ass, weight, personality, etc, she is whatever you like most in a woman. Both are a 10 to you, or at least as close as a woman can realistically get to that ultimate level of perfection." What does the 18 year old offer that the 40 year old doesn't?
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    I'll take 18 and energetic.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    18 because " what she lacks in experience she will more than make up for in enthusiasm". Ps And I assume a tighter hole.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    And 40 year old cannot possibley be better physically.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    IME answered your question flagooner
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    40 yr old could be better physically. Just look at Janet Mason, Cameron V, Brandi Love, Holly Sampson, Jewels Jade, et al; then go to the food court at the local mall.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    There are exceptions, but in most cases the 18 year old will clearly be better physically. Women don't age well
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    LOL, and men do? Check out your college and high school buddies on facebook.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    The 18 y.o., no hesitation about it...though I'd question her ability to carry a worthwhile conversation. Fortunately, I'm not into strippers for the talking.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    The 18 yo so that she could brag about being able to give a man old enough to be her great grand father a hard on. :)
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    It would depend on what we would spend the weekend doing? Staying in bed all weekend and nothing but eating and fucking - then the 18 year old. Spending time in public or other social situations which required some level of maturity, in addition to significant private time for sex - then the 40 year old.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    agree with jack if the older girl was 30 I'd probably pick her but since ds material has usually been closer to 18 than 40, I'll pick the 18 y.o. although I would prefer early 20s.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    I'm flummoxed. I'd like to beg for both....
  • mr_evans2u
    7 years ago
    The 40 year old will out fuck the 18 year old.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    That's a tough one since neither of them are ideal. I'd think I'd go with the 40 year old just because the sex would be so much better than the 18 year old.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    JS69, how about another choice. I believe you completed jr. high school quite some time ago. So how about taking responsibility yourself for how you handle your women. Shouldn't need to discuss it with male buddies. SJG
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    This is an easy choice for me. I would take the 18 y.o. every time. I may be closer to 40 than to 18, but a woman who is 40 is still quite a bit older than me. Besides, there seems to be some sort of anti-aging gene in my family. Therefore, we would look like a legitimate couple if I were seen with an 18 y.o. I also imagine the 18 y.o. would be a lot tighter than the 40 y.o.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I thought about making this an 18 vs 30 year old but I figured everybody but me would chose 30. I thought 18 vs 40 would be a more interesting question with more varied answers. Just look at some 18 year olds some day, and then look at some 40 year olds. Even if they are all very hot, the 18 year olds are going to be more attractive the vast majority of the time. At least for me. But since most of you appear to have chosen 40, that just means less competition for me for my 18 year olds.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    It's good you did 18 vs 40. It makes it a lot more interesting. Women are still pretty attractive physically at 30 years of age. But 40 years makes it a more difficult decision
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    18 of course. A 40 yo that's a ten? Really?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "A 40 yo that's a ten? Really?" yeah seen a few 29/30 yo's that are 10 or close to but never a 40 yo 10.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    well, i'm going to disagree with your scenario, because my DS wouldn't be 18 or 40 :P being able to give birth =/= physical maturity, i think most girls don't fully mature physically until their mid twenties, say about 24, and don't reach mental/emotional maturity until a few years later, say about 27-29, and what I find when I go to men's clubs is that most of the dancers I'm attracted to tend to fall between the ages of 22 and 32 (at the upper extreme), with 24 being about average, that said since 18 is much closer to my sweet spot than 40 i would have to go with the 18 year old
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    If it's possible that they are both 10s, I take the 40 because she will know techniques the 18 won't and be better at convo as well.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Hmm my perfect 10 isn't a virgin so 18. I'm 26(ish) so it's not as creepy for me as it would be for JS69. I think I'm having a serious hankering for women my age again
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Guess JS69 feels he missed out on things in his adolescence and by being married so he's trying to play catch up now.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    He also doesn't seem to understand how to relate to women who are closer to his own age, that is closer to the age he is supposed to be. SJG
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