
what percentage of dancers on a given sc visit do you find attractive?

Sunday, April 16, 2017 2:23 PM
I'm guessing it's different for every club particularly if you've only been once(not a large sample size). so for this experiment, only the clubs you've been to more than once. Previously, it was probably 20-40%. lately(not traveling anymore) it's more like 5-10%. that's one out of every 10 strippers(if I'm lucky). if there's less than 10 dancers, there's a good chance none of them tickle my fancy!


  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    There are lot of good threads this Sunday, I like it! What's your criteria for attractive? I'm going to say 7 and up. I would say in my area at least at the clubs I go to, most of the girls are at least a 7. Something like 60%.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    In a good-club, I probably wanna get w/ about 1/3 of the dancers - the other dancers I may not find unattractive just not my type.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    For me, there's attractive "she's nice looking", and attractive "Sure, I'd spend $100 on a VIP dance or three with her". I only need one VIP-worthy attractive girl, but the trip just feels better if there's lots of other attractive women around. And I find there's a weird perception thing that goes on -- the more attractive women around, the more they seem to lift each other up in attractiveness. If I find 40% of the girls "nice looking" attractive, I consider that an above-average trip If I find 20% of the girls "VIP-worthy", I consider that an above-average trip Since I go to dayshifts, where 10-15 girl lineups are the norm, less than 10% VIP-worthy girls basically means I don't do any dances that day, we call that a No Joy.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    meh, this is difficult to answer. but if i have to give a percentage, i'd say 50 percent. honestly, its unusual for me to go to a club and not find multiple dancers I wanna get dances from---ESPECIALLY if its on a friday or saturday night
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    One of my best buddies has this indiscriminate taste in women. If you put 50 girls in a room, maybe your average guy would find 10 or 15 of them attractive; my buddy would find maybe 40 of them attractive. The two of us once went to a club where there were something like 20 girls on shift. He asks me, "how many girls do you think are hot here?" I tell him there's two girls who might be hot enough to do dances with, but I'm still deciding. He tells me, "I think they're all hot. I haven't seen a single girl I wouldn't dance with here." Ugh. But hey, he has fun every single trip
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    subra, I know what you mean(not literally as I have only strip clubbed alone to date). but I think everyone has that friend that will fuck anything that moves and has a vagina. Vikings, I agree Friday and saturday nights the percentage goes up. but also the number of pl's goes up. so much so that it's much harder to get ahold of one that I find attractive. Friday's and Saturday nights after a certain time become sausage fests akin to night clubs or bars, which are much cheaper.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I am very careful when I use the term attractive, because it is all about personal preference. On a typical visit for me, I would consider the percentages to be the following: 5-10% I personally find to be attractive 50-75% I consider to be attractive but not my type 5-10% just should not be dancing at all, they are that ugly Either way I look at it, sometimes taking a chance on one of those I put in the category "attractive but not my type" does pay off. If their looks aren't doing it for me, but they show a fun personality, most times I will get at least one dance from them. As a result, I actually have found some of these girls to be more attractive after finding out they give really great dances. On the other hand, sometimes I find one that has me turned on just by looking at her face and she hasn't even taken her top off. Then when I get a dance from her, it ends up being an air dance and that kills any attraction I had initially. That is, provided she actually has approached me. More often than not, it seems the hottest ones will go hide and not approach customers when they are off stage. It is very rare that I find a dancer to be extremely attractive and also give good dances. But when I find them, it makes visiting the club a very fulfilling experience.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    A lot depends upon the individual club and just luck of the draw...
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    The club I go to most often I found 2 girls out 10 hot enough that I would buy multiple dances from which means I'm really attracted to them. The rest of the girls are like 6 or 7....I would gladly date them in the civilian world but I would not spend $ for a dance on them because there not really stripper hot or hot in general.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    Everyone has their own idea of attractive. There are plenty of dancers in a club that are good looking, but simply aren't my type. That's why I rate dancers not by their relative attractiveness, but on a point "lap-ability" scale. 1 = Wouldn't lap her if she paid me 2 = Good looking or has a feature I find interesting (like huge tits on a meh face). Usually will get 2 laps with these when I'm bored. 3= Just my type, gives great 2-way contact dances, will VIP on a regular basis. Usually 4-10 dances (or more). 4= Very rare. Out of this world perfect body (for me), gives good/great laps, will ALWAYS VIP when I am in a club. Becoming more of a unicorn now but I just found a new one at Bourbon Street Circus. C "playing the chump's game" P
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    So, to answer the OP: 1's 40% 2's 30% 3's 24% 4's 1% CP
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'm confused by your scale. is your 1% four actually a 10? a dime? playboy/ maxim scale?
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    If you could build your own dancer, in looks and attitude, that's what a "4" would be. Incredibly rare. Super hot and great laps, but short of perfection, is a "3". A specific feature you like (for me, tits, for you, maybe asses or Asians or Latinas, or tattoos or whatever) is a "2." Just taking up space, would never lap and perfect time to use the restroom without missing anything, is a "1." CP
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    that was my guess. but i had to ask because of unusual conditions. me for example. there have been times that my standards slip all the way to your 40%. beer goggles is my excuse.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    If you define attractive as I want a dance with her, I'd say it averages 10-20%. This is on weekday nights which is when I do most of my clubbing.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    on chili palmers scale, I have not seen a 4 in months. I have been settling for 3s lately(minus the high contact sometimes). I don't bother with 1s or 2s since I can get that otc.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    yes, let's define attractive as you would get a dance.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    There a re a lot of beautiful girls I won't get dances from and many that aren't really my type that I would love to have grind on me.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    It can go by rotation but 3-5 overall. And it's sad that there's like 25-30 girls per shift too. And I refuse to settle
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Depends on club. At Follies these days, 10% or less. I'm really picky as I've gotten older and had OTC success.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't try to calculate a percentage - for me, it tends to be 0-3 dancers, regardless of how many there are. It's more of a sliding scale where if one is particularly attractive, the others lose some appeal. I have trouble deciding what to do on the nights where three of them rate.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Unfortunately it's usually less than 25% for me. Other dancers have occasionally persuaded me to get dances on occasion. If it's more than one out of every four, I'm enjoying the view quite a lot. At some clubs, I often see dancers whom I wouldn't want to go out with even if you paid me. If they outnumber the hot dancers, I may leave early if they are hard to avoid. If I'm horny or in a good club, it can be well over 50 to 75% dancers whom I might get dances from. It's still usually only a handful I would consider very hot. On my last club visit to lust, there was only one dancer I consider very hot, some others looked very nice or were very friendly which can make a dancer attractive if looks aren't everything. Pasties make the girls look less attractive though. It varies from one visit to another.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Example , 20 dancers working, I might be willing to get dances from 5 of them on a less than stellar night. In a large club with 100 dancers maybe over 20 I might find attractive. More in clubs where the girls are more heavily screened but then you tend to lose dancers actually being friendly somewhat without everyone faking it quite poorly. Some dancers are very attractive but terrible at acting friendly. At least they were trying. When I first started clubbing, clubs I visited screened the girls and didn't hire a lot of those I have seen working in more recent years. Some of that might be due to some guys actually enjoying very fat girls. I will take fat over anorexic but neither is attractive to me if she is way past just a few extra pounds.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Attractive enough I'd fuck for free? 50-60% Stripper hot? 10-20%
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I'd agree with James SD stats. His "FFF" category might be equivalent to CP's "2" dancer. Those would be the dancers who don't (quite) make you say wow for any number of reasons (slight to moderate overweight, too much ink, etc) but with enough redeeming features to make her lapable. You'd take her on a slow night, or if your top choices are unavailable.
  • sclvr5005
    7 years ago
    Lately there have been a lot more dancers but get of them are above a 6. I'd say I find only about 10% of them fuckable.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    There's attractive--as in she's good looking and would hook up with in civilian world-- and then there's strip club attractive. The latter has more stringent standards... so on a good night I'd say maybe 10-15%
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Find attractive - 10 to 15% Find so attractive that I would want to get a dance from them - less than 5%
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Attractive (may or may not be to my tastes for dances) - 30-50% Lap Dance candidates - 10-25% VIP candidates - 5-15% Take it if they were giving it away for free - surprisingly, not 100%. Maybe 50-70%.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Shark says "Some dancers are very attractive but terrible at acting friendly." Soooooo true As much as I like my CF physically, her best attribute is that she's friendly and great at GFE
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Generally about 25% but it can be a higher percentage at certain clubs with a low number of dancers.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Some are attractive but I'm not personally attracted to. Some I think are hot but know others would find her a SC average at best. It's a moving target. The only way I can quantify this is by who I would buy dances from, and that's about 5%.
  • Dlee305
    7 years ago
    I am an AA male so... There's attractive which means would be willing to fuck (for free or cheap) and there's BAD which is likely what you all are referring to. I attend SCs exclusively during dayshift so maybe 10% for a bad chick. A unicorn during the day shift. Simply attractive like >50%.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Most strippers are hot and I would be happy to bang them if they were civilian girls. I would approach them or try to game them if I saw them in a normal car or whatever. So I'd say I find 90% to be attractive. But strip clubs are different. I've become very picky. I really don't want to pay SC prices unless I think she is really hot, just my type, etc. Someone used the term unicorn. Matter of fact, I didn't buy a dance at all on at the last 3 first time club visits I made. So probably 5% are above the threshold.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    It's fun to read the responses. Seems we are all saying basically the same thing. And I used to be like Subraman'salsa friend. When I was a rookie I'd buy lap dances from multiple girls every time I hit the club. I guess one just becomes aware of what is out there and what the mmmdwaam really get.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Money, not mmmdwaam. I hate my phone sometimes.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    To add to what Digitech said, I think it's just that after a while you become more sure of what you want and who you're likely to enjoy the most. When I started I would get dances from half the dancers in the club. Now, I basically only stick to dancers that are my type. Why go VIP, or buy a bunch of dances off someone that isn't very close to what I'm looking for? I've been around long enough to know that I'll eventually find her, whether it's this visit or another. Also, I'm not sure about others, but once I became aware of what I was spending I reviewed to make sure I was happy, getting "good value," and that I was satisfied with the results. That seemed to happen a lot more when I became particular about what dancers I wanted.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Basically attractive, 70%. But ones I would especially go for, 30%. SJG
  • bdchm
    7 years ago
    Attractive- 50% But since I am also eliminating attitude- pushy tip grabbers- uncomfortable ladies who cannot make eye contact or talk with just about any customers at all- and enhanced ladies that I would have found attractive before implants/ tattoos/ and piercings..... That usually brings me down to about 5%-15% during a 6 hour club visit...... Does that make me too picky? Oh well. If I'm picky than I'm picky. It's my money to spend or keep.
  • Socalclubber
    7 years ago
    Now adays i only go to a club to see a certain girl. Im over the trial and error ways of blowing cash on random girls.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Seems a lot of the experienced PLs stick to a small to very-small subset of dancers. I assume this plays into many dancers' thinking that guys are cheap b/c they won't spend on them where in reality they are waiting for someone specific to spend on.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Papi, that's me. I've had between zero and 4 regulars at a time (different shits) and when they're working I don't buy dances from anyone else. There's a reason they're regulars after all! Before my one current daytime CF, there was a period of a few months when I didn't have any at all, so I was playing the field. Variety is fun but I prefer to have a regular! More action with no wasted money. I did like that all the dancers who recognized me knew my regulars had left, so I was really popular as they knew I was 'shopping around'. My club is very hit or miss for any extras at all; and mostly miss with new girls, so when I get a dancer I find attractive and does the job the way I like it, I stick with her.
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