What do you think of TER... and should I care?

ThreeDollarBillAddictions are my hobby
I've been hitting the strip clubs for a long time now. I'm just wondering about those of you that have taken it to the next level and joined The Escort Review (TER) or one of the other services.
While I totally understand the girls there wanting to screen their customers, I'm not ready to trust anyone with all my personal info. Should I stick with the strip clubs or is the jump to the next level worth the risk?
last commentYou don't really need to give any personal information on TER, if you do reviews and get access to VIP that way. However, if you don't do reviews, you do have to pay a fee so they will have your payment information.
Many girls like to screen via TER and will send you a private message on TER so you have to be a member to respond. Also, you can get "white-listed" by girls and that will help other girls verify you. Overall, I like TER.
I've never done an escort route. Although I've often thought about it in the past. I've just stuck to ITC and OTC with strip club dancers.
I can understand the premise behind TER. I've just never done it. But may try it one day.
I think TER is about the best you're gonna find in terms of quality escort sites. I go back and forth between both stripclub and escort worlds with no problems. You can always join a referral site like P411 where you would only have to give up some personal info once. Sort of like Paypal for johns/janes.
I think what ThreeDollarBill is referring to is most quality providers that have good review on TER have some sort of screening process where info has to be given up.
I used to escort frequently but haven't for years, sticking more to the strip club scene for hotel romps. In the past many providers had a minor screening process which was relatively painless. I agree, some escorts had a more rigorous screening process and I simply passed on seeing them.
Another option that lopaw mentioned is P411 and there are a few others, but I never really had the need to join those sites. After the Ashley Madison scandal I would be reluctant to give any site like that my personal information.
I have not used TER, but a few years back I used another website and successfully arranged dates with escorts.
The whole process has its pros and cons. I am very much the opposite of many of the other TUSCL members who live in my area. In the 4 years that I've lived in Metro Detroit, I have only visited 2 strip clubs, and both are known as clubs where extras are not offered, at least to my knowledge. I know this applies to the club I visit the most for sure. The other club I've visited was in Canada and it seemed like no extras were being offered there. I may end up giving one of the extras-friendly clubs a try in the future.
As for the advantages of going with an escort, you do avoid a ton of "third party" expenses that are involved when going to the club. You don't have to pay a cover charge, valet service, coat check, buy a drink, or tip a bouncer. You just show up wherever you agree to meet at the time you agree to meet. Just be sure to bring your donation in cash, as that will have to be handed over at the start of the session.
Many of these women who post ads online do ask for a reference, meaning the name of another escort you have gone on a date with. However, there are also some that will make an exception if you are a newb. If you find one who is newb-friendly and successfully schedule a date, then you got one reference and it should be easier to arrange dates with other service providers.
As for prices, they can vary. A perfect 10 may only schedule an hour minimum and charge in the range of $300-$500. The women I've seen, I would rate a solid 8, and their prices would average to $150 for a half hour or $200 for an hour.
With sites like TER, always read the reviews and take them into consideration. I would say 10 reviews is a good number for one service provider to have. If they have 10 reviews and 8 or 9 of them are positive, then it makes it an easier decision to contact them.
Yeah for the higher end girls in the $300-$600 range they do a screen on you....it's just part of the game to make them feel safe with you
The biggest issue is if one of these girls get busted then during a plea bargain flip on Their clients to help bust Johns to help lower their sentence
That Shit freaks me out and is a big reason I keep going back to the strip clubs
Juicy you can't even remember your password for here, I'd imagine you can't remember your TER password!
Shaylynn ....you mean it doesn't auto save ??? shhhhhhhhiiiiiiitttttt !
I wonder how many aliases Juice has on TER
TER is a great resource if you're going to do the escort thing. However, the bigger question, to me, is if you want to do the escort thing.
I personally find trying to find the right escort to be annoying. What you find out from TER a lot of the time is that a lot -- lot -- of escorts out there use fake pics, questionable agencies, rigorous screening or are just too expensive for their own good. It doesn't help that my area struggles to attract good escorts because a witches brew of low cost of living (i.e. girls have to set their rates lower), a lack of businessmen types and strong law enforcement scares away a lot of girls.
I will dabble occasionally, as in once every few years if I see a good opportunity arise. But I far prefer the clubs and trying to find ITC/OTC, if only because I trust the WYSIWYG factor in clubs more than the escort game.
Papi sssshhh ! :)
If you want to know a good escort just ask juice
That's right...I got deals deals deals for days !
Come on down to juices whore house we will help you finance a hoe, rent a hoe and buy a hoe
We got high ends, low ends, cash deals and blow out steals
We make dreams reality
Juice lets them sleep in his van. WHAT A GUY !! :)
TER and escorts are not a move up from fucking strippers. Why shop for women online when you can shop for them in person and try them out before you take one home?