
Overweight strippers

I attend a few strip clubs around the southern cali area....

So, i'm at a topless club and noticed something,(90% of these girls are fat)

And the ratio of overweight strippers to stunners is increasing.

Unfortunately, this trend may be here to stay.(lower end clubs)

Rhino,De ja Vu,is that where all the stunners are working now?(Where they at)?


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Strippers reflect society and society is morbidly obese. According to the owner of the Club I prefer, changing demographics has made fat women more acceptable.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    90%? It seems you might gain by reading the reviews before you go......
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just remember fat women and scooters can be fun but you still don't want your friends to see you with either one.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Does skibum's club owner also note whether revenue is increasing or decreasing? How many if us will knowingly go to a club full of fatties, spend the same amount of time and money, and go as frequently? That's why I've mostly written off Lookers, too many fatties.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Avoid drink hustle clubs. The practice sustains fatties bc guys who can't say no will buy whoever sits w them a drink, and then the pretty ones can't approach. If you don't want to see them, don't spend your money on them in any way. Every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of girl you want to see.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Life is too short to duck a fat stripper.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    twentyfive's comment = brilliant!

    I periodically tell myself that a Vespa would be an ace way to do short trips. Scooter out to the grocery store for things that go bad rapidly like a baguette and fruit then scooter back home.

    Then I reconsider. ;)

    Back to the fat stripper discussion. I certainly don't like the morbidly obese. Anything in a reasonable range doesn't bother me. My upper limit is probably around Amy Schumer.

    xxxrated, are we talking about fat or really fat?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I've not seen a truly fat dancer but there are lots of frumpy ones: dancers who could lose 20 pounds and need a boob job to be attractive. But I can't say I've seen any real trend in my club. Some days are loaded with 8+ dancers and some days an 8 is the best there is.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I definitely think that the trend is upward with regards to weight. Part of the issue is that there are a lot of fat girls who have convinced themselves that they are "thick" (i.e. Papi Chulo mode).

    Thick versus fat is somewhat subjective, but I know it when I see it. And it's a case-by-case decision when it comes to thick girls.

    But I agree. Fit girls have become more of a commodity.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    your definition of fat it rong.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    or is it 4play?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    belax is pretty good usually too.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I get dances from one that has steadily been getting fatter every time I see her. But she is still very cute and gives a good dance while trying to up sell me to VIP. She is also pleasantly nutsy. All of my buddies like her too and get dances from her but pass on the VIP. There are other guys that do take her to VIP.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Don't you mean watermelon...?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A woman does not have to be skinny to be attractive and desirable yet those that like them skinny consider curvy womem as fat just b/c they got some meat on them in the right places (meaty thighs, big ass, big tits).

    In SoCal there are a lot of Mexican dancers and Latinas in general tend to be curvy and meaty b/c that is what Latins like for the most part - also the Mexican diet in particular is very high on carbs (tortas, etc) and why many Mexican dancers will often be too meaty.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Chulo + 1
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Bartender ex-dancer tells me she introduced a young dancer that annoyed her to the Buttery Nipple shot and sure enough got her hooked. A month later the dancer says she gained 6 lbs and doesnt know how? Lol. Women can be soo ruthless to each other. Soo, maybe ask your bartender next time...
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^ that's hilarious. 6 buttery nipple shots a night is probably 1,000 additional calories.

    OP has good point - everyone is fat so strippers are fat too.

    I know we are calling a lot of strippers fat when they really aren't fat, just carrying some extra weight.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Larger number of thick girls might correspond to mileage increases.


    Wall Street Starting To Panic About Trump, remember, neither this nor anything Dougster tells you has predictive power.

    Senate Asking Comey to Testify


  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I have been very fortunate to not see very many fatties in the clubs I visit. Every now and then there is one that clearly is obese. Most of the time there are a few that have just some minor belly fat, or they just have a very naturally thick body frame. I've only been to one club where the majority of the dancers were obese and that was back when I was a newb to strip clubs.

    I had driven by this particular club many times as it was on the outskirts of the town I lived in. This club was out in the middle of nowehere, but near a major highway. As I would sometimes need to take the highway to get to appointments in other nearby cities, I would drive by this club on a regular basis.

    I only visited the club itself once. It was a Friday evening and I showed up around 7:00pm. I was the only customer there. There was one dancer finishing her set on stage when I walked in. She was the BBW type and it wasn't even close. She could lose 50 pounds and she would still be fat. The next girl that got on stage was not any better. The same can be said about the third girl that got on stage. 20 minuntes have gone by and I've seen 3 girls in the club and they were all fat.

    Finally, the fourth girl that got on stage was thin, and very much an 8. I would've gotten a dance from her, but I couldn't. While this hottie was on stage, I was approaced by a dancer who looked like she should have retired from dancing a long time ago. If I had to guess her age I would say she was mid-to-late 40's. She was in great shape for her age, but definitely not my type. She started hustling me for not a dance, but a VIP. I was not interested, but she would not take "no" for an answer. So, I decided it was time to leave.

    In total I had seen 5 girls while I was there and only 1 was actually hot. The funny thing was, this club was very highly rated and had great reviews on a strip club review site (not TUSCL). It was the highest rated club in my area and I had visits to 2 other clubs the week prior to to visiting this one. Goes to show that you can't always trust recommendations from some of these review websites.

    Needless to say, I never returned to this club to give it another chance.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If someone wants to make a high mileage club go, best just to hire as many dancers as possible, without any real looks standards. So the girls will be in competition, and for some the goings will be harder. So the owner is intentionally setting it up so that the girls will not follow any rules. This will draw guys in, and then hotter looking girls will see that, and look over the other girls and believe that they can get the money flow away from them.

    Imposing looks standards is more for highly regulated clubs. You want the girls to follow the rules. These San Gabriel Valley places, but all reports, are not of that type.

  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    You ain't in the proper hunting grounds apparently.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Thin may be in ...
    But fat's where it's at

    I maybe fat
    but you're ugly
    and I can diet

    Fat girl T-shirt sightings.

    ... I like pleasingly plump women also (call 'em Thick). Got a spot for them.
    But I have the best sex with athletic hard bodies.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    My theory about overweight strippers is that while not all are attractive, most are entertaining. And sometimes that is what I want.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    There used to be a real tank named Tristan working at my favorite club. However, she made up for it by having almost every square inch of her body covered in tattoos.

    Yuck! :-(
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ SJG is spot on with his assertion based on what I have witnessed through the years.

    And the post didn't ramble incoherently. I think he is on his meds.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    There is a difference between FAT, thick, voluptuous, athletic, spinner and skinny.
    Fat needs no explanation.
    Thick is a girl/woman who may have had a kid her waist has suffered and her hips are wider because of it also.
    Voluptuous girls/women likely have the hour glass shape, the extreme example is Kim Kardashian,
    Athletic girls can be anything for a "hard bodied" lanky beach volley ball player to a girl that is not small but has little fat. She may or may not have large breasts and hips and likely does not have a wasp waist. More pear shaped.
    A spinner has a young girl shape, narrow hips, small waist and small breasts. Many girls have somewhat this shape until they have their first kid then the hips widen.
    Skinny or scrawny, these are girls who for one reason or another look under nourished, stick figures. I was in a club the other day and one of the dancers got on stage and I swear her thighs were the size of my wrists. I know that there are some girls that are naturally that way but she likely looked better clothed, she was way to thin. I do not know if she was a crack head or just scrawny. I did not get close enough to see.

    There are guys that like the fattys. There are guys that like scrawny. I prefer girls in between.
    I agree that there are more and more fat young girls and boys for that matter. Sitting on your ass on your phone is not exercise. No one walks anywhere, especially in So Cal. Kids are not allowed to walk to school anymore and even it they wanted to "desegregation" orders from assholes (i mean well meaning douche bags, I mean judges)
    have made neighborhood schools are a thing of the past. So now kids get on the bus in the morning, sit on the way to school, sit in class all day with no PE because it is discriminatory to make fat kids sweat, they ride the bus home and then sit at their phones or computers all evening eating prepackaged garbage. When I was a kid we went outside after school because if we stayed inside mothers would find chores for you to do. The TV was not allowed to be on until after chores, homework and supper. The only way out of some of the chores and doing homework immediately was to escape outside.
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