Delilah's Den22 Washington Ave
Manville, NJ 08835
Too detailed too specific

I see a trend where others are bragging about exactly who will do specific acts and ones they have gotten. Yea I know, a quick look at my review and even I may have crossed the line a little bit, but I can’t delete it or sanitize it now. However, more recent ones have stated names and specific acts. This is a quick way to make this place “hot” and getting the ladies in trouble sooner or later as it will be simply too easy for law enforcement to just B-line to the ones stated and get them on a soliciting charge. I would advise we keep any talk like that to private chats.
last commentOld topic.
You think LE doesn't already know there are activities in clubs?
^ I’m sure LE knows what goes on in the clubs, but they don’t necessarily act on what they know , they more often act on what the ministers wife knows. Best way to cause unintentional harm is to talk too fucking much.
Bragging is what a limp dick pussy does.
Though cops are actually lower on the list of concerns, the bigger problem with connecting dancers by name to extras (and prices) is that it potentially jams them up in the club with other dancers, customers, managers, owners, etc. Not to mention boyfriends / husbands who buy VIP just to find out what Bambi actually does in VIP.
Which is why such details should be shared via PM if anywhere.
I want my favorite dancers to keep dancing without interruption or drama. I don't know why guys feel compelled to potentially torpedo their own fun.
Valid points, Ishmael.
I believe even PMs pose a risk, though, albeit a lower risk, as someone would need to put forth some effort to send a PM (vs merely trading a public post). And, if PMer doesn't have much history on the board, they may not get a response. I did notice your "if anywhere" phrase.
Besides, just because Bambi did x to me, doesn't mean she will do it to you, and vice versa.
Brother, if Leo wanted they'd "bust" a club on weekend nights and catch a few "John's" and "hookers". They cost to benefit ratio to the local community in doing so is negligible at best if not outright negative since the "criminals" aren't a threat to said community and it's citizens.
Leo is more interested in responding to 2amers and drunk drivers than catching a bunch of adults trying to fucknon the dl.
the dang country needs to make it legal.
Rule #1 fight club..
Agree regarding attributing any illegal act to a dancer by name. But is it a transgression to describe a club as an "extras" club? That implies that some significant percentage of the dancers will engage in such acts, and it is certainly a potential flag for law enforcement. OTOH, it is certainly actionable intelligence, if only in rebuttal to a review from somebody who strikes out once or twice and declares that no extras are available.
^so, extras are technically defined as anything more than a dance. And given that most US states have a no contact law regarding sexually oriented businesses, most strip clubs are technically extras clubs in that they allow touching of some kind. Extras are known for being more explicitly sexual in nature, but they technically really are anything more than a dance. A dancer merely just sitting on your lap is considered an extra in the eyes of the law. Just throwing that out there as food for thought.
I 100% agree with and support of not linking names to extras. It's a great way to get a girl fired or jumped. So many customers desperately seek out extras, yet can't just simply respect that dancer that serviced him afterward by just leaving her name out in a review.
Also, LEO can't really do much without having seen something themselves.
Manuel said "But is it a transgression to describe a club as an 'extras' club?"
It might depend on how socially conservative the region might be, but overall I don't think so. More often than not, local cops already know exactly what clubs offer the extras without going online. Either because it's just common knowledge within the department or because they go there as customers.
As I said above, the bigger issue is causing the dancers grief within the club.
So, why can't you just say something like "I told Velveeta what I was expecting from VIP. She wasn't OK with everything I wanted, but followed through on what she said she was OK with". If you also say in general what sort of and how common extras are in the club, what more would someone reading the review need to know?
I think sometimes it's more about the reviewer's desire to brag. Rather than trying to help other PLs, while not being a jerk to the strippers.
^ That would be the happy compromise. You can be vague in a way that any savvy PL gets enough info but that really says nothing. Two practical problems, tho: 1) the knight pearl clutchers, who need to protect “their girls” from imagined harms, will yell “too explicit!!”, and 2) many reviewers are too “direct” to pull it off, or many do WANT to brag or claim a trophy.
Bottom line: hard & fast rules don’t work well. Try to hit a balance between actionable intel and discretion, and have a conscience.
This is a well known extras places. I get all the points people make. But the degree to which those points matter obviously varies
Who brags about pussy that they paid for anyways??
Basically, everyone except for me is an idiot and doesn’t know how to say something without actually saying it. Keep your shit on the DL and protect your best girls.
The problem, though, Hank, is that your girls can't keep their mouths shut about you.
Yeah I agree with what has been said before. Being discrete is ideal, but not for law enforcement. They are usually strip clubs biggest customers as thier job is very stressful. You just dont want to go running your mouth as a girl's menu doesnt have to be the same every day. Some girls give more of a menu to guys they have chemistry with, have paid more over time, they think will pay more over time. It also might be the time of the month when rent is due and she's eager to make some extra cash. If you run your mouth every guy will want to come in expecting the deal and when she declines he will post a bad review hurting her.
And in the end guys who write explicit reviews arent trying to help the community, they get off on bragging.