Hahaha that video is hilarious. I’ve had equally incoherent convo with strippers, but her stamina & energy level takes it to another level. The professionalism of the cops is outstanding. Although that had to be the most useless Miranda warning ever LOL.
Yeah I saw that a couple days ago. That is your average stripper to a T. She was pretty cute too I would’ve went along with the seduction and tried to bang her
^ I believe body cam videos are easily obtained these days. I suspect Daily Mail scours footage looking for stories/videos that can get them clicks. So, it wasn't necessarily publicized by the police.
Just part of the unfortunate times in which we live.
^ this is correct - I think it falls under the freedom of information act. Also I’d imagine when something this zany happens police want to release the footage because if they don’t 2 weeks later a suspect could say they were assaulted or violated while lawyering up.
If a video is already out there showing they did their job then that may save a headache.
Soooo, what is unusually entertainingl about this particular sloppy drunk? Not like sloppy drunks are a rare sight. Probably not the only one here who's been that sloppy drunk a timer or two.
Every video no matter how wild or bizarre has underlying educational value. For this video the educational value is: across the country pl newbys will be walking into a SC tonight, after drinking, and by the end of the night they will have big insta love for a stripper who has precisely the same mentality as the one in this video.
Lots of people drive drunk. Not anything strippers have a monopoly on. She's clearly one of those unlucky people who, part of their impairment from alcohol is not realizing they're impaired. Insta love is generally a bad idea, especially bad with someone who wants to sell you something, regardless of their drinking habits.
Seriously? There’s only one person “humiliating” her, and it’s her own drunken ass. Personal responsibility, baby. You drink & drive and get busted, it’s on you. The cops should sell this funny shit, and fund hiring more cops & buying more body cams. If you don’t want to be mocked, don’t do stupid shit.
^That’s not the job of the police. People make mistakes and break the law. There’s prescribed punishment if you’re guilty. The cops unnecessarily doing extra like posting this video or doing things like slapping handcuffed people around is not their job and breeds resentment. You reap what you sow. The good cops understand and allow people to save face when possible.
^As these cops did, relative to the stripper’s “friend”. And as they did to psycho Grace throughout the video. The unsubstantiated assumption “they” released the footage is just classic “oppressed victimized by authoritarian oppressors” worldview, as promoted by the Marxist school of thought to justify “revolution” (actually just redistributing the power to oppress unto themselves). Typical modern college “critical thinking” that starts and finishes with an assumption of fact.
The thing I picked up on was she was really afraid of human trafficking. She stammered about girls being taken to Atlanta, Then at the end she was terrified of going to Mexico, Yeah, she was drunk as a skunk and will probably remember very little. If I were the DA after reviewing the video, I'd ask her about that, maybe even cut a deal if she can narc and it is credible.
@fun good point. The cops shouldn't assume all sex workers are pimped, that's akin to the Reefer Madness War on Drugs. But, with a sex worker that goofy, strong possibility she's pimped.
last commentIs it necessary for the cops to humiliate her by releasing a video of her at her worst moment? Fuck them for that.
Just part of the unfortunate times in which we live.
If a video is already out there showing they did their job then that may save a headache.
The good cops understand and allow people to save face when possible.
Stripper told LE she had left a trick, while the "friend" claimed she had left a family party. Certainly seems a bit suspicious.
With all the training and focus on trafficking, I'm surprised LE didn't pick up on that.