
Air Dance just standing

So this happened to me a few times, but last night it was really pissing me off. I got a dance from a super hot girl, nice brunette, short big natural tits, nice shaped ass, like the whole package, looks like just any ordinary hot chick you'd see outside the club. We chatted a bit made some jokes, then she asked if I wanted a dance, I was like sure I'll just start off with 1 nude dance just to see how things go. We get in there and she's talking a bit at first before song starts then when it starts during the whole duration she just stands there, no moving, no dancing ,nothing. No shaking no grinding nothing at all. The thing is I didn't have to pay her until after, she didn't ask for the money until way way after once we got back to the main floor. I was mad I walked out, it was honestly my fault it was way way in the back a long hallway to walk, I left and she was still in the booth putting her bra and thong back on I could've just walked out and drove off. My fault I stayed on the floor to chill and look for other girls. That would've been so fcking tight to just walk out and leave she would've learned her lesson, give a stupid dance not doing nothing then you don't get paid.

First even when she came off the the front I explained I'm not paying you shit, you did nothing no dance just stood there but then all the management got crazy and forced me to pay, I can't believe they took the little piece of shit girls side, they didn't take my side. Why would I lie about something like that? If I got a good dance I would be a returning customer and kept coming back and giving her money, but since she cheated and stole my money I'm never gonna give her a penny, so why would I lie about something about a dance being cheated? That's a serious issue.

I was pissed man at the end I tipped her on stage I threw coins to piss her off, I threw like three quarters on stage and said fucking bitch then walked out :)

What do you guys do in these situations if a girl does something ridiculous like this? Where she does nothing at all and stands still? Because at other cases when it happened I told management and they took my side, one time they even refunded my money and they usually talk to the girl and give her a warning not to steal, but this time they didn't, they were against me. Like wtf


  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Again it's like if I get a shitty dance with no contact and nothing why would I lie about that? I'm addressing a serious issue that I got cheated, if I got a good dance I would keep coming and giving her money, and then why would I make something up like that

    Honestly in my opinion when girls pull this bullshit they should be fired right away or at least be warned by the owner or manager that if that behavior continues or they should be told that if they try or do that again they would get kicked out. That has to be said man so they stop doing it. That's literally theft your stealing money, someone is paying for a service to a business. That's the same same exact thing if I order a burger or food at a restaurant and they don't give it to me or serve my food. I don't care how much you guys disagree that's the same exact thing. She's ruining business and being a thief. Girls like that definitely need to be told and can't do that shit
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Pretty much *every* single thing you've complained about on here has never happened to me. And it's not like I'm some stripper whisperer or something like that.

    So, I'm not taking this seriously at all. The strippers I've been with would never do this because it doesn't make sense. They want to get paid and they want return customers.

    So, either it didn't happen or you did something stupid that you're not talking about. And though either are plausible, I suspect that the former is true.

    But on the topic of not getting what you expect from a dancer, if you're not asking her what kind of dances she offers ahead of time, then it's on you.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    It’s part of the strip club experience. You do your best to select a dancer but you can’t control the experience. Some are great. Some are disappointing. Most are okay. It costs money to find out. It’s like buying a lottery ticket.

    When you find a winner, you enjoy the experience and build a relationship.

    When you find a loser, you stop after one or two dances, pay her, and forget her.

    Anger kills the entire experience. Accept the fact that you need to sort through some disappointment to find the treasures. Celebrate the wins. Shake off the losses.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    No this is real shit man, girls are young and naive they think in short term to make a quick buck without performing. They don't think long term making better business. I'm being 100% extremely serious man this happened a lot. Yeah honestly the joke is on them, if they just did things properly and gave the dance I would of kept coming, now when I return to the clubs and they ask for a dance I'm just like piss off bitch, go eat a bag of dicks, and then they feel sorry and wish they never fucked me over

    What do you mean not getting what you want? You shouldn't have to ask for shit a dance is a dance. It's called a lap dance for a reason they're supposed to be on your lap grinding the whole 3 to 3 and half minute duration of the song, no air dance no standing on the chair high up in front of you no weird shit. For extras that's a different story yes you ask before hand what they offer cause those are many different services

    But just regular dance it's not on anyone to ask what kind of dance they offer or what you expect, a lap dance is just a normal dance where they're on you, it's basically dry humping, she's grinding and you to are almost fucking with clothes on, she should be on your lap the whole time. Otherwise your getting cheated
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    I'm still not buying it. But there's a sucker born every minute. I'm sure that someone will give you the attention you crave.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Lol ok man. Don't buy it then. Why would I lie about crappy experiences. If anything someone would lie about good experiences getting pussy non stop and getting 5 girls at once that's a lie. Why the fuck would someone lie about bad experiences or not getting girls. Ok then man suit yourself
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Way I see it is is it's incumbent on you to smarten up,
    "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    Here’s the bottom line, when you cast a wide net, you’re going to get bad fish. Charge it to the game like a man and move on a wiser individual. Also, no offense, but you may want to polish/tighten up your interactions with these women as they can spot gullible and desperate guys a mile away. Which doesn’t help your case - even if you have money. Getting emotional and losing control is definitely the social death knell with any woman, let alone a woman who takes off her clothes for money. Keep it together, shake it off and smile about it. Just don’t dance with her again - part of having confidence is the ability to withstand anything that comes your way without losing control of your emotions.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Thanks @SquareCastle again for always helping out and giving advice, instead of ripping on me haha. It's not always about mad, your trying to save the community as well, like bring it to the clubs attention so she stops, I wouldn't want her pulling that on other customers as well, so I try to school her or let people know so she stops scamming other people, I know how it feels, I'm saving other people from going through that nonsense

    Yeah sometimes it's good also to just ignore it, it would honestly be really funny to ignore it cause then every time your at the club and she asks for a dance and your always gonna say no thank you since she robbed you, then she sees you buying dances from other girls and she's just so sad and realizes what she done then. That's the hilarious part hahahahahah :) so yeah it is awesome to just keep it cool and let things solve themselves it will be all good and she will learn what she did over time, you don't always have to explain or tell her
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    Name the club and the dancer.

    If you paid for a nude lap dance, and that was not delivered, you have a legit complaint. If the club or dancer dismiss said complaint, take your business elsewhere and out them so your brother PLs can be warned. Throwing coins and getting pissy inside the club is just a bitch move that will get you nothing but future hurt.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    This is all bullshit. The OP is a fraud, a little bitch, and the story a lie.
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    For the benefit of those who visit the club, what was the club and who was the dancer? If you walked out after one song, you did the right thing. Pay her the $25 or whatever and cut your losses. Lesson learned.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    SIMP alert. Women look for cues visually about someone, and she probably saw your mouth agate with that puppy dog look on your face eye fucking her. That alone likely creeped her out and she justified air dancing as enough of a service, knowing if she included any physical touch could have pushed the OP into obsession mode. She
    Believes in an ounce of prevention was worth more than the cure.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    You eat the cost for the single dance and move on. If you feel especially vindictive you come here and write a review calling her out.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    That is so sad 😞 Dusty.
    So very sad.
    I'm going to leave the internet now and go cry.
  • 5footguy
    a year ago
    "the whole duration she just stands there, no moving, no dancing ,nothing. No shaking no grinding nothing at all"

    So, for 3 minutes she stood like a statue, not moving, not talking? And, what did you do for 3 minutes?

    Regardless, this sad pattern you have posted about has one common person, and it's you. You are absolutely the problem in your problems. This shit doesn't even happen once or twice to PLs in a lifetime, and you have had it happen "a few times" in a few months. You are clearly not emotionally in tune You got mad and threw quarters, which I guess you must have brought in because I've never seen change at a strip club.

    Or, as I continue to suspect, you are a brilliant troll who enjoys the entertainment. I enjoy too, so, please keep these stories coming Kevin, er, Dusty.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    “That would've been so fcking tight to just walk out and leave”

    I disagree. Part of getting dances at strip clubs is figuring out who is a waste of time and who is not. If there is a dancer who does something as weird and stupid as what you described, then after one dance you’ve learned that she’s not worth repeating with. Simple. Worst case scenario you are out $40, and if you can’t afford that, you are in the wrong hobby.

    In all cases be a gentleman and pay your goddamned debts. Dining and dashing, even if the meal is poor, is a shitty low class move. So is flipping coins at a dancer btw.

    Do better.
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    @5footguy- I’m trying hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, I really am, but the more I think about it, the more it does seem like he’s blatantly trolling. All of his new reviews contain old and dated information - I know this because many of the dancers he describes in preceding reviews have either changed their appearance or no longer work at said club, yet he writes current reviews for visits that happened over a year ago. Also, whenever you write a positive review on a club, he counters with a negative review almost immediately. When you write a negative review, he counters with a fake positive review. If his objective is being mildly annoying, it’s working. Time for a mute. Interestingly enough, not many people are muting him so he’s doing something right.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Yeah man things happen, I shouldn't get too mad or go crazy over it. Of course when it freshly happened your obviously angry in the moment, it is fucked up for a dancer to do that. I guess I should just chill out and look at it properly.

    I should've just old her jokes on you little missy, I could've been a returning customer giving you hundreds of dollars, but you decided to cheat me and think it was cute to not dance and just rob me. If I say that in a mature calm way and just basically explain to her that you think short term but then I'm never gonna return back, but if you didn't do that you would've made more money I would've kept coming back but now offer is expired. If I say that that will definitely have her thinking and she'll know what she did, and probably not do it again. I'm looking out for the next customers she goes to so they don't get screwed.
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    No names? It didn’t happen.
    I think Squarecastle has this one figured out, I’m surprised to say. I guess putting DH on mute & depriving him of attention is the only solution. I encourage you all to do the same.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Well it was a big case the club was getting mad at me and kicking me out, I can't believe they were taking the girls side. It's too much involvement, I wanted to keep the club and girl confidential
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I won't tell you this recent one but I can share my other details, one was princess at synn industry. She did a similar rob and left the booth
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Princess at Synn Industry that happened over a year ago so it's forgotten I didn't care about sharing that one. She's a rob even other people have said it. You can look at my discussion about synn industry how I was talking about how the black guy manager is cool he took my side on that one.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    So there's confirmation I don't lie about this shit. People get fucked over in life this isn't funny shit to lie about
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    ^ This is what it looks like when a troll persona starts to fall apart.
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    Thank you RiskA for agreeing with me, wow! To whom do I owe the pleasure ;). Glad we finally agree on something.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Ok since you guys don't believe me about saying me saying bad experiences and girls not wanting me then it only makes sense you would believe me that girls do want me and fuck me correct? Your always saying whenever i talk about girls cheating me and rejecting me you don't believe it so thank you that's a compliment you're basically saying I'm the real masculine alpha male that fucks every girl and when I talk about rejection or girls giving me whack dances you don't believe it in a way as if I'm too high value and that wouldn't happen to me

    So since you don't believe bad experiences and girls not wanting me it only makes sense you believe me getting all the girls and all the sex therefore fine you want it here we go I fucked Riley Reid Remy LaCroix Tori black, all those Instagram hoe models, Cassidy Klein, every college girl, all the California sluts, every girl on tinder thank you guys for complimenting me and defending that apparently my bad experiences are too much of a lie and that I'm a high value bad ass guy that fucks tons of girls I appreciate you looking at me in that light

    You wanna treat me as a high value Ryan Reynolds guy then I'll be that guy next time think before acting a fool
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    No, don't believe that either.

    By, Kev
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Square Castle Nyjah Huston looking guy
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I don't believe anything you guys say u never been to a strip club, have fun with ur little high school girls
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    Be gone 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. Muted.
  • ww
    a year ago
    If you were screwed over, why are you protecting the girl and club?

    And some clubs are air dance clubs. It is far fetched that a chick took her bra and thong off and then did nothing else.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Cause it got into a big case and I don't wanna reveal for personal identity reasons
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    "I should've just old her jokes on you little missy"... that is one reasonable option. Another is "thank you for your time", put the cash on the seat, and walk out early. They're very perceptive, they'll get the message.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Yeah but if she doesn't dance you don't have to pay her, it's not dining and dashing. That's the same as a restaurant not serving you food why would you pay?
  • Nobodygtyu
    a year ago
    Dusty if you're not a troll, you must be autistic just based on your writing style and frequency of posts. No offense
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I'm not autistic but even if I was autistic people are smart just can't communicate properly. Man everyone is just showing me with compliments first calling me a hot shit alpha male like Ryan Reynolds in the movie Waiting now being called a smart intelligent man. Thank you guys all the best
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    *hot shot
  • Nobodygtyu
    a year ago
    Fair, autistic wasn't the right word. More retarded.
  • FLAP3000
    a year ago
    When are you guys going to realize this clown is a TROLL?? It’s probably BlindThirdEye reincarnated. She used to create these ridiculous discussions and then constantly respond to every single comment generated from them. I guess this passes for entertainment these days.

    I realize that even by typing this comment, I’m probably contributing to the problem. But I guess in some sick way a lot of us are entertained by trolls. I guess it does break up the monotony….
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Yeah it's best not to start drama, I know things can be frustrating when you get ripped off or cheated but it happens to the best of us. Cause if it's a club you frequent or your a regular at if you cuss or go insane then they won't let you back in and even if your able to go in it will always be chaos and drama when the dancer is there

    I'm learning now not to do that no matter how much of a bitch she is, just keep it cool and tell her in a mature way just be like hey look what happened is fine, whatever you did you took my $40 it's fine, I don't wanna make this into a big deal but now I know not to come to you, you violated my trust. But everything cool thanks for your time,
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Just tell her be like it's fine you got my money whatever, I don't want any problems with each other, I could've been getting more dances from you, then she'll be like ok yeah come on let's go I promise I'll dance this time, then you just be like that sounds nice and sweet but sorry it doesn't work like that, good luck with your future ones. Yeah I learned it's best to stay cool and just explain properly
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    all this should have been done in two posts.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Yeah guys I will admit honestly I do say stuff out of anger and stupidity. I complain and bitch alot. And I know you guys always talk shit or joke with me and that's all good as well. No hard feelings it's just talks and jokes over internet. From now on I'll try to talk seriously and be mature and talk real strip club stuff. I'll stop complaining and being a pussy how girls cheat me or rob me.

    When things happen like this I should learn to just let it go you're right, don't extract revenge, don't rub in money in the girls face with other dancers, they don't give a shit about us, they're going to other customers and don't pay attention. It happens to the best of us, good dances, bad dances get robbed or cheated.

    Like I said I'll change and have better discussions and be smart, and not say silly shit, but you guys also gotta cooperate as well and talk mature and be cool with me also, I understand when I complain or sound like a wimp I get talked shit to that's fair, but as I stop complaining and start having real discussions and be more positive and share real stuff then you guys can't talk shit or be a dick to me
  • EastCoaster
    a year ago
    ^ "all this should have been done in two posts."

    Or none.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    having an air dance is one of the risks.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    "Yeah but if she doesn't dance you don't have to pay her"

    Obviously not true. I'm also starting to think you are a troll.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Ok go to a restaurant or pay someone to mow your lawn but if they don't mow your lawn your still gonna pay them nice man
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Pay for a massage but the person doesn't give a massage your still gonna pay them. Order a laptop on Amazon they don't deliver it ever your still gonna pay them. This is the same thing dancers do if they don't dance you shouldn't pay them same way if you order food and you don't get your food don't pay them. Think about it
  • mark94
    a year ago
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Or, you can confront every person you see doing something you don’t agree with for the rest of your life

    Any guesses which is a better choice ?
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    I’ll try one more time. You got a girl into a room, she took her clothes off. She thinks you have to pay, the club thinks you have to pay, and the only people you know that go to strip clubs all the time (us) think you have to pay.

    Maybe when you open a strip club, you’ll have a different set of rules and let random dudes decide they don’t have to pay bc they thought up some baloney rule at the last moment bc they didn’t get what they want. Until then, you to pay.

    Or you can get thrown out of clubs and banned and whatever. That’s also a whine we hear in these forums from time to time. Entertaining for us, not for you, unless you have a very weird kink.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Drew said "I’ll try one more time."

    I don't know, man. For some reason, I doubt it'll inspire an epiphany.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    This thread is like the Jerry Seinfeld show, it’s much ado about nothing at all.
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    ^It’s more like a Travis Bickle monologue. Everybody at Synn COI: keep a lookout for the guy with a Mohawk and a gleam in his eye, especially if you hear quarters jingling in his pocket. Code 5150.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ I don’t think Dusty’s dangerous, he comes across as rather weak TBH
  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    This is a discussion board, few posts will have video or eyewitness testimony. It’s all good to say it sounds concocted yet why not also run with the tooic as a PL academic exercise.
    Only two I’ve observed, though never experienced personally, the management sided at least partly with the customer. My guess is management probably sees and understands the stripper bs will happen. What few customers take a complaint to management, easier for management to try and somehow meet the customer halfway. But I echo others in saying being pissy is an ultra! bad move. And a stripper not doing anything at all for multiple minutes? What really happened in the first minute or two that made her not make an effort for a good tip?
  • iknowbetter
    a year ago
    After 56 comments over 3 days, I’ve determined this is a you problem. I believe this happened to OP, and he reacted poorly, exacerbating the situation - and likely got himself banned from the club. But this doesn’t seem to happen to others. Therefore it must be a you problem.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I figured out the problem of how robs happen and how to avoid them, sometimes honestly I didn't look carefully and know better in the first place. Robs are usually from girls that have bitchy attitudes or are the hot strippers. Like if they ask for dance right away and are pushy about it or only talk money and nothing else then you should stay away from them. I'm really going over my rob experiences and I came to a summary that all the girls are like that, you can just see it in their face and how they are as a person, if they don't really care about you and treat you like a ATM, which I know is their job and that's fine I respect that, I'm not saying don't go after money, but you gotta have a good approach if you just shove it in someone's face and say get a dance and are a bitch about it of course no one's gonna get a dance then, it's ok to want money and work but you gotta be nice and work through it and be more conveying.

    So anyway yeah back to what I was saying before was that those types of girls that don't really seem to care or wanna talk to you or spend any time at all or just make t seem rushed those are robs, so it's best to feel them out and determine if a girl is a air dance girl. Just based on how she is or carrys herself you can be smart enough to determine if it's a rob, and not even get a dance to begin with

    On the other hand if a girl doesn't rush you is sweet, doesn't mention money, sits down and talks to you she's obviously more trustworthy if she genuinely has a conversation with you like school, passions, if you guys have a whole ass convo and talk about all different topics then that means she became cool with you and is on your good side, so she's not gonna cheat. After talking about life, jobs, hobbies, sex whatever long convo, she's not dumb enough to ruin everything and give a air dance, she's cool with you by then and would give a real lap dance and not cheat, at that point she wouldn't pull anything.

    And yes like you guys say you can't control everything robs will happen yes I agree, but these are just tips how to be smarter and minimize them to where you mostly don't have to deal with it again.

    So yeah my conclusion is be smart in the first place, that was on me I should've known better if they don't care or walk away or don't wanna give you time don't even bother in the first place, if they are sarcastic and treat you like your some no one or a guy that doesn't get girls if they treat you like that or only mention money money and nothing else don't go to them

    But like I said if she's cool and talks to you and everything, doesn't force anything, treats you like a person and respect ls you your good, or another way to test it out if she sits next to you just pull out a few dollars like 5 ones or something and just put it on her ass or tits and feel and grab as you do that and if she lets you and moves around and encourages then she's legit or confirmed. But if she just takes the money and puts your hands off or says that's in the dance or vip only you have to pay more then you can tell she's a scam. These are all just ways to test or determine so you can help yourself from being scammed
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Just let it go DustyBottoms!
  • blahblahblah23
    a year ago
    I feel like op gets off on writing fiction?

    That said, I've seen this b4 in Minneapolis lmfao!!! Like the bitch would just stand not even dance or twerk and was built wide waisted with a flat butt/no tits/ hips don't flair out. But idk some chicks that look like shit imo and can't or won't dance/pole dance or at least twerk still make ok or good money so whatever. If it works for her good for her.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    "I figured out the problem of how robs happen and how to avoid them"...
    "So yeah my conclusion is be smart in the first place"...

    I think this is a semi-OK policy, but I think you are going to be disappointed in your ability to stare into the face of someone you don't know and detect their intentions. I also think you are still missing the larger picture.

    The number one way to not get robbed ever is to repeatedly see dancers that give you the service you want. In order to find them, you will have to "kiss a few frogs" i.e. spend $40 to get a dance that isn't quite what you are looking for, or in the case of this dancer, get a dance that is really not what you are looking for; and then cut your losses. Once you've had a few dances with same girl over multiple trips to the club, upped the ante in the VIP, and PAID her well for her time, she will see you as an important client and you two will build the mutual professional trust that will make ROBs a distant memory.

    That doesn't mean you then give her your credit card. Almost any dancer will weigh the income stream of the current relationship vs the short term cash flow stemming from a sneaky move and choose the higher of the two.

  • mark94
    a year ago
    Going to a club where you don’t have a favorite is like speed dating. Or, buying a lottery ticket. Or, trying a new restaurant. Or. Or.

    In other words, it’s just life. You try something new, you learn from it.

    Most people ( normal, well adjusted people ) just take it in stride. Celebrate the winners. Shake off the losers.
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    Dusty Cheeks, let it go. Stop trying to date/impress these types of women and just have a good time. Let me know if you need any help setting up your e-harmony profile.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    Lol @ e-harmony.

    It's easier to get an MBA than complete an e-harmony profile, and wait out all the steps required to finally communicate with a match. Didn't even realize e/harmony was still around, but if it is, I suggest you millennials stick with Tinder.
  • BGSD3100
    a year ago
    More than once you said, "Why would I lie about this?"

    For the same reason she would lie about it. Money. Now, I'm not saying that you lied. Nor I am I saying that she lied. I wasn't there. I didn't see anything. I don't know. Which is the same position the club management was in. Unless someone was watching you two, either life of with a camera, they don't know which of you is telling the truth. So, it's not surprising that they would decide to back one of their own over a stranger. Especially if you are the fist person to ever complain about her.

    If they get a lot of complaints about her, she will be gone pretty quickly though.
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    The Air Dances I Got Were Good, But I Guess All Clubs Are Diff 💲 ✔️
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