
Comments by MrDeuce (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is "Chocolate" an appropriate term to use in front of a girl?
    What in the world does MLK Day have to do with using the term "chocolate" for a black stripper?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    I retract my flippant remark, mdb -- sorry! As someone who is prone to getting emotionally attached to strippers, I can relate to your feelings for this woman. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues and wish you health and happiness.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    In general I greatly prefer my OTC girls to be unattached. Besides not wanting to support *two* people's drug habits, there is the safety issue. When I figured out that the "brother" who dropped OTC girl #2 off at my hotel was actually her husband (!), we were done. The exception was OTC girl #3, my ATF, who acquired a boyfriend after we had seen each other several times. By then I was hooked! He was on home detention, so safety wasn't an issue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    Warning: RIL!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is "Chocolate" an appropriate term to use in front of a girl?
    I agree: it depends on how you say it. I've been known to say things like "I do love me some hot chocolate!" I would be curious to hear what our black TUSCLers think . . . and Papi_Chulo, for that matter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Invincibles continue to stand alone!!!
    Actually, title says next to nothing :) Based on your location, I assume you're referring to UCF's undefeated football team. Unfortunately for its national title pretensions, UCF's strength of schedule was only 54th in the country.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Gray hair a turn on for strippers?
    I guess I turn more strippers on every year! Bj99: +1
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers sending you pics
    Interesting subject! Though I've been clubbing for almost 24 years, I *never* received a picture from a stripper until October 2016, when I mentioned to my ATF that I would like to have a few pics and she immediately sent me 7, in which her clothing ranged from street clothes to one topless and one nude (rear view). Later in our relationship she sent me 2 more, but we appear to be finished. My CF, whom I've seen OTC nine times in the past few months, has voluntarily sent me pics or vids on about a weekly basis since the beginning of July in an attempt to reel me in. (It worked!) All together she has sent me about 70 pics, mostly in stripper garb at the club (either in the DR or out front smoking) but some in street clothes. I'm happy to report that she has included a vag pic, a topless video, and a vag video. In the past month two other strippers have sent me 7 unsolicited pics each. In one case they were all of her in stripper apparel in her club, but in the other case her clothing ranged from street clothes to *very* nude! I think four other strippers have sent me 1-2 pics each in recent months, generally unsolicited, because they were trying to lure me into the club. So in total I've received pics or videos from eight strippers in about a year and a quarter. It is no coincidence, I think, that this period corresponds to the time that I've had almost all of my 25 OTC dates and that most of these eight dancers are extras and/or OTC girls. Some of you seem to think that strippers send pics all the time, and that may well be, though it wasn't the case for me until fairly recently. The fact of the matter is, I never even asked for pics from dancers until October 2016, so maybe I could have been getting them all along! I suppose pictures from dancers are like extras or OTC: Just. Ask.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Anyone having a birthday?
    What exactly are you asking? I have the impression that something is missing from your post.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You Might Be A Faggot Top 10 List
    Well stated, anonlvone! The progressives are indeed exploiting differences in race, religion, sex, and gender to advance their cause of cultural Marxism. It is part of that agenda.to teach little children that advocating a belief in traditional marriage is "hate speech". Likewise for shopping around for a baker or florist who refuses to make a cake or a floral arrangement for a gay wedding but is perfectly willing to sell his product off the shelf to anyone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm Going to Go OFF!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yes... some of you are hot.
    Dancers no longer find me hot but they like my money and seem to enjoy my company (though it may just be money). Works for me!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Still flawless
    Thanks for sharing, GN95 -- she is truly a beauty! This reminds me that I haven't posted any babe pics for a long time. I'm on it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You Might Be A Faggot Top 10 List
    Hmm . . . I would say anon is winning this battle of wits so far. Of course 25 is only half-armed :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Most Dances?
    A couple of times I've done 10 dances in a row with the same dancer. The first time was at Club Rio in Indy about three years ago, where lappers used to be $10 between 5 and 9pm. The other time was last year at the Silver Bullet in Champaign, where dances are always $15. I'm more likely to do two dances with each of five strippers! That reminds me of an old joke: Q: Did you fuck a 10 last night? A: No, but I fucked a 2 five times!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    rickdugan, you are exactly right: I place great value on getting to know a stripper really well ITC before going the OTC route (with a couple of glaring exceptions -- hence the caution!). Yes, I could probably score more OTC if I moved quicker, but I'm in no hurry. I also enjoy the whole "getting acquainted" phase of talking, drinking, and doing VIPs ITC for three to six months (!) before our first OTC. At my favorite club, which is the source of most of my OTC girls, a 30-minute VIP costs $150 plus about a $50 tip, so counting VIPs, drinks, and stage tips, I can easily spend $1500+ on a stripper ITC before we ever see each other OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    Subraman, this paragraph from my tome summarizes my preferred approach to OTC: "I think of OTC girls 3, 4, and 6 as my typical situation: we do one or two VIPs, she suggests OTC, and *months* later, after half a dozen VIPs, it finally happens. By the time we see each other OTC, we've already spent half a dozen afternoons together ITC, have drunk and probably eaten together, and have talked about all kinds of things, including sexual preferences, so that we are quite comfortable with each other and ready for an OTC date." So the stripper proposes OTC (down the road) after only one or two VIPs and I finally see her OTC *months* later, after we've done 6-7 VIPs on different visits to the club! I know it's slow, but it works for me. I've seen girl #3 nine times and girl #4 eight times. I expect it to be similar with #6 and #7, whom I'm seeing OTC this week and next week for the first time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    I mean I visited her club 6-7 times over a period of a few months, doing a VIP with her every time. Like I said: s-l-o-w !
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    1 x week
    As others have said, if you can handle it financially, emotionally, and physically -- go for it! In recent years I've probably averaged two strip club visits (or one SC and one OTC date) per week, but I may cut back a bit this year, simply because I'm expending too much of my money, emotional energy, and precious bodily fluids on strippers :) I am, however, planning an OTC date on Wednesday evening and a VIP at an extras club on Thursday afternoon this week.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fuckin' your ATF for free
    Dirty Stripper Pussies?
    I've done this many times in the past year and a half, but only with an extremely select few. In fact, I hope to engage in a little DATY on Wednesday night with my new OTC girl! I doubt that you're getting strep throat from eating pussy, but you may need to choose your recipients more carefully . . . or douse them with Listermint :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    I've been away from my computer for several hours and am just now checking back in to this discussion of who should ask whom for OTC. Believe me, I'm more surprised than anyone by this development of attractive strippers asking me to see them OTC. Remember, I clubbed regularly for over 20 years before I finally stumbled into my first OTC date in December 2015 -- I didn't even know OTC was a thing! Here's my best answer to Subraman's question about how long it has taken from the time I meet a dancer until we play OTC. Information included is: OTC girl # - age and rating - our previous activity - # of dates - time span #1 - 42YO, 6 - two VIPs - 3 dates - 12/2015 to 4/2016 #2 - 38YO, 8 - three lap dances - 2 dates - 8/2016 #3 - 32YO, 9 - 6 VIPs - 9 dates - 8/2016 to 3/2017 #4 - 26YO, 7 - 7 VIPs - 8 dates - 8/2017 to present #5 - 26YO, 8 - no ITC - 1 date - 11/2017 #6 - 32YO, 9 - 7 VIPs - 1st date coming up this Wednesday night #7 - 39YO, 8 - about 80 lap dances over an 18-year period - 1st date soon It is literally true that OTC girls 1-6 broached the subject with me, usually at the end of our first or second VIP, but my preference is to do several VIPs (e.g. OTC girls 3, 4, and 6) to make sure we can get along for an extended date. (Most of my 23 OTC dates have ranged from 5 hours for an "afternooner" to 16 hours for a "sleepover".) One reason for this caution was my extremely frustrating experience with #2, the subject of my "Virtual shit storm of chaos" article in August 2016. #1 offered me OTC in a text message after we had done two VIPs because she lost her license and couldn't drive to her club for a while. #2 offered me OTC, after she had done lap dances for me three times in a non-extras club, simply because she needed some money in a hurry. The really glaring exception here is #5, whom I saw for an hour in a hotel room before I had ever spent any ITC time with her! We're FB friends and know *about* each other through other girls at her club, so when I messaged her that I wanted to visit her ITC the next night, she counter-proposed a quick getting-acquainted meeting for drinks followed by a BJ in my hotel room. Done! #7, whom I expect to meet for dinner and some sort of "private party" in my room in the next few weeks, is another exception in the sense that technically I asked her if she would be willing to see me OTC, but only after she mentioned another dancer at her club who seldom worked there any more, concentrating instead on doing "private parties" for favored customers. It was clear to me that she was fishing for an invitation, so I grabbed the opportunity and she immediately assented. I think of OTC girls 3, 4, and 6 as my typical situation: we do one or two VIPs, she suggests OTC, and *months* later, after half a dozen VIPs, it finally happens. By the time we see each other OTC, we've already spent half a dozen afternoons together ITC, have drunk and probably eaten together, and have talked about all kinds of things, including sexual preferences, so that we are quite comfortable with each other and ready for an OTC date. My experience may not be typical, but it works for me. I know that assholes often have great success with strippers, but all I can do is treat them with respect and generosity and let things take their course. I do agree with several other posters that in general, in the Bizarro World of strip clubs, the girl should do the asking. My slow approach may cost me opportunities from time to time, but I have no complaints. ButterMan: I'm really *not* the mack daddy! Papi_Chulo: It's not that I have two dicks but rather that the one I have is double-long and double-wide!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    I read artjazzandsoul's contribution after I posted mine and I must say, I don't agree at all. I'm always polite and well-mannered with strippers and they ask me all the time if I want to see them OTC. I realize that the opposite approach -- being a dick, busting their balls, pretending not to care -- also works with a lot of strippers, but it wouldn't work for me -- I can't be other than I am. I don't claim that I could ever get a stripper to see me for free, but I have no problem getting attractive strippers to see me for reasonable amounts of money.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for OTC?
    I'm gonna agree with the succinct advice from Call.Me.Ishmael and Salty.Nutz on this one: (1) No, you can't get "too cool" with a dancer to ask for OTC (2) Better yet, don't ask -- let her ask. All 5 of my OTC girls -- and 10 others who've indicated their interest in recent months -- have asked me if I want to meet OTC. Papi_Chulo often refers to the Bizarro World of strip clubs. One aspect of this is who does the chasing. IRL men tend to chase women, whereas in strip clubs, women tend to chase men, at least when it comes to OTC play.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    ever do so poorly during sex you feel bad?
    Dealing with the occasional ejaculatory disappointment is just part of getting older. Strippers get a lot of their income from older men and take it in stride. In my 60s I find myself scheduling SC visits or OTC dates a bit farther apart than I used to, maybe 1-2 per week rather than 2-3. I've been abstinent recently, so I'm ambitious this week, scheduling a dinner + playtime date for Wednesday evening and expecting ITC extras on Thursday afternoon. It should work out -- we'll see.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Story Time.
    Dude, I suppose we're happy for you, but your "story" is one big nothing-burger.