During my time dancing i have had some pretty hot customers. Its important to realized dancers are still girls... humans.... so if your sexy then obviously we will think your sexy. Each dancer is different just as each customer is. some prefer older some younger etc. but the bottom line is hot is hot. Ive danced for customers that are super sexy to me. Dancers can be and are attracted to you. If your their type then its only natural. There are two parts to attraction for dancers when dancing. One is physical and the other is money. Money is the universal attractant if you have money then im attracted but the unique attraction is physical. Physical attraction is just as important as money in getting you laid. If im attracted to someone then sex is probably gonna happen. So dont get yourself down if a girl doesnt want to fuck around with you. Its almost only about those two things.
Great post. Sometimes people just click and you never know when it will happen; where it will happen and how it will happen. I would assume others can tell the difference between stripper/customer interaction with and without something more.
I believe that. Hot is hot. And strippers are human too. Though eith some strippers I have been tempted to show her a picture of a video game system, and whisper to her "I never want to work, and play this all day and ignore you". Just to see if they will take me home
Don't get yourself down? Just be happy being ugly and poor? Got it. Thanks for the pep-talk.
As a still relatively youngish guy in my 30s, strippers tell me how attractive I am all the time. And then I pay them. I also occasionally venture out into Civilian Land, where fully-clothed civilian women also tell me how attractive I am. And sometimes I offer to pay them, too. Having said that... would you mind if I just suck on your vagina for a while? I'm sure we could work something out together :)
Lol PD is just being straight up. Its cool, she is legit and candid. Oh regarding looks and $$$, if you dont have looks or any more $$$ with you then just go get some more $$$ and come back. I think thats PD's point but not getting yourself down. There's always tomorrow...
Ofcourse, why would an entertainer do stuff other than dancing.Its her job no matter if the guy is attractive or not..She just do dances for him and charges him not more than that.Its fantasy world.
Yeah but what if my IG game is flowing and on point and I can help get you like 1000 new followers easily. You might have naughty sexy time thoughts....
Worst post ever. Attraction is about a confident attitude. Yes having money and looks gives you a certain level of swag. But make no mistakes it's all about that for wonen. Thats why you see some God awful looking broke MF with hot ass chicks.
You can be a short wet back pool cleaning MF but if you feel good about yourself then you'll pull more ass than a rich tall self conscious MF. Period.
Gurls give good advice about everything but girl advice.
Shadow Viking and Nukam can attest to the fact I'm not too damn bad looking, and I'm paid pretty decently. It seemed the more i relied on money and looks the less I got laid.
Didn't change until I got my IDGAF attitude back that I had in college. Sorry but most girls are attracted to men that don't give a flying fuck about anything other than themselves...well toxic hot girls I should qualify.
Money and looks is more of an entry fee for the most part. Sorry but you need swag for the finish line.
GACA hahaha nice demonstration. You sound like Ron Burgandy.
Physical attraction by a woman for a guy partially involves what you said. PD was not excluding the other elements that make a guy attractive. Just raw physical attraction is pretty much a guy thing (or I suppose a one night stand girl mood "get it on" thing...).
Upright... And thats hoowww the cookie crumbles I guess.
But for real. So sick of bitches telling guys what is attractive to then when these hoes are in denial. For the most part treat'em like they ain't shit. If they begrudge you then it's probably a girl with a somewhat healthy sense of self. Super easy to apologize and switch direction and tell then how special and unique they are and not like the other hoes out there
Physical attraction is just as important as money in getting laid? I assume you’re talking about the real world, not the strip club. Interesting, I think I agree with that. You need a little bit of game and a little swag too to get the really good ones.
There was this one dancer who has since moved away and would grind out orgasms on my leg in VIP for free when she was drunk. She would tell me how hot I was while she came. Like I said though, this only happened when she was very drunk!
This reminds of something my newest and future OTC girl told me the other night. She said "some girls here fuck guys outside of the club. I'd only fuck a guy outside of the club if I wanted to fuck him anyway"
I'm in my mid-30's, so in comparison to most of those who post here, I am still quite young. IME, it is very rare that a dancer will actually tell me that I am hot. However, it would not surprise me if some of them actually do find me to be attractive. It is common for a girl to come visit my table right after she gets off stage. A lot of the time, they will walk by several other PL's to approach me. A lot of these guys they walk right by are older gentlemen. However, there is no doubt in my mind that these guys also have more disposable income than I do. I can't say for sure that I'm their first choice because they think I'm a handsome stud, but it wouldn't surprise me if they approach me first because they do find me to be somewhat attractive.
I think a lot of it is just learning how to talk to women. I won't call it 'game' as I don't really to along with PUA doctrine. But I think it important to realize that women, at least most, seem to look at the entire persona.
Big mistake to ever treat the women in strip clubs, or anywhere, as anything different from ordinary women. Never treat any of them like 'prostitutes'.
Let's be honest here! Which of us DOESN'T prefer to do work that we enjoy with people that we enjoy? Why would we think that dancers would be any different?
No doubt taxi. However, I read PD's original post as being that with some customers, business and pleasure are intermingled. Given the choice between a moneyed asshole and a moneyed attractive, respectful guy, I think most dancers would go for the latter, don't you?
I just don't think these girls resonates with kind sweet-hearted guys.
Strippers like guys with "swag" aka have an air conference about them that adds to their presence, and if she wasn't at work she probably would want to hang out with him anyway. But since she is at work and she is there to make money her cerebral cortex takes over and maybe she'll go to this customer first but if he's broke and she's at work and she has to make money.
Im my dealings with these girls they are more about an emotional experience, the story behind the man, not so much the physical one until after this emotional portion is taken care of... unless of course there's money to be made.
No need to mention it. I already know I'm a RICH STUD. You shouldn't get the hopes of the rest of the DUMB FAGs here that a stripper may sincerely find them hot.
I dont know fellas. I think cash is king in the SC world. Once you meet a stripper at the SC and pay her good money for services rendered, she will always put you in the "customer/money" category. No matter how "hot" you are. The best you can do is make her job a lil easier by being "hot" and a gentleman.
It will be about the money, but if she's attracted to someone, she'll be more comfortable with him/her. While he'll still have to pay, he'll get a little extra time both before and after before she moves on and extra leeway come grinding and touching.
I have had dancers that have claimed to be attracted to my old self. I have believed some of them. There are little things that show that either she is an exceptional actress or she enjoys being with me. I have had a VIP turn into a GFE with mutual pleasing of each other to the point of her not even asking for a tip and being reluctant to leave the room but doing so and not asking to extend the time. Then coming out to sit with me later without much possibility of more than me buying her a drink. That is when clubbing is the most fun.
last commentDon't get yourself down? Just be happy being ugly and poor? Got it. Thanks for the pep-talk.
As a still relatively youngish guy in my 30s, strippers tell me how attractive I am all the time. And then I pay them. I also occasionally venture out into Civilian Land, where fully-clothed civilian women also tell me how attractive I am. And sometimes I offer to pay them, too. Having said that... would you mind if I just suck on your vagina for a while? I'm sure we could work something out together :)
The universally hot guy - I’m not that guy.
Just setting the record straight. I’ve never been recognized as the hot guy - except for the times I’m badly sunburned...
And to think of all the money I spent trying to get them to have sex with me, when they really enjoyed it themselves!!!
You can be a short wet back pool cleaning MF but if you feel good about yourself then you'll pull more ass than a rich tall self conscious MF. Period.
Gurls give good advice about everything but girl advice.
Didn't change until I got my IDGAF attitude back that I had in college. Sorry but most girls are attracted to men that don't give a flying fuck about anything other than themselves...well toxic hot girls I should qualify.
Money and looks is more of an entry fee for the most part. Sorry but you need swag for the finish line.
Wanna fuck?
Physical attraction by a woman for a guy partially involves what you said. PD was not excluding the other elements that make a guy attractive. Just raw physical attraction is pretty much a guy thing (or I suppose a one night stand girl mood "get it on" thing...).
But for real. So sick of bitches telling guys what is attractive to then when these hoes are in denial. For the most part treat'em like they ain't shit. If they begrudge you then it's probably a girl with a somewhat healthy sense of self. Super easy to apologize and switch direction and tell then how special and unique they are and not like the other hoes out there
Big mistake to ever treat the women in strip clubs, or anywhere, as anything different from ordinary women. Never treat any of them like 'prostitutes'.
Now that I'm older money is starting to play a Factor but I still get a lot of complement on being a natural charmer
Strippers like guys with "swag" aka have an air conference about them that adds to their presence, and if she wasn't at work she probably would want to hang out with him anyway. But since she is at work and she is there to make money her cerebral cortex takes over and maybe she'll go to this customer first but if he's broke and she's at work and she has to make money.
Im my dealings with these girls they are more about an emotional experience, the story behind the man, not so much the physical one until after this emotional portion is taken care of... unless of course there's money to be made.
Does not mean, she's gonna jump his dick.
That is when clubbing is the most fun.
I'm still waiting for hot dancers to offer free dances and more because they think I'm hot.