Comments by sharkhunter (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    United Airlines Gets Serious
    Actually I would think a computer could count passengers by visually counting. Counting people could be automated and number of seats should be known. Airlines could also offer more incentives rather than get all the bad PR. $800 plus free pepperoni and hamburger pizza might get a hungry guy off the plane.
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    8 years ago
    United Airlines Gets Serious
    Resources not recourses
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    8 years ago
    United Airlines Gets Serious
    This just shows how incompetent United Airlines is. If they overbook and need more seats, they should have a counter at the entrance and stop the last 4 passengers from boarding. They can say plane is full before being allowed to go on board. If they don't have recourses or don't want to spend money counting, a simple clicker counter that people walk through could do the job as well. Someone should know before passengers board the plane how many seats there are and how many seats they need.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Reviving Old Posts
    I'm ok with posting on old threads but don't like the troll posts where some people post the same crap text lots of times in the same thread just to troll the thread. I usually put the poster on ignore just so I can read the thread if I'm still interested in it but you still see all the junk posts if not logged in.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dancer kept moving her thong aside
    The last girl I remember who did this to me in a more upscale topless only club wanted to hook up with me even telling me if I agreed to do a lap dance, she wanted to pull it out and suck on it. I knew the club had cameras though but that this girl was a bit crazy. I didn't want to end up with her, face was a 4.4 but body was a 8.5. I never told her I thought she would look hot if she wore a mask or had a bag over her face. That probably would have killed all her horniness for me for a while.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Did you know about extras before you first got extras?
    When I was younger, I used to end up hooking up with one dancer or another for additional activities away from the club. They liked me. Lots of things happen when you are alone with a horny girl. If she's seeing you away from the club, she might do whatever she thinks she can get away with inside the club with you. At the time, I didn't think that spending a lot of a dancers free time with her was dating but that's why I ended up with dancers a lot. I didn't think ahead. I just did things. Now I think ahead. Usually.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What do you think ?
    Shadowcat was clubbing before I was even born. It was much better in South Carolina 10 years ago. Lots of good nude clubs. Platinum Plus had super deals available anytime with buy two dances, only pay 20 total and your hands could roam. All that is pretty much gone now in my opinion. Dancers want almost twice as much money and your hands can't roam. I once got a dancer at Platinum Plus Columbia agree to buy two dances for $10 total and she kept agreeing to that deal for over 30 minutes. I couldn't beat $5 dances and your hands could roam. That was unusual. When I returned the following week, She just said management was telling her to charge at least two for 20 and not to stay in the back too long.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Is their a way to ignore some of the harsh members ?
    I remember Alucard had the ignore feature working to perfection. He would send a nasty message to someone and then put them on ignore so they could not respond in private.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Here is the anonymous letter sent to CCU concerning its cheerleaders’ behaviors
    What is even worse is that the LPGA has stupid rules allowing viewers to officiate their games by pointing out mistakes officials missed if a particular player was televised. It cost one girl $150,000. I think a lot of people would be upset about that. It's not that these people win big tournaments all the time and most probably are not televised. They need to fix the rules more like college football. Officials review things on the spot but not a day later because a viewer sent an email.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Here is the anonymous letter sent to CCU concerning its cheerleaders’ behaviors
    Get rid of the smart students, keep only the ones not trying to pay their way through college. Escorting is not prostitution unless you go all the way which is between a man and a woman, shouldn't be a college official concern. However I do understand some people like to set rules that you can't do this or do that because you are representing a business or a school in this case. The proper response should have been to investigate or ask the students to leave the team if they are working as an escort or stripper because it was against the rules. If they even had rules. It would be nice if stripping and escorting were considered acceptable jobs and we got away from all these prudes in our society. Disclaimer: I received no bj's in compensation from any of these cheerleaders. :(
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    A, if you include the use of strip club web sites and if you include me doing things based on suggestions of others. But that was a few years ago, not now. A few years ago I occasionally had dancers in one club I didn't visit often putting my hand where I would not have put it unless I got to know them a lot better. After saying this I'm still wondering if my image is showing up online somewhere after a girl I met in the strip club parking lot took a selfie with me. Could be worse though. I remember several years ago one dancer who was taking me to get a lap dance told me she wanted to be a porn star. I was wondering what does that mean? She told me on earlier visits there were cameras in the club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Employment at da Club
    I didn't think club staff made that much money so I would have to be really desperate. I've been confused as a bouncer when I dress in black and stand near the entrance before leaving a club. I noticed other customers coming up to me asking if I work there and or other questions if I stand near the entrance like I'm a bouncer. I'm bigger than a number of bouncers I've seen but I'm not trained in dealing with customer service. Now for a moonlight job when you have nothing better to do? Maybe if the club wasn't a long drive or I didn't mind working when I wanted to see some dancers. I think working at a club would take a lot of the enjoyment away. No drinks, doing work when your favorites go on stage, maybe even standing outside the club or checking on things or checking where a dancer is at when she is supposed to be on stage etc, plus people asking you questions or telling you about a problem with this or that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Experiencing a Tragedy.
    Sorry to hear about your loss. Death sometimes strikes when we don't expect it. I heard about two teenage girls died at Myrtle Beach recently falling from a hotel. No one knows why. I remember a couple years ago hearing about one of my favorite dancers involved in a car wreck where she got injured and two of her friends killed. I had met one of her friends a few times. I didn't realize she had lived within a few miles from me until I read her obituary. I've read fantasy Novels with a character called Death, dreamed about a character called Death, even dreamed I became Death and took over the job as punishment for pointing out Death to others who weren't supposed to see that. I've seen someone I called Death along with a couple assistants but that was weird because it had to be a dream or vision. In reality it was a large tornado which I could not see at night through the roof. Anyway sorry for your loss. I've been wondering how long a close relative of mine has to live but none of us knows when Death or change will suddenly strike. If it makes you feel better, I read a book last year about someone who died getting struck by lightning and came back and described a marvelous city in heaven. It was a major pain coming back alive but apparently he wanted to share his story that there is an afterlife. It is not the end.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    How do you ask a dancer to slow down
    Chess master has the solution. Just tell her to slow down. However if she drank 3 red bulls, you're out of luck with one dancer I know of.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Another Blow Out ADP Report
    I heard them saying the numbers must be wrong. The weather must gave screwed up the numbers. Maybe for March but it makes you wonder why they lowered the jobs numbers for the last two months as well. Those missiles were accurate. Managed to avoid hitting all the Russian good planes at that airport they bombed. Russia screwed up big time just by letting Syria still have done chemical weapons when they promised Syria would get rid of all of them. Either Russia was in the dark or they flat out lied to Obama. Better not lie to Trump, he might want to see what happens when you press the button that says Nukes,
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you like your tits?
    I prefer soft A size tits over full size rock hard tits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you like your tits?
    I like a variety of tits but there is one size and shape together with the nipples that approaches perfection. I'm not crazy about size A nor crazy about extra large humongous tits nor rock hard tits. I once got a dance and the girls tits didnt move an inch. I was thinking you can't play with those. You can't tittty fuck those either. Who in the world wanted rock hard tits?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    U.S. Air strikes in Syria
    SGJ probably get held ransom by ISIS until they found out no was going to pay jack.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    Stupid iPad likes to autocorrect o's and u's to an I whenever it wants plus apparently capitalize it. I think that is related to Apple liking i's a lot.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    C for me. I only went New Year's Eve and 3 other times this year. Finally saw some firmer favorites last weekend. I thought maybe some of them quit since I hadn't seen them since last year. I think I want to boost my savings from work so that I can retire early. I just read some stories about how some people making less than me, a couple though so combined they made more, retired early in their 30's with over a million and living off of 4% or less per year plus some consulting job. If I could do it over would I cut way back on strip clubs to be retired in my 40's? Probably not. I had fun when strip clubs were really strip clubs in South Carolina and you could see nipples and even touch them during lap dances. Not anymore at local clubs. I've spent less money so far this year at strip clubs in 3 or 4 visits than I used to spend in one visit back a few years ago. Last weekend was the first time this year since New Years that I bought dances.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    U.S. Air strikes in Syria
    Trump took action. Hopefully Syria cuts out all use of chemical weapons now so we can all go back to making our economy great again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More College Students & Prostitution - This Time It's An Entire Cheerleading Squ
    She paid someone to finish her homework? Convict them of their high crimes. Take away their team. Shocking news. Now if she performed a free BJ to get a guy to do her homework, nothing serious happened. Next time, they'll hopefully learn, don't use money. Do all charity work.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Teen spanks stripper, avoids conviction
    Here in the US , I think being registered as a sex offender is like a life sentence. I think that charge would have made things worse here.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On the beaches of Hawai'i... wearing a suit and taking time to scuttle across the bikini babes!
    Crab lives matter!
    Did a dancer kill Cecil the crab? I heard she had a hunting license.