
What do you think ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Were there more high-mileage/extras clubs in the past (80s/90s) or are their more today?

Every so often a TUSCLer posts how the clubs in a certain area back in the day were UHM and now those same areas are lame or don't have clubs - and vice-versa some TUSCLers whom clubbed in the 80s and or 90s but extras were not available in their area till maybe the 2000s.

It may be about even - i.e. the # of areas w/ UHM/extras in the past and today may be about the same but just different areas in the past vs today?



  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I never got any extras back in the 80's. But that doesn't mean they were not available.

    I remember a friend telling me about visiting the 52nd Street Show Bar in Detroit and seeing a stripper blowing a guy in the men's room. The clubs did not have the private booths that are conducive to extras today, but where there's a whore there's a way. OTC must have also been available, but I was too naive to know that.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    A while back there was a thread where we told some stories from the seventies and I remember Shadowcat talking about an experience from the sixties. In 1975 on Long Island in NY I remember getting a blowjob at a strip cub called Cloud Nine at a bachelor party for my buddy so it was probably available but there was no internet then so it was hard to know where to ask for it. I believe it was more widely available than we knew.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    twentyfive - That was a TJ strip club/whore house in 1961 when I was 19. Nothing like that going on in the U.S. at the time.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^@Shadowcat in 61 I was 8 years old so I really wouldn't know much, at lesst not till about 71or72 but we used to go to NYC and hang out in rock clubs mostly and in that era of Vietnam there were loads of hippy chicks that were available easily, so my strip clubbing was kind of limited to bachelor parties and a few male bonding episodes but it was usually a preplanned event and often arrangements were made where P4P was available. I don't think anything like Tijuana ever existed in any parts of the USA that I ever lived I mostly east coast Brooklyn, LI, NJ, and now FL. But all parts of NYC and the suburbs had open air markets full of hookers and drug dealers and as long as the rules were observed tha cops generally looked the other way.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    My experience has been that it's more prevelant now than 30 years ago. At least in the U.S. clubs.

    However, I've had some friends that were in the military and stationed or had leave in some countries overseas, and the stories they tell about the clubs/brothels, etc. are more spectacular than anything I've experienced here in clubs, and I think it's been pretty good here now!!!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i cannot give an opinion on this subject as i have only 5.5 years of sc experience.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I don't think extras themselves are any more common or available now versus then. I think it's just easier to *find* them now because of sites like this one.

    I've been having sex in clubs, and taking girls home from clubs, since the 80s. Finding those clubs was sometimes a pain, but once found, it was about like it is now.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Before my time, but interesting to hear about the experiences of others.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Shadowcat was clubbing before I was even born. It was much better in South Carolina 10 years ago. Lots of good nude clubs. Platinum Plus had super deals available anytime with buy two dances, only pay 20 total and your hands could roam. All that is pretty much gone now in my opinion. Dancers want almost twice as much money and your hands can't roam.
    I once got a dancer at Platinum Plus Columbia agree to buy two dances for $10 total and she kept agreeing to that deal for over 30 minutes. I couldn't beat $5 dances and your hands could roam. That was unusual. When I returned the following week, She just said management was telling her to charge at least two for 20 and not to stay in the back too long.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    I've visited clubs only for the last 25 years, but in my experience there are lots more extras being offered now than when I started clubbing.
  • TxVegas
    7 years ago
    My perception is that extras are more readily available today.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    For the Detroiters - around what time/year did extras become readily available in the Detroit clubs - or has it always been extras-heavy?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think it varies according to where you are. Lap dancing started at MBOT in the 1970's. It expanded in New Century which opened around 1980.

    Jim and Artie were tried for being the "corporate pimps" in the early 1980's.

    Most people would have been intimidated into pleading guilty. But not them.

    Then after that, after the legality was established, the Mafia came in, with booths and back rooms in the early 90's, Terance Halinan and Willey Brown, and then Deja Vu.

    Highly Recommended:

    But TUSCLer's have posted about the beginnings of high mileage in Houston and Dallas, the Chair Forts.

    And then it is widely posted that there are dives in places where they don't even bother with back rooms for FS. These seem to be advertised clubs too.

    So I think the history is more complicated, not any one standard.

    Santa Clara County CA, our DA's office still says that any touching for tips is prostitution. The last people who seriously challenged this were held in jail for a couple of months before they were even allowed to sign over their homes for bail. As usually, they were intimidated into pleading guilty. Our DA's office knows that losing one jury trial could mean a San Francisco situation. So they don't hit people with a stick, they hit them with a sledge hammer.

    It sounds like there are crackdowns in places. And the prostitution law is very hard to enforce. But these local ordinances, almost always unconstitutional, are very easy to enforce and very problematic. But it seems like general attitudes are getting more and more anything goes.

  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Papi, back in the early 90's, VIP rooms became more private with booths with curtains, so one had the privacy to explore boundaries. Before then, VIP areas were open for all to see.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ thanks vm
  • K
    7 years ago
    ITC was very common years ago in the economically depressed areas of NJ. Asbury Park, Newark, Admiral Wilson Blvd. Even some of the best clubs were used by mainly women to show off for OTC. Much of NJ is only an hour by train or bus to times square. Our clubs were competing with the times square of the 70's and 80's when I was a young monger.

    The state started to crack down. Then local government started to crack down. With lower drug prices the dancers did not have to do extras to get their fix. Times square was cleaned up.
    When I was younger it was assumed a dancer was a prostitute so once a woman turned to dancing she was already tainted. In for a penny, in for a pound.
    I miss those days
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    It seems like most customers pine for the strip club of 5, 10, or 15 years ago. But it also seems like that nostalgia never catches up with present day. So, I think that a lot of veteran customers wear rose-colored glasses, or they just like to complain.

    Setting aside that period in RI when indoor prostitution was legal (and several RI strip clubs were brothels in all but name), I think it's better now. But that might only be because I'm better at making strip clubs work for me.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Papi, in my experience, it hasn't always been extras friendly in the Metro Detroit area.

    When I went to clubs in the early-mid 90's, it was pretty much just dances. There were not any VIP or rooms with curtains that I was aware of.

    That all seemed to change/evolve in the early to mid 2000's. VIP rooms seemed to become the norm and with the privacy they provide, extras became more available. At least that's been my recollection of the evolution in the area.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ thanks for the info, I was curious about the Detroit SCs' history given they are currently probably the most extras-friendly
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I don't know about mileage and extras but I do know in the '90s the typical dancer was way hotter that today. I might have something to do with hobbyists expecting more contact and extras today for the same or less money in tips.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Because our local clubs are non-touching, and because our nude clubs are no alcohol, we get lots of super hot, super soft core, naked 18yo hotties.

    Alcohol would make them have to be 21, and mileage would make them harder core.


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