Comments by sharkhunter (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rate this girl
    8.8. I like blondes better.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    What does that^ have to do with ED? Disaster is likely to strike one day but don't worry, God will have to fix things and make us young again or work or it may be the end of humanity. Just trying to have a bright outlook. We may get to fuck for hours again like you could do as an 18 year old. I read last night that some will feel a burning desire to convert all the pagans. Just remember if I suddenly disappear, strip clubs could become a house of worship for the Goddess Venus. Free lap dances, no more pasties, just free love and sex for all. Worship services could include females giving bj's with guys giving donations. Topless female priestesses could be up on the altar performing their dancing ceremonies. Hmmm, sounds familiar except for pasties and all the rules. Ok I will stop daydreaming.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    I heard several years ago the Protestants had it all wrong, there wasn't going to be a rapture but 3 days of darkness. Demons would be set free on the earth and electricity won't work. Anyone caught outside after it starts or possibly anyone who lets the terminator demons inside will likely die. Just remember the Terminator can talk like people you know and ask to let them in. Only a holy candle will burn. Supposedly there won't be many men left afterwards and in one version of the story I heard people would be young again. If that's the case and many industrial products are gone, I will have to fuck like a 18 year old with millions of hot girls. When will this all happen? Well I read this year is the 100 anniversary of the so called visions in Fatima in Portugal. I'm thinking it won't be May 13th. Probably not mid summer. Supposedly something is supposed to happen around Sept 23 give or take a couple days. Some even think the rapture but I heard the same last year. I figure either you guys will say I disappeared and aliens came to take me away. (Rapture event). Or maybe 3 days of darkness and I get made young again and have to do my part with millions of hot girls. I will need to be young again to have a chance if most of the population is female. Forget all that sperm stuff. Most of the doctors I think are men and medical instruments may get destroyed when the demons take away industrial waste and all the trash. Hey, this plan sounds more believable than all the stupid terrorists thinking they are going to have a bunch of virgins when they die. As far as the rapture getting explained as alien abductions, I believe that could happen. JPL included the names of all Planetary Society members on a chip that landed with the first Rover mission to Mars. If aliens investigate and think someone invaded their property and then find the names, they may take us all in for questioning and vaporize everyone else. Fortunately, there are dozens of people with my name. It will be like "Are you Sarah Conner?" Boom. Then are you Sarah Conner? Boom. Just kidding. I think the aliens are smarter than the Terminator. They will scan the address database and find out where everyone lives. One story I read supposedly had Jesus as an alien. It could all fit together. The rapture could happen and be a massive alien abduction. Jesus might be up there in a spaceship. The 3 days of darkness story sounded better though. I heard one version that said some might sleep through the whole thing. I think that could be me. I sleep for 3 days because it's dark outside and then wake up and find out it wasn't a dream and I'm 18 again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Moving on to a New Hobby
    April fools joke that stays around for April 2nd.m lol Yesterday I surfed upon a site that said it may lose power due to solar activity. Then a message popped up saying losing power. The screen went black. Then I saw April Fool.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    Ok one more thing. If you aren't getting daily erections, it's the canary in the coal mine that your arteries may be clogged and that you may be close to a heart attack. Possibly. I read that somewhere. I read the heart has some small arteries associated with it as well. I read that both women and men can have heart attacks in their 30's and start getting clogged arteries in their 20's. One of the number one killers in the US.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    Oh, as far as the juice goes, I read an Israeli study on old people with severely clogged arteries drinking 1.5 ounces of the juice before meals or one time a day before breakfast, had something like a 12% or 18% reduction in artery clogging placque after a few months, even more after 6 months. It's not a drug so it won't work fast. Those are the numbers I remember if my memory is any good. It might work better than that in higher doses. Supposedly it also lowers sugar levels in the blood and possibly bad cholesterol. I want to start drinking it again if I can avoid getting a bad batch of it. It doesn't taste that great so I like to gulp it down or mix it with blueberry juice. Seems like maybe someone would sell it mixed already in higher concentrations than what I've seen. Ok I will stop posting so much.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    If I drank a few beers, I will usually need to wait a number of hours before getting stiff. Today's lap dances just aren't that exciting when you can't see nipples or touch tits. I'm getting a lot more boners in the morning for some reason but not at the strip club. I woke up yesterday morning with a dream that I was staying at a hotel at the beach but 3 college age girls got double booked in my room. We shared. Had sex , then they put on bikinis and laid out on the beach before retuning for more sex with the guy who was already with them. Last night while waiting for food, I had 3 college age girls approach me. One took a big bite out of my wiener and another hot girl took selfies with me. Maybe I'm dreaming about the future. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    I think Men are at their sexual peak around 18,19,20. I was super horny as a teenager but couldn't do much about it. Things stay pretty good but can start declining in their 30's. In the 40's, you need to exercise and stay in shape or things go downhill faster. You do get improvement if you lose weight and drink pomegranate juice which I stopped temporarily because it was either bad or causing some kind of weird laxative effect. I read it can remove placque from the arteries. This news can also help prevent stroke and heart attack and prolong people's lives in my opinion. Of course the big drug companies will never promote something that is natural unless they can invent a drug that does the same thing or better and make money off of it. I read and heard some strength training helps boost testerone as you age helping keep weight lower as well and also improves the decline many men have. As far as the 50's , 60's , I hope things don't get worse.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More College Students & Prostitution - This Time It's An Entire Cheerleading Squ
    Too many horny young females getting arrested for sex in South Carolina. They need to go after older guys to avoid jail. I guess the south isn't known for having the brightest people even though it seems half the people living here are from other places. Horny females visiting a strip club trying to find a guy to have sex with doesn't sound too far fetched when reading about arrest stories. 33 year old decent looking church volunteer arrested for having sex with 14 year old. Half the guys here probably could have done her for free and saved her 40k in bond.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    I guess I broke all the rules a couple years ago when I gave a civvie girl a ride to wherever after I heard her ask several people leaving a strip club if she could get a ride.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More College Students & Prostitution - This Time It's An Entire Cheerleading Squ
    Could be a guy didn't get a BJ one girl suggested he could get. Anonymous complaint filed. Team suspended. Revenge.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More College Students & Prostitution - This Time It's An Entire Cheerleading Squ
    Article says police investigated due to one anonymous complaint to president of university and the police didn't find anything. However the whole team stays suspended and the trip they raised funds for to compete in national competition has been canceled by the school. I'd be upset at the school. The school doesn't have any proof and it could have been one person seeking revenge for whatever reason against the cheerleaders.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    Strippers who invited me back to their place usually got to know me a bit inside the club. I had a few dances from them already. One stripper invited me back to her place but I think she was bluffing because she was just messing with me upping offers because I was stubborn in not getting dances from her. I declined all her offers. I did meet two very aggressive dancers several years ago that probably would have been ok with just about whatever I wanted to do. I had one dancer who I only let her do table dances suggest she could move in with me when I never even went out with her. Now that was a stretch suggestion. I bet she would have said ok if I said ok. I was thinking I might have had trouble getting her to move out. Now that I'm a few years older, I doubt I'm going to have many dancers suggesting things anymore. The crazy strippers seem to find me right away though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fast food
    If you're nice, you ask if you can order. If you're in a hurry and not nice, you just step ahead and order and hope they don't want trouble.
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    8 years ago
    I-85 Overpass Colapse in Atlanta
    Maybe Trump can make our Highways great again. Get our military to share some anti-grav tech with US made car manufacturers so that Americans can save on gas and fly over pot holes and collapsed bridges. Also add multiple levels of traffic to increase speeds safely. Plus add anti collision tech and self flying anti grav cars so we don't need pilot licenses. Get the prices down to compete with normal cars and that's a win win for all of us. Older cars will be able to drive on less congested highways. Everyone can save fuel with anti-grav tech. I imagine our military has had the tech for a long time. It would really help with the space industry too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Organized Crime
    I have no idea but one night I wondered who was it that I knew from work when I lived in another state. I ran into a guy from work that asked me to keep quiet about seeing him there because he had a bible study group at work he talked about with his group. He said his friends dragged him to the club. He paid for two dances from a dancer of my choice then mentioned so and so, in the group with him was the son of the mafia boss for a nearby county. He probably was wondering if it was going to be a SHTF day with me talking on Monday. I didn't like talking to anyone at work about my visits because they blew everything out of proportion. There was a major murder in the Raleigh news just about every month for the area I once lived in though. I didn't want trouble. Michael Jordan's father got killed less than 30 miles away stopping his car and going to sleep in the wrong area. The area had a higher per capita murder rate than New York I heard. I don't think it's mafia related though. It makes me wonder who I know.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I will live a long time
    It is good for our health if new strippers on here always show us their tits. It's for health reasons. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    Anyone got any rules if a girl asks to go back to her place and doesn't mention anything about money? This happened to me in a strip club just a few years ago. No joke. I think if this happened to me a lot, I would get her phone number and try to do a quick online background check if those sites aren't rip offs. I just don't have experience trying to check on people spur of the moment.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    Good tips. The only one I thought of is that if a girl hits on you out of the blue wanting to go back to her place in a strip club, might be a set up to be robbed. I've heard stories about good looking girls get business guys drinks and add something to knock them out or make them forget and run up huge charges on their credit cards while making them think they are going to get lucky. I'd like to think maybe one out of thousand girls was thinking strip clubs were full of desperate horny guys and that they could visit and pick up any guy they wanted to go have sex just by asking out of the blue. Could happen. However I could also win the 7000 a week for life sweepstakes. Scam artists and thieves are a lot more common.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Unfortunately Earning Less so Clubbing Less
    I'm not getting paid much at all. Looking for something better. I still think I can be a millionaire by the time I reach retirement age though. If I wasn't spending so much time looking for a better job, I think I could be a millionaire several years sooner. It would be so much easier if I just won the 7000 a week for life. My odds are 1 in 2.6 billion. Someone's going to win.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I have made the ultimate mistake. I am too closely involved and confused
    My bad, I read too fast. Most of the stuff posted on this site is idiotic so I stopped reading entire threads and posts.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I have made the ultimate mistake. I am too closely involved and confused
    You read this site 15 years ago and you just turned 20? That's makes us all like elementary school teachers. We should start a stripper training course to raise them right. :) I would comment more but good answers have already been given to the op.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How To Determine If A Woman Is Crazy
    I have to deal with crazy everyday. Hardly no men in my life except long distance phone calls. I try to be very patient and cautious every day with so much craziness and irrationality.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How To Determine If A Woman Is Crazy
    They are all crazy. It's just a matter of how crazy. I think they are attracted to crazy guys. If I sit around acting like a normal guy, I get approached a lot less.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    no extra girls comes back after I do an extras girl and offers extras, what to d
    I'd just drink another beer and do whatever you want to do without over analyzing everything.