Employment at da Club

avatar for LecherousMonk
Would you work as a club staff member of you had no other prospects? My fab is hiring. Not sure I want to ruin my dynamic with them.


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There have been lots of discussions about this.

I would not worry about ruining your customer relationship with the club, or your relationship with a favorite dancer.

But about the basic thing, working as staff at a strip club, for myself, I would not do that. To me it is just like making yourself a door mat.

I mean if you really got paid lots of money, like more than dancers, then maybe. Or if you could be the owner, unfireable, then yes.

But otherwise the girls will just be walking on you, patronizing you, etc.

I would not like that. And I have other things I can do in this world. Even if the money is less, who cares. At least you are not being treated with disrespect.

Here, at Mitchell Bros, the girls called the male staff, Eunuchs. Some felt sorry for them, but they all affirmed, "I'm not going to fuck them."


And this also applies in my view to places like the TJ HK bar. I would not want to be a mesero.

I'm not big on the service sector, especially when the product is pretty girls.

I know that some in the service sector, tips and all, make lots of money. But I still want to be recognized and appreciated in other ways. Basic retail yes, but not luxury service for ass hole fat cats.


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avatar for Joker420
8 years ago
The answer is kinda like a double edge sword. I've known and have seen guys become DJ or Bouncers and this not only gain them a paycheck but was the extra edge that was needed to boyfriend or just fuck a stripper for next to nothing.

The other edge to this sword is you will see all the behind the scene drama and bullshit making it possible you burn out on the industry. Then it goes from a place of enjoyment to a place of employment. Good bye to the good old days and hello to the grind without the sunshine

For me if I local I might do so because my local clubs suck and I don't patron them. So. Making it a place of business for myself could work but if I was to get a offer to a club I frequent I would bed to decline.

Mixing business and pleasure usually don't work out although I'm sure some people make it work. A small percentage I would estimate
By "no other prospects" do you mean that every single other building in town has burned to the ground? If yes, then maybe. Assuming that I also can't hop on a passing train and become a hobo.

Kidding aside, probably not. I have fun in strip clubs, but I'd never want it to become my actual job.
My first reaction was to say yes just out of curiosity of seeing the other side... but then I realized I wouldn't want doing that to haunt me forever.
It's a great chance to add "Bathroom troll at a strip club" to your resume.
I was going to do it once.

When I talked to a manager at a club that I knew really well, he told me it was a bad idea.

As joker said, it goes from a place of enjoyment to a place of employment. And my manager friend said he doesn't look at women the same way now after years in the industry. He's completely jaded and looks at all women as money grubbing whores. Granted, he sees the girls at their worst. It's not the "fantasy" that we as customers see. You think we see stripper shit as a customer? You have no idea what kind of stripper shit you will get involved in if you become a bouncer, dj, barback, cook, etc at a club.

I decided to heed his advice and take a bye on the job opportunity a long time ago.
The only way I would ever consider working in a club would be as the owner and even then I would think it over carefully. Decent clubs the bouncers, security, DJ, assistant managers and all other male employees are "furniture". I other words there are there to facilitate the girls doing their job. Would you date or screw the desk in your office or you tool bucket. Those things are there to assist you to do your job just as the bouncers etc are there to assist the girls. Messing up the money makers is not good business.
-->"By "no other prospects" do you mean that every single other building in town has burned to the ground? If yes, then maybe"

Ha, pretty much my feeling, too. I can not imagine the situation where the only prospect I have is working at the strip club. That said, I don't need to make up "no other prospect" scenarios... while I might not want to ruin things at my favorite strip club, in the "life is more fun when you make poor decisions" category, I could see working at a strip club just to get an insider's taste of the craziness. Although, man, so much of the staff seems miserable.
I would not wanna be in that type of environment day-in and day-out; it would either change me or drive me a bit crazy.

The unemployment rate is pretty-low and the economy is doing pretty-good, surely there must be other options.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Hell yes! I would love to try and work the day shift. But I'd probably ruin any chance I might have if they ask "Why do you want to work here?" I'd probably answer "So I can fuck strippers for free!"

Seriously though, I would hate to think I had no other options than working in a SC at my age. And with my experience and education. That would just suck.
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
"It's a great chance to add "Bathroom troll at a strip club" to your resume."

Because I haven't bothered to review Men's Club in Raleigh since 2008, and I'm not sure the bathroom attendant would rate a mention anyway, I'll give that old guy who works there a prop. He seems to like his job just fine. Every time I see that guy he's got some stripper in there hanging out or talking his ear off. Plus he's got the "seen it all" persona down to an art. Most of the staff there act like assholes, so if I need to know something I'd probably ask him first. If I was retired with shit else to do, who knows?
If the job included oiling-up the dancers then I'd give it serious thought

^^^ Papi, you never know when you might get the chance to be an oil boy.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I didn't think club staff made that much money so I would have to be really desperate. I've been confused as a bouncer when I dress in black and stand near the entrance before leaving a club. I noticed other customers coming up to me asking if I work there and or other questions if I stand near the entrance like I'm a bouncer. I'm bigger than a number of bouncers I've seen but I'm not trained in dealing with customer service.

Now for a moonlight job when you have nothing better to do? Maybe if the club wasn't a long drive or I didn't mind working when I wanted to see some dancers. I think working at a club would take a lot of the enjoyment away. No drinks, doing work when your favorites go on stage, maybe even standing outside the club or checking on things or checking where a dancer is at when she is supposed to be on stage etc, plus people asking you questions or telling you about a problem with this or that.
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