Comments by sharkhunter (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone like Taylor Swift
    Stole not stoke. He stole a cursed sword in the game but didn't know it was cursed. I was the dungeon master. I didn't tell him it was cursed until he finally figured it out after those skeleton creatures kept attacking. Lol. I even took my character to the astral plane to kick gethyankee butt with him. Not sure of the spelling. That was over 25 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone like Taylor Swift
    I like the way Talyor Swift looks. I've seen a lot worse. I don't remember any dreams where I had sex with her so far. I could in my dreams if I wanted to since I can control or create just about anything I think of in my sleep. Well not always but sometimes I have. My dreams have been messed up with time travel, alternate dimensions, parallel universes, contact with lots of alien species, and powerful entities all in my dreams. I blame some of that on playing Dungeons and Dragons as a kid with my younger brother. One of his characters stoke a cursed sword from a group of Skelton creatures that usually reside in the astral plane. We supposedly killed thousands before he got tired of them coming after that sword all the time. The stories with the crashed spaceship were fun to read about but I'm thinking that was a different role playing game. There were large Man eating plants inside the ship and some lurkers hiding on the ceiling in some rooms. I think the lurkers were like black super large sting rays hanging onto the ceiling that could drop down and try to eat you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Tapped Out: Need real intimacy
    Just imagine you got married, she gained 150 pounds, she does nothing but yell at you, tells you what to do all the time and blows through all your money and is running up thousands on credit cards, of course she is Not interested in sex but even if she was, you would want her to take a shower first because she stinks only bothering to wash herself once a week. Then you wake up and think how lucky you are.
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    7 years ago
    Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump who would you rather be.
    I wouldn't want to be either one but f I had to choose, I would be Trump and likely everyone would wonder what happened. I'd be trying to fix social security and improve health care while seeing if I could get rid of the cap on social security taxes paid after a certain income is reached. I'd want to really help the middle class instead of just talking about it. I'd try to get a high deductible health plan with a HSA option with low premiums for anyone who wants it and is already in good health but wants insurance to cover themselves just in case and to cover yearly preventative care. I'd want the average person in the plan for an individual to pay less than 150 a month. I'd also plan something for the coming recession I expect. Big tax cuts for the poor and middle class, cut whatever government spending I thought would be good for the country.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to approach customers in the SC
    Not every dancer is my type. Most aren't it seems. Most just ask if I mind if they join me at the table I'm sitting at if they bother to ask. I might be waiting on another dancer or just want to watch for a while. A dancer may smell bad to me or not be my type at all. I had a dancer hug me one evening for no known reason and I never had a dance from her. She's not my type meaning I'm not attracted to her. A few dancers may or may not understand that. I'm not sure. In some cases not wanting to buy dances may be more due to limited funds or only willing to spend money on someone who I might be most attracted to.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Glory hole: opaque or clear?
    I'd want to see who was on the other side. I saw videos of glory holes online and my brain figured out how to turn it into a sexual horror type of movie real easy in my dreams. Currently watching piranha. It looks like a blood bath. I could give all kinds of sexual horror writers ideas along with new fantasy stories ideas. I'd like to see more hot girls dressed up as elves. I dream about a lot of weird stuff.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    The first dancer that I met up with away from the club took me two seconds to ask her out. She said something about a private party, no sex came out of that. She did do some private dances with me back at her place. I did eventfully get to know her better and no money was involved with that. Left her before I ended up becoming her new bf. They first dancer I remember or maybe second, my memory is fuzzy, that asked me out she did dances with me first and asked me if I wanted to meet up. I met up with her and found out she was just looking to have sex or a one night deal before heading back to Vegas. For some odd reason she told me if a guy asked her out first, she would have said no. Maybe worried about undercover vice?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Approaching the woman for a dance?
    I expect dancers will approach me in strip clubs. That's normal for me. In many clubs, just looking at a dancer will get her attention unless she has better things to do. I.e. Some guy tipped her a twenty on stage or her regular is waiting or she has something else she feels a need to do. If looking at her doesnt get her attention, you can escalate things by tipping her on stage. Many dancers have a brain. I did visit one club where I found out dancers were told don't ask the customer for dances unless they ask you first. I still think that was strange.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    We need a term for the PL lust when you're trying to get a dancer but she is loc
    Oh yeah, there is already a term for that. You are sol.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    what percentage of dancers on a given sc visit do you find attractive?
    Example , 20 dancers working, I might be willing to get dances from 5 of them on a less than stellar night. In a large club with 100 dancers maybe over 20 I might find attractive. More in clubs where the girls are more heavily screened but then you tend to lose dancers actually being friendly somewhat without everyone faking it quite poorly. Some dancers are very attractive but terrible at acting friendly. At least they were trying. When I first started clubbing, clubs I visited screened the girls and didn't hire a lot of those I have seen working in more recent years. Some of that might be due to some guys actually enjoying very fat girls. I will take fat over anorexic but neither is attractive to me if she is way past just a few extra pounds.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    what percentage of dancers on a given sc visit do you find attractive?
    Unfortunately it's usually less than 25% for me. Other dancers have occasionally persuaded me to get dances on occasion. If it's more than one out of every four, I'm enjoying the view quite a lot. At some clubs, I often see dancers whom I wouldn't want to go out with even if you paid me. If they outnumber the hot dancers, I may leave early if they are hard to avoid. If I'm horny or in a good club, it can be well over 50 to 75% dancers whom I might get dances from. It's still usually only a handful I would consider very hot. On my last club visit to lust, there was only one dancer I consider very hot, some others looked very nice or were very friendly which can make a dancer attractive if looks aren't everything. Pasties make the girls look less attractive though. It varies from one visit to another.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    We need a term for the PL lust when you're trying to get a dancer but she is loc
    Wocked could be a whale block or long term cock block from someone who is not a whale.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    We need a term for the PL lust when you're trying to get a dancer but she is loc
    Whale blocked defines it but is too long for our group. How about wocked? A short cut for whale blocked.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    My concern is that someone in power starts thinking if we do nothing, then eventually NK will be able to sell and launch nuclear missiles into the US or sell them to Iran who could launch them at Israel or Europe and then we are faced with a nuclear war. Israel's strategy I read if they are attacked by nuclear weapons is not just to counter strike but to launch attacks on all their enemies. They have nukes too. There may be a bunch of radiation circling the globe before we know it. If that ever becomes the case, no one will probably care about the stock market because money will become worthless.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    I'm wondering what they mean by viewed. If I clicked on their web site and moved the mouse cursor over the top of a video and clips starting moving without me clicking on it, then I moved to another and another playing only a few snippets of scenes, does that count as viewing a dozen videos in under a minute? If that's the case and they are not counting entire videos viewed but mere snippets of videos, then that several billion number makes more sense. They could count videos because my web browser got misdirected and I moved the mouse cursor over a few videos without clicking on any of them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think that this is the second recent death by lap dance.
    Is this how shadowcat wants to go? He'd probably want something more exciting than a regular dance. He'd probably be disappointed if she kept going several minutes after he already passed away. I imagine it might be pretty shocking to a young dancer to discover her customer is dead. I can imagine others would joke, you gonna kill him too?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    I asked some guy at work that I knew if strippers went out with guys in the club. He said no, they don't go out with guys they meet in the club. So when the second dancer I asked said yes, I was a bit surprised. I did end up meeting a dancer who asked me out, no money involved. My definition of Outside The Club is different than many others in my opinion. I met with dancers for years after clubs closed. I usually was not paying them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    I was never worried about possible boyfriends. People have mistaken me for a club bouncer several times. One exception. I remember a dancer who had the hots for me and I never got into it with her. She said she wanted to give me a BJ if I got a lap dance from her. She mentioned at one time though she had a boyfriend now and it was the very large, muscular club bouncer working the club at that moment. I passed on getting the lap dance. I didn't think I was going to feel relaxed in that setting. The first time I met up with a dancer she called it a private party but didn't mention anything about it costing me money. No sex was involved. I was pissed she wanted money. I was new to strip clubs. The second dancer I had asked to go out with said ok but she saw it as a money making opportunity, not a date apparently but thought for some reason I knew that. I learned the hard way.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper reaction for LDK
    I once had a stripper complain that she didn't get to taste anything. However that wouldn't have been an LDK. A bouncer almost caught her and that killed it for me. I found out why some people like visiting almost empty strip clubs but that was years ago. I wouldn't even bother to read what the strippers post on stripper web except for entertainment. They live in a fantasy world.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Tapped Out: Need real intimacy
    Dress up and go to church in the morning. Pick out a hottie and ask for her number. Before you know it, we'll all wonder, what happened to GACA?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Tapped Out: Need real intimacy
    Some strippers have acted like my gf so much, others thought they were in the past. I didn't even see one dancer for over 3 months and shortly after seeing me, she plops down in my lap asking me where I've been. I guess if you want to wake up with someone, that's a different story. One dancer one time thought I wanted to date her. She told me she had 5 kids. We never went out. I didn't want to get that involved. I just find it amazing how quickly some girls seem to bond to you sometimes even without any sex taking place. Maybe it does have something to do with oxytocin getting released.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Intelligence in a woman
    I've met a lot of intelligent strippers stripping for a living. If they like me, they are very intelligent. They need the money and are willing to take off their clothes to get it. That's brilliant. Smarter than that and they might not be stripping. They might be a professional trading stocks like Dougster or making over 350K like the LMN guy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    Market was looking for an excuse to sell off before going back up to new all time highs. The mother of all bombs and talk about NK was the perfect excuse. I'm wondering if the Russell index will sell off to reach a strong support level before bouncing or just take off making people chase it up. If respective parties can get some kind of health care deal going, then do tax reform, markets might pop up big if they got that all done relatively soon. Someone needs to stress tax cuts, health care reform are what both sides on the Republican side claim they want and that compromise may be in everyone's favor. Personally I would raise taxes on the rich or not give them tax breaks while giving tax breaks to the middle class and poor and those 48 and older on health care premiums. The rich would get tax breaks if it benefited the other poorer classes. Tax breaks on corporations benefit those poorer in my opinion if it creates lots of good paying jobs here in the US.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: THE LAST JEDI trailer has dropped
    offtopic, a few days ago I saw a video on youtube about some past remote viewing experiments by the US military. In an attempt to trip up one guy, they gave a location and time that was not on Earth for the remote viewer. They picked a location on Mars near the Cydonia area one million years ago. Supposedly the guy saw a big city under the surface of Mars but an ecology disaster was going on the surface of the planet. Supposedly many escaped in a ship to a planet that had a number of volcanoes and lots of vegetation. Sounds like Earth doesn't it? The video suggested our ancestors came from Mars about a million years ago or so. Now that would really rewrite the history books if we had history going back1 million years ago. How's that for offtopic?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: THE LAST JEDI trailer has dropped
    I practiced my Jedi mind tricks last night. I tried telekinesis. I didn't have much luck until I got to a game where pictures were involved. Now I'm trying remote viewing. Seeing shapes behind something. This is what I saw.