Comments by sharkhunter (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Intelligence in a woman
    Generally turn on.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The top five things that I hate on a stripper's body
    1. Another guy 2. Too many clothes 3. All of the above
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This is what it's like to go to a strip club high
    If enough seniors are using weed, probably just a matter of time before it gets legalized across the country. Then everyone will get the munchies. Snack machines or food available in all strip clubs and bars before you know it. I've been to some places that had no food.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Nympho Activation System
    Say it like this. Keep repeating faster until you get it. Eye am sofa king re tod did
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Consistently High-Mileage Clubs
    Well you can skip the whole state of South Carolina. Nothing much going on here.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta - lowest cover on a Friday Night
    I get in free at local club with vip card. Do Atlanta clubs have that too?
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    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    The other option is the status quo while developing very advanced tech to shoot down any number of missiles or block missiles from reaching a certain altitude if we could develop advanced shields. That is like high tech alien stuff though in the movies. If NK is ok with the status quo, so am I. Everyone is wondering what Trump is ok with.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    Well I'm hoping Trump is smarter than some think he is and is just saying all options are on the table to get a deal. I know when playing poker, which I haven't done in years, I wouldn't broadcast what my cards are and what I'm planning on purpose. Sounds like our military commander is trying diplomacy. I hope diplomacy succeeds.
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    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    SJG you missed the whole point of my post. I was describing alien advanced tech we do not have. Since we do not have super advanced alien tech where we could make NK look like an ant compared to a super solder, we shouldn't provoke NK too much in my opinion. If we go poking around in a fire ant mound, I would hope we came prepared to battle and kill all the ants. Our tech isn't that far superior to others in that we can't prevent a major loss of life if NK decides to invade SK or launches attacks all over. So the best choice is diplomacy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    It's inappropriate to not tip a girl....for saying hi?
    I haven't been asked for a tip for nothing for the last two or 3 years. However when I did get asked I might give them a dollar. One girl seemed ok with that and even flashed her tits to me. Most did not. One girl got upset I only tipped her a dollar, said something rude and gave it back to me. Best way to not ever get dances from me is going around asking for a tip for nothing. When I was buying a lot of dances, I never got dances from those who walked around asking for a tip for no reason. Dances are where dancers made almost all their money. I saw that as helping to get rid of these girls. Most guys said no, I said no a lot. I never tipped more than a dollar if I got approached.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    If they develop a big mothership with shields and park it over North Korea, that might do it. Obama said he wasn't going to build the Death Star though. Trump can talk about building something smaller and call it the mother of all space ships. It needs Shields like the aliens have in the movies or like the shields in Stargate SG1 when they had advanced Asgard tech. Then we could act like the big bad ass aliens raining destructive pulses down on NK until they surrender. Of course we don't have any of this stuff so Trump is asking for trouble if he attacks. I'd prefer to wait and build better tech. Trump is a businessman so we can hope all this talk is tough talk to get NK and China to make deals.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    I thought Clinton tried a carrot trade and NK agreed to dismantle their nuclear program. What went wrong? I don't know. Maybe boosting missile defense systems is a better approach than restarting the war with NK. I think we need super weapons we could deploy to shoot down all missiles launched from NK and huge solar mirrors that could open up in space and make the entire country in NK directly north of the border hot enough to fry any exposed skin of marching solders and overheat NK military vehicles even at night. In peacetime the platform could be used for solar power or lighting up cities at night, not hot, just light, for a charge for special events. Anyone want parades, football games, baseball games with full sunlight in the evening?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Trump fulfilled one campaign pledge. He said he was going to bomb the hell out
    Well apparently Obama started the process to get the bomb over there so that has been in the works for a while. I heard the decision was up to the military. 16 million is worth it in terms of saving several American lives. I think everyone but the murdering dictator in North Korea is a bit nervous what Trump is up to. I'd rather China put some heavy pressure on NK to suspend their nuclear program or else cut off food and trade. It would be like a castle siege. I don't believe the North Korean dictator is rational. Hmmm, Trump might understand him.
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    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    I'm wondering if officially, all of our naval ships aren't equipped with smart bullets yet. A quick Google search.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Recently released United Airlines training video
    I saw the airline training video a long long time ago. I wasn't joking about them being old school. They probably wouldn't have changed anything with the airlines if 911 hadn't screwed all that up. I am glad they banned smoking on airplanes,
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    Someone made a prediction that North Korea would be united with South Korea this year. Made me wonder if that was some crazy Nostradmus prediction.
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    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    Thanks Dougster. I will check out the information. I've done some programming many years ago and like the idea of automating trading to remove emotions from decisions. I have access to some software already so I will see what I already have access to. I was just surprised to see an EtF the other day I could have made a fortune on. Might be getting ready to drop like a rock though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    If NK launches a nuclear strike on the South, it's all over for North Korea. It's just a matter how many will die and how quickly. China has nukes and we have nukes and I don't think China is going to sit by while NK launches nukes but I could be wrong. It would make the US send nukes to NK. I doubt China wants that either since they will have to track them to make sure nothing goes off course towards China. We do have some new tech I read about that is like a massive barrage that can be fired from naval ships. Think automatic rail gun fire like in the movie Transformers but make it like automatic gun fire from several guns on each ship. We could take out their missiles shortly after they launch long before NK can hit any targets. I heard we developed the defensive system as a counter defense against new Chinese rocket systems so that the Chinese could not take out our navy in a surprise attack. I heard all this in a video from someone trying to sell me a subscription. Well parts of it. I extrapolated the rest about NK. The video said nothing was secret information.
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    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    I was gong to mention I back tested a stock back to August last year not even trading options where I could have made 88%. Better the longer I go back. I plan on checking father back. I have no automated software to check what I'm looking at. I think I see a lack of tools for the ordinary public since I have to take data manually and set up trading conditions and calculate the data Using excel. Actually I'm using very simple data points so I'm wondering how far back it works on this one etf. Also wondering how many other etfs out there that might be like it. I'm not going to mention which Etf I'm looking at.
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    8 years ago
    Markets Today/Tonight
    I think a better option than striking at North Korea would be making an agreement with China to cut off food supplies if NK doesn't stop shooting missiles and making threats. They might consider that a strike but it wouldn't be a military one and China would be on our side. As far as I'm concerned, I would rather see China invade NK rather than the US do anything except back up China. The agreement would be to remove the leadership of NK or change the government, not become part of China.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Fuck The Police
    I hope this story stays on the news and doesn't get replaced with something far worse.
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    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Fuck The Police
    I believe what has everyone upset is that this could happen to anyone for refusing to get up. Getting beat up, losing teeth, etc is not the kind of treatment people want after they paid for a ticket and sat down on a plane and are waiting to leave to get somewhere they think they need to go to. The airline could have announced the plane wasn't going to leave until one more passenger gave up their seat with extra benefits. Now it's costing the airline millions. Serves them right in my opinion. I never liked the practice of overbooking during busy times.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Recently released United Airlines training video
    I guess the air lines are old school. Knock out his teeth if he doesn't give up his seat. I don't remember flying anywhere since 911. Knocking on wood now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Easter Night in the club, Dead or Holiday Season?
    I once visited a large club Saturday night Easter weekend. It wasn't very busy. One dancer said she had to get up early for Easter services. Easter is like Christmas in that everyone who usually doesn't go to church decides they need to make an annual or biannual visit if they feel like it. I suppose some here do not visit at all. Many dancers on the East coast in my area do go to church. They may be very tired in the morning if they worked Satirday night.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Fuck The Police
    I see the major problem as the local laws that get passed. Police can go overboard as is obvious from shootings and the recent airline PR disaster with an unarmed guy that wasn't breaking any law except the airline decided he needed to go without much explanation. I do hate to see local strip clubs getting ruined. I think pasties are not needed. Why are they being worn? Something to do with local ordinances and club Lust not being grandfathered in even though a strip club has been at the location for over 20 years.