
Comments by sharkhunter (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Customers that stink
    I heard about some people not taking a shower for several days. I'm sure they stink. I've accidentally smelled some stinky people from over 50 feet away when the wind blew the wrong direction.
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    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    Should have just done a quick Google search. Night care services already out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    Our government had investing in startups that haven't had iPOS yet illegal for the ordinary guy until recent.
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    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    If there are a lot of working parents working night shifts in an area, it could be a profitable business maybe to have a night care service for them to drop kids off at. Most people don't like working nights though so there could be a business opportunity right there and a need not addressed by the business community. I'm not interested in running a day care or night care business so I won't bother to check on it. Someone might be able to get venture funding if there was a definite need for a lot of people in a lot of cities. It makes me wonder. I just recently found out ordinary people can invest in start up companies before they are necessarily selling public stocks. I don't have enough time to research or study everything I want to.
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    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    I don't even know how many day care places may run night care services for kids. If there are a lot of late night or all night adults out at night, seems like someone would have a business up and running to make money. I can imagine a number of issues may be tough to figure out on your own. Strip club owners like any business owner would want a profit motive to add discounts or incentives. Would keeping dancers working at a club longer be incentive to offer extra services like discounts at a night care service? Depends maybe on how much it costs to hire and train a new dancer. If the answer is 30 minutes, then that's not much incentive for the strip club. It can take a corporation up to 6 months to hire professionals and tie up a lot of company people interviewing and training the new person which represents a major sum to replace someone. If dancers have specialized training, not sure what special training that might be that other dancers don't have, then that could be an incentive to keep dancers. Just brainstorming with posts.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: United Airlines reaches settlement with passenger dragged from plane
    I can imagine the national news attention the story would have received if it went to trial. It would be like the OJ trial.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you think it is sexist that women are not allowed to go topless everywhere me
    I think strip clubs in general would have to up their game if it was ok to be topless outside the club, either hire mostly hot girls or go all nude and hot girls, etc. If you go to strip clubs a lot already, just seeing topless girls isn't much of an attraction until you add in lap dances and good looking dancers. Anyone can see over a hundred boobs in seconds with any smart phone or computer. Yes this country us backwards. Let's make this country great again.
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    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    Just remember to vote for politicians who don't try to keep adding new laws and new regulations on businesses. It's these people who stifle businesses from opening and expanding and growing the business. They cause ordinances to get passed requiring pasties, make police spend drug money with agents spending $2000 a visit to get evidence so that someone will break a law and shut down a business or curtail it. If everyone in this country was progressive, we'd probably have free tuition, child care for late night workers, no pasties in strip clubs, and a very inexpensive health care system that all workers and companies over a certain size pay into as part of taxes, and topless beaches for both sexes, and brothels in every state and free testing for stds everywhere with a good education system.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    I understand why so many dancers voted for Bernie. It seems nice to get things for free. Free tuition, free childcare, free this, free that. It all sounds great. The reality is everyone or someone ends up paying for it. Do you really think it would be nice to have club bouncers or club staff also be babysitters for your kids? Is it ok if they beat your kids to keep them in line? Someone might call the police if they did but they may be trained for security, not babysitting. If you want to pay a lot extra to the club for babysitting fees, it might work but I bet the club will charge more for that service than a dancer can find on her own. I can imagine if enough people in a town want all night baby sitting, there could be a business opportunity. In small towns, there probably aren't enough baby sitting services. Clubs could set up an independent company to do so and simply charge all dancers who use it a fee per kid. I'm not sure if the local community would be ok with the strip club being the main funding source for a baby sitting service. Local politicians might pass a law outlawing strip clubs from dong so. Think not? Well if towns outlaw showing nipples in a strip club when it's legal for any mother to show nipples to breast feed in a public restaurant, the stupid politicians can do whatever stupid things they want.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're old, fat and ugly.
    I will admit there was one dancer who didn't take no for an answer and I sort of enjoyed it. I think she noticed I was smiling. I was making up excuses like I didn't want to pay or dances. She offered to do it for free and I didn't have to pay if I didn't like it. I said no. She offered totally free. I said no again. She offered to take me to her home. I thought she was bluffing. That sounded interesting but I decided to say no again since I said no to all her other answers. She never bothered me again. Now if I had twisted my words around a little bit, I could see where sex could be the end result if a dancer is really determined. I doubt most dancers will even get to a free dance offer.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're old, fat and ugly.
    It's been years since I met a dancer who didn't take no for an answer. It's not intimidation. It's being polite not wanting to hurt her feelings but getting annoyed. It's kind of like letting a fly fly around without getting a newspaper and crushing it because you prefer to just ignore it and focus on something else, like dancers on the stage. I don go around being intimidated by mosquitos but I usually don't go on a rampage trying to kill every mosquito either. However those little things can get annoying like a dancer that doesn't understand what no means. In the last case, I believe the dancer felt rejected so much she might have quit dancing. That wasn't my intention. I was trying to be reject her nicely.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone care about French elections?
    I guess if our government wants to do something about this, they might strike first or prod NK to supposedly think we are going to strike first, then blame NK for striking first. I heard NK would strike first if they think we are going to strike. This might explain all the war of words heating up. Making NK think we are going to strike so if they do, it will be their fault as far as world condemnation goes. Ok I will stop rambling for a while and not post anymore for a while.
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    7 years ago
    Anyone care about French elections?
    I'm more concerned with nuclear war breaking out with North Korea and the US. Trump might think a nuclear war is preferable than allowing NK to launch an EMP attack against the US with their 70 subs killing 90% of Americans due to almost no preparation for an EMP attack. Between May 13th up to October 13th. An EMP attack would kill strip clubs and everything. Maybe we can take out all their subs just in case they have nuclear or EMP ability on the sub launched missiles. It's kind of scary to think 2 EMP missiles on the east and west coasts of the US would kill 90% of our population due to loos of power for a year or longer. Those numbers are generated by US sources. We are so prepared. Worrying about strip clubs, next weekend , stocks, etc. Are you ok with at least 9 out of 10 of your brothers, sisters, relatives, and friends not making it? Our government is.
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    7 years ago
    Off topic ramble
    I just experimented to see if I really do have a poltergeist or demon at my beck and call. Time will tell. Another ramble. If I end up running hell, I can't tell you guys about it later.
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    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Who is down with Red Pill MGTOW movements?
    Never heard about it. I might see what it's about sometime. Do they still go to strip clubs or get lap dances? I remember one dancer who was dedicated to making sure I got laid, definitely a possible anti whatever movement.
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    7 years ago
    My thoughts on addiction
    Addiction can be a terrible thing. What bothers me are stupid people giving giving others something illegally and then causing their addiction. I remember when I heard of a sister in law giving one of my nephews a large box or case of cigarettes. He was only 16 or something and supposedly had not been smoking or wasn't addicted at the time. Way to go for the mother, not. I suppose some people may have lifetime issues of stupidity which there may not be a cure for. Addiction is terrible but so are people being stupid to start with. I became a bit addicted to the caffeine or sugar in a bottle of coke. I didn't realize it could be addictive until I didn't drink any for 2 days. I had headaches, etc. untill I drank a little bit. Drugs can be terrible. At least in High School we had someone teach us about the terrible side effects from drugs. It sounds like they don't teach as much nowadays. I made sure not to ever use drugs. I knew some people in college who did and they stared at my wall for like 30 to 60 minutes one night and told me not to move very fast. That was messed up.
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    7 years ago
    "What are you thinking?"
    I think a big problem in this country is that instead of people talking about issues or concerns, one side labels the other side as idiots, nitwits,etc, for thinking the way they do. I see it on climate debates, politics, gun rights etc.
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    7 years ago
    "What are you thinking?"
    I think it's best not to argue with relatives you want to stay friendly with if you can avoid it. I avoid talking politics with my relatives who have different views. They are hard headed. Many people are. Some believe strongly in the right to bear arms and are ready to fight to defend those rights. Some people do not believe in the second amendment and think we'd all be better off like France with no rights to firearms. Doesn't matter to their views if criminals are all armed and for you to obey the law, you are unarmed if new Supreme Court justices appointed by democrats say you don't have the right. You can mention how people have defended themselves using guns against home invaders. They say they never hear that in the news. I see the problem. They either don't hear or don't read anything that supports opposing views. I can see where gun violence would be a lot better in this country if we were more like France but getting there confiscating guns would be like a civil war. Plus criminals would still have easy access so only illegals and criminals and the police would be armed. That doesn't make me feel safer. Ok I will stop rambling.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "What are you thinking?"
    I've been asked this question several times by females in general when I'm quiet and they aren't probing me with any specific questions. You can bring up whatever topic you want to but she might not always like the topic. Change to another topic quick unless you want to argue or have her leave if she doesn't like whatever topic. I had a dancer bring up politics last night. I told her I didn't vote for either Hillary or Trump in the primaries. She said she didn't either. She voted for Bernie. I'm not sure why so many dancers like Bernie unless they think socialism gives everyone more. It doesn't. Anyway I changed the topic quickly instead of arguing about it saying that it doesn't matter who we vote for in South Carolina because the state has voted republican for lime 50 years. I voted for a libertarian several times and it had no effect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Duct tape
    Most just use it to repair things around the house. On naked and afraid they' Used it to make a drinking cup,shoes, titty covers or a duct tape bra plus to help hold a shelter together.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Extra Terrestrials Living In The Asteroid Belt!
    Might be aliens in Antartica. They have some top secret stuff going on down there. Some conspiracy people even think the moon is hollow and it's a massive alien base like a Death Star with a rocky surface. I like that theory. If world governments thought it was true, there would be a race to take over the moon if it wasn't defended. Never heard one involving the asteroid belt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Extra Terrestrials Living In The Asteroid Belt!
    I haven't had any contact with any extraterrestrials lately unless one nice looking blonde who danced for me last night was not from around here. However I think she danced for me several times in years past. I kind of liked how she was smiling during the dance. Made it seem like she was enjoying dancing for me. I read some people think one group of aliens are tall blondes. Seriously, no joke intended. Sounds kind of funny though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to approach customers in the SC
    I was just thinking I've said certain dancers aren't my type but if she looks better than most of the other dancers in the club, she could become my type if she's friendly. One of the worst approaches I've encountered with a dancer was early in the evening and a dancer felt determined I needed to get a dance from her. I said no several times and instead of leaving my table and asking later, she sat there and argued with me for 15 minutes until I got up and sat somewhere else. I didn't go there to argue. I figure she must have been new. Unfortunately I think she felt so dejected she sat in a corner and never approached anyone else. Stripping isn't dating. I didn't want to spend money on her though. Of course most strippers with experience never sit there and argue after hearing no. I did have one stripper ask for a dance and after hearing no, she turned things around by saying she just wanted to talk to me. I don't remember if I ended up getting dances or not. She did talk for 15 to 25 minutes. Dancers work harder to try to get dances when clubs aren't crowded. Many clubs seem crowded now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone care about French elections?
    My main interest is how the results will affect US stocks and how it might affect or even lead to the end of the EU as we know it. Not sure if it will have much impact or not. I think our markets are looking for an excuse to rip higher or lower. They've been stuck in a range for a while. I actually have in laws in France. I heard they brought wine to the wedding. Can't beat that but I didn't attend. Too many other obligations at the time. I have nothing against the French and wish them well. It's all these terrorists I have something against. The west is in a war with them whether our side fights back or not. Thank God Hillary didn't succeed in getting open borders here allowing drug and crime cartels free travel into the country. However I'm not really sure how secure our borders really are if teenagers can just walk across the border with kids. I think letting everyone in is naive and dangerous. Hillary would have had armed guards while appointing a Supreme Court justice to do away with our rights. Could still happen if future democrat presidents appoint enough left wing justices. Anyway I'm only interested in how the results affect things here.
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    7 years ago
    Stripper Music Hall of Fame
    I might think of a list. I like Rob Zombie, Metallica, ACDC, etc.