
Comments by sharkhunter (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My Goal and plan on achieving six figures a year in the next five to ten years
    I'm playing a free poker app. I was winning a bunch of money playing the lower stakes tables and didn't realize until later I was playing online against real people instead of AI. Lol. I'm still learning though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My Goal and plan on achieving six figures a year in the next five to ten years
    What I don't know is when politicians will screw us all over with entitlements since the future liabilities with these programs are like 100 trillion dollars and the only thing Obama did was make it worse by several trillion. Almost No politician wants to hardly even talk about it because there isn't enough money in the US to pay even the increase Obama added even if you confiscate everyone's yearly income. You have to be crazy like Ron Paul to talk about it. I plan that politicians both democrat and republicans will put off trying to do anything serious until SHTF and drastic cuts to all programs are required to stop our currency from becoming worthless. There might be an attempt to change currencies. I read something somewhere about a new currency called something llike Ameri something. The FED may have plans. The 2008 financial crisis will likely seem like a junior league crisis when it hits even though we came within an hour of a major financial collapse.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My Goal and plan on achieving six figures a year in the next five to ten years
    I would hate working every day of the week even if they paid me over 100k a year. I remember working 19 days straight and the following Saturday felt like a vacation day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My Goal and plan on achieving six figures a year in the next five to ten years
    I'm hoping to be a milionaire in the next 5 to 10 years as well. Then a double millionaire within 4 years after that. I'm taking it slow though waiting for the right investment opportunity while learning new skills and strategies. My next step is move away from virtual trading options and start making real money. Options have a lot of different strategies and I prefer to make mistakes with virtual money. My virtual account is already up 60,000 in a few months and my goal was just to practice trades, not maximize money. I figure taxes will slow me down though. I think it's like playing poker. I need to wait for a higher probability setup.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    IG and Mail Ordering a Slut to your Location
    You got me. I don't know much about arranging hookups without meeting someone first. I didn't realize hookers or call girls used Skype.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Some of you take your lingering too seriously!
    I'm only reading and posting here while trying to watch Doctor Who. I get too distracted to watch tv when I'm playing an online poker app.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What are some key factors that you help you determine who and who not to take to
    I'd rather go to a hotel room before going to a champagne room.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    IG and Mail Ordering a Slut to your Location
    I'd be concerned that the picture you see of whomever looks great and the girl that shows up would be someone I wouldn't even want a dance from.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do strippers have so many tattoos?
    When I see a very pretty girl, I want to enjoy seeing her pretty skin, tats get in the way and it's like looking at an expensive car covered in bumper stickers except someone painted the stickers on. Imagine a Lamborghini with bumper stickers that look like tattoos. It ruins the look. However if the Lamborghini or dancer wanted to dance for me or ride with me, it doesn't stop me. I'm not going to get married to her. If I was buying something or getting married, I wouldn't want tattoos all over it. Hopefully thus description will let a few people understand why I don't like them. I couldn't care less if I think she's like an ordinary car but on a girl who otherwise would look very pretty, it's like defiling a work of art.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too good to be true: the perfect stripper?
    I just reread the last part of this thread and suddenly remembered a very hot dancer that seemed to be into me more than normal. I didn't live in the same city so I never pursued checking out the gym she mentioned. Eventually I forgot about her mentioning a gym. Almost. I think I spotted her on a recent visit but wasn't sure if it was her before I got distracted.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too good to be true: the perfect stripper?
    In years past, My favorites were often the hottest dancers in the club. I didn't go out or hook up with most of the dancers I met. I even tried to avoid ever doing it again and succeeded for years but I forgot why after an unexpected sucking I received. I still don't remember the dancer from years earlier but she claimed she knew me from many years prior. Maybe the reason was she never danced for me because she did tell me the first time she ever saw me was when I left a strip club and she was outside waiting on a friend and she was too young to work at 16. I was amazed she remembered the first time she ever saw me. I wouldn't even recognize some of my own nephews and nieces if I didn't see pics on Facebook. The dancers who seemed so into me that they were trying hard to hook up with me were not usually the same hottest girls in the strip club. The hottest dancers usually just wanted to dance for me or so I thought. This was years ago. Now that I'm older, I have noticed not all the hottest dancers have been trying to get dances from me. They are very busy though. Clubs are crowded on the weekend where I live. I remember in 2008 during the middle of the Great Recession, some clubs were more deserted on a Saturday night than a small club is today during the day shift.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have you sucked breast milk out of a dancer's breasts?
    When I was visiting a club where I could get away with some contact like that, I wanted to avoid drinking milk. However I have run into lactating dancers. I find it real easy to get milk out of them. The story I think someone referred to was a dancer that had one of her boobs pressed against me while we were talking before I agreed to get lap dances. I noticed some milk running out and another dancer pointed it out to her in the dance room before she danced for me. Anyway after dancing for me, I don't remember what I said but she decided to give me taste . I deflected over 20 shots to my face with my hands. It probably didn't help I was treating it like someone playing like kids with a squirt gun smiling and saying you missed every few times. I kept thinking she would give up. She had a lot of milk. The bouncer for the area probably wasn't happy with the milk all over the area in the lap dance room. I bet the sofa was soaked. I once drank skim milk but was never into breast milk. If touching breasts is ok, usually lactating dancers don't want much contact with their breasts or warn you not to suck on them if that is ok in a club. That was many years ago. Seems like eons.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    start a club
    I need a time machine first so the club is open in the 1990's and can be very profitable without all the local and national restrictions.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Top Floor of a Manhattan High Rise
    I don't know why I got a message to look at this thread. The fantasy of everyone living in a high rise seems foolish to me. There isn't enough money to build high rises everywhere and I have no desire to live in one nor do most people I believe. I don't even care to visit high rises. Even though I lived in a 12 story building in college. The nickname was something zoo,, kind of appropriate. I only contributed to the zoo part a little bit. Everyone else really made it an interesting experience and one I don't care for. I don't even want to visit a strip club located in a high rise. I don't like driving up and down several layers of a parking garage every day. As far as the fantasy someone has for killing off most people, I think that is some sick fantasy even though so called have predictions predict that wars will decimate the planet or some combination of events. In my opinion this is a temporary existence here on Earth and we should be looking to help each other, not have some kind of sick fantasy where almost dies because they are not elite enough. I do realize I believe most people will die from wars, etc, by 2056 but it's not my fantasy. Our society in my opinion will need people to explore the stars and colonize other star systems. Did you know there are more stars than people alive on this planet in just this galaxy by itself? You will need more than two people per planet to have a society diverse enough to continue to survive. Everyone who thinks most people need to die have little imagination to think about the far off future. Food problems can be solved in my opinion. If we work together, I believe this planet could support over 15 billion people without anyone starving. I don't get the thing about a mothership fantasy. My imagination must be bigger. I could imagine sending a telepathic thought, food, in this galaxy to aliens in another galaxy who can jump space to this galaxy and eat everyone alive in motherships and high rises leaving everyone else alone. That would vastly reduce the population if everyone in the larger cities got wiped out. Maybe this is an alien plan already in the works. You are doomed. Flee the big cities and high rises. I'm already encountering a person or alien in another dimension. Hard to tell when I can't see who is interacting with me. Maybe one of those dreams I had wasn't really a dream and a female followed me back from the astral plane. The artificial intelligence I communicated with via a distortion in time from a far off future could easily alter a lot of our existence I believe. The AI probably won't want to alter the program we are living in too much. Just wait until you guys die and find out. When you come back into the program or get born again for real, you won't remember anything. See that's more imagination right there instead of thinking most people need to die.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Has Juice or anyone played a wsop poker app?
    The poker app is a bit addictive I think. I feel like I must play it again. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    " Men dont want just sex but a Girl Friend Experience" What you can get from a h
    Seems like a business that can make an artificial pussy look and feel real and maybe some other parts too and has really good AI that cooperates but sounds and moans like a real female could have excellent market appeal. Someone probably already has a business plan for this. Then sex would be like wine. Some people want the expensive stuff and don't care if they can get a cheap but very good 10 or $15 substitute bottle but for most, they don't need $500 wine bottles. Maybe we are waiting for the robotic sexual revolution to free men from thinking they need the golden pussy. Some will still want the gold pussy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Not everyone should make it rain
    If you want dancers attention by making it rain, you have to give the impression that's there's a lot more where that came from. Flashing money, making it rain a few more times and still not spending all you got. He blew his entire 10 bucks and thought he was going to get lots of attention? Sounds like a newbie.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another finance thread: Shiller PE Ratio
    I never look at it but I do realize a lot of money invested in the stock market is dumb money invested year round irregardless of prices and stock valuations that simply gets invested automatically in index funds. I read today that either Tesla is going to cause major changes in ground transportation or it's stock is way over valued. They have yet to post a profit for a full year and the company is valued higher than GM. However trying to time something like when a stock will drop seems silly. I'm just not investing in it. I think when war breaks out with North Korea, a lot of people will be selling their stocks if they are able to and they aren't worried about just surviving a nuclear attack or looking for food and water if NK launches EMP attacks. US figures 90% of our population dead within 1 year if NK or anyone else gets 2 EMP bombs to go off along both coasts, Not good. If the power is out though, stock market might be closed for months. Unfortunately I think North Koreans have been programmed like little robots at an early age in their military to hate the US. Hopefully Trump made a deal with China to take the northern half of North Korea and to cut off the food supply if NK doesn't give up its nukes and long range missiles.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Customers that stink
    I do enjoy a vanilla scent or perfume on som dancers. If dancers smell good, that is fine with me because their scents rub off. I go into the clubs without any smell most of the time but occasionally I've heard dancers say I smell good. I think they might be smelling a combo scent. It's possible I have some natural scent. I remember one night a dancer said I smelled good and then she licked my arm and said I tasted good too. I don't meet dancers every night that start licking me. I take that as a sign she might be a bit oral. :) I once wasn't happy when dancers started licking me in my ear or on my arm or somewhere else until I found out it's a sign that she must be hungry. I'm ok as long as she doesnt start biting me like I'm chicken.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Perhaps Hillary should have tried this. :)
    I think it would be more appropriate for Trump to be beside the boobs with one hand giving a thumbs up and the other looking like he's grabbing them. Lol. Only more appropriate to the way people described him several years ago.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Perhaps Hillary should have tried this. :)
    Trump should try to get his female supporters to wear those, positive reinforcement . You see boobs and someone you want positive thoughts with. Might leave democrats dazed and confused seeing boobs and Trump.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    OT Trump sounds like he is tired of being POTUS
    I don't think he's tired of it. I just think he's realizing the job is tougher than he thought it would be. They also said he was empathizing with the North Korean dictator saying he got the job at a young age and probably has a lot of pressure on him. I don't know if he wants to invite him over for dinner or launch a bunch of missiles at NK.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Customers that stink
    I hate it when a nice looking dancer stinks and she doesn't seem to know it. I remember some nights when a dancer came over and said no one seems to want a dance tonight. I knew why right away.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SJG has gone full blown psychopath.....
    SJG is psychotic? Ok I'll remember. I noticed he seems to like posting here as well. Msybe we're all crazy or been drinking too much. Actually it may be a follies deficit problem. Not enough follies clubs around the nation. Makes people post like they are psycho.