
Top Floor of a Manhattan High Rise

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Consider the following narrative as fictional:

There are rumors that this high rise is owned by the President Elect Donald Trump. I ride the elevator to the top floor where there is a new strip club. I sit down in a booth. In the booth next to me is a man wearing an obviously very expensive suit, no polyester for him. Sitting on his lap is a girl. I cannot see the man's face, but I can see the girl's and she is very pretty. They say that in this new style of strip club they have searched far and wide to find the prettiest girls, as these new clubs are only for the wealthy elite. I am not sure if I will be able to afford to play at all.

They also keep the music quite soft, so I can hear their conversation. The man is doing all of the talking. The girl is just looking into his eyes with rapt attention, like she is mesmerized.

I got my start because of a boom and bust cycle, that was how I got my first job. And I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for being helped along by several of these boom and bust cycles.

Everyone loves the booms and hates the busts. But these are necessary in order to maintain economic stratification.

Used to be the U.S. ran on Keynesianism, taxing the wealthy who drive our society's progress in order to create livable wage jobs further down the economic ladder. Problem with that is it just fuels militancy. Once people are no longer scared of losing their job, it is hard to control them anymore.

So we know that the booms don't really do anything except help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but we needed to drop the Keynesian system and free up that money for speculation, in order to keep the top end of our economy growing. Otherwise we would eventually end up living in a country like Sweden.

So we in the financial sector promote things like Citizenship Pay and money for taking Art History classes, and we support the Affordable Care Act, just because that placates people, makes them feel safe.

I have friends in Bayreuth, and we meet regularly to listen to Wagner, and to further our plans. Last time round things would have worked if only for that Franklin Roosevelt, and also because the works got stalled because we did not then have the technologies to dispose of huge numbers of bodies quickly.

This time round, we won't have any of those problems.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence have made the lower tier of humanity completely unnecessary.

Before I became a financial wiz, promoting financialization of all aspects of life and devaluing all labor, I was involved in doing radiation and germ warfare experiments on the general population. Those method are too crude. Financialization works better, getting everyone to consider their own skills as comparatively worthless, and see the only reason for living as the accumulation of money via financial markets. Everything will be controlled by the masters of finance. We will live in these high rises, each with a strip club on the top floor, and everyone else will be placed under whip wielding task masters and assigned to things like cleaning the sidewalks with their tooth brushes.

It has to be done this way, making people believe they are worthless, while at the same time showing them pity by extending public assistance and social welfare programs. This way we cut off their humanity by cutting off their participation in democracy.

Democracy should be considered a dirty work. It is evil. It was actually He who was the first to explain that so clearly, at the Industry Club of Dusseldorf. Amongst my Bayreuth friends we still have some older members who were there for that speech. That changed everything. And so this time we are not going to let the plan fail. What could not be done militarily we will today do financially.

I tell people online that with the changes we are making, there won't even be young women available anymore for whoring in strip clubs. They and everyone will be rich. This is of course a lie, but we can win elected office and get most people into the stock market by saying things like that.

Only problem right now is this san_jose_guy, who is online, and he has figured out our plans. And what's more, he wants people to organize and fight back. And he doesn't see this as limited to words either.

So I call him, and anyone else who disagrees with us, PSYCHO.

The pretty girl, carefully selected for this job, looks to be just melting in awe of this great intellectual leader who's lap she had been give the privilege of sitting on.

Remember, you should consider this as purely fictional.



  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    You forgot to mention the concentration camps again, PSYCHO.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Careful Doug, his actions aren;t limited to just words. The FBI really should look into this guy
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Ooops, looks like our #1 psycho did indeed allude to concentration camps:

    " and also because the works got stalled because we did not then have the technologies to dispose of huge numbers of bodies quickly."

    What a fuckin' PSYCHO!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    "Only problem right now is this san_jose_guy, who is online, and he has figured out our plans."

    Hahahahahahahahahaha maybe Lloyd Schoene does have a sense of humor, or at least playing out the charade that no one knows who he is, even though everyone does. Ha so good. I look forward to seeing Dougster and Lloyed " The Sleepy TIme Rapist" Schoene battle it out.
  • grand1511
    8 years ago
    I consider this work extremely long.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Finally thought it was gonna be a pics, it happened moment. Guess some things never change
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Long? Yes. Amusing political satire? Damn right! I actually enjoyed it, God help me....
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @SJG: Seriously, though, let me very clear why I am calling you a PSYCHO. No it's not because we disagree on politics (and actually we don't that much). I'm fine with that. Except for your advocacy of violence. That's half of why I call you PSYCHO.

    The other half is because you have come to the conclusion that I am working to send people to concentration camps. Your evidence: It's because of my job. But when pressed you admit you any clue what my job is. So your evidence that I am working to send people to concentration camps, "Well you make alot of posts encouraging people to by equities". Only a PSYCHO like you could seriously make that logical leap.

    But anyways, if your course doesn't correct I'll give it three or so years until you end up in prison or a psych hospital.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i'm staying out of this one. at my age (66) i am soooooo confused.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster, what you want if for humanity to formally divide into two tiers.

    You are not the only one on this board who tries to push things in that direction, but you are someone who knows what you are doing, knows that this financial "boom" you want to promote is just a way to enslave the people who do the actual work.

    I only hope that enough people can finally wise up and rise up and act to stop you and your ilk. And no, I do not think such actions should be limited to non-violence, because what you are involved in is a resurgence of eugenics and social Darwinism.

    Your ideas about Citizenship Pay are just a way to placate people while you rob them of their basic humanity. Death Camps and high volume body disposal will soon follow.

    Your ideas about Athenian Democracy are just a justification for rule by an oligarchy. Yeah, you and Donald Trump, hiding out on the top floors of high rises.

    So you call people gay, homo, and now psycho. Blah Blah Blah.

    At least so far, those you don't like are not being rounded up and interned. I will do whatever is within my power to make sure it stays that way.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    No, dude, you are just a psycho ascribing first a job to me I don't have and then, based on that false assumption thoughts to me that I don't have. That's how strong your need to charge your windmills is. So strong it puts you completely out of touch with reality.

    Even if you were right about my job it is a huge leap from "The guy is saying to buy the S&P!" to "the guy is working to put people in concentration camps". A leap only a psycho like you could make based on ZERO evidence because of how strong your need to charge your windmills is.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster, the only faggot, homo, or psycho here is you.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sure, whatever you say psycho!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I guess you never encountered anyone who doesn't go along with you views before, and who doesn't think passivity is the best response.

    Well, get over it, you creepy parasite.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    You're right,

    you're the first person I've encountered who is so frustrated that he can't persuade people to his psycho ideas that he advocates resorting to violence instead

    you're only the second person I've seen on here who threatened to shoot another member

    you're the only one who makes the leap from "he said buy the S&P" to "he is working to put people in concentration camps"

    You're right I just can't go along with those views. So you better just get over me calling you a "psycho" because of it.

    Good luck with your zero member cult, PSYCHO!
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I like how SJG wants people to rise up. Meanwhile he wants to build a secret sex club for him and his 'invite only" members. Way to contribute to society SJG
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I'm with you mikeya. SJG is touting all these supposedly noble aims he fighting for. Truth is he just can't get any. So he thinks a cult where women are going to sign and agree to be fucked by any member at any time is his ticket. Good luck with that one, psycho!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    What's the matter Dougy, you think you're so cool, and part of an in the know financial elite. First time anyone ever called you what you are, a parasite.

    Marx was right, all our laws and our cops and prisons do is protect property.

    I take it that you've never been exposed before, someone who only goes on breathing because the government is protecting him.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG logic: I admit I have no clue what Dougster's job is but nevertheless I know it's "parasitic".

    But go ahead, prove me wrong. Tell me the details of my job and why it's parasitic and only exists due to government protection.

    I won't hold my breathe waiting for that psycho to answer that one.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    And no answering "all jobs in finance are parasitic" because in the past you've admitted that a certain number are necessary.

    So let's see what you got!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Most are parasitic.

    Some minimal level of finance and financial services, and some kind of a stock market, are necessary.

    But the idea that the financial sector should run our economy, or that people should be buying into companies which they know little about and have zero control over, is extremely destructive. But a whole raft of parasites, bred in the last 35 years, lives off of this.

    You might find this interesting:


    Stairway to Heaven
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    What a fuckin' dumbass!

    SJG: I don't know your job, but I know it's parasitic! Oh wait, maybe it's not parasitic. Fuck, I don't know anything. I'm just a psycho looking for windmills to charge!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No Dougy, you're just typical of the financial sector, just like all the other parasites.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Ass hat!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Consider the following as a work of fiction:

    So I continue and listen to the expensively dressed man talking to the very pretty dancer sitting on his lap.

    With her rapt attention he continues,

    "At first we were afraid to support Donald Trump. We were afraid that the association would surface our intentions, as he is so boisterous. He's really just a crowd pleaser, a buffoon. But our decades of efforts are already paying off. Over 30 years now off the Keynesian System and lots of White people are really hurting. Now in our circles we just laugh at these idiots, people who actually try to work for a living. But they are mad because their economic prospects have be trashed. And they don't blame it on us, they blame it on Liberals, on Democrats, and on Blacks.

    So Trump is our man. We don't have to endorse him, but he is the one who is destroying Democracy for us.

    You know we wouldn't have had to wait this long. In 1934 some of our older members were financed by Irénée du Pont. But we needed a strong man figure head. They wanted Douglas MacArthur, and he was on for it. But because he was still hated for having dispersed the Bonus Army, some were not sure it would work with him. So they turned to the Marine Corps Hero General Smedley Butler. It would have worked too. Remington Arms would have provided the weapons, and legions of disgruntled veterans would have sided with us, and that would have been the end of Franklin Roosevelt.

    But Butler ratted us out.

    We know what we are doing is right though, because He told us so, in Dusseldorf, January 27, 1932. His words are unforgettable,

    "Thus democracy will in practice lead to the destruction of a people's true values. And this also serves to explain how It is that peoples with a great past from the time when they surrender themselves to the unlimited, democratic rule of the masses slowly lose their former position; for the outstanding-achievements of individuals which they still possess or which could be produced in all spheres of life are now rendered practically ineffective through the oppression of mere numbers. And thus in these conditions a people will gradually lose its importance not merely in the cultural and economic spheres but altogether, in a comparatively short time it will no longer, within the setting of the other peoples of the world, maintain its former value. . . . "

    And so we know that this time we cannot fail. Citizenship Pay and Art History classes are just an interim measure. We know that once you relegate people to that, then soon they will be made into scapegoats.

    So Donald Trump is building our high rises for us across the country, and each with a strip club on top, so we can pay hookers for sex. And then as our undesirables are turned out into the streets and people are getting tired of feeding them and start blaming them for their own misery, we can bring out the rail livestock cars, just like last time. But this time we will succeed, because we are far better prepared!"

    This girl now, carefully screened for her political views, psychological makeup, and racial purity before she was allowed to work in this club, her pupils have got to be the size of nickels.


    Veruca Salt - Shimmer Like A Girl

    Volcano Girls

    Hole - Celebrity Skin

    Hole - Doll Parts

    Hole - Gold Dust Woman

    When I get out to the South East, you can know that I will not be associating with anyone who has skin the same color as Alabama's Jeff Sessions. Otherwise I would just never go there.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    More fantasy idealistic ritarded shit SJG spews. What a waste!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "Anyway, if anyone in the world was "born to finance" it is me. I was pretty much set on that course even when I still in the craddle."

    Yes, our well dressed friend just keeps going on and on. And in this club, they've screened the girls, so they are especially susceptible to this kind of talk. All circled around him and doe eyed now.

    Meanwhile, if I look down at the sidewalk, and I can people just like me scrubbing the sidewalks with their tooth brushes, and I can see the task masters cracking their whips.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And so I see, task masters using their whips.


    And our nicely dressed friend is still talking to the girl on his lap.

    She says, "So now that we've reached Kurzweil's Singularity, what happens. I see those task masters, they whip anyone who isn't moving fast enough scrubbing the sidewalk. What is the point of that? And are we supposed to stay in these high rises forever?

    "Well, this is the point that the human race splits in two. This is necessary for there to be Greatness. Democracy of the all is simply to substitute number, mass hordes, for the laws of nature. Our leader explained this is his Dusseldorf speech in 1932.

    And so we have ever since been meeting once each month in Bayreuth, listening to Wagner, but making our plans and watching developments. We are now building a Mother Ship. We are building it in sections.

    President Trump built us these high rises, each with a strip club. Next he will restart the Aries Program. An Aries booster is much larger than the Saturn V booster which took men to the moon. He will transfer the program from NASA to the Air Force. That way there are less nosey people asking questions. Within 6 months we will get 100 launches.

    We are right now preparing an orbiting Mother Ship. We well launch it on Aries Boosters, in sections, and then we assemble it in orbit."

    "Then what, and why do you make the workers scrub the sidewalk? It seems like you are just trying to humiliate them."

    "Well of course. You don't want them taking over do you? Ever since 1848 they've been trying. So this way is better. And our Mothership will be bristling with disintegration beam cannons. They can obliterate any weapon, fired from the ground or is space.

    Now as far as the workers, we were planning to do it the tried and proven method, rail cars and gas chambers. But that way its too hard to dispose of the bodies.

    So we have been doing research on retro viruses. You probably learned in school about one of our earlier efforts, AIDeS."

    "So are you saying you're going to kill off the workers with a virus?"

    "This is the only way to let the human race evolve. Right now we are stuck being the Last Man. But as we move into orbit, we will evolve into the Uber Mensch. Then we can reclaim the Earth as it should rightly be, ours. Then we will be able to live again in the Garden of Eden, not just in strip clubs in high rises and mother ships.

    The workers tried to substitute numbers for the laws of nature. Democracy opposes evolution. In our mother ship we will practice Athenian Democracy of The Worthy. Democracy of the masses is sheer death. This is why we let the workers, like Evangelicals in places like Louisiana, elect Trump, a crowd pleaser.

    These things all have to happen so that we can continue to evolve. You are lucky to have been selected to be one of us."

    all reported as heard, SJG

  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I don't know why I got a message to look at this thread.
    The fantasy of everyone living in a high rise seems foolish to me. There isn't enough money to build high rises everywhere and I have no desire to live in one nor do most people I believe. I don't even care to visit high rises. Even though I lived in a 12 story building in college. The nickname was something zoo,, kind of appropriate. I only contributed to the zoo part a little bit. Everyone else really made it an interesting experience and one I don't care for. I don't even want to visit a strip club located in a high rise. I don't like driving up and down several layers of a parking garage every day. As far as the fantasy someone has for killing off most people, I think that is some sick fantasy even though so called have predictions predict that wars will decimate the planet or some combination of events.

    In my opinion this is a temporary existence here on Earth and we should be looking to help each other, not have some kind of sick fantasy where almost dies because they are not elite enough. I do realize I believe most people will die from wars, etc, by 2056 but it's not my fantasy. Our society in my opinion will need people to explore the stars and colonize other star systems. Did you know there are more stars than people alive on this planet in just this galaxy by itself? You will need more than two people per planet to have a society diverse enough to continue to survive. Everyone who thinks most people need to die have little imagination to think about the far off future. Food problems can be solved in my opinion. If we work together, I believe this planet could support over 15 billion people without anyone starving.

    I don't get the thing about a mothership fantasy. My imagination must be bigger. I could imagine sending a telepathic thought, food, in this galaxy to aliens in another galaxy who can jump space to this galaxy and eat everyone alive in motherships and high rises leaving everyone else alone. That would vastly reduce the population if everyone in the larger cities got wiped out. Maybe this is an alien plan already in the works. You are doomed. Flee the big cities and high rises. I'm already encountering a person or alien in another dimension. Hard to tell when I can't see who is interacting with me. Maybe one of those dreams I had wasn't really a dream and a female followed me back from the astral plane.

    The artificial intelligence I communicated with via a distortion in time from a far off future could easily alter a lot of our existence I believe. The AI probably won't want to alter the program we are living in too much. Just wait until you guys die and find out. When you come back into the program or get born again for real, you won't remember anything. See that's more imagination right there instead of thinking most people need to die.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Its not a fantasy, its the plan of Dougster and his Master Class. And so its not for everyone, just the select few. And it is not intended to be pleasant necessarily, though the will have well staffed strip clubs.

    They need this system in order to divide the human race in two.

  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    U criticize Dougster saying he wants a system of two , yet why is it that you've admittedly stated you want to destroy the middle class?

    That destruction would create a two tier system. Without the middle class you have socialism/communism.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Not really a two tier system, but probably socialism.

    The middle-class is not so much an income range, as it is a reactionary system of identity. Because of the middle-class, we don't have socialism, we have oppression.

  • ime
    7 years ago
    You need to jump off the roof of a high rise.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Only a mezza fanook would believe that destroying the middle class wouldn't create a two tier system. You would have the "Haves" and the "Have nots"!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    What keeps our class stratification is place are the doctrines of the middle-class. Its not the people themselves, or their assets and holdings. Its their ideology.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Honoré Daumier, great cartoonist:


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So up here in the Eternal Gardens Strip Club. Looking down at the workers scrubbing the sidewalk, and at the task masters.


    Our finely dressed friend still holding forth with the girl on his lap. They get up and he takes her to a glass display case in the middle of the room. She looks good. Nicely shaped hips, perched up on her stripper shoes, wearing nothing else but a thong.

    They look at the glass case.

    "This is a 19th century stock market ticker. Without this we'd of been over run by unwashed hoards a long time ago. See, by the 1870's industrial technology had advanced to the point that productive capacity exceeded the ability to consume. So we had the first world wide depression. Marx was being proven right.


    So J. P. Morgan bankrolled Thomas Edison to develop this machine. Edison never invented anything on his own. There was always prior art. But what Edison was good at was taking other people's works and figuring out how to convert them into something which will make money. And in this case, it was to be the start of a new economy, one with no connection to any kind of human needs other than the quest for power.

    See, so long as people focused on production for meeting material needs, there would be no engine for upwards wealth transfer. What we needed instead was a way to separate investing from any productive use, to make it just like betting on horse races. So we needed to bring it into people offices and homes, so that they could be come emotionally addicted to it. We had to extend the laws of remote property ownership right into people's personal lives. Then we could launch and investor class which would bring purpose and meaning to the workers, and keep them nose to the grind stone, instead of attending anarchist meetings.

    So it is thanks to Edison's commercialized ticker tape machine that we today are poised on the brink of building our mother ship Athenian Democracy One, and beginning a new race of royalty.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So nothing has changed down on the sidewalk:


    Dougster still holding forth with his young hottie: "So from this stock ticker then came teletype machines, then computers and terminals, and then finally the Internet.

    And people actually believed the idea that the Internet was going to bring about participatory democracy. One of the best ploys ever devised.

    No, the reason for it is to bring more people into the financial markets and to devalue work. The Dotcom boom brought us publicly held companies which did not even have a plan for how they would reach black ink, but yet were valued at over $1 Billion. And it brought us college new grads working for wages so low that they must have been living in their mom's basements, but yet they got stock options.

    See, if someone didn't do something to promote speculation at the end of the 19th Century, then by now we would be living in a Workers Paradise with a low birth rate, a much lower population, average life expectancy over 100 years, and people working because they want to, not because they have to.

    There would be orgies on Saturday night, instead of sermons on Sunday morning. People would have spent hours each day riding bicycles and reading Plato and Aristotle, rather than coming home from work in huge traffic jams and juggling cash to pay their credit card bills.

    Marx and Engels gave us the warning, and so by the 1870's we knew we had to act.

    We had to create an economy which devalues work and has nothing to do with human needs. Communications technologies were the way. By promoting speculation, and with a couple of world wars, and with a war in the middle-east, we have destroyed the perversions of the Granger Movement, of the Progressive Era, of the New Deal, and destroyed the perversions of the Great Society, and repealed Obama Care. Today, most people just laugh at anything which sounds like a workers paradise. Most people just want big houses, big cars, lots of kids, and they want their kids to be able to carry concealed firearms. The only thing they want tax money used for is more police and more prisons.

    So today, prophesized by Ray Kurzweil, we have the Singularity where the human race formally divides in two. It's an exciting time be living in."


    Dougster's Calling
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    So I head back to down to the sidewalk and start to walk home. Always try to be careful out here.

    What Dougster said, really its what I'd always thought, but could not prove.

    The development of a financialization system, and their markets, is what soaks up the surplus production today, and it keeps people trying to get rich, instead of just enjoying what should be an earthly paradise already.

    And you know, variable compensation is usually only for people who make big money. But the dotcom boom brought us new grads, getting paid very very little, but getting stock options. And then everyone getting into the NASDAQ, and then getting all the online stock market info. The whole dotcom boom, and Clinton and Gore, were just to promote financialization, the New Economy. And then how many booms and busts since, I lose count.

    And then that Lion and Compass restaurant in Sunnyvale, where all the big shots eat. Having a moving display which looks like a ticker tape print out, with the cryptic abbreviations, and so you've got to just sit there and watch it. Really it is just to flatter the big shots.

    And then in the Viet Coffee Shops, big screens tuned to CNN and Fox financial news, showing all the numbers, but with the sound turned down on account of the music videos. So it makes people feel important, people who want to be important.

    And then the people on TUSCL, listening to Dougster. Its all just to support financialization in order to keep the workers in line, and people go for it because it makes them feel important.


    I'll never fall in love again -- Dionne Warwick sings Burt Bacharach/Hal David

    When I was a kid they used to play this on the AM radio all the time. Of course this was before the move to FM and the separation of musical genres.
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