start a club

avatar for FTS
Why don't one (or some) of the TUSCL veterans *cough John Smith DS Luva *cough start a strip club and model the business in such a way that it's good for the customers and the dancers?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
People with Deja Vu, running lots and lots of clubs, say that it is a dying business. This is why they acquire clubs, but don't start new ones.

They say slow economy and they see the sinking bar totals. And in some states bar totals are public information, so they see how the competition is doing. Also sinking.

For me, I say that public attitudes continue to sour over alcohol. Maybe some find this hard to believe, but we see it in the tougher treatment of DUI.

So from my perspective, the way to go is Membership Club / BYOB. This is the model pioneered by Swinger's Clubs. Of course the house gets no money from alcohol, but at least those who want it can bring it, and that does save them money.

But the real reason is being a membership club gets you out from under all public sex and lewdness laws. It does not get you out from under the Penal Code, but it does make certain types of laws very hard to enforce. So as I see it, pretty much anything could go front room or back room, after hours okay, conspicuously walking a girl out the front door with you would be okay.

No license needed of any type, just the standard fire inspections. But even those could be argued against. Swingers Clubs are in homes in more sensitive areas. But more and more, they are in houses being used just like a commercial building, or a blatant commercial building.

Some have said that such places have a covertly paid woman who makes sure no one goes home without a smile on their face.

Some locally have in my opinion likely crossed over the line of straight p4p.

But an advertised strip club which is members only, there are lots and lots now. I feel that this is the future.

And I do appreciate that some will object to having their identity recorded. But I for one would appreciate the other benefits which likely come with that.

Most vice crimes mean crimes committed between consenting adults, no victim. And with prostitution in particular it is almost impossible to enforce without trashing the Constitution and engaging in entrapment, or on arresting people based on peripheral circumstances, but not actual evidence of illegality.

So in a members only venue, it would become very political difficult to justify the enforcement, and more often than not police would have become complicit.

Many places have largely given up on enforcing against AMPs ( not San Jose ), and these are not even members only, they are still retail. So to enforce on a members only strip club, it would be harder to justify the time and expense. And the more of them there are, and the more people involved, the more difficult it would become.

A man and a women, who happens to work at a members only strip club, show up at a motel down the street, how can anyone prove that any law is being broken?

And even finding money, condoms, and sex acts going on in the club, how can anyone prove that any law is being broken? And even if they try, all it is is a misdemeanor offense committed by two people. How much LE time is that worth? And how complicit do you want your upholders of justice to become? And to an extent now, with the internet and all, such businesses could be considered expendable.

avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
"model the business in such a way that it's good for the customers and the dancers"

When you've got that one worked out let us know.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
In the United States ?, in this political environment ? surely you jest @Futuretrackstar
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
ain't pc. that is fur sure in the land of the free.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Usually independent contractor, or even free lancer, and no rules, anything goes, that works best.


avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Most experienced dancers say they make the most money with the least rules, no minimum dance fees, front room action, no records, despite the access fees.

avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
What's "good" for many customers(be it mileage or price or something else) is not "good" for most dancers. If the dancers had their way all clubs would be stupid expensive air dance clubs and probably even bikinis. If most customers(especially tuscl'ers) had their way, all strip clubs would be whore houses and probably cheap whorehouses at that(ie follies). So what's the middle ground?
avatar for mjx01
8 years ago
basically what twentyfive said. any place that there is any decent population density, you'll be hosed by zoning (many clubs only exist due to grandfather clauses). if you are lucky enough to get out side zoning restrictions, you'll have difficulty getting customers in the door.

then you also need favorable local LE.

chessmaster makes a good point as well. low cost and high mileage presents a challenge.
avatar for Duke69
8 years ago
Im gonna start a club in my first mansion I build
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
It's a question of supply and demand. If the industry as a whole isn't making $ it's because there's too much competition.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
No PL could ever open a strip club because they would be too busy fucking all the strippers, nothing else would get done.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
^^^ A'ight!
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
That's true, why not own and manage a strip club? Also, why not poke a sharp stick into my eye? It will be less painful
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Strip club owners have an annoying habit or getting shot. I'll pass.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I like tigers and motorcycles, but I don't own either for specific reasons! I think strip clubs fall into that category.

On the other hand, I know Juice and he would bankrupt me because I'd feel obligated to feed him free chackin fangers in return for favorable reviews.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I need a time machine first so the club is open in the 1990's and can be very profitable without all the local and national restrictions.
avatar for s88
8 years ago
@SJG I've heard rumors of the swingers club/parties and bdsm clubs/parties, where on the surface, there is no P4P, but there is P4P, and you will be getting a BJ from a guy if you think you will get anything for free. The club/party pays 1-2 backup "single customer" women to show up and those women will pick 1 out of 10-15 PLs and fuck him infront of all the other PLs to prove you can get laid, you just didnt come enough times ($60-$150 cover) to score.

Another case, not proven but I suspect, a master comes into a on-premise BDSM club with 3-6 smoking slaves, if you ask the female slave to play, she says to get masters permission, he will then negotiate a price with you & take your $ for ITC. Typical pimp/hoes, except in latex and goth makeup.

There is other subtle golddiggers that prowl bottle clubs. Sit with a baller, act sweet & submissive and drink infront of the mark, mark asks for number, says lets meetup, gold digger responds "how much you gonna help me out?". Yep, escorts in a regular nightclub. "my cat is sick/car in shop/etc" typical stripper lies also work to get a tipsy baller in the bottle club to open his wallet and instantly give $100 or a couple $100 to keep the silicon barbie IG model next to him.

I prefer membership club BYOB business model. 1 bottle of Henny is cheaper in the liquor than 1 shot of Henny at the strip club. A club that explicitly allow on-premise sex is best, no girl can say its against the rules, only HER rules. Not a strip club where it must be hidden in VIP, and many lies and excuses thrown in the way by girls who dont provide but con anyways.

With any on-premise sex club, whether it is a strip club, or something UG invite only with screening and a doorman and clipboard. There are 3 questions to ask.

Is sex possible on-premise? if your girl is drunk, a 1-2 hour countdown starts to fuck her before the deal is off and she sobers up. If no on-premise, getting her to your house to fuck is a challenge, I have to be sober to drive. She has to still be drunk at the end of the car ride at my house. If it takes 40-50 mins to drive home, she will just call an uber from your doorstep and the fuck session is over. Do you live in the hood or trailer park and she realizes your not a baller stepping out of the car? On premise is important, strip or swingers club or "bottle service" club with curtains.

BYOB and alcohol prices? Most girls in USA need to be high/intoxicated on something to fuck because this is Jesus country. How much are you gonna spend in club alcohol to fuck her? Wish I knew where to get roofies. 1 $20 drink babe and we gonna fuck.

Male female ratio. A function of cover for men (a bottle is a cover), cover for women, and recruitment strategies for women, staying power to bring women back (Am I gonna meet my SD hubby here and be First Lady one day?), and doorman selection of beauty and wallets. Strip clubs/BDSM clubs typically use "modeling jobs no sex" on CL and ModelMayham or men that work for professional commercial model agencies refer young women to P4P clubs. Photo modeling is already selling your body, a guy fingering you is just further down the scale. Some bottle/nightclubs pay promoters to find "girls who like to party" on SM/IG. Hoe Hoe Hoe.

If the ratio is wrong a hoe will pick the musclehead guy who flashes a smile & whistles at every women over the typical aged balding overweight PL if she has a choice.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
chessmaster wrote, "So what's the middle ground?"

The middle ground is just you let it be between the customer and the dancer. This way, it won't be air dances. It will be like the most notorious clubs in this country, and like it is in Mexico. People have explained about the black dives, girls jump on your lap and start licking your neck and nibbling on your ear, and just defying you to start making out with her. And then they finish what they've started in the back room. In some of these clubs, they don't even bother with back rooms. They just take to couches in darkened corners. More plausible deniability for the owner that way. And TUSCL members have affirmed that it the most extreme white and mixed race dives it works exactly the same way.

The problems start with the rules and with restrictions on front room contact.

I learned this in our underground Mexican bar circuit. Girls don't expect the club rules to protect them. They are quite capable of taking care of themselves. But what they want is to be able to do it their way.

mjx01, how high local rents are makes a difference. This is why I would be reluctant to go to any high rent area show clubs. ( Blush, Pittsburg? ) Most clubs, with a liquor license, are paying inflated rents and lots of money for insurance. But our underground circuit does just fine, until LE shuts it down. Lots of young women happy to dance in such places. And most of the time they are non-stop talking to guys about OTC. Very different for underground clubs with very few rules.

flagooner wrote, "It's a question of supply and demand."

Its much more complex than that. There is no shortage of willing dancers, and no shortage of building space, to satisfy the demand. If more guys were used to anything goes clubs, they'd be partaking regularly. It has to do with insurance and local ordinances, and other stuff which forces owners to tone the club down, make lots of restrictions.

Shailynn wrote, "No PL could ever open a strip club because they would be too busy fucking all the strippers, nothing else would get done."

I certainly would be fucking all of them regularly.

Another girl every 4 hours or so, around the clock and seven days a week:…

Shailynn +5

s88, I've not personally seen the things you describe, but all very plausible. Once the place is no longer a retail business, there need be no rules. And sex in front of people loosens everyone up.

Yes, of course BYOB is a better deal money wise, and it also gets the club out from under lots of rules, and then, not being retail, there really are no public sex or lewdness laws, just the law against prostitution. And in that kind of an environment is would be very difficult to enforce.

And yes, this gets to what I was saying, that the BYOB Membership Club is the model pioneered by swingers. Real swingers will not go with P4P. But some of these clubs do seem to be covertly crossing over the line. Place, Edge Water West, to me it looked like that was the case, professional lap dancers in their lounge room, then the three story hotel with the center atrium with the pool. No one has ever confirmed my feelings about it, but it looked very much to be so. Oakland got the building torn down.

The place Sights, in Newark NJ, a members only BYOB After Hours Strip Club. Looks like it would have been great to me. Could probably just pick a girl and walk her out the front door, besides whatever you wanted front room or back room.

Looks closed now. Hard to close down, but not totally impossible. Could be opened very cheap, so very little chance of any trouble other than eventual closure.

To me, this way is the future. Some have said it is not legal here in California. Don't know what they mean, don't know what law it would violate, or how you really could outlaw it. Sex is not illegal.


Dion Fortune's writing is very interesting, want to know more about her. 1891 - 1946
Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune : the logos of the Aeon and the Shakti of the age / Alan Richardson, 2009…
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
You are such a fucking wanna be @SJG too bad you'll always be a never was.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yeah, tell me about it. Rough.

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