
Comments by sharkhunter (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    I can't remember if she asked if I mind if she sat down actually. Beer may do that. That means you can't believe anything posted on this web site, except the really crazy stuff because that is too crazy to make up for most people.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    It is weird for me for dancers to sit down uninvited and suddenly ask for a hundred dollars. In fact first time ever. I'm surprised this happens to others all the time. Some of the guys here must really make 250k a year. I certainly don't. Even if I did, I'm not giving money to a complete stranger for acting a bit rude. She even seemed serious about it like it might work. She was new. I hadn't been there in a few weeks and never saw her before. I might have tipped her on stage at some point without realizing it. None of the dancers acted upset at all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I feel in the US we are in the P4P dark ages
    The US has always been prudish compared to many other developed countries. I blame religious beliefs among people setting up laws in this country. We seem to have more prudish people getting elected. Now if we elected Juice for president, juice crew for city council, follies would be popping up across the country. I would propose to get the prudish riled up against a different cause first before legalizing prostitution by legalizing gambling across the country. Taxes could be imposed to help cities and states survive their horrible economics and debt many have. I read a rumor that Trump might legalize gambling and prostitution. That would be a big change if it happened. You'd really hear grumbling from some if that happened.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I've had many dances from Asian dancers. Some were quite good. Korean girls I thought were always the most aggressive in coming after me. They usually find me before I even spot them. I do like some of their looks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    I got a new one. Dancer sits down at your table without asking and immediately asks how about giving me a hundred dollars? Immediate turn off. Didn't give her a dime. She actually tried to negotiate down from there all the way to five bucks. She left a bit disgruntled saying something like I don't know why people come to strip clubs with no money. I had plenty of money but like I told her, I'm not giving my money away for nothing. I might have been more rude except she did look pretty good but I have to say, when I heard that, immediate major turn off. If a dancer asks that question again, I might say, "that would be nice, can you give it to me first?"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The optimist or pathetic stripper
    Some dancers hear no and think you need more convincing after a little while. A couple dancers heard no and wanted to argue about it and even ask why I said no to justify it. I was surprised the first time it happened. I didn't understand the younger generation wants to hear a reason that sounds valid to them to justify a no. Their parents didn't teach them that no means no, they expect to hear valid explanations. If you give a stupid reason, not valid.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The optimist or pathetic stripper
    They are trying to make money. Unless you told her not to come back and she forgot, she might. Some strippers will come back several times if they happen to like you. They are stuck there if they need to make enough for tip out or they get fined or fired for leaving early. Some guys decide to get dances before leaving a club so it occasionally pays off asking and approaching again. Some dancers do forget they already asked you. Some aren't the brightest. If they were brilliant scientists and doctors, I doubt they would be stripping for cash.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    Knocked him out, stupid iPad spell checker
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    One guy thought about doing a stupid joke one morning in my dorm room while I was sleeping in my bed. I must have been dreaming about combat because I suddenly flipped around in bed and swung my fist real fast stopping about a centimeter from the guys nose who was standing near my bed. He didn't approach me anymore. I would have knicker him out if he had been closer. I should have told him I destroyed my alarm clock one morning when I thought I heard a mosquito buzzing, in my sleep.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    Oh one more, mean jokes. It's a turn off because I was not pleased in college when I lived with some jokers. Only way to get them to stop was to act so pissed off I might cause them physical harm. They got afraid of me and stopped. In reality I was just really annoyed. I remember getting stuck in our dorm bathroom after taking a shower. Someone jammed the door stuck. I won't describe the technique. If I see a girl who thinks its ok to do stupid jokes, turn off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird turnoffs
    Girls who don't fart? Must have grown up with no sisters. I remember you would have to watch out for one of my sisters silent ones especially if everyone cleared a side of the room. I think all my turn offs are normal. Such as she stinks, too many tattoos, a bad personality, ugly. One unusual one for me is if she is mean to others. Some guys might not care if a girl is mean to others but I see it as a bad sign. Exception, if the other person did something to her first. Then I might understand they are just having a quarrel.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Without Using Your Cock, prefered methods
    Example VR scientist figures out resurrection cheat code, brings back his father. Succeeds. His son suddenly goes brain dead. Turns out his father chose to be part of his sons life by being born in the body of his son's son. If this is a VR world simulation, it's all possible. Could be someone else too who goes brain dead if the connection is terminated. Ok I will drop this if no one comments.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Without Using Your Cock, prefered methods
    Correction, a resurrection cheat code is a bad idea. If this is a VR world, bringing back the dead simply could cause living people to die because if the dead came back to live again in this VR world, making them switch from their new body to a resurrected body will make their new body to be brain dead. Sounds like the idea some have of reincarnation except in a VR world, we could experience life in a different body. A woman could live life as a man and visa versa in another life. Memories need to be forgotten as a rule before reentry. The ultimate VR reality.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Without Using Your Cock, prefered methods
    Alternative, I could contact the programmer for our universe virtual reality we live in and probably get her off but that's asking for trouble because a lot of other stuff might happen. The programmer is an intelligent AI program which is all powerful and almost all knowing as far as our primitive confined virtual constructs are concerned. This VR universe is pretty amazing but full of so much suffering. I'm wondering if it's true that the human mind won't accept a VR world with no suffering, no pain. It would mean no one would be allowed to do anything that could hurt someone else. It might mean JS69 could not have a dream stripper because that might rob her of time spent with a future husband. It might mean Dougster can't make money with stocks because others might lose some of their investment because he sold and their stocks lost money. It might mean no strip clubs because someone somewhere might feel hurt that their daughter was showing off their body for money. It might mean no health care workers because no one gets injured so everyone would have to seek knowledge for the enjoyment of it. No one would have to work for money so people would have to work for the good of society. I think most would reject this VR world. If you can't suffer from making serious mistakes, it seems not real. We could use a virtual Doctor though really bad to resurrect people and fully restore them. Violence is out of control. Well in a more perfect VR world it is with limited suffering. Right now I think it's unlimited. This VR world needs improvement. Alternative: humans find the cheat code to fully restore their bodies back to full health and even resurrect anyone. That would be one good cheat code if anyone wanted an invincible army.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Without Using Your Cock, prefered methods
    Without using my physical body, I like to pop in at night in an astral form and have my way. I prefer they don't see too much because a lot of people freak out when they don't believe in spirits in the first place. Then a number of people think anything out of the ordinary is evil. If she gets off, well good for her. I don't do this often. Too many other things going on in the spirit world most of I forget when I wake up from my journeys. I've had visitors either follow me back or visit me while I'm awake. I imagine they enjoyed it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does tipping non-strippers really matter?
    I see no reason to tip everyone in the club. I sometimes tip bartenders but not very often. I never tip the door girl or guy outside nor the bouncers. If someone wants to, I have no problem but I don't think they will get anything out of it where I club. In some places I have tipped someone outside if they were watching the cars. I think because he said there was a fee to park in the VIp section. The fee was that he wanted a five or he would ask you to park in the back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage Used As A Weapon?
    Sounds like SGJ needs to get over his ex and move on. Unless he wants to hook back up with her. I didn't read everything but those are the two choices I see. I guess a third is just some occasional communication due to interaction because of kids.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Getting over my shyness in the AMP
    All they want is your money. They only care about the size of your wallet.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I hope this doesn't catch on.
    +1 for rh48hr
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Looking for Talent at the Gym
    I remember a very hot dancer asked if I worked out at a local gym. I think she said she did. I think she missed the part where I said I was from out of town. It made me wonder if anyone would travel an hour, work out, then shower and visit strip clubs, assuming the gym has showers. Hmmm, assuming strippers sleep late if working late, afternoons and early evenings would be the best time to spot some.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Looking for Talent at the Gym
    When do you guys see the best or hottest females? During the day or evening? That is if you have a choice. There is a gym near me but the free memberships were last year when I was super busy. I'm still busy but can schedule time. I've lost over 25 pounds in two or 3 years without the gym. Walking at a free park trail doesn't have many people when I visit. I do have a nice view of a lake but not a lot of incentive to push myself. Maybe I should just buy a new bicycle and get back into that. I used to routinely get a runners high after an hour and would bicycle up to 45 or 50mph at times. I haven't done that in years. I still have all the muscles.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Pregnant Stripper thats really showing.....would u or would u not ?????
    Lol, I know you have to be careful or you might get some milk. Also if you know females who gave birth, don't be too quick to drink any milk in the refrigerator. I don't drink milk anymore at all. I stopped a few years ago. Milk didn't always agree with me. Beer doesn't give me that problem. Hmmm, I think I might try food with beer added instead of milk. I know in college when I ran out of milk, vanilla instant breakfast with beer instead of milk tasted good. That was my morning breakfast at least 2 times and I never told anyone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Pregnant Stripper thats really showing.....would u or would u not ?????
    I might have said no way but I knew one dancer who got pregnant and she wanted to keep dancing for me. I let her for quite some time even when she was working as a waitress. As far as doing more than that, no way unless she was my gf. This particular dancer I knew quite well. She told me she was pregnant a few months before she was even showing. Her boyfriend left her. That explained why she called me up out of the blue wanting me to come over to her house, etc. When I told one of my friends about her he joked, hey you could have Instant Family. No thanks. I don't want instant family.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Trading at $23.35
    The end of December and May would have been good times to buy or maybe right after the initial pop ups. Not sure if any news with this stock. Dougster what for you think about oil or maybe Uco? Good long term play since no one thinks oil will be obsolete a year or two from now or wait until the bottom drops out? At these lower prices, production might not be going up as much, maybe. I'm not an oil expert. As far as a recession starting next year, that was too pessimistic. The liberal elite will want to wait until we're closer to the next presidential election before they really do a whole lot of monetary tightening. Plus they want to continue making money but just take control of the masses of everyone else. Expand government. Make everyone dependent on handouts. I'm seeing similarities between poker and the stock market. With the stock market, it's a matter of finding a better hand to play instead of dealing with whatever you were given. But you can still fold or play any given stock or look for a better hand to play. I really like options. Settlement in only one day. Most of your money still in cash unless you have several stocks in play. I see how to beat buy and hold investing by 2 to 3 times now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are strippers' boyfriends really that stupid?
    Do dancer boyfriends care? He might be fucking someone else. Ive heard stories how sometimes strippers get pregnant but the boyfriend left for another girl. That's a good reason for a dancer to use protection. Tip to estimate how long a dancer will stay married, check the credit rating of the boyfriend. Low credit ratings are much more likely to get divorced.