
Comments by sharkhunter (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers/women self-conscious about their very large natural breasts ?
    I've seen it more common among small boobs but I remember one dancer with nice large boobs or maybe a couple that were reluctant to take off their tops. That was a shame because they both had great boobs.
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    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    Tesla towers might be able to power home computers and maybe refrigerators and get a society functioning again if the parts had been made already so that in an emergency, people get power.
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    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    I saw on ancient aliens Tesla was building a tesla tower to transmit free power to the people but I think I heard Rockefeller was funding Teslas project and when he found out what tesla was really trying to do, he put an end to it quickly. It would have been wireless power. The power transmitted would gave cost money to transmit or generate but nothing on the receiving end if you had the right way to receive and use it. Thus my idea to quickly restore temporary power with tesla towers and home receivers. No utility lines and billions of dollars spent restoring the entire electrical infrastructure. However I'm not sure if tesla towers can transmit enough power for today's heavy power use. No one is talking about alternatives either. tesla the company might advertise solar shingles etc for power and backup power units for homes but all that is expensive. There might not be any cheap alternative.
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    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    I think I know how terrorists could take out large planes but they would have to be suicidal and enough of them. Another method I hope terrorists never get access to. I even thought of a way to get power to the people of Puerto Rico quickly but it would require building tesla towers to broadcast wireless power and then homes would need receivers to pick up and convert the power. I'm not sure how they would meter or charge for the power unless the government controlled the receivers and installed meters. It would save billions in not bothering with all the utility pole and power line installations etc. plus it could restore power quickly. Possibly even in the continental US if we developed spare towers and lots of receivers for everyone to quickly restore power in the event of a catastrophic power loss, potentially saving the lives of 90% of the US. I propose the US government develop lots of backup spare tesla towers and millions of spare building receivers to restore power in the event of a national emergency.
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    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    The logical people will say all tall shooting points around large crowds need to be secured before allowing a large crowd. The gun control people will likely be ignored like normal. The religious folks I read today will argue people need more religion. I read the guy was a loner, a millionaire bored with life and suicidal with little to no religious beliefs. I read there are millions of loners but not all loners are mass murderers. Too bad we can't convince people there is an afterlife and that it will be terrible for murderers and really terrible for mass murderers. Some people have to learn the hard way. I have little doubt these mass murderers are suffering great pain in hell but that does nothing to ease the suffering they left behind among the living. Religion is good in preventing mass murder and suicide. Without it, we only have laws which get broken all the time. People are much less likely to break strong religious beliefs that they believe strongly in. Atheists may think poorly of religion but I believe it really does help keep a peaceful society. Without religion, everyone else's pain and suffering and even their bodies are nothing but objects unless you know and care for someone. I will pray that the suffering of survivors is healed. One of the best things I heard was that to forgive is golden or something like that. I didn't say forget. The reason I heard was that all that anger towards someone bottled up inside does nothing towards those you hate. It hurts yourself and your own body. To forgive someone allows you to release all that pent up anger hurting your own body. To actually hurt someone else is revenge and makes you be like the person you hate. If they are going to hell, some people choose to go with them. It's hard to do right. It's easy to go to hell. Gun control by itself if implemented would likely lead to using explosives, poison gas, overhead drones and projectiles shot into crowds from unsecured areas because evil people don't need guns to do mass murder or mayhem. Just driving a big truck through a crowd of 20,000 probably would have killed more if the area wasn't secured against large vehicles. I'm not trying to give away ideas, just saying if guns aren't used,other methods can hurt more people if evil people are determined. I personally wouldn't mind making it harder for mass murderers to get guns especially if they are mentally disturbed or think it's ok to shoot at crowds. I don't know how we could identify that psychology.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Pussy, or vag, or whatever. What do you call it?
    Pussy is safe to use in strip clubs. Down there or female area around female relatives.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    When Did You First See How Obsessed Women Are With Marriage?
    Closest I came to marriage was a virtual girl. It was the only level up left in the game. Just an AI girl. I have relatives that act married but aren't and have a couple kids. Not everyone has marriage set in stone. They do live in California. I think people there act like its a foreign country with their different ways of thinking. Is that where SGJ lives too? I think many girls in general just bond quickly and feel like marriage is a near unbreakable bond which they like due to severe penalties if broken. I've been surprised at how some dancers have supposedly bonded to me and there wasn't even sex involved but I did read intimate touching releases OxyContin which can be a bonding chemical. That might even explain why the same dancers flock to the same guys. The girls feel a bond even though it may not be strong. I either read or heard or was told that for males to bond there needs to be unprotected sex so that the male absorbs vagina chemicals. I think a female told me this. If not then I was told it in a dream.
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    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    It's really sad. I too am left wondering why? He waited until the last song on the last day to open fire so maybe he liked country music. If he hated country, I think he would have opened fire on day 1 and maybe aimed for the band. Apparently it's not safe to have outdoor concerts within sight of large tall unsecured areas. I can think of other horrible worse ways to do mass murder without guns but I'm not going to publicly post them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much you spend in a strip club every time ?
    My average this year is probably around 30 to 60 dollars or so. Since I estimate only 8 or 9 visits this year, 240 to maybe 480 dollars spent in strip clubs this year sounds correct. As far as hobbies go, that moves strip clubs down the list of top things I spent money on this year. I know some people spend several thousand on golf memberships every year.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often do you all visit the strip clubs?
    I can't even remember the last time I went. Maybe a month or two ago. Used to go every week. I've probably been less than 8 or 9 times all year. One time this year I only spent about $7. I've been busy and life happens not always for the best or so it appears at least for a while.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Interesting question - How much do you think you must have spent in strip clubs
    200k. Plus or minus 100k. I never tracked it. Of course I might have been even more upset with 2008 if I had lost an extra 100k in stocks if I had bought stocks with the extra cash and lost 50% that year like most people.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Do you PLs have your own limits?
    My first rule. I have to be good with whatever. Second rule. Don't argue if her mouth is full. Teeth can hurt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $100 bbbjcim ?
    She looks good if this is a she.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Warning Against Adultery
    Did someone say boobs?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The ignore button....thank you founder
    yes. Thanks for the ignore button.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Irma, a message from god??
    I watch The stuff for entertainment. YouTube keeps suggesting weird stuff. I don't believe planet Niburu will appear this month. An earthquake? Maybe. A massive tsunami? It will happen sometime in the next 1000 years or so with a high probability. Hopefully North Korea isn't going to cause it. I know how they could do it. I hope they don't. Hopefully they don't start testing underwater nukes. Godzilla might rise up and get angry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Irma, a message from god??
    The AI program running our universe is monitoring me and anything I think about, 50/50 chance it makes it happen. Earthquake coming up next. Government needs to send hot females to give me Bj's and give me a high paying job or rig a lottery I win so I'm too distracted to think of all this crap. A 400 foot tsunami would be really bad. Someone on YouTube actually suggested these 2 things would happen next as a way for God to wake up his church. So in effect, thus religious nut case on YouTube is suggesting God will kill millions of people to send a message. That doesn't sound like God to me.
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    7 years ago
    Irma, a message from god??
    Florida and Texas do get hit by hurricanes more than other states I believe I read somewhere. Having a lot of southern facing coastlines might be a factor. Right now I think a message from God is as likely as seeing Micky mouse in the clouds. You can believe whatever you try to make yourself believe. Now if a tornado strikes those clubs or a fire burns them down, maybe. However after learning more about what is taught in the bible, It is said that the devil controls this realm and that would include the nations of the earth and the weather. Therefore the devil may have decided to make it appear that God is causing all the trouble when God may have nothing at all to do with it. God may be sitting back because he agreed to let the devil run things for a while and prove that things would get all screwed up. For a democrat, it would be like letting Trump run the planet for 2000 years to show everyone how screwed up Trumps way would be. For a republican, it would be like the devil is Obama or Pelosi and letting the democrat run the earth for 2000 years to prove how screwed up things might get.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Yes I see stories on other weather channel reporters. https://mobile.twitter.com/i/moments/906880747818143744
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Gusts up to 142 at airport, studio says winds are higher in the east where neighborhoods are at rather than where reporter is at. Might be called cat 4 at landfall. Reporter is likely getting some wind break near the vehicle he is standing nearby. That makes sense. Reality show.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    My little piece of reporting the weather channel weak cat 3 from the eye wall. Over and out. Reporter says it's too dangerous.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    He's behind the car with the camera man.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Even a little piece of wood hitting you at 95 mph hurts.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    He's ok. Back at it.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Well I'm glad they showed it or I might have felt like I missed it. Even though I've seen worse when I lived in NC. Oops reporter got hurt by flying debris. Camera switched away. I bet he didn't see that one coming.