
When Did You First See How Obsessed Women Are With Marriage?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
For me I can think of two specific situations:

1. A girl I liked in high school, happen stance let me see and read something she had written for an in class assignment, to be read only by our female teacher, about her new boyfriend, and about how she could not stop thinking about him and was disturbed at the prospect that he might "someday marry somebody else."

I was really surprised by this, because I had thought that after the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Movement, the Anti-War in Vietnam Movement, and the Sexual Revolution, that the people of my age were not going to be like our parents. Man was I ever wrong.

In class once earlier a teacher was talking about primitive societies and how they have their various practices, and that some are a prelude to marriage, just like we have 'dating' as a prelude to marriage. This same girl was nodding in agreement. I was surprised, as I certainly did not go along with what this teacher was saying and I'd thought only people of my parents' generation would have.

2. Some years later in college these two girls were going on and on about what it was going to be like at their weddings. They went on and on and this seemed so strange that they had nothing better to talk about. Neither of them was planning for any wedding anytime soon.

I said, "You two sure talk a lot about getting married."

"That's because we're girls."

When did you first come to see marriage as a negative thing?

1. When I was very small, like pre-school, I was taken to a wedding and the reception. I didn't have any negative feelings about it all. Though it did seem quite alien and strange.

2. Once at about age 8, with a classmate and neighborhood boy, he somehow mentioned the subject of getting married. By that time I had come to see it in a negative light. Mostly I think it was just from seeing married people, like my parents. The women did not keep nice looking. But also it just seemed like a trap and pointless.

So, using the language of the day, Hugh Hefner's, I said that I did not want to be married, but that I was "going to be a playboy." But in saying that I felt like I was really transgressing, almost like saying that I did not believe in God, or something like that.

3. Once in school, about age 10, the subject of how different words are spelled came up and of the word 'married'. A boy said something, I don't remember his words, but it was something about girls. It was not nice. They all kind of sat their sheepishly, like they'd been outed.

The 10yo girls did not seem revolting or anything, but I did feel that the idea of being married was like being eaten alive.

My own ex-wife, she was never sexually unfaithful. Her infidelities were in the idolatrous relationship she had with money.

But even before this, she never really was with me. She had seemed to be before the marriage, but then immediately after, once it became hard to dump her, she changed 100%, and turned into an adversary. She was never a support, always a serious problem.

And so as life already has its own challenges, to be attacking from within one's personal life, she made the marriage lethal.

Where does his obsession with marriage come from? It can't all be just religion and commercial advertising. Is it the mothers, just trying to keep the girl on the straight and narrow, on the approved path?

You could say that marriage and women are the only social cohesion capitalism has left us with. And so no one really has anything else.

It would be after college, in the work place that I noted that I was for the first time having lots of contact with people who were about half way between may parents' age and mine. And most of them were married.

I noticed that they seemed to be harried too. Whereas they would have lived very cheaply in college, now they were always keeping up with normative expectations, always popping out kids, and always the next set of car payments, and on these mid-sized SUV's, and then the mortgage payments which usually required two incomes. None of it seemed appealing. Seemed idiotic.


Ginger Baker's Air Force (Jazz and Rock, 1970) Full Show


  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I noticed it when after 3 years of dating, the girls would start forcing the issue.

    It seemed sort of like college. As a freshmen and sophomore, it can just be a great experience, but toward the end of your junior year, you might start thinking about whether this place is ever going to give you a degree so you can move onto the next stage of life (especially if the incoming first year females stop seeing you as an appropriate mate and you're wanting the money for strippers).

    I think part of the obsession is approval-seeking - does anyone care about her enough to dedicate his life, part child-rearing - kids without two parents don't tend to do as well, part the craving for the comfort of having a caring soul around for as long as humanly possible.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^ very well put, ppwh +10

  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Love Mamisan!
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    @mamisan “I call Starbuck right now have kick off San Jose guy wifi right now!”

    atta girl mamisan. tell them to toss that cheap charlie and his dorky bicycle with the basket on it out into traffic
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    only problem is starbucks and mcd now turn off wifi during closed hours. and sometimes prude filters. restricts my access now.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    oh... girls usually have the marriage idea from a very young age. almost as if it is natural.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Yep it's all about marriage and babies for them. But I guess if it wasn't our species would have died off long ago.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    "City girls just seem to find out early
    How to open doors with just a smile
    A rich old man
    And she won't have to worry
    She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
    Late at night a big old house gets lonely
    I guess every form of refuge has its price
    And it breaks her heart to think her love is
    Only given to a man with hands as cold as ice..."

    Does the Song sound familiar?? Its societal programming, right along with "He went to Jared!" and "Every Kiss begins with Kay"

    and I totally get it that sometimes these tapes are just a bill of laundry, I get the cynicism and the irony. I also get that sometimes Marriage works for some people. If it does, I'm happy for them. There's no reason to rain on other people's parades just because someone made you bitter and hostile. Just because I'm not in the happily married demographic doesn't make all women instant gold diggers or shrews, married, unmarried or otherwise.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    For me, I was the one obsessed with marrying my wife. The first time I met her I immediately knew I wanted to be with this woman for the rest of my life. She is simply gorgeous and is also the kindest woman you could ever meet.

    When I found out she directed plays for disadvantaged children for free, I knew that's who I needed to be with, somebody who could balance out my personality of slothenly self gratitude. If it wasn't for my ability to entertain and my lovely wife, who knows where I'd be. Probably locked up in the basement of my mom's house eating her gravy and posting counter cultural, anti-American and Christian hating syntax on a website for losers called TUSCL.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I used to live with my wife and five kids in a two bedroom apartment in NYC. But now that I've been heavily vetted and opened for the Pope, and because I work for right wing media, I sell out shows across Ohio and Indiana. I've got a furnished town house that I take my strippers to, and sometimes I loan it out to Bill Maher, because we both like prostitutes.


    A Modern Gnostic View on the Purpose of Life

    "Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -- a rope over an abyss."
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    hey san_jose_guy you stupid lying dickhead. how could you post on my thread about you raping women in their sleep if you have me on ignore? lying fucking troll

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^His wife ran away because she was afraid of the dishonest lying psycho!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    25's wife got in front of one of his 4 door luxury turbos. She got rolled out flat on the pavement.


    The American Revolution with Yale's Joanne B. Freeman
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    hey san_jose_guy. you still angry about the restraining order your ex-mail order bride took out on your psycho ass? what did you expect when you ran up her credit cards, ruined her credit, and stole all the money out of her purse. all so you could go get drunk and spend her money on whores.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    I believe in love, and the father, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

    If you found your perfect mate, and knew she was willing to work at your relationship as much as you're willing to commit, would you get married to her?

    My wife works way harder than I do, but I can bring home the bacon! We eat well, and without working another day in our lives we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. I'm so glad I got married to my wife, and glad she accepted!! Yeah for me!!!!!
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    Catholic girls at first communion are dressed as miniature brides. It starts then.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Good point Pensionking! I never thought of that - but it definitely appears to be the truth.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Closest I came to marriage was a virtual girl. It was the only level up left in the game. Just an AI girl. I have relatives that act married but aren't and have a couple kids. Not everyone has marriage set in stone. They do live in California. I think people there act like its a foreign country with their different ways of thinking. Is that where SGJ lives too?

    I think many girls in general just bond quickly and feel like marriage is a near unbreakable bond which they like due to severe penalties if broken. I've been surprised at how some dancers have supposedly bonded to me and there wasn't even sex involved but I did read intimate touching releases OxyContin which can be a bonding chemical. That might even explain why the same dancers flock to the same guys. The girls feel a bond even though it may not be strong. I either read or heard or was told that for males to bond there needs to be unprotected sex so that the male absorbs vagina chemicals. I think a female told me this. If not then I was told it in a dream.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    I think many of these adolescent rituals are dry runs for marriage.

    First communion

    The girls dresses bride-like, as a princess. The boy dresses groom-like, as a domesticated penguin. I've always found the staged boy/girl Homecoming and Prom pictures creepy as fuck. The girl will even insist on them even if she barely knows the boy.

    Men, we are being civilized, trained and neutered from age 6.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    First communion

    Very true. I have read about during the 50's how they had one boy and one girl, or multiple couples, to lead flag ceremonies.

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