
Comments by sharkhunter (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Fortunately the storm is a lot weaker now.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Sustained winds at 95 at the Naples airport
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Ok now it got bad. Reporter is having trouble standing in the eye wall.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Gust at 131 at Naples airport
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Officials Naples wind, 88 sustained, 130 gusts , not sure if that's down in the ground but probably.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    When you see trees snap and break, it's a lot stronger.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    I can imagine myself doing this job. I once thought about being a meteorologist. They know the storm is weaker now and might have picked a slightly sheltered area to stand at away from trees, signs, etc. but with some wind.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    I guess it is worse if a string of tornadoes go over your neighborhood taking out trees and power.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    The storm is definitely weaker. I've seen worse myself than what the reporter is showing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    A car just drove by. Haha.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    You could argue down on the ground, the reporter might be in a slightly sheltered area.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    To look more dramatic, they show waves at the bottom of the tv screen to look like the area is flooding. They took it back away. Ok, now the reporter is standing in the eye wall. It's starting to look more like a hurricane. Studio says there is lightning. Reporter looks slightly nervous but says he doesn't see any lightning. Trees are holding strong. Hopefully the southern keys aren't wiped out. I know the hurricane was stronger down there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Worst may be storm surge of several feet after eye has passed over. Then the waves on top of that. They are showing a tree down. Over 1.8 million without power in Florida. Probably lots of trees down. They estimate 10 million could lose power in Florida. I think that might be too high.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Oh, now he is saying Florida is very fortified against hurricanes. Even the trees in Naples are. He says before the eye wall approaches.
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    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    What's he going to do if a tree blows at him at 100 mph? I hope he's fast.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weather channel coverage hurricane Irma
    Oh eye wall still coming.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    [OT] Survey: Voluntary Taxation
    With no company health insurance payments, my plan requires over 500 a month. I went to the doctor about 5 times in the last 10 years. The dentist too every year just for routine stuff like a cleaning, X-rays. 550 a month for 10 years. Astronomical payments between me and what the company I work for could have paid me instead of an insurance company. My rent used to be less than 500 a month 20 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    [OT] Survey: Voluntary Taxation
    Except if they are rich. The rich can afford to give away 10% pretax without an issue popping up. All of us peasants who don't make over 100K a year need our money to get by. Trump, Clinton, Pelosi, all these politicians don't seem to understand just making health care payments is a major ordeal. I'd rather just have catastrophic Heath insurance with a 5000 deductible and only pay $100 a month max than these massive payments required with our current system if your employer isn't paying it. In fact you are still paying even if employed because your employer is taking it away from your paycheck before you see it. I could have saved over $50000 towards my own health care over the past 10 years if I had not been forced into the system. Insurance has become a major rip off in this country and our stupid politicians now enforce it with massive penalties for not enrolling and offer no cheap alternative. They don't feel the pain because they are millionaires. Congress and the president should offer a catastrophic plan to require Heath care payments in the event of accidents, major illness and routine preventative care at a very affordable rate and drop the massive insurance requirements tax penalties. Stick it to the insurance companies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    [OT] Survey: Voluntary Taxation
    An example would be how many people volunteer 10% of their income to their church? That is voluntary. I bet most people do not and that's among those who count themselves among a certain religion. I do donate some money but tegu track give back to Caesar what is owed Caesar so I do not donate 10% of untaxed income. I have to decide how much I will have left over after taxes and expenses. That really cuts things down. They also teach not to give away what you will need so you also need to save some for a rainy day. After all that, there isn't much left to give. If governments operated like that and only got a few percent at most of what people saved during a year, the government would have gone broke many years ago. Only the most generous would give 10% of everything they saved each year and the foolish in my opinion would be the only ones giving away 10% of everything pretax because they would likely run out of money they need after paying taxes, expenses, and saving for a rainy day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    [OT] Survey: Voluntary Taxation
    A. No. If I have to pay taxes, I want the law to enforce everyone else paying taxes according to the law. The IRS enforces mandatory payments. If you don't pay taxes due, you pay fines, penalties and possibly jail time. I do not call that voluntary. B. I might donate a tiny amount to taxes if everyone else seemed to be but it wouldn't be anywhere near as much as what I've been paying.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Casting Decision
    I thought Jessica Alba as well. As long as she doesn't turn invisible as in the fantastic four.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Has a dancer ever lost control of her bowels and shit on your lap during a dance
    I once had a fear of alien females with octopus like tentacles that could reach out and slide under shorts and suck your dick dry. Well not really. Just a dream I had to a different alien planet. You have to watch out for alien horny females on whatever planet you visit in your dreams if you are worried about getting drained. It was a common custom on their planet to suck on appendages. I prefer the blond human looking aliens.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Irma evacuation
    On the downside talking about Irma, I saw where the storm surge is supposed to go miles inland at Naples and that doesn't include the waves on top of that. A big wave can knock a house down. Hopefully people didn't stay where they will be flooded. If anyone reading this dies, just remember in your next life, evacuate, dont drown. Be like Captain Kirk and always leave yourself an out to get away from any situation that could be life threatening. Unless you are superman or have a submarine on standby in your basement, you don't have an out staying in an area where the storm surge surrounds your house. Too late now unless you live in the Florida panhandle.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Irma evacuation
    Oops, no beer sold in grocery stores today. I didn't realize it's already no beer and liquor day across South Carolina grocery stores. They have some stupid laws here just like many other states, If it was up to me, I'd legalize beer and liquor for every day sale. Poker and gambling would be legal along with prostitutes and marijuana except I'd keep restrictions while driving and no smoking in the car at all while the car is moving on the road. I would outlaw pasties and make it a law that strip clubs must have bare titties at some point. I'd also raise tax revenue by taxing brothels and online sex sales but put some of the tax money towards testing of stds and education towards safe sex. I'd also tax gambling and pot sales. Tax revenue would likely skyrocket. I'd have to get roads and education the best In the nation here in South Carolina and cut income taxes with all the extra money. Vice would be restricted to checking for drugs, not prostitution since that would be legal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Irma evacuation
    I'm down to only 18 beers in the fridge. Weathering the storm ok so far. No beer sold in grocery stores statewide tomorrow. I think I'll survive Irmageddon though. They act like South Carolina has never had any tropical storm force winds but we get high winds blowing down from the mountains more than you think gusting up to hurricane force on occasion. However our power can go out on a clear night so I'm not sure about power problems.