
Irma, a message from god??

Sunday, September 10, 2017 7:11 AM
Every time I look at the storm map on CNN, I see a surgical strike through the only 3 cities where I sin at strip clubs, MIA, TPA, and ATL. Not to mention Houston is on my bucket list. Could this be a message from above?


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    The latest track shows it going west of Atlanta and heading for Memphis. I took that as a sign that all the evacuated strippers just need to stay in Atlanta a week longer.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I hear Douchester/txtitttydumbass are giving BJ's at Tootsies all day today.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Trucido is getting BBC up his ass at the moment. Come on down for the experience.
  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    [view link] I saw this yesterday and think it applies to this as well.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    If God were to punish strip club sins through hurricanes, Detroit would be in the path of the storm.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I don't know. Given the depopulation of the core city and the number of abandoned properties in Motown, God's wrath may have been visited on it years ago. :-/
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
    "God" is too busy giving people cancer and fucking over innocent kids to worry about a few whores in the south.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Florida and Texas do get hit by hurricanes more than other states I believe I read somewhere. Having a lot of southern facing coastlines might be a factor. Right now I think a message from God is as likely as seeing Micky mouse in the clouds. You can believe whatever you try to make yourself believe. Now if a tornado strikes those clubs or a fire burns them down, maybe. However after learning more about what is taught in the bible, It is said that the devil controls this realm and that would include the nations of the earth and the weather. Therefore the devil may have decided to make it appear that God is causing all the trouble when God may have nothing at all to do with it. God may be sitting back because he agreed to let the devil run things for a while and prove that things would get all screwed up. For a democrat, it would be like letting Trump run the planet for 2000 years to show everyone how screwed up Trumps way would be. For a republican, it would be like the devil is Obama or Pelosi and letting the democrat run the earth for 2000 years to prove how screwed up things might get.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    The AI program running our universe is monitoring me and anything I think about, 50/50 chance it makes it happen. Earthquake coming up next. Government needs to send hot females to give me Bj's and give me a high paying job or rig a lottery I win so I'm too distracted to think of all this crap. A 400 foot tsunami would be really bad. Someone on YouTube actually suggested these 2 things would happen next as a way for God to wake up his church. So in effect, thus religious nut case on YouTube is suggesting God will kill millions of people to send a message. That doesn't sound like God to me.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I watch The stuff for entertainment. YouTube keeps suggesting weird stuff. I don't believe planet Niburu will appear this month. An earthquake? Maybe. A massive tsunami? It will happen sometime in the next 1000 years or so with a high probability. Hopefully North Korea isn't going to cause it. I know how they could do it. I hope they don't. Hopefully they don't start testing underwater nukes. Godzilla might rise up and get angry.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    If so, then Dog is an asshole.
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